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Regulatory Plan — cadastral base at the date of approval of the PRG Open Data
Cadastral base used by the individual municipality for the adaptation of the respective PRG to the P
Issued on 2018-05-14
Mining/mining and inert management — Inert processing and batching plants Open Data
The plants in which inert processing and concrete production are carried out have been included in t
Issued on
Mining/mineral activities and inert management — Mining park Open Data
Sites relating to disused mines, recovered for tourist purposes, have been included in the mining pa
Issued on
Mining/mineral activities and inert management — Mineral water Open Data
Mineral spring waters and thermal waters have been included in the database.SCOPO:Localizzare plants
Issued on
Airport bands — Risk Plan Open Data
Airport risk plan. The data entered in the System of Territorial Knowledge has been provided by the
Issued on
Airport bands — Mitigation table Open Data
Airport mitigation table. The data entered in the System of Territorial Knowledge has been provided
Issued on
Regulatory Plan — Classification of buildings prior to the general variant of PRG Open Data
Municipal General Regulator Plan. This layer includes the classifications of buildings approved prio
Issued on
Regulatory Plan — Areas of particular interest prior to the general variant of PRG Open Data
Municipal General Regulator Plan. This layer includes areas of particular interest in the classifica
Issued on
Ludopathy — Sensitive Points Open Data
Sensitive places related to gambling, as defined by Regional Law No. 2 of 27 March 2019, by the comp
Issued on
Cadastre Alpine ski slopes — Respective band Open Data
Respect band from the limit of the alpine ski slopes stacked in which it is forbidden to carry out c
Issued on
Cadastre Nordic ski slopes — Respective band Open Data
Zone of respect from the limit of the Nordic ski slopes stacked in which it is forbidden to carry ou
Issued on
Digital model of the terrain edition 2005/2008 — DTM step 50 aggregated Open Data
Digital Earth Model obtained from laser scanner surveys carried out in 2005 (river auctions) and 200
Issued on
Digital model of the terrain edition 2005/2008 — DTM step 25 aggregated Open Data
Digital model of the ground obtained from laser scanner surveys carried out in the years 2005 (fluvi
Issued on
Digital model of the terrain edition 2005/2008 — DTM step 10 aggregated Open Data
Digital Earth Model obtained from laser scanner surveys carried out in 2005 (river auctions) and 200
Issued on
Digital terrain model 2008 edition — DTM step 2 Open Data
Digital Earth Model obtained from laser scanner surveys carried out in 2005 (river auctions) and 200
Issued on
Digital terrain model 2005 edition — DTM step 0.5 Open Data
Digital Earth Model obtained from the laser scanner survey carried out in 2005 (fluvial rods).SCOPO:
Issued on
Superintendence constraints — Landscape constraints — Constraints Legislative Decree 42/2004 Art.... Open Data
Constraint on the protection of buildings and areas of considerable public interest. The areas depic
Issued on
Digital terrain model — DTM Open Data
Digital terrain model obtained from LIDAR laser scanner surveys (LIght Detectio And Ranging) — 0.5 m
Issued on
Regional Technical Paper Raster mosaic edition 2005 Open Data
Basic Raster Regional Technical Paper made by Mosaicing the CTRs: in scale 1:5,000 (2005 edition bas
Issued on
Forestation — Forest types 2020 Open Data
The Forest Type is a model for the classification of forest areas whose objective is the definition
Issued on
Slope chart Open Data
Download file containing two png raster images, accompanied by world files (georeference files) and
Issued on 2017-10-12
Network of trails Open Data
Download the database of the trail network in the *shp format with indications of naming, developmen
Issued on 2017-10-12
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Real estate (punctual) Open Data
Georeferencing of architectural assets (buildings, religious and civil monuments) with related catal
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Real estate Open Data
Georeferencing of architectural assets (buildings, religious and civil monuments) with related catal
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Itineraries Open Data
