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Landslide hazard PSC/PSA Open Data
Location of landslide hazard resulting from PSC/PSANormalisation of geometric data and attributes
Issued on
Danger of landslide QTR-P Open Data
Location of landslide hazards resulting from the elaboration of the Regional Landscape Territorial F
Issued on
Area of Country Plans Open Data
The dataset contains the data of the Country Plans of the Campania Region
Issued on
Protected areas woods Open Data
Protected woodland
Issued on
Protection areas coasts and lakes Open Data
The layer contains the data of the protection areas of coasts and lakes present in the Campania Regi
Issued on
Protected areas rivers, streams and streams Open Data
Protected areas rivers streams and streams
Issued on
Protected areas peaks Open Data
Protected areas peaks
Issued on
Protected areas volcanoes Open Data
Volcanic areas of the Campania Region
Issued on
Declarations of significant public interest pursuant to Law 1497/39 of 490/99 and 42/2004 Open Data
Declarations of significant public interest pursuant to Law 1497/39 of 490/99 and 42/2004
Issued on
Rail network Open Data
The layer contains the railway sections of the Campania Region
Issued on
Administrative limits Open Data
Administrative limits of the 551 municipalities of the Campania Region
Issued on
Park of the Hills of Naples Open Data
Perimeter of the Park of the Hills of Naples
Issued on
Provincial limits Open Data
Limits of the 5 provinces of the Campania Region
Issued on
Inhibition regime Open Data
The layer contains the union of the geometers present in three distinct infromative straits Minister
Issued on
Hydrographic grid Open Data
Watercourses of the Campania Region
Issued on
Roads Open Data
Road network of the Campania Region
Issued on
Urban Planning Instrumentation Open Data
Mosaic of the General Regulators Plans of the municipalities of Campania
Issued on
Hydrogeological constraints Open Data
Hydrogeological constraints of the Campania Region
Issued on
Regional parks and nature reserves Open Data
The layer contains the firsttractions of the Regional Parks and the Natural Reserves
Issued on
National Parks Open Data
Perimeters of the Regional Parks present in the Campania Region
Issued on
Bio Italy Sites Open Data
Protected areas
Issued on
Sites of Community Interest Open Data
Sites of Community Interest
Issued on
Special Protection Areas Open Data
Special protection areas
Issued on
Natural cavities Open Data
Database of Natural Cavities present in the region
Issued on
Corine Land Cover Open Data
Corine Land Cover
Issued on
Mirrors water campania Open Data
Perimeter of the areas of water in the region
Issued on
Water-owned property Open Data
Polygonal information layer of the water domain, derived from the “water” level of the “particles” l
Issued on 2010-01-01
Photographic footage 1994 (Italy) — Reviews 1994 Open Data
Black-white panchromatic film was used; The size of the photograms shall be 23x23 cm. The profile of
Issued on 1994-01-01
Diagram Director of Geo-Environmental Hazards — Edition 2002 Open Data
The objective of the ‘Schema Director of Geo-Environmental Hazards’ is to provide the Geological, Si
Issued on 2002-01-01
Vegetation map — Alta Val Parma and CEDRA — Edition 2002 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2002-01-01
Vegetation map — Monte Nero (PC) — Edition 2004 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2004-01-01
Vegetation map — Carrega Boschi Regional Park — Edition 1999 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Land Use Charter 2003 1: 25.000 — Table 201 SE Modena — Edition 2005 Open Data
The Region has promoted the implementation of the third edition of the land use map as one of the fu
Issued on 2005-01-01
Map of vegetation — Regional Park of Gessi -gnesi and Calanchi dell’Abbadessa — Edition 1999 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Suviana and Brasimone Regional Lakes Park — Edition 2002 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2002-01-01
Vegetation map — Roccamalatina Sassi Regional Park — Edition 1996 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1996-01-01
