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Bike Paths Open Data
Map of Existing Cycle Paths
Issued on 2023-01-30T12:03:30Z
Bathing waters — Reporting (Legislative Decree 116/2008 and s.m.i.) Open Data
The annual reports that are drawn up at the end of each bathing season are reported and include the
Issued on 2020-12-14
AREA C: monthly access January 2023 Open Data
The dataset shows, relative to the month of January 2023, the total entries recorded every 30 minute
Issued on 2023-02-25T06:12:27.001031Z
Bathing monitoring areas — 2020 update Open Data
Homogeneous stretches of coastline identified on the basis of knowledge of the pressures that insist
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:44.515650Z
Articulation of offices with timetables to the public — Municipality of Casier Open Data
Articulation of offices with timetables to the public — Municipality of Casier — Updated 20230222
Issued on 2023-02-22T14:51:23Z
River axes of the morphologically homogeneous stretches of the typed natural hydrographic network Open Data
Interaxis of the hives of the morphologically homogeneous traits of the typed natural hydrographic n
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:33.115863Z
A2 aquifer base Open Data
Depth of the base of the A2 aquifer compared to the campaign plan
Issued on 2022-05-23T10:04:27.438646Z
Bathymetries of the Adriatic — 2014 edition Open Data
Bathymetries of the Adriatic in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast with curves of level every meter —
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:31:48.661850Z
Bathymetries of the Adriatic — 2014 edition Open Data
Bathymetries of the Adriatic in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast with curves of level every meter —
Issued on 2022-03-15T16:21:33.670196Z
Bathing bulletins year 2014 Open Data
This dataset shows all the bulletins issued during the 2014 bathing season at the end of the planned
Issued on 2021-03-10
regulatory scopes Open Data
territorial areas where the urban-building transformation is governed by specific typological-constr
Issued on
Business premises ok Open Data
Weekly updated list of the structures used as commercial establishments starting from the management
Issued on 2023-01-23
Fractions Open Data
The fraction in the Italian administrative geography and an administrative entity belonging to a mun
Issued on 2023-01-23
Competitions 2023 Open Data
All competitions published on the Institution’s website (year 2023)
Issued on
Fiber Optic Networks Open Data
Fiber optic networks (main networks and additions)
Issued on 2021-12-31
METROPOLITANA MILANO — piezometry of the First Falda CMMI — March 2022 Open Data
Surface of the First Falda relative to the territory of the Metropolitan City of Milan described by
Issued on
The AQCLI service of the CLARA project provides an estimate of how climate change can affect air qua
Issued on 2019-11-15
Interface with citizens — Municipal offices: opening hours Open Data
Opening hours of municipal offices
Issued on
Consultants and collaborators — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
Consultants and collaborators
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:48:19Z
Annual account: Annual charges for salary items paid to staff in service — Municipality of Possagno Open Data
Annual account: Annual charges for salary items paid to staff in service — Municipality of Possagno
Issued on 2023-02-13T10:24:23Z
Annual account: Permanent staff and management staff distributed by seniority classes — Municipality... Open Data
Annual account: Permanent staff and management staff distributed by seniority classes — Municipality
Issued on 2023-02-22T15:40:19Z
Water bodies of transitional waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — 2011 edition Open Data
Water bodies of transition waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the criter
Issued on 2022-06-29T14:44:24.997075Z
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — ed. 2015 Open Data
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the cr
Issued on 2022-06-30T10:55:42.253421Z
Lake water bodies, referred to in P. di G. 2015 Open Data
Lake water bodies of the Emilia-Romagna region, referred to in the 2015 Management Plan
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:34:39.688814Z
Mountain underground water bodies — PdG 2021 Open Data
Maps of the underground mountain water bodies including deposits in the Apennine valleys, identified
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:28.258803Z
Groundwater bodies of plains — PdG 2015 Open Data
Groundwater bodies of plains, both river and coastal. The first is characterised mainly by current a
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:25:37.752767Z
Population Distribution 2021 GDPR Open Data
This geographical dataset represents the distribution of the resident population, registered at the
Issued on 2021-12-31
Historic buildings — RUE Open Data
Buildings of historical, architectural value, testimonial for which the RUE provides specific discip
Issued on 2019-06-24
List of daily deaths — Municipality of Montecchio Precalcino Open Data
List of daily deaths
Issued on 2023-01-27T10:34:45Z
List of associations — Municipality of Casier Open Data
Associations list — Municipality of Casier — Updated to 20230222
Issued on 2023-02-22T14:52:05Z
List of Deaths — Municipality of Monte di Malo Open Data
List of Decades
Issued on 2023-01-25T10:43:22Z
List of circulation areas — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
List of circulation areas
