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Merger of inquad. and limtav. Open Data
Merger of inquad. and limtav.
Issued on
LIDAR DSM — Digital Model of Surfaces — Ravina 2007 Open Data
Digital Model of Surfaces (1 m x 1 m) derived from the LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 on behalf of
Issued on
Orthophoto Pellizzano 2012 RGB Open Data
Survey carried out in 2012 of a forest area of the municipality of Pellizzano, commissioned by the F
Issued on
River water bodies (Update December 2017 PTA three-year period 2014-2016) Open Data
River water bodies Protection Plan.The Water Protection Plan is part of Decision No 1386/2013/EU of
Issued on
Distribution networks Open Data
Polygons represent areas covered by the secondary distribution network of public drinking aqueducts
Issued on 2009-04-20
PFM — woody volume of high-steer woods — (VOLCORFUS) Open Data
It represents the woody biomass of the stems on which it is operated through a forest management pla
Issued on 2019-01-01
Shore work Open Data
The information layer Opera bank locates in the territory each work of this type censured by the Mou
Issued on 2019-05-22
LIDAR DTM — Digital Earth Model — Val di Sella 2007 Open Data
Digital Earth Model (1 m x 1 m) derived from the LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 on behalf of the F
Issued on
Z323_N_PUP Open Data
Selected sources, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan established by Provin
Issued on 2018-05-04
P026_N_PUP Open Data
Access to the Ski Areas Theme constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Plan established by Provincial L
Issued on 2018-04-24
Natura 2000 habitat Open Data
Location and extension of Natura 2000 habitats.
Issued on 2012-02-17
Absolute protection zone Pozzi Open Data
Following the entry into force of the Provincial Urban Planning Plan (P.U.P.), approved by Law No 5
Issued on 2018-10-12
Real summer distribution of deer — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Real summer distribution of deer — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
Parks Open Data
Location and extension of the Stelvio Trentino National Park and the two provincial natural parks.
Issued on 2012-02-17
Absolute protection zone Surface waters Open Data
Following the entry into force of the Provincial Urban Planning Plan (P.U.P.), approved by Law No 5
Issued on 2018-10-12
Comprehensive limit Open Data
It represents the area limit of the Autonomous Province of Trento, replaced by the Communities of Va
Issued on 2009-04-21
LIDAR — Sunrise DSM — PAT 2006/2009 Open Data
Sunshine (hillshade) of DSM (digital surface model) processed on data acquired with laser-scanning t
Issued on
Provincial Technical Paper — CTP 2015 Open Data
Provincial Technical Map on the 1:10 000 scale of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Issued on
P003_P_PUP Open Data
Alluvial conoids, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan established by Provin
Issued on 2018-04-24
Z102_P_PUP Open Data
Alvei of the Thematic PAT constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan established by Provinc
Issued on 2018-04-24
LIDAR raw data — Paneveggio 2007 Open Data
Cloud of points of the LiDAR relief carried out in 2007 by the Forest and Fauna Service — PAT in col
Issued on
Unproductive private and state-owned Open Data
private and state-owned high-altitude unproductive particles. They stem from a study carried out by
Issued on
Z103_P_PUP Open Data
Glaciers of Trentino, themedism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Plan established by Provincial
Issued on 2018-04-24
Hydrogeological protection zone Sources Open Data
Following the entry into force of the Provincial Urban Planning Plan (P.U.P.), approved by Law No 5
Issued on 2018-10-12
Refunds of active water derivations Open Data
The themeism represents the points of return of derived water, with reference to concessions of acti
Issued on
CRZ — Zonal Collection Centres Open Data
CRZ — In support of separate collection, a network of Zone Collection Centres is operated in Trentin
Issued on
LIDAR DTM — Digital Earth Model — Ravina 2007 Open Data
Digital Earth Model (1 m x 1 m) derived from the LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 on behalf of the F
Issued on
E103_P_PUP Open Data
E103_P_PUP Normal agricultural areas, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan e
Issued on 2019-12-09
Vallo tomo Open Data
The information layer Vallo tomo locates each work of this type in the territory, which is surveyed
Issued on 2019-05-22
Union framework sections 1:10,000 cut ED50 Open Data
It represents the union of the sections at the 1:10000 scale to cover the provincial territory and i
Issued on 2008-10-28
Strong Anthropised Areas 2020 — arfan2020 Open Data
New information layer on heavily anthropised areas developed in 2020, reference year 2019.
