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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF085G_Fornelli_then Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF085G_Fornelli_then represents the punctual elements of the Municipality of F

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF085G_Fornelli_then details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP401G_Lim_Comunale Open Data

Feature class MO_DBP401G_Lim_Comunale — municipal linear limit DBPrior 10k. Data delivered by the Mo

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP401G_Lim_Comunale details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC03G_Piani_Implementation_e_Loptisations Open Data

The feature class MO_PC03G_Piani_Attuativi_e_Lottizzazione represents the areas of the regional terr

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC03G_Piani_Implementation_e_Loptisations details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392094 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392094 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF049G_Castelverrino_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF049G_Castelverrino_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory aff

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF049G_Castelverrino_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406114 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406114 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392062 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392062 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA16G_molluschiculture Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA16G_molluschiculture indicates shellfish waters. The data was given to us by

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA16G_molluschiculture details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_archeo_poly_7 Open Data

The feature class MO_vincolo_archeo_poly_7 represents the areas underlying the archaeological constr

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_archeo_poly_7 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_lin_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_geolithologica_lin_2 represents the linear geolithological elements acquired fr

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_lin_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405122 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405122 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA22G_vuln_intrinseca Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA22G_vuln_intrinseca describes the degree of inherent vulnerability of the so

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA22G_vuln_intrinseca details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406141 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406141 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406082 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406082 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S379142 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S379142 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_altimetria_poly_7 Open Data

The feature class MO_altimetria_poly_7 represents the altimetric bands, areal elements acquired from

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_altimetria_poly_7 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA14G_landfill_molise Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA14G_landfill_molise represents the landfills of the Molise Region. The data

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA14G_landfill_molise details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_6 Open Data

The feature class MO_sist_insediativo_poly_6 represents the settlement system — polygonal elements p

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_6 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394033 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394033 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_hydrogeo_poly_7 Open Data

The feature class MO_vincolo_hydrogeo_poly_7 represents the areas subject to hydrogeological constra

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_hydrogeo_poly_7 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_paes_poly_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_vincolo_paes_poly_3 — represents the areas subject to landscape constraint — el

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_paes_poly_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degrado_poly_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_degrado_poly_5 represents the degradation of the territory — polygonal elements

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degrado_poly_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381022 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381022 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF123G_Mafalda Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF123G_Mafalda represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Mafalda, the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF123G_Mafalda details >


the feature class MO_DBP22G_Strade contains road elements DBPrior 10k level 2. Data delivered by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP22G_Strade details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_inter_perc_poly_4 Open Data

The feature class MO_inter_perc_poly_4 represents elements of perceptual interest — range-type — inf

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_inter_perc_poly_4 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404033 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404033 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF168G_Portocannone_PEEP Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF168G_Portocannone_PEEP represents the area covered by the PEEP of the Munici

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF168G_Portocannone_PEEP details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_amb_vis_el_percett_lin_6 Open Data

The feature class MO_amb_vis_el_percett_lin_6 represents the visual and perceptive elements — linear

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_amb_vis_el_percett_lin_6 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_pollution_later_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_pollution_later_5 represents pollution — punctual elements acquired from the po

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_pollution_later_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RI02G_Arco_Idr Open Data

Feature Class MO_RI02G_Arco_Idr represents the data of the water arc of the hydrographic grid — data

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RI02G_Arco_Idr details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381102 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381102 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poi_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_sist_sediativo_poi_2 represents the settlement system, punctual elements acquir

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poi_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphology_poly_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_geomorphology_poly_2 represents the geomorphological elements acquired from the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphology_poly_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF033G_Castel_Del_Giudice Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF033G_Castel_Del_Giudice represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of C

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF033G_Castel_Del_Giudice details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF164G_Pietracupa_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF164G_Pietracupa_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affect

Issued on

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF164G_Pietracupa_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RF09G_chapter_expansion_soil Open Data

Sewerage contact details for spreading the Molise sewerage system to the ground

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RF09G_chapter_expansion_soil details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393064 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

Issued on

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393064 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_sist_insediativo_poly_2 represents the settlement system, elements acquired fro

Issued on

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poly_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF115G_Lucito_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF115G_Lucito_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected b

Issued on

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF115G_Lucito_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF075G_Duronia_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF075G_Duronia_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF075G_Duronia_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405121 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405121 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_November Open Data

The feature class MM_Tmax_November,is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_November details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PS08G_Lines_Venafro Open Data

The linear feature class MO_PS08G_Linee_Venafro refers to the zoning contained in the “Definitive Re

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PS08G_Lines_Venafro details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF202G_San_Felice_Del_Molise_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF202G_San_Felice_Del_Molise_vinc represents some areas of the municipal terri

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF202G_San_Felice_Del_Molise_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_ambiti_prog_esec_poly_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_ambiti_prog_esec_poly_3 — represents the elements of territorial transformabili

Issued on

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_ambiti_prog_esec_poly_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381073 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381073 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405113 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405113 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG256G_Campobasso_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PRG256G_Campobasso_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affect

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG256G_Campobasso_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406113 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406113 details >


the feature class MO_DBP322G_Strade contains road elements DBPrior 10k GDF 1 (Geographic data files)

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP322G_Roads details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA26G_wells Open Data

The feature class MO_PTA26G_wells are the wells of the Molise territory for which monitoring of poll

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA26G_wells details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RTG02_mineral waters Open Data

The feature class MO_RTG02_acque_mineral represents the four mineral water sources present in the Mo

