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Coastal marine waters — sea buoy data (years 2008-2012) Open Data
The files contain the data collected from the instrumentation present in Boa Campo Sperimentale, Med
Issued on 2020-05-28T14:05:53Z
Coastal marine waters — morphological data (2008-2021) Open Data
The information shall be related to the percentage of total organic carbon and the granulometric com
Issued on 2020-05-28T14:56:53Z
Coastal marine waters — phytoplankton and chlorophyll data (years 2008-2021) Open Data
Phytoplankton consists of plant organisms generally microscopic and is most responsible for photosyn
Issued on 2020-06-03T10:53:45Z
Coastal marine waters — Potential toxic phytoplankton data (2008-2021) Open Data
Qualitative-quantitative research of potentially toxic algae. Years 2008-2021. All samples investi
Issued on 2020-06-03T10:58:35Z
Coastal marine waters — Macrozoobenthos data (years 2008-2017) Open Data
The surveys concern the study of the macrozoobentonic communities of mobile funds (sand and/or mud)
Issued on 2020-06-03T12:30:45Z
Coastal marine waters — Micropolluting data — water (years 2008-2021) Open Data
The data are related to the concentrations of chemical pollutants determined on the water matrix. Ye
Issued on 2020-06-03T10:15:05Z
Coastal marine waters — Micropolluting data — biota (years 2008-2021) Open Data
The data are related to the concentrations of chemical pollutants determined on the biota matrix. Ye
Issued on 2020-06-03T10:17:56Z
Coastal marine waters — Micropollutant data — sediment (years 2008-2020) Open Data
Data are related to concentrations of chemical pollutants determined on the sediment matrix. Years 2
Issued on 2020-06-03T10:23:06Z
Coastal marine waters: EQB Organic Quality Elements (three-year-olds 2010-2012, 2014-2016 and... Open Data
Assessment of the status pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/2006. Organic Quality Elements (DM 206/
Issued on 2022-01-27T10:17:03Z
Coastal marine waters — suspended nutrients and solids (years 2008-2021) Open Data
Nutrient salt concentrations (ammoniacal, nitric and nitrous nitrogen; phosphorus from orthophosphat
Issued on 2020-05-28T14:46:27Z
Coastal marine waters — Marine weather parameters — sea weather (years 2008-2022) Open Data
The files contain the data of the meteo-marine parameters detected at sea during the monitoring camp
Issued on 2020-06-03T12:34:58Z
Coastal marine waters — probe profiles (years 2008-2022) Open Data
The files contain the data of the main physical chemical parameters detected by multiparametric prob
Issued on 2020-06-03T12:43:04Z
Groundwater — Nitrate concentration (years 2003-2021) Open Data
<span style=\"color: RGB(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Lucida, sans-serif; fo
Issued on 2014-04-02T05:56:59Z
Groundwater — Chemical quality (years 2010-2021) Open Data
Quality class per monitoring point determined by comparison of the average annual concentration with
Issued on 2020-12-02T16:03:40Z
Employees of Active Locations in Italy by Region, Province, Sector, Division, Class, Ateco... Open Data
Employees and independent employees of the Localisations of Active Enterprises in Italy by Region, P
Issued on 2019-03-31
Employees of Active Locations in Marche by Province, Municipality, Sector, Division, Class, Ateco... Open Data
Employees and independent employees of the Localisations of Active Enterprises in the Marche Region
Issued on 2019-03-31
Compliance with Law 190/2012 Art. 1, paragraph 32 Open Data
The dataset contains the xml files that are transmitted annually to ANAC and the corresponding csv a
Issued on 2022-04-06
Turnout demographic services — August 2019 — Municipality of Mira Open Data
Demographic data on influxes to services, broken down by service (identity card, personal certificat
Issued on 2019-11-06T10:49:20Z
Turnout demographic services July 2019 — Municipality of Mira Open Data
Demographic data on influxes to services, broken down by service (identity card, personal certificat
Issued on 2019-10-25T10:28:39Z
Turnout demographic services — October 2019 — Municipality of Mira Open Data
Demographic data on influxes to services, broken down by service (identity card, personal certificat
Issued on 2019-11-07T08:43:07Z
Turnout demographic services — September 2019 — Municipality of Mira Open Data
Demographic data on influxes to services, broken down by service (identity card, personal certificat
Issued on 2019-11-06T10:50:56Z
Turnout visitors to the museums of Vicenza from 2016 to 2020 Open Data
The dataset contains data on the daily entrances of visitors to the individual venues of the Vicenza
Issued on 2022-02-08T17:17:17Z
Albo Associazioni — Municipality of Torrebelvicino — updated on 31/12/2020 Open Data
Municipality of Torrebelvicino List of Associations registered in the Associations Register of the
Issued on 2021-06-08T10:08:52Z
Contribution rates Agriculture VII Open Data
Cooperative AGRICOLE L.240/1984 — Companies with moreù of 15 and up to 50 employees registered