Issued on 2023-03-13T12:04:39Z
Subscribed List — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
Subscribed List
Issued on 2023-01-25T12:16:32Z
Birth List — Municipality of Malo Open Data
List of Births
Issued on 2023-01-30T14:56:45Z
Birth List — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
List of Births
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:29:07Z
List of Residents — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
List of Residents
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:18:06Z
Municipal elections 2016 — voters and voters by municipality I round Open Data
Voters and voters (first round) of the 2016 municipal elections
Issued on
Regional Elections 2023: Street and matching of civic numbers with electoral sections Open Data
The dataset shows, with regard to the elections for the renewal of the Regional Council and for the
Issued on 2023-01-31T12:50:38.922179Z
ENERGY: Waste-to-energy plants — 2020 update Open Data
Localisation of waste-to-energy plants in the Emilia-Romagna region — 2020 update
Issued on 2022-03-15T09:30:22.935089Z
Families by Number of Children — Municipality of Creazzo Open Data
Families by Number of Children
Issued on 2023-01-30T10:18:41Z
Families by Number of Children — Municipality of Posina Open Data
Families by Number of Children
Issued on 2023-03-13T14:49:55Z
Families Residents on Via — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Families Residents by Via
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:56:01Z
Total Families — Municipality of Gambellara Open Data
Total Families
Issued on 2023-01-25T16:14:56Z
Total Families — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
Total Families
Issued on 2023-01-25T12:47:58Z
Variants Open Data
Issued on
Zoning Open Data
Issued on
Hydrocarbons — Concessions of cultivation in the marine background Open Data
Areas of the Adriatic Sea, in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast, where the cultivation activities (d
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:20:13.498213Z
Electrically powered thermal systems Open Data
This geographical dataset contains the data of the thermal plants listed in the Regional Catasto Imp
Issued on 2022-01-07
Sensitive lakes (DLgs 152/06) Open Data
Lakes complying with the European Water Directive 2000/60/EC identified in Umbria according to Legis
Issued on
Shoreline 2018 Open Data
Shoreline (SLMM zero level curve) of the Emilia-Romagna coast detected in 2018 with dual frequency G
Issued on 2022-03-15T17:11:43.062577Z
Weather — observed instant flow data Open Data
The published scope data, referring to the last ten days, has not been validated, but calculated fro
Issued on 2021-05-05
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Total cloud cover (%) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Total cloud cover (%). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00 UTC on
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Convective Potential Energy Available (CAPE) (J/Kg) — (2023-03-16 hours 12... Open Data
Available Convective Potential Energy (CAPE) (J/Kg). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Average ground pressure (Pa) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Average ground pressure (Pa). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Accident global radiation on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²) —... Open Data
Global incident radiation on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Accident global radiation on horizontal surface (long wave) (W/m²) —... Open Data
Global incident radiation on horizontal surface (long wave) (W/m²). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC —
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Accident global radiation on horizontal surface (long wave) (W/m²) —... Open Data
Global incident radiation on horizontal surface (long wave) (W/m²). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC —
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Temperature at 2 meters (C) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Temperature at 2 meters (C). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground humidity (%) — (2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Soil relative humidity (%). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC — valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-16 to 00 U
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Average Wave Direction [deg] — (2023-03-10 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Average Wave Direction [deg]. Run of 2023-03-10 hours 00 UTC — valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-10 to 00
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Average Wave Direction [deg] — (2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Average Wave Direction [deg]. Run of 2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2023-03-16 to 00 UT
Issued on
Anagraphic Movement — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
The Anagraphic Movement
Issued on 2023-01-25T12:41:34Z
Registered Names for Birth — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Registered Names for Birth
Issued on 2023-03-13T16:08:22Z
House numbers — Municipality of Cavaso Del Tomba Open Data
House numbers — Municipality of Cavaso Del Tomba — Updated 20230213
Issued on 2023-02-13T11:09:49Z
PTGM — Metropolitan General Territorial Plan — CMVE Open Data
PTGM — Metropolitan General Territorial Plan of the Metropolitan City of Venice
Issued on 2019-03-01
Staff employed under a fixed-term contract — year 2022 Open Data