Vegetation map — Horn Regional Park at Scale — Edition 2002 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2002-01-01
Vegetation map — Regional Park of the Po Delta — Argenta Campotto Station — Edition 1999 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Regional Park of the Po Delta — Pineta Station of Classe and Saline di Cervia —... Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Po Delta Regional Park — Volano Station — Mesola — Goro — Edition 1999 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Regional Park of the Po Delta — Pineta Station of San Vitale and Piallasse di... Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Regional Park of the Po Delta — Stations Centre Historic and Valli di Comacchio —... Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Vegetation map — Monteveglio Regional Park of Abbatia — 2004 edition Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2004-01-01
Vegetation map — Monte Sole Regional Park — Pliocenic plaice — 1996 edition Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1996-01-01
Vegetation map — Stirone Regional River Park — Edition 2002 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2002-01-01
Vegetation map — Table 236 — SE Montese — Edition 1990 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1990-01-01
Vegetation map — Torriana — Section 267010 — Edition 1995 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1995-01-01
Vegetation map — Valle del Sintria (RA) — Edition 2004 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2004-01-01
Vegetation map — Roundness of the Casentinesi National Forest Park — M. Falterona — Campigna —... Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 2004-01-01
Clivometric chart 1: 25.000 — First edition Open Data
It classifies hilly and mountainous terrain on the basis of their slope. It was constructed using th
Issued on 1981-01-01
Cultural and tourist charter Bologna 1: 6.000-1: 25.000 — Edition 2000 Open Data
This map was jointly promoted by the Istituto per i Asi Artistici, Culturali e Naturali and the Geog
Issued on 2000-01-01
Satellite map of Emilia-Romagna 1: 250.000-2000 edition Open Data
The recovery of the territory of Emilia-Romagna in summers 1992 to 93 from about 750 km high shows i
Issued on 2000-01-01
Lowland Semi-Detailed Soil Map 1: 50.000 — Edition 1999 Open Data
The semi-detailed level (scale 1: 50.000) is the most suitable level of support for feasibility proj
Issued on 1999-01-01
Map 1: 25.000 — Casentinesi National Forest Park, Monte Falterona and Campigna — Edition 2001 Open Data
A large protected area in the tooth- rhomagnol Apennine, including some of the largest and best pres
Issued on 2001-01-01
Regional Historical Charter 1: 50.000 — Edition 1999 Open Data
This map series is taken from the Austrian topographical production (scale 1: 86.400) and Piedmont (
Issued on 1999-01-01
Punctual hiking themes (Digital) — 2008 edition Open Data
Group of information for the use of the regional hiking network and reported as such only if located
Issued on 2008-01-01
Hiking trails (Digital) — 2008 edition Open Data
Network of marked hiking trails and subject to regular maintenance. Tourist information: height diff
Issued on 2008-01-01
Geological Map of the Apennines Miliano-Rommagnol 1: 10.000 (raster images) — Edition 2002 Open Data
The work of consulting the Geological Charter of the Emiliano-Romagnolo Apennine consists of 4 Roma
Issued on 2002-01-01
Geological Charter of the Emiliano-Romagnolo Apennine 1: 10.000 — Paper edition Open Data
With the establishment of the Geological Charter on the scale of 1: 10.000, the Region intended to p
Issued on 2006-01-01
State-owned water particle Open Data
Polygonal information layer derived from the “particles” layer of the cadastral database provided by
Issued on 2010-01-01
Environmental monitoring Open Data
Analysis of the content of heavy metals of surface and deep soil layers.
Issued on 2008-01-01
Soil observation sites — 2008 edition Open Data
Soil observation points (profiles, drills, surface observations). Continuously updated data.