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates State administrations IV Open Data
State Administrations — Staff enrolled in the FPLD excluded from contributions TFR, CUAF, MATERNITA&
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Artigianato II Open Data
Handicrafts OF THE INDUSTRY (companies with moreù 15 employees). Contribution rates in force fr
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Executives exINPDAI II Open Data
Companies classified for social security purposes with C.S.C. 2.01.02 occupying DIRIGENTS registered
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates INPDAP II Management Companies Open Data
Holdings classified for social security purposes with C.S.C. 2.01.02 occupying DIRECENTS registered
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Trade IV Open Data
Trade INGROSSO and DETAIL (companies with moreù 50 and up to 200 employees) — CUAF reduced. Con
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Cooperative XIX Open Data
Bodies OF FACT and COOPERATIVE DPR 602/1970 — Supervisory services with employees and members up to
Issued on 2013-06-28
Cooperative XVIII Contribution Rates Open Data
Cooperatives DPR 602/1970 — Cleaning services, contractors at companies subject to CIGS with employe
Issued on 2013-06-28
Cooperative Contributive Rates XXVII Open Data
Small Fishing Cooperatives L. 250/1958. Contribution rates in force since 1 January 2013 in relation
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Fund Autoferrotranvieri III Open Data
Companies operating public transport services to Government or Regional Management excluded from'
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Autoferrotranvieri IV Fund Open Data
Companies operating public transport services to Governmental or Regional Management recipients of R
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Fondo Gas I Open Data
Private GAS companies — up to 15 employees. Contribution rates in force from 1 January 2013 in respe
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Companies Publishing II Open Data
Publishing companies or printers of daily newspapers and periodicals and national press agencies (co
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Industry VII Open Data
Stone industry (companies up to 15 employees). Contribution rates in force since 1 January 2013 for
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Industry XIV Open Data
Industrial ARMATORIAL (staff not subject to L.413/1984). Contribution rates in force since 1 January
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Industry XVIII Open Data
Fishing industry, close or local with smaller vessels — Personnel subject to Law 413/1984. Contribut
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Logistics III Open Data
Logistics (companies with moreù of 200 employees). Contribution rates in force since 1 January
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Parties and Trade Unions IV Open Data
Political Parties and SINDACAL ORGANISATIONS (with CUAF). Contribution rates in force since 1 Januar
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Sanita I Open Data
Hospitals and CASE of CURA (with CUAF). Contribution rates in force since 1 January 2013 in the heal
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Railway Service I Open Data
Service FERROVIARIO — Auxiliary sectors (companies up to 15 employees). Contribution rates in force
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Show VI Open Data
trade sector — full CUAF. Contribution rates in force from 1 January 2013 for the entertainment sect
Issued on 2013-06-28
Contribution rates Tertiary I Open Data
Tertiary (activitiesà Miscellaneous). Contribution rates in force since 1 January 2013 for the
Issued on 2013-06-28
Alpine Paths — Alta Via — in the Veneto Region Open Data
List of Alpine Paths \“Alta Via\” in the Veneto Region. The list contains direct downloa
Issued on 2020-02-06T15:58:17Z
the GTFS feed dataset contains public transport, bus and tram data for the period 01/03/2017-30/04/2
Issued on 2017-03-29
the GTFS feed dataset contains data on public transport, buses and trams, covering the period 16/01/
Issued on 2017-02-28
Amat PALERMO SPA — DATA OF LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT — Period 01/02/2022-31/03/2022 Open Data
the GTFS feed dataset contains public transport, bus and tram data, referring to the period 01/02/20
Issued on 2022-03-09
Amat PALERMO SPA — DATA OF LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT — Period 01/04/2022-31/05/2022 Open Data
the GTFS feed dataset contains public transport, bus and tram data, referring to the period 01/04/20
Issued on 2022-04-28
Amat PALERMO SPA — DATA OF LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT — Period 01/11/2021-31/12/2021 Open Data
the dataset in GTFS feed format, contains the data of public transport, buses and trams, referring t
Issued on 2021-12-03
Areas subject to a lien regime Open Data
Areas subject to a binding regime provided for by law and spatial and urban planning in force.
