Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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Circulating park (vehicles/motor vehicles) by year of registration and province Open Data

Circulating park (vehicles/motor vehicles) by year of registration and province. The data are extrac

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Circulating park (vehicles/motor vehicles) by year of registration and province details >

Circulating park (vehicles) by kW band and province Open Data

Circulating park (vehicles) for kW band and province. The data are extracted from the database of th

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Circulating park (vehicles) by kW band and province details >

Circulating park (cars/motor vehicles) by category Euro and province Open Data

Circulating park (cars/motor vehicles) by category Euro and province. The data are extracted from th

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Circulating park (cars/motor vehicles) by category Euro and province details >

Circulating park (motor vehicles) for displacement band and province Open Data

Circulating park (motor vehicles) for displacement band and province. The data are extracted from t

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Circulating park (motor vehicles) for displacement band and province details >

Circulating park (motor vehicles) for kW band and province Open Data

Circulating park (motor vehicles) for kW band and province. The data are extracted from the database

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Circulating park (motor vehicles) for kW band and province details >

Circulating park for feeding and province Open Data

Circulating park for feeding and province. The data are extracted from the database of the car tax o

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Circulating park for feeding and province details >

Circulating park for power supply and province (gas system) Open Data

All vehicles owned by residents of the Piedmont Region are recorded in the car tax database. In orde

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Circulating park for power supply and province (gas system) details >

Circulating park for year registration and province (historical) Open Data

Circulating park for year registration and province (historical). The data are extracted from the da

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Circulating park for year registration and province (historical) details >

Circulating park by total mass and province Open Data

Circulating park for total mass and province. The data are extracted from the car tax database of th

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Circulating park by total mass and province details >

Circulating park for flow and province Open Data

Circulating park for flow and province. The data are extracted from the database of the car tax of t

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Circulating park for flow and province details >

Circulating park for sex and province Open Data

Park circulating for sex and province. The data are extracted from the car tax database of the Piedm

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Circulating park for sex and province details >

Vehicle park by municipality and vehicle category — ACI data and statistics Open Data

Statistical analysis of the vehicle fleet by municipality and vehicle category. The statistics of t

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Vehicle park by municipality and vehicle category — ACI data and statistics details >

Vehicle park by province and vehicle category — ACI data and statistics Open Data

Statistical analysis of the vehicle fleet for passenger cars, by province and vehicle category. The

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Vehicle park by province and vehicle category — ACI data and statistics details >

Passages of ownership of vehicles Open Data

The dataset collects the half-yearly data, for each municipality of the Emilia-Romagna Region, of th

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Passages of ownership of vehicles details >

Passports sold by category, sales channel and price Open Data

The dataset contains data on Passports for Matera 2019 sold by category, price, date and sales chann

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Passports sold by category, sales channel and price details >

The Carrai Passes Open Data

List of wheelbases for which municipal authorisation has been issued for the opening. For each wheel

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The Carrai Passes details >

Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2018. Topics associated with publications Open Data

Data on the assets held in 2018 by the Libraries relating to the SBN TO0 Polo. For each publication

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Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2018. Topics associated with publications details >

Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2018. Number of copies for ISBN Open Data

Data on the assets owned in 2018 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. The dataset contain

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Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2018. Number of copies for ISBN details >

Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Topics associated with publications Open Data

Data on the assets owned in 2019 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. For each publicatio

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Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Topics associated with publications details >

Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Number of copies for ISBN Open Data

Data on the assets owned in 2019 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. The dataset contain

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Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Number of copies for ISBN details >

Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Title and author of each census volume Open Data

Data on the assets owned in 2019 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. In this dataset, fo

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Library Heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2019. Title and author of each census volume details >

Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2021. Number of copies for ISBN Open Data

Data on the assets held in 2021 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. The dataset contains

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Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2021. Number of copies for ISBN details >

Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2021. Title and author of each census volume Open Data

Data on the assets held in 2021 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. In this dataset, for

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Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2021. Title and author of each census volume details >

Real estate Open Data

Real estate property of the Municipality of Pratiglione

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Real estate details >

Real estate Heritage Metropolitan City of Turin — State-owned property Open Data

State-owned assets owned by the Metropolitan City of Turin for acquisition for any title and intende