Issued on 2008-01-01
Sedimentological map of the Adriatic of the Emilia-Romagna Region — vector cover — 1988 edition Open Data
This elaboration was made from the Septtentional Adriatic Sedimentological Chart and the Central Adr
Issued on
Maritime property Open Data
Polygonal information layer of the maritime domain derived from the “particles” layer of the cadastr
Issued on 2010-01-01
Failure Charter 1: 25.000 — Edition 1976-1979 Open Data
The purpose of the map is to systematically identify and classify forms of land that are linked to r
Issued on 1982-01-01
Italy-Croatia delimitation line — 2005 edition Open Data
Delimitation line for the continental shelf between Italy and Croatia, drawn on the basis of the min
Issued on 2015-01-01
Demarcation limit plain — hill/mountain — 2011 edition Open Data
Vector coverage of the demarcation limit plain — hill/mountain available in two versions: linear and
Issued on 2011-01-01
Morphological map 1: 200.000 — Edition 1980 Open Data
The purpose of the morphological map is to represent the clivometric characteristics of the region a
Issued on 1980-01-01
Map of Suoli Capacities for Use 1: 200.000 — First edition Open Data
The map is a derivation of the first Suol Charter 1: 200.000, issued in 1979, and divides the territ
Issued on 1981-01-01
Digital Earth Model (CentroNord-ITA) — DTM Open Data
Digital terrain model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through a regular ce
Issued on 2007-01-01
Ortophotopiano Volo Costa 1991 — Shooting 1991 Open Data
Color images (RGB) for eroticphotogrammetric photography in digital orthoprojection with 50 cm pixel
Issued on 2006-01-01
Ortophotopiano Volo Costa 1982 — Shooting 1982 Open Data
Color images (RGB) for erophotogrammetric photography in digital orthoprojection with an average pix
Issued on 2005-01-01
Ortophotopiano Volo Costa 1992 (Mareggiata) — Shooting 1992 Open Data
Images in grey scale from erophotogrammetric shot in digital orthoprojection with 50 cm pixel, super
Issued on 2006-01-01
Ortophotopiano Volo Costa 2005 — Shooting 2005 Open Data
Color images (RGB) for eroticphotogrammetric photography in digital orthoprojection with 50 cm pixel
Issued on 2005-01-01
Ortophotopiano Flight GAI — Shooting 1954-55 Open Data
Grayscale images from aerial photos in digital orthoprojection with pixels of 50 centimeters. The ae
Issued on 2006-01-01
Ortophotopiano Volo IT2000 (Costa) — Shooting 1998-99 Open Data
Colour images from aerial photos in digital orthoprojection with an average pixel of one meter, corr
Issued on 2000-01-01
Ortophotopiano Flight RAF — Shooting 1943-44 Open Data
Grayscale images from aerial photos in digital orthoprojection with pixels of 50 centimeters, the fl
Issued on 2006-01-01
Ortophotopiano Flight RER 1976-78 (Costa) — Shooting 1976-78 Open Data
Color images (RGB) for aerophotogrammetric shooting in digital orthoprojection with pixels of 50 cm.
Issued on 2007-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — extended — 100 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with elementary cell of 100 meters, which provides a three
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — extended — 10 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with an elementary cell of 10 meters, which provides a thr
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — extended — 40 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with an elementary cell of 40 meters, which provides a thr
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — extended — 5 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with elementary cell of 5 meters, which provides a three-d
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — RER — 100 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with elementary cell of 100 meters, which provides a three
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — RER — 10 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with an elementary cell of 10 meters, which provides a thr
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — RER — 40 m cell Open Data
Processing obtained from the regional DTM with an elementary cell of 40 meters, which provides a thr
Issued on 2008-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representations — 3D smoke — RER — 5 m cell Open Data
Elaborations obtained from the regional DTM with elementary cell of 5 meters, which provides a three
Issued on 2008-01-01
Paleogeographic domains Open Data
Vector-type georeferenced database containing groupings of formations and successions based on the r
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM — flow accumulation Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side. Flow Accumulation (FLO
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — flow accumulation — D_infinite method Open Data
RASTER data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.Flow accumulation expresses
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Saturation Grade TWI_D8 Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side. TWI stands for Topogra
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Topographic Position Index Open Data
RASTER data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.SPI is the acronym of Slop P
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Quantification of water energy Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.SPI is the acronym of S
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — SLF, length and slope Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side. SLF is the acronym for
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Saturation Grade TWI_DInf Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side. TWI (Topographic wetne
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Solar radiation Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 50 m side.Represents the amount o
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Index of morphological irregularities Open Data
RASTER data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.It is an essentially invente
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Convergence Index Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side. The Convergence Index,
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Flow direction — D_infinite method Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.The flow direction expr
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Side exposure — QSM method Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 10 m side.For each cell the expos
Issued on 2008-01-01
DTM — Duration of sunshine Open Data
RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of square cells of 50 m side.The duration of the sun
Issued on 2008-01-01
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