The dataset shows, for the year 2022, the staff employed under a fixed-term contract divided by cate
Issued on 2023-02-06T16:10:34.413757Z
Staff employed under an indefinite contract — historical series Open Data
The dataset shows the historical series from 2014 of the staff employed under an indefinite contract
Issued on 2023-02-07T12:39:30.811951Z
Annual rainfall — Climate 1991-2015 — Ed.2017 Open Data
Average over the period 1991-2015 of the cumulative annual daily precipitation (mm)
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:47:14.360875Z
Seasonal Winter Precipitation — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2017 Open Data
Average over the period 1961-1990 of the accumulated winter precipitation daily (mm)
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:36:53.574041Z
First registration of new vehicles in 2018 — cars for local authority and power supply Open Data
First registrations of new aggregate cars for the local authority of residence of the user and for f
Issued on
First registration of new vehicles in 2020 — cars per territorial body Open Data
First registrations of new aggregate cars for the user’s local authority in 2020
Issued on
First inscriptions new vehicles in 2020 — cars for local authority and power supply Open Data
First registrations of new aggregate cars for the user’s local authority and for food in 2020
Issued on
Procedures SUAP sports facilities Open Data
This dataset represents the list of administrative procedures managed by the Single Production Activ
Issued on 2022-06-23
Plant protection products rivers Open Data
Concentrations of plant protection products analysed for river sampling stations in accordance with
Issued on
Administrative Executive Measures — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
Administrative management measures
Issued on 2023-01-25T13:30:01Z
PSC-Sistemi Open Data
- Elementi cartografati nell'ambito della redazione del Piano Strutturale Comunale (dal 2001 al 20
Issued on 2020-12-30
PSC — Systems — Underground street access to the city Open Data
Infrastructure for mobility, car subsystem — Roads of access to the underground city — Cartographed
Issued on 2009-02-26
Referendum 2022 — Affluence Question 1 Open Data
Repeal referendum 12/06/2022. Turnout data question 1: Incandiability — abolition of the Severino De
Issued on 2022-06-12
Residents for neighborhoods and eta — Municipality of Vicenza Open Data
Residents for neighborhoods and age
Issued on 2023-02-24T11:44:46Z
Residents Study Titles — Municipality of Posina Open Data
Residents Titles of Study
Issued on 2023-03-13T14:53:35Z
Residents Study Titles — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Residents Titles of Study
Issued on 2023-03-13T16:05:48Z
Lake water monitoring network (DGR 350/10 and 2067/15) Open Data
Monitoring network of the environmental status of lake waters of the Emilia-Romagna region (DGR 350/
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:34:40.779784Z
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network of marine-coastal waters (Dlgs 152/06) Open Data
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network, in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/06. The stations are l
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:14:50.100322Z
Coastal Geodetic Network — Ed.2018 Open Data
The GRC is, as of 2021, formed by 51 geodetic summits materialised along the regional coast, used fo
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:15:19.833391Z
Geodetic Coastal Network — Ed.2021 Open Data
The GRC is, as of 2021, formed by 51 geodetic summits materialised along the regional coast, used fo
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:15:19.833391Z
Regional Network for Environmental Quality: lake surface waters. Data 2010-2021 Open Data
_Chemical and chemical-physical data years 2010-2021_ Data on the state of lake inland waters are
Issued on 2021-07-27
Special waste Open Data
MUD data on the production and management of special waste in the Emilia-Romagna region, compiled by
Issued on 2016-10-13
Municipal waste Open Data
Official data on the production and management of municipal waste (as defined in Article 184(2) of L
Issued on 2016-10-13
Quality of service survey year 2023 — Applications for building files Open Data
The dataset contains the details of the replies (*) to the questionnaire for the satisfaction of use
Issued on 2023-02-28T14:01:18.035023Z
Chemical state river water bodies (DLgs 152/06) Open Data
Chemical status of river water bodies in compliance with the European Water Directive 2000/60/EC for
Issued on
Monitoring station ARIA — Orvieto — Ciconia 2 Open Data
Coordinates: Datum Roma40, projection Gauss-Boaga fused east N 4735691,651 — E 2285615,018 Altitude
Issued on
ARIA monitoring station — Terni — Le Grazie Open Data
Coordinates: Datum Roma 40, projection Gauss-Boaga fused east N 4713517.432 — E 2327085.865 Altitud
Issued on
Foreigners by City State. — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Foreigners by City State.
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:57:27Z
Rates of personal absences ASL Taranto — 2012 Open Data
Law No 69 of 18 June 2009 provides in Article 21 (Transparency on the salaries of managers and on th
Issued on 2023-03-13
Peak Time Traffic (2018) Open Data
Traffic flows detrmined by PUMS — The estimates of traffic flows have been elaborated as part of the
Issued on 2022-06-24
Utilities — Municipality of Malo Open Data
Issued on 2023-02-09T15:37:06Z
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