Issued on 2016-11-24T10:30:28Z
Directors Companies owned by Regione Lombardia — Year 2021-2022 Open Data
Pursuant to Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the main dat
Issued on
Breadth of the Agricultural Companies in their form of management — Census 1961 Open Data
contains the data relating to the wideness of the Agricultural Companies in their form of management
Issued on 2017-12-18T13:28:58Z
Water Analysis 2021 Open Data
The dataset contains the water analyses in the Municipality of Milan for 2021, aggregated according
Issued on 2022-04-26T12:28:44.488134Z
Water Analysis 2022 Open Data
The dataset contains the water analyses in the Municipality of Milan referring to 2022, aggregated a
Issued on 2022-04-26T12:29:11.668310Z
Water Analysis: aggregated civics for MM zones Open Data
The dataset contains associations between civic numbers and areas defined by Metropolitana Milanese,
Issued on 2022-04-26T12:26:33.721453Z
Analysis of employees of the Entity — Municipality of Candiana Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Candiana — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-02-03T09:12:59Z
Analysis of employees of the body — Municipality of Carbonera Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Carbonera — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-01-17T15:26:43Z
Analysis of employees of the Ente — Municipality of Castel D’azzano Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Castel D’azzano — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-04-13T14:31:50Z
Employee analyses of the Ente — Municipality of Cerea Open Data
Employee Analysis of the Authority — Municipality of Cerea — Updated to 12-05-2022
Issued on 2022-05-13T10:03:55Z
Analysis of employees of the Entity — Municipality of Gallio Open Data
Analysis employees of the Ente — Municipality of Gallio — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-02-18T13:34:55Z
Analysis of employees of the Entity — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello Open Data
Analysis employees of the Ente — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello — Updated 20221231
Issued on 2021-11-26T14:59:47Z
Analysis of employees of the Ente — Municipality of Gorgo Al Monticano Open Data
Analysis employees of the Ente — Municipality of Gorgo Al Monticano — Updated to 05-05-2022
Issued on 2022-05-06T09:32:12Z
Employee analysis of the Entity — Municipality of Merlara Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Merlara — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-05-03T11:27:03Z
Analysis of employees of the Entity — Municipality of Mozzecane Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Mozzecane — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-02-03T09:57:48Z
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Noale Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Noale — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-03-07T09:09:26Z
Employee analysis of the Ente — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-02-03T10:09:27Z
Analysis of employees of the Entity — Municipality of Soave Open Data
Employee analysis of the body — Municipality of Soave — Updated to 20221231
Issued on 2022-04-11T07:52:55Z
Demographic trend of the municipality of Castelnuovo del Garda updated to 30-08-2021 Open Data
Demographic trend of the municipality of Castelnuovo del Garda updated to 30-08-2021
Issued on 2021-09-02T07:48:19Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Candiana Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Candiana — Updated to
Issued on 2022-02-03T09:12:37Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Carbonera — Updated to... Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Carbonera — Updated to
Issued on 2022-01-17T15:20:50Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Castel D’azzano Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Castel D’azzano — Upda
Issued on 2022-04-13T14:30:41Z
Revenue and expenditure trends over the years — Municipality of Cerea Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends over the years — Municipality of Cerea — Updated to 12-05-2022
Issued on 2022-05-13T09:57:25Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Foza Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Foza — Updated to 2022