Issued on 2021-03-01
LIDAR DTM — Digital Earth Model — PAT 2006/2009 Open Data
Digital Earth Model, processing of data acquired with high resolution laser-scanning (LiDAR) technol
Issued on
Species richness for open environments Open Data
Wealth of focal fauna species for areas with open cultivations (grasses), calculated as the number o
Issued on 2017-02-06
Settlement System and Infrastructure Networks — PUP Open Data
Settlement system and infrastructural networks, cartography constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Pl
Issued on 2008-06-10
Riparian forests — Variant PUP 2000 Open Data
Perimeter of the riparian woods, the theme represented on the cartography constituting the Variant P
Issued on 2008-07-10
Real winter distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Real winter distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
Consolidation bridle Open Data
The information layer Briglia di Consolidation locates in the territory each work of this type censu
Issued on 2019-05-22
Seismic stations Open Data
Punctual shapefile. Geographical location of the stations belonging to the seismic network of the Au
Issued on 2009-11-01
D208_P_PUP Open Data
Ski areas, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Plan established by Provincial Law No 8 of
Issued on 2019-12-09
Numerical cadastral cartography Open Data
Numerical cadastral cartography falling within the competence of the Autonomous Province of Trento,
Issued on 2017-01-01
Fines Frane Open Data
The Frane Penalty level results from the transposition of the danger into penalties, relative to lan
Issued on 2020-10-02
Real summer distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Real summer distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
LIDAR raw data — PAT 2006/2009 Open Data
Cloud of high-resolution laser-scanning (LiDAR) remote sensing points as part of the project managed
Issued on
Torrential dangerousness Open Data
The Dangerous torrential level, approved by Decision No 1307 of 4 September 2020, classifies the ter
Issued on 2019-05-22
LIDAR Padergnone 2007 Open Data
LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 by the Forest and Fauna Service — PAT in collaboration with the Fac
Issued on
Hyperspectral Padergnone 2007 Open Data
Survey carried out in 2007 on the forest area of the Municipality of Padergnone, commissioned by the
Issued on
Seismic Hazardity Open Data
The Seismic Dangerousness Charter, approved by Decision No 1307 of 4 September 2020, describes and c
Issued on 2020-10-02
L108_P_PUP Open Data
Extractive areas of second category, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan es
Issued on 2019-12-09
Quarries in nature park — Variante PUP 2000 Open Data
Selection and extraction of mining sites, quarries, represented on the cartography constituting the
Issued on 2008-07-10
P020_P_PUP Open Data
Complex landscape systems, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan established
Issued on 2018-05-02
LIDAR raw data — Ravina 2007 Open Data
Cloud of points of the LiDAR relief carried out in 2007 by the Forest and Fauna Service — PAT in col
Issued on
Nature reserves — Variant PUP 2000 Open Data
It represents the perimeter of the nature reserves, the theme represented on the cartography constit
Issued on 2008-07-10
Storage Square Open Data
The information layer Piazza di deposito locates in the territory each work of this type, which is r
Issued on 2019-05-22
Repellent Open Data
The Repellent information layer locates each work of this type in the territory, which is surveyed b
Issued on 2019-05-22
Provincial Limit of the Autonomous Province of Trento Open Data
Provincial Limit of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Issued on
Screening Open Data
Description of: Screening
Issued on
Species richness for tree crops Open Data
Wealth of wildlife species for environments cultivated with vineyards or orchards.The dataset repres
Issued on 2017-02-06
Local reserves (polygonal) Open Data
Localisation and extension of the local reserves as defined by L.P. 23 May 2007, n.11.