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Real estate Heritage Metropolitan City of Turin — State-owned property details >

Real estate City of Turin — Available assets Open Data

The real estate property owned by the Metropolitan City of Turin is divided into real estate: State

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Real estate City of Turin — Available assets details >

Real estate City of Turin — Unavailable assets Open Data

The real estate property owned by the Metropolitan City of Turin is divided into real estate: State

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Real estate City of Turin — Unavailable assets details >

Regional real estate assets — State-owned property Open Data

State-owned assets owned by the Piedmont Region for acquisition in any capacity and intended mainly

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Regional real estate assets — State-owned property details >

Regional real estate assets — Assets available Open Data

The real estate heritage owned by the Piedmont Region is divided into real estate: state property an

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Regional real estate assets — Assets available details >

Regional real estate assets — Unavailable assets Open Data

The real estate heritage owned by the Piedmont Region is divided into real estate: state property an

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Regional real estate assets — Unavailable assets details >

Higher technical education and training pathways: the IFTS Open Data

The IFTS courses are programmed by the Regions and are designed and implemented by partnerships cons

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Higher technical education and training pathways: the IFTS details >

Higher technical education and training pathways: the ITS Open Data

The ITS are biennial courses of high technical specialisation, promoted by institutions, universitie

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Higher technical education and training pathways: the ITS details >

Performance Municipality of Messina Open Data

This dataset contains the output percentage of the organisational performance indicators, the output

Issued on 2022-10-06

Performance Municipality of Messina details >

Building permits — 2012 Open Data

The file in.csv format contains the data of the requests for permission to build submitted to the Mu

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Building permits — 2012 details >

Characters-history-traditions Open Data

Illustrious personalities, rituals, legends and curiosities

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Characters-history-traditions details >

Permanent staff by category and gender — year 2021 Open Data

The dataset shows, for the year 2021, the breakdown of permanent staff by occupational category (A,

Issued on 2022-01-26T16:02:02.445848Z

Permanent staff by category and gender — year 2021 details >

Employees of the Municipality of Milan — year 2021 Open Data

The dataset shows, for 2021, the staff of the Municipality of Milan divided by category (A,B1,B3,C,D

Issued on 2022-01-26T16:02:23.213365Z

Employees of the Municipality of Milan — year 2021 details >

Alfonsine — Children for family Open Data

The purpose of the dataset is to photograph the status of population families resident in the munici

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Alfonsine — Children for family details >

Alfonsine — Dead by month Open Data

The purpose of the dataset is to indicate, for each month of the reference year, the number of decea

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Alfonsine — Dead by month details >

Alfonsine — Born by month Open Data

The purpose of the dataset is to indicate, for each month of the reference year, the number of birth

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Alfonsine — Born by month details >

Alfonsine — Resident population by age classes Open Data

The purpose of the dataset is to photograph the status of the population resident in the municipalit

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Alfonsine — Resident population by age classes details >

Alfonsine — Foreigners resident by citizenship Open Data

The dataset shows the number of foreign citizens residing in the municipality on 31 December each ye

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Alfonsine — Foreigners resident by citizenship details >

Cycling Paths Open Data

Bike paths of the Municipality of Ravenna

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Cycling Paths details >

First Rain Water Prevention and Management Plans Open Data

First rain water prevention and management plans approved pursuant to D.P.G.R. of 20/02/2006 n. 1/R

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First Rain Water Prevention and Management Plans details >

Executive Management Plan 2013 — Revenue Open Data

Revenue from the Executive Management Plan is divided into titles, each title is divided into catego

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Executive Management Plan 2013 — Revenue details >

Executive Management Plan 2013 — Output Open Data

The costs of the Budget are divided into Titles, each Title is divided into functions, each function

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Executive Management Plan 2013 — Output details >

Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 1: georesources and mining activities Open Data

The Interregional Plan for Extractive Activities (P.I.A.E.), approved on 31/3/2014 with validity 201

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Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 1: georesources and mining activities details >

Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities 2013 — Table 2: absolute protections Open Data

The Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities (P.I.A.E.), approved on 31/3/2014 with validity 2013

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Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities 2013 — Table 2: absolute protections details >

Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 3: conditioned protections Open Data