Route of historical Itineraries Present on the Via Francigena.SCOPO:Riportare the Via Francigena con
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — AVER Open Data
Territorial georeferencing of the assets of AVER (Anciens Vestiges En Ruine — Case Nobili, Casaforte
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Mobile goods Open Data
Georeferencing of the historical-artistic movable property (object or work of art) with related cata
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Networked Structures Open Data
Route of historical or artistic or landscape paths (pathways, mule tracks, roads), which allow the u
Issued on
Cultural Heritage Catalogue — Rural Architecture Open Data
Geo-referencing of goods considered to be of “minor architecture” (rural dwellings, alpine pastures,
Issued on
Land registry failures — IFFI areas subject to widespread landslides Open Data
It identifies sectors subject to widespread landslides — Data coming from the IFFI Project, Inventor
Issued on 2012-02-23
Disaster cadastre — IFFI DGPV Open Data
Gravity Deformation Profonde di Versante — Data from the IFFI Project, Inventory of Italian Franosi
Issued on 2012-02-23
Technical map Regional flight 1983 — scale 1:10,000 Open Data
Regional Technical Map produced by the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta between 1987 and 1989 on a
Issued on 2018-04-10
Regional hydrographic network: Functional joints to the graph Open Data
Veneto hydrographic network, acquired from various sources (Acque Pubbliche L.431/85, Consortia di B
Issued on
Beach surface affected by “soft” defence works Open Data
The synthesis work was as follows: 1. Demarcation of the beaches on the basis of the aerophotogramme
Issued on
Number of ‘rigid’ coastline defence works Open Data
The synthesis work was as follows:1. Demarcation of the beaches on the basis of the aerophotogrammet
Issued on
Width of the beach Open Data
The synthesis work was as follows: 1. Demarcation of the beaches on the basis of the aerophotogramme
Issued on
Loss of aqueduct network Open Data
Loss of aqueduct network
Issued on
Share of sewerage-related population Open Data
Share of sewerage-related population
Issued on 2012-02-15
Share of the population connected to the water supply network Open Data
Share of the population connected to the water supply network
Issued on 2012-02-15
Number of active quarries in the Veneto Region Open Data
List of active quarries broken down by province and sorted by municipality
Issued on
Material volume extracted Open Data
Volume of material extracted from quarries in Veneto expressed in cubic metres and aggregated by pro
Issued on
Map of nature according to the Framework Law on Protected Natural Areas No. 394/91 Open Data
Location of habitat types classified according to the European CORINE Biotopes reference system.
Issued on 2013-02-25
Absolute brilliance of the night sky Open Data
Measurement of brilliance in magnitudes per arcsecond framework (mag/arcsec2)
Issued on 2013-01-28
Buildings Open Data
Issued on 2009-06-10
Occupied dwellings Open Data
Occupied dwellings
Issued on 2016-03-23
Non-occupied dwellings Open Data
Non-occupied dwellings
Issued on 2016-03-23
Percentage of dwellings occupied in property Open Data
Percentage of dwellings occupied on property; census data from 1971 to 2001, is then replaced by the
Issued on 2009-06-10
Percentage of rented dwellings Open Data
Percentage of rented dwellings; census data from 1971 to 2001, then replaced by resource c1001100_Fa
Issued on 2009-06-10
Average area of dwellings Open Data
Average area of dwellings
Issued on 2016-03-23
Average number of rooms per dwelling Open Data
Average number of rooms per dwelling
Issued on 2016-03-23
Average number of rooms per inhabitant Open Data
Average number of rooms per inhabitant
Issued on 2016-03-23
Number of families living in accommodation, broken down by title of enjoyment of the dwelling, by... Open Data
Number of households living in accommodation broken down by title of use of the dwelling (owned, ren
Issued on 2016-03-22
Resident population by sex Open Data
Resident population by sex from 2003 to 2015
Issued on 2016-11-08
Natural balance and migration Open Data
Natural balance and migration from 2003 to 2015
Issued on 2016-11-08
Birth and mortality for the years 1990 to 2015 Open Data
Birth rate and neonatal mortality per municipality from 1990 to 2015
