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MOLISEDB.GIS.incendi_2005 Open Data
Information level at which fire-affected areas were acquired in 2005.
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF091G_Frosolone Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF091G_Frosolone represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Frosolone,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393073 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404021 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392063 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA11G_load_nitrogen Open Data
The feature class MO_PTA11G_load_nitrogen contains information on the amount of agricultural and zoo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Trigno_20100318 Open Data
MO_Fascia_Riassetto_Trigno — Information layer of the river basin in the Trigno basin as defined in
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MOLISEDB.GIS.cave_disc Open Data
FeatureClass containing quarries and landfills obtained through photo-interpretation activities on 5
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_LC01G_Land_Cover_CORINE_IV_200100318 Open Data
The feature class MO_LC01G_Land_Cover_CORINE_IV contains Land Cover Corine level IV in scale 1:10 00
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC27G_Report_binding_archeol_P_P Open Data
The feature class MO_BC27G_Segnalazione_vincolo_archeol_P_P represents the indication of the archaeo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_altimetria_poly_4 Open Data
The feature class MO_altimetria_poly_4 represents the altimetric bands — polygonal elements — acquir
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392051 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF114G_Lucito_then Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF114G_Lucito_later represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Lucito,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404084 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA04_porti_linee Open Data
The feature class MO_PA04_porti_linee represents the linear ports of pier type for the Molise Region
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381084 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF220G_SantElia_A_Pianisi_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF220G_SantElia_A_Pianisi_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territor
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_fauna Open Data
The feature class MO_fauna represents the fauna for the entire Molise Region. The data has been prov
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382134 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382054 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404072 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF089G_Fossalto_el_lin Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF089G_Fossalto_el_lin represents the linear elements of the Municipality of F
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF046G_Castelpizzuto Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF046G_Castelpizzuto represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Castel
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381141 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Fortor Open Data
Feature class MO_Fascia_Restauration_Fortore — information layer of the river tray in the Fortore ba
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395063 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380082 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Balneation Open Data
The feature class MO_Balneazione represents the bathing for the Molise Region, the data were deliver
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393104 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406031 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392061 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF096G_Gildone_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF096G_Gildone_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_costs_poly_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_scostamenti_poly_7 represents deviations and urban incompatibility, elements ac
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF037G_Castel_San_Vincenzo_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF037G_Castel_San_Vincenzo_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF026G_Carovilli_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF026G_Carovilli_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affecte
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_ZonazioneSismica Open Data
The feature class MO_ZonazioneSismica represents the seismic zone of Molise Region. Origin of the Ge
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381034 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_4 Open Data
The feature class MO_limite_scope_lin_4 represents the administrative limits of scope 4
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degrado_el_ant_lin_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_degrado_el_ant_lin_8 represents the anthropogenic elements of line type acquire
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393142 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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The feature class MO_PDF247G_Ururi_PZ represents the area of the territory covered by the Area Plan
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF103G_Guglionesi_PEEP Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF103G_Guglionesi_PEEP represents the area covered by the PEEP of the Municipa
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_usi_prod_soil_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_usi_prod_soolo_poly_2 represents the types of land use, range elements acquired
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF138G_Montecilfone Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF138G_Montecilfone represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Monteci
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MOLISEDB.GIS.Mo_PDF180G_Ripalimosani_then Open Data
The feature class Mo_PDF180G_Ripalimosani_then represents the punctual elements of the Municipality
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF127G_Matrice_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF127G_Matrice_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_July Open Data
The feature class MM_Tmax_July, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum temp
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405082 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP425G_Corsi_Water Open Data
The feature class MO_DBP425G_Corsi_Water contains the DBPrior 10k watercourses. Data delivered by th
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_percettivi_lin_4 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_percettivi_lin_4 represents the perceptive elements — linear — information
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC21G_Palazzi_nobiliari Open Data
The feature class MO_BC21G_Palazzi_nobiliari identifies with its punctual elements the existing nobl
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF141G_Montefalcone_PIP Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF141G_Montefalcone_PIP represents the area covered by the PIP of the Municipa
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406012 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF224G_Scapoli_vinc_lin Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF224G_Scapoli_vinc_lin represents the constraints expressed as linear element
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_hydrogeologica_poly_2 represents the hydrogeological elements of the area, acqu
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_gaps_lin_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_costamenti_lin_2 represents the deviations and incompatibilities of the country
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF102G_Guglionesi Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF102G_Guglionesi represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Gugliones
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406022 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphological_poly_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_geomorphological_poly_1 represents the geomorphological planes acquired from th
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_percett_poi_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_percett_poi_6 represents the characteristics of perceptual interest
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381064 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_clivometry_poly_3 Open Data
The feature class MO_clivometria_poly_3 represents the homogeneous slope areas — elements acquired b
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The feature class MO_TLA01G_Junctions represents the joints in the MultiNet TeleAtlas structure
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA03_manufatti_poligoni Open Data
The feature class MO_PA03_manufatti_polygoni represents the artifacts in the form of accumulations o
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_IS02G_Istat_Province Open Data
The feature class MO_IS02G_Istat_Province represents the provincial boundaries realised in the Censu
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF129G_Mirabello_Sannitico_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF129G_Mirabello_Sannitico_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA24G_staz_monit Open Data
In the feature class MO_PTA24G_staz_monit are located the water monitoring stations to know and eval
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sources Open Data
The feature class MO_Sorgenti — represents the whole Molise Region sources. The data has been provid
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RI01G_Hazard Open Data
The feature class MO_RI01G_Hazard represents hazard-like polygonal elements. Data delivered by the M
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_el_arch_urbanism_then_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_el_arch_urbanistica_poi_1 represents the architectural — urbanistic elements of
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF135G_Monaciglioni_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF135G_Monaciglioni_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affe
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381071 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393122 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381162 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF005G_Acquaviva_DIsernia Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF005G_Acquaviva_DIsernia represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of A
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404044 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_paes_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_paes_poly_2 represents the areas subject to a country constraint, eleme
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degrado_geomorph_lin_3 Open Data
MO_degrado_geomorf_lin_3 represents the elements of geomorphological degradation — line type — eleme
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The feature class MO_PDF237G_Toro represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Toro, the eleme
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG262G_Casacalenda_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PRG262G_Casacalenda_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affec
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degr_amb_inquinam_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_degr_amb_inquinam_poly_6 represents environmental degradation from pollution —
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380153 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.incendi_1998 Open Data
Information level at which fire-affected areas were acquired in 1998.
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394104 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392144 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394024 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394022 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_agr_natur_poly_3 Open Data
The feature class MO_qualit_agr_natur_poly_3 — represents the natural qualitative elements of agricu
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF008G_Agnone Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF008G_Agnone represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Agnone, the e
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The feature class MO_EUAP03G_EUAP represents the data concerning the Official List of Protected Area
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degrade_poi_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_degrado_poi_7 represents the alterations and degradation of the territory, punc
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393114 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405043 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA01_approdi Open Data
The feature class MO_PA01_approdi represents the landings for the Molise Region
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392081 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_vegetation_poly_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_vegetazione_poly_1 represents the vegetation elements acquired from the vegetat
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_car_perc_poly_8_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_qualit_car_perc_poly_8_1 represents the qualitative value of the perceptive cha
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_immodif_temp_poly_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_immodif_temp_poly_7 represents the areas subject to temporary immodific
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_perceptive_later_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_percettivi_poi_8 represents the punctual elements of the perceptive charact
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF221G_Scapolis Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF221G_Scapoli represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Scapoli, the
Issued on
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