Issued on 2012-02-17
Nature Park Areas — Variant PUP 2000 Open Data
Natural park areas, the theme represented on the cartography constituting the Variant PUP 2000 appro
Issued on 2008-07-10
Special Protection Areas Open Data
Location and extension of Special Protection Areas (Directive 2009/147/EC “Birds”)
Issued on 2012-02-17
Homogeneous territorial areas Open Data
Localisation and extension of homogeneous territorial areas, areas of study identified by Project LI
Issued on 2013-12-01
LIDAR Sunrise DTM — Campolongo 2011 Open Data
Sunshine (hillshade) of the DTM (digital terrain model) processed on the data acquired with the LiDA
Issued on 2020-10-27
Consolidation work Open Data
The information layer Consolidation work locates each work of this type in the territory, as recorde
Issued on 2019-05-22
Main levelling net Open Data
Network of levelling heads, prepared for the training of the provincial CTG
Issued on 2008-11-03
LIDAR DSM — Digital Surface Model — Paneveggio 2007 Open Data
Digital Model of Surfaces (1 m x 1 m) derived from the LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 on behalf of
Issued on
Disused Mines Area Open Data
The themeism, a polygonal typology, represents the location of the former mining concessions (for so
Issued on
P002_P_PUP Open Data
Functional links, themeism constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan established by Provin
Issued on 2018-04-24
Real distribution of the mountain pheasant — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Real distribution of the mountain pheasant — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
Historical earthquakes Open Data
Punctual shapefile. Historical seismicity related to the Trentino area, from the CFTI5Med catalogue
Issued on 2013-01-01
Species richness for wet areas of the valley floor Open Data
Wealth of fauna and flora focal species for low-altitude wetlands, developed under Action A3 of Proj
Issued on 2017-02-06
Bike paths Open Data
The information layer represents the route of the cycle paths of Trentino
Issued on
LIDAR Paneveggio 2007 Open Data
LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 by the Forest and Fauna Service — PAT in collaboration with the Fac
Issued on
Biotopes of provincial interest Open Data
Location and extension of non-established biotopes, as defined by Law No 14 of 23 June 1986, subsequ
Issued on 2012-02-17
Rescue water spills Open Data
Themeism represents the water derivations that have an active derivation (concession) title, with th
Issued on
Large hydroelectric power stations Open Data
large hydroelectric power stations
Issued on
Real distribution of the cedrone cock — 2010 Provincial Wildlife Plan Open Data
Real distribution of the cedrone cock — 2010 Provincial Wildlife Plan
Issued on 2020-02-10
Species richness for perifluvial forests Open Data
The dataset represents the number of species per pixel (50x50 meters of resolution) that are potenti
Issued on 2017-02-06
Avalanches — avalanche basins Open Data
Subdivision of the provincial territory into homogeneous zones from the point of view of the potenti
Issued on
Orthophoto Padergnone 2007 RGB Open Data
Survey carried out in 2007 of a forest area of the municipality of Padergnone, commissioned by the F
Issued on
Avalanche Dangerous Paper Open Data
The ‘dangerous avalanche’ level approved by Decision No 1307 of 4 September 2020 describes and class
Issued on
mountain passes Open Data
location of mountain passes, as provided for in Article 27(4) of the Provincial Law on Hunting.
Issued on 2020-02-10
Step level curves 200 m (polygonal) Open Data
The dataset contains the altimetry described by the level curves with a pitch at 200 meters
Issued on 2008-10-15
Toponyomastics at 1:25000 scale Open Data
Toponyomas for the formation of cartography on the scale 1:25000 derived from the Provincial Topogra
Issued on 2009-04-21
A101_P_PUP Open Data
Historical Centres — PUP variant 2000, Thematics constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan
Issued on 2018-05-03
Framework for union LIDAR 2006/2009 Open Data
Overview of the blocks that make up the coverage of the provincial territory of the LiDAR relief car
Issued on 2018-11-13
Real distribution of the white partridge- Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Real distribution of the white partridge- Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
Glaciers 2015 Open Data
The themeism, polygonal typology, represents the areas covered by glaciers falling within the provin
Issued on
LIDAR DTM — Digital Earth Model — Paneveggio 2007 Open Data
Digital Earth Model (1 m x 1 m) derived from the LiDAR survey carried out in 2007 on behalf of the F
Issued on
Map of the General Plan for the Use of Public Waters relating to the minimum vital outflow of the... Open Data
Minimal vital outflow of the glacial basins
Issued on
Existing mining concessions Open Data
The themeism, a polygonal type, represents the localisation of existing mining concessions (for soli
Issued on
F806_P_PUP Open Data
Project water purification plants, theme constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan establi
Issued on 2018-05-02
Penalties for forest fires Open Data
The Forest Fire Plan level is based on the elaboration of the “Plan for the Protection of Forests ag
Issued on 2020-07-16
Coppice Open Data
Forest parcels classified as coppice in settlement plans and inventories of private forests
Issued on
Glacier areas — Variant PUP 2000 Open Data
Areas relevant to glaciers, themeism constituting the Variant PUP 2000 approved by Provincial Law No
Issued on
Fires from 1984 to 2018 Open Data
Areas covered by fires in the period 1984-2018. The areas were communicated by the peripheral forest
Issued on
Potential winter distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010 Open Data
Potential winter distribution of chamois — Provincial Wildlife Plan 2010
Issued on 2020-02-10
Structural framework — PUPs Open Data
Structural classification, cartography constituting the PUP Provincial Urban Planning Plan establish
Issued on 2008-06-10
Sites of Community Importance Open Data
Location and extension of the Sites of Community Importance (SIC) (Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC).
Issued on 2012-02-17
Hydrogeological protection zone Surface waters Open Data
Following the entry into force of the Provincial Urban Planning Plan (P.U.P.), approved by Law No 5
Issued on 2018-10-12
Limit Valley Community Open Data
It represents the limit of the valley communities, which are local public bodies with an association
Issued on
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