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RTG02_mineral waters details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC01G_Piani_Comunali Open Data

The feature class MO_PC01G_Piani_Comunali represents the urban zoning of the Molise Region. The feat

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PC01G_Piani_Comunali details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF023G_Campolieto_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF023G_Campolieto_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affect

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF023G_Campolieto_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF025G_Carovilli Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF025G_Carovilli represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Carovilli,

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF025G_Carovilli details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF083G_Forli_del_Sannio_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF083G_Forli_del_Sannio_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF083G_Forli_del_Sannio_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF100G_Guardialfiera_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF100G_Guardialfiera_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory aff

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF100G_Guardialfiera_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392084 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392084 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF071G_Concacasale Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF071G_Concacasale represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Conca Ca

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF071G_Concacasale details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF183G_Roccasicura Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF183G_Roccasicura represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Roccasic

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF183G_Roccasicura details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_limite_scope_lin_5 — represents the administrative limits of scope 5

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_5 details >


The feaure class MO_BC22G_Ponti identifies the ancient bridges with historical character encountered

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC22G_Ponti details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF242G_Tufara Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF242G_Tufara represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Tufara, the e

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF242G_Tufara details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_interventions_poly_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_interventi_poly_2 represents the public interventions, elements acquired from t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_interventions_poly_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405053 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405053 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_lin_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_disciplina_urb_lin_5 represents the current urban planning discipline — linear

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_lin_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF017G_Busso_then Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF017G_Busso_then represents the punctual elements of the Municipality of Buss

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF017G_Busso_then details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF133G_Molise_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF133G_Molise_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected b

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF133G_Molise_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_poi_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_transform_prior_poi_3 — represents the elements of priority transformations of

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_poi_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF086G_Fornelli_PZ Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF086G_Fornelli_PZ represents the area covered by the Area Plan of the Municip

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF086G_Fornelli_PZ details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_natur_fis_lin_6 Open Data

The feature class MO_car_interes_natur_fis_lin_6 represents the characteristics of natural-physical

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_natur_fis_lin_6 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC34G_vinc_punt_goods_immovables Open Data

The feature class MO_BC34G_vinc_punt_beni_real estate represents the punctual constraints of real es

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC34G_vinc_punt_goods_immovables details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_limite_scope_lin_3 — represents the administrative limits of scope 3

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_interventi_lin_8 Open Data

The feature class MO_interventi_lin_8 represents the punctual elements of public inventions, element

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_interventi_lin_8 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394091 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394091 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP114G_Element_Idric Open Data

The feature class MO_DBP114G_Element_Idrico contains the water elements DBPrior 10k level 1 for the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP114G_Element_Idric details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405164 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405164 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PT06G_Invarianti_piano_25k Open Data

Feature Class Linear MO_PT06G_Invarianti_piano_25k represents the existing road infrastructure and t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PT06G_Invarianti_piano_25k details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_type_morphology_poly_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_tipo_morphology_poly_1 represents the elements of the morphology of the territo

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_type_morphology_poly_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381041 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381041 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382091 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382091 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF042G_Castelmauro_vinc_lin Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF042G_Castelmauro_vinc_lin represents the constraints expressed as linear ele

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF042G_Castelmauro_vinc_lin details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_AA01G_Communities Open Data

The feature class MO_AA01G_Comunities represents the municipal boundaries taken from ISTAT data for

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_AA01G_Communities details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_lin_6 Open Data

The feature class MO_transform_prior_lin_6 represents the priority transformations — linear elements

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_lin_6 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_poi_5 Open Data

The feature class MO_transform_prior_poi_5 represents the priority transformations — punctual elemen

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transform_prior_poi_5 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_zoning_poly_4 Open Data

The feature class MO_zoning_poly_4 represents the zone — information acquired from the current urban

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_zoning_poly_4 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali_20100114 Open Data

The feature class MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali represents the geomorphological elements present in t

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Geomorphology_elem_areali_20100114 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_perceptive_poly_3 Open Data

The feature class MO_car_percettivi_poly_3 represents the elements of perceptual character type — ra

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_perceptive_poly_3 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_poly_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_limite_scope_poly_1 — represents the limits of scope 1 ranges

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_poly_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394012 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394012 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PS09G_Points_Venafro Open Data

The punctual feature class MO_PS09G_Punti_Venafro refers to the zoning contained in the “Definitive

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PS09G_Points_Venafro details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394032 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394032 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_tradizioni_costumi_lin_1 Open Data

The feature class MO_tradizioni_costumi_lin_1 represents the linear elements of local traditions and

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_tradizioni_costumi_lin_1 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393014 Open Data

The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the

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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393014 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF223G_Scapoli_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF223G_Scapoli_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF223G_Scapoli_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_clivometry_poly_2 Open Data

The feature class MO_clivometria_poly_2 represents slope area, elements acquired from the geomorphol

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_clivometry_poly_2 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_clivometry_poly_7 Open Data

The feature class MO_clivometria_poly_7 represents homogeneous slope areas — elements acquired from

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_clivometry_poly_7 details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF090G_Fossalto_vinc Open Data

The feature class MO_PDF090G_Fossalto_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF090G_Fossalto_vinc details >

MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_inq_courses_aq_lin_4 Open Data

The feature class MO_inq_corsi_aq_lin_4 represents the watercourse pollution — linear elements — acq

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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_inq_courses_aq_lin_4 details >
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