Issued on
Birth rate for the years 1990 to 2015 Open Data
Birth rate
Issued on
Mortality rate from 1990 to 2015 Open Data
Mortality rate from 1990 to 2016
Issued on
Old age index Open Data
Old age index
Issued on
Dependency index Open Data
Total dependency ratio (or social load) x 100 for the years 1995 to 2016
Issued on
Replacement index Open Data
Replacement index of the working age population x 100
Issued on
Foreign residents Open Data
Foreign residents
Issued on
Foreign residents per 1,000 inhabitants Open Data
Foreign residents per 1,000 inhabitants
Issued on 2016-11-08
Number of households Open Data
Number of families from 2005 to 2015 per municipality of Veneto
Issued on 2016-11-08
10-year percentage change in the number of households Open Data
10-year percentage change in the number of households
Issued on
10-year percentage change in the average number of members per household Open Data
10-year percentage change in the average number of members per household
Issued on 2016-11-08
Average No. Components Open Data
Average number of members of a household
Issued on 2017-11-15
Area Open Data
Municipal area in sq km
Issued on 2014-02-10
Population density Open Data
Issued on 2016-11-08
Resident population by grade of education Open Data
Resident population by grade of education
Issued on 2009-06-10
High school incidence rate Open Data
High school incidence rate
Issued on 2009-06-10
University incidence rate Open Data
University incidence rate
Issued on 2009-06-10
Pupils enrolled in kindergarten Open Data
Pupils enrolled in kindergarten. Indicator expressed in: Absolute value, for years: 2005/6, 2006/7,
Issued on 2009-06-10
Primary school pupils Open Data
Pupils enrolled in primary school. Indicator expressed in: Absolute value, for years: 2005/6, 2006/7
Issued on 2009-06-10
Pupils enrolled in Secondary School Grade 1 Open Data
Pupils enrolled in Grade II secondary school. Indicator expressed in: Absolute value, for years: 200
Issued on 2009-06-10
Pupils enrolled in Secondary School Grade II Open Data
Pupils enrolled in Secondary School Grade II. Indicator expressed in: Absolute value, for years: 200
Issued on 2009-06-10
Enrolled in Universities by Faculties Open Data
Enrolled in Universities by Faculties. Indicator expressed in: Absolute value, for years: 2003/4, 20
Issued on 2009-06-10
Graduates by Faculty Open Data
Graduates by Faculty
Issued on 2012-02-16
Social assistance, volunteering Open Data
Social assistance
Issued on 2016-11-08
Bank branches Open Data
Bank branches for town of Veneto from 2004 to 2014
Issued on
Deposits per inhabitant Open Data
Deposits per inhabitant
Issued on 2015-09-15
Uses per inhabitant Open Data
Uses per inhabitant
Issued on 2015-09-15
Workers returning daily home by means used, place of work and time spent Open Data
Workers returning daily home by means used, place of work and time spent
Issued on 2016-04-14
Vehicles running by type Open Data
Vehicles running by type, for years: 2004, 2005, 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014
Issued on
Maritime and air traffic Open Data
Maritime and air traffic
Issued on 2015-12-30
Employed Open Data
Issued on 2009-06-10
Employed Open Data
Employed, for the years 2004 to 2015
Issued on 2016-03-21
Employment rate Open Data
Employment rate
Issued on 2009-06-10
Employment rate Open Data
Employment rate, for the years 2004 to 2015
Issued on 2016-03-21
Unemployment rate Open Data
Unemployment rate
Issued on 2009-06-10
Unemployment rate Open Data
Unemployment rate of the labour force, years 2004 to 2015, by province of Veneto
Issued on 2016-03-21
Enterprises Open Data
Number of companies present in the municipality
Issued on 2014-02-10
Local units engaged in agriculture Open Data
U.L. in agriculture
Issued on 2014-02-10
U.L. in industry Open Data
U.L. in industry
Issued on
U.L. in services Open Data
U.L. in services
Issued on
Total Local Units Open Data
Total U.L.
Issued on 2014-02-10
U.L. per km² Open Data
Local unit per square km
Issued on
Total employees Open Data
Total employees
Issued on 2014-02-10
Agricultural staff Open Data
Agricultural staff
Issued on 2014-02-10
Industry employees Open Data
Industry employees
Issued on 2014-02-10
Staff in the services Open Data
Staff in the services
Issued on 2014-02-10
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