The Interregional Plan for Extractive Activities (P.I.A.E.), approved on 31/3/2014 with validity 201

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Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 3: conditioned protections details >

Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 4: mining and mining areas Open Data

The Interregional Plan for Extractive Activities (P.I.A.E.), approved on 31/3/2014 with validity 201

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Intra-regional Plan of Extractive Activities 2013 — Table 4: mining and mining areas details >

Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities 2013 — Table 5: plan Forecasts Open Data

The Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities (P.I.A.E.), approved on 31/3/2014 with validity 2013

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Infraregional Plan of Extraction Activities 2013 — Table 5: plan Forecasts details >

Track — Statistical information on Piedmont Open Data

The application allows access to: —demographic data on the structure and movements of the resident p

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Track — Statistical information on Piedmont details >

Cycling Paths Open Data

Map of Existing Cycling Tracks

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Cycling Paths details >

Bike paths Open Data

<p style="text-align: justify;">The Province of Bologna in the Provincial Mobility Plan (PMP), recog

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Bike paths details >

Polis Piemonte — information sheets for citizens Open Data

The service provides information sheets created by the operators of the URP of the Piedmont Regional

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Polis Piemonte — information sheets for citizens details >

Passive employment policies 2019 Open Data

The contents of the dataset relate to the development of passive employment policies in the province

Issued on 2020-11-30

Passive employment policies 2019 details >

Population: historical census 1881-2011, families by number of members Open Data

The dataset contains the historical series of the families surveyed for the years 1881 to 2011, brok

Issued on 2017-11-23T11:27:46.261209Z

Population: historical census 1881-2011, families by number of members details >

Population: historical censuses 1881-2011, population by age Open Data

The dataset contains the historical population series for the years 1881 to 2011, broken down by age

Issued on 2017-11-23T11:49:02.421115Z

Population: historical censuses 1881-2011, population by age details >

Population: historical census 1886-2011, population by civil status Open Data

The dataset contains the historical population series for the years 1861 to 2011, distinguished by m

Issued on 2017-11-23T11:23:09.898458Z

Population: historical census 1886-2011, population by civil status details >

Population: weddings celebrated in Milan in 2018 Open Data

The dataset refers to marriages celebrated in Milan during 2018, divided by gender and nationality o

Issued on 2019-02-22T09:45:25.552096Z

Population: weddings celebrated in Milan in 2018 details >

Population by year of birth Open Data

Demographic statistics since 2014 by year of birth

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Population by year of birth details >

Population by Citizenship Open Data

Demographic statistics since 2014 by citizenship

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Population by Citizenship details >

Population by age group Open Data

The file in.csv format contains population data from 2002 to 2012 divided by age group; the referenc

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Population by age group details >

Population by address Open Data

Demographic statistics since 2014 by address

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Population by address details >

Population by sex and year of age Open Data

Historical series since 1.1.1988. Survey of the Emilia-Romagna Region. At the administrative border

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Population by sex and year of age details >

Population by electoral section Open Data

Demographic statistics since 2016 by electoral section

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Population by electoral section details >

Population by marital status Open Data

Demographic statistics since 2014 by year of birth

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Population by marital status details >

Resident population Open Data

Population Resident of the Municipality of Borgomanero

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Resident population details >

Resident population and households by census section Open Data

Resident population (males, females and total) and families by census section 2011.

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Resident population and households by census section details >

Resident population by age, sex and marital status Open Data

Population resident in the Municipality of Ferrara for single year of age, sex and marital status.

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Resident population by age, sex and marital status details >

Resident population by gender Open Data

The purpose of the dataset is to provide the status of the population resident in the municipalities

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Resident population by gender details >

Resident population Open Data

Total number of citizens residing in the 8 municipalities of the Union (Argelato, Bentivoglio, Caste

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Resident population details >

Population: dissolution of weddings in Milan in 2018 Open Data

The dataset refers to the dissolution of marriages in Milan during 2018, divided by gender and natio

Issued on 2019-02-22T09:45:31.836818Z

Population: dissolution of weddings in Milan in 2018 details >

Foreign population Open Data

For each of the 8 municipalities of the Union (Argelato, Bentivoglio, Castello d’Argile, Castel Magg

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Foreign population details >