Issued on 2022-05-02T11:28:25Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Gallio Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Gallio — Updated to 20
Issued on 2022-02-18T13:34:28Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello —
Issued on 2021-11-26T14:59:36Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Gorgo Al Monticano Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Gorgo Al Monticano — U
Issued on 2022-05-06T09:31:41Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Lusiana Conco Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Lusiana Conco — Update
Issued on 2021-12-07T14:41:28Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Merlara Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Merlara — Updated to 2
Issued on 2022-05-03T11:21:55Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Mozzecane Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Mozzecane — Updated to
Issued on 2022-02-03T09:57:21Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Noale Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Noale — Updated to 202
Issued on 2022-03-07T09:08:54Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese —
Issued on 2022-02-03T10:08:46Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Sovizzo Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Sovizzo — Updated to 2
Issued on 2022-03-07T09:16:33Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Vigasio Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Vigasio — Updated to 2
Issued on 2022-03-10T13:55:46Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Villafranca Padovana Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Villafranca Padovana —
Issued on 2022-03-07T08:57:31Z
ANF granted by municipalities. Number of beneficiaries by geographical area 2014 Open Data
Family allowances granted by municipalities. Number of beneficiaries per geographical area (absolute
Issued on 2016-06-27
Anf_employees private sector. Annual number and average beneficiaries and amount of allowance per... Open Data
Grants to households to employees in the private sector. Number of beneficiaries, total amount of
Issued on 2016-06-27
ANNCSU — National Register Civic Numbers and Urban Roads — Municipality of Copertino Open Data
File inserted in the SISTER platform of the Revenue Agency, compliant with ANNCSU standards
Issued on 2022-04-28
Industrial Archaeology in Rovigo Open Data
Industrial Archaeology Sites in Rovigo
Issued on 2019-09-11T09:50:05Z
Valuable plant architectures Open Data
Valuable plant architecture in the Municipality of Rovigo
Issued on 2019-09-09T10:54:47Z
AREA C: monthly access February 2022 Open Data
The dataset shows, for the month of February 2022, the total entries recorded every 30 minutes by th
Issued on 2022-03-25T06:11:54.815140Z
AREA C: monthly access March 2022 Open Data
The dataset shows, for the month of March 2022, the total entries recorded every 30 minutes by the c
Issued on 2022-04-25T05:12:00.752498Z
Areas of private greenery in the municipal territory of Vicenza Open Data
Areas of relevance of buildings and artefacts located mainly green, within private property, present
Issued on 2021-05-04T09:36:43Z
Areas of public greenery in the municipal territory of Vicenza Open Data
Areas of public green in the municipal territory of Vicenza, represented by the geometry of the area
Issued on 2021-05-03T10:21:12Z
Non-methaneised areas Open Data
The dataset displays the addresses, municipalities, NILs and geolocalisations of non-methanised area
Issued on 2020-01-08T11:09:20.560879Z
Urban areas of Vicenza served by free WiFi provided by the Municipality and number of accesses in... Open Data
Areas of the urban territory of Vicenza where the free WiFi service is offered by the Municipality o
Issued on 2022-05-06T10:18:24Z
Green areas — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data
History of urban green areas, from 2015 to 2020 The figure, expressed in square meters, shows the ty
Issued on 2021-11-11T14:35:30Z
Green Areas in the municipality of Bassano del Grappa Open Data
Location of the green areas in the municipality of Bassano del Grappa
Issued on 2022-05-10T08:33:23Z
Annual arrivals in Veneto by month and by province (year 2021) Open Data
Annual arrivals in Veneto by month and by province (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Venet
Issued on 2021-09-30T08:25:01Z
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