Port-Saragoza Solidale Open Data

Associations and Parishes of the territory, together with the Porto-Saragozza District and the Socia

Issued on 2020-07-30

Port-Saragoza Solidale details >

ANAS Sensor Relief Stations Open Data

Relief stations of the ANAS sensors. Longitude and latitude data are expressed in the WGS84 referen

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ANAS Sensor Relief Stations details >

Stationary sensor relief stations — 5T system Open Data

Survey stations of fixed sensors connected to the 5T System (dataset updated as of 27 March 2020). T

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Stationary sensor relief stations — 5T system details >

Wi-Fi stations Open Data

Wi-Fi stations

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Wi-Fi stations details >

Postage Open Data

Post office of the Municipality of Ravenna

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Postage details >

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Castel D’azzano Open Data

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Castel D’azzano — Updated at 02-06-2022

Issued on 2022-04-13T14:31:13Z

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Castel D’azzano details >

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello Open Data

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello — Updated at 02-06-2022

Issued on 2021-11-26T14:59:41Z

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Giavera Del Montello details >

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese Open Data

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese — Updated at 02-06-2022

Issued on 2022-02-03T10:09:05Z

Markets and fairs — Municipality of Povegliano Veronese details >

Places for cemetery — Municipality of Campagna Lupia Open Data

Places for cemetery — Municipality of Campaign Lupia — Updated to 05-06-2022

Issued on 2022-06-06T09:12:42Z

Places for cemetery — Municipality of Campagna Lupia details >

On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities with official website in 2012 Open Data

The dataset illustrates the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some in

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On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities with official website in 2012 details >

Online presence of Piedmontese municipalities with standard url for the official website in 2012 Open Data

The dataset shows the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some indicato

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Online presence of Piedmontese municipalities with standard url for the official website in 2012 details >

Online presence of Piedmontese municipalities due to the presence of search engine compared to the... Open Data

The dataset shows the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some indicato

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Online presence of Piedmontese municipalities due to the presence of search engine compared to the... details >

On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities for the presence of search engine compared to the... Open Data

The dataset illustrates the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some in

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On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities for the presence of search engine compared to the... details >

On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities for the presence of external services attributed to... Open Data

The dataset illustrates the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some in

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On-line presence of Piedmont municipalities for the presence of external services attributed to... details >

On-line presence of Piedmontese municipalities due to the presence of external services broken down... Open Data

The dataset shows the values recorded by the ICT Observatory of the Piedmont Region of some indicato

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On-line presence of Piedmontese municipalities due to the presence of external services broken down... details >

Presences at the events of Matera 2019 Open Data

The dataset contains the number of attendances to Matera 2019 events divided by spectators to quota

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Presences at the events of Matera 2019 details >

Attendance of Municipal Councillors — 2012 Open Data

The file in.csv format contains the names of the municipal councillors, the dates of the meetings of

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Attendance of Municipal Councillors — 2012 details >

Attendance of the Municipal Councillors — 2013 Open Data

The file in.csv format contains the names of the city councillors, the dates of the meetings of the

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Attendance of the Municipal Councillors — 2013 details >

Health services provided by type of service Open Data

The dataset shows the volumes of health services, understood as the amount of benefits provided per

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Health services provided by type of service details >

Fuel prices at 31/12/2018 Open Data

Fuel prices in public distribution facilities located in Piedmont. The dataset in question shows inf

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Fuel prices at 31/12/2018 details >

First access to Matera 2019 events Open Data

The dataset contains the anonymised data on the first and last Passport accesses, recorded with the

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First access to Matera 2019 events details >

Municipal waste generation from 2006 to 2016 Open Data

The data in question concern the annual production of municipal waste at municipal level from 2006 t

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Municipal waste generation from 2006 to 2016 details >

First Aid — Access and Performance for Company and Triage at the entrance Open Data

Analysis of access and services provided by regional structures

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First Aid — Access and Performance for Company and Triage at the entrance details >

First Aid — Standardised rates (by sex and age) for AUSL of residence Open Data

The rate standardised by the direct method allows the comparison of rates referring to different pop

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First Aid — Standardised rates (by sex and age) for AUSL of residence details >

Proposed routes OPEN.APP shape file Open Data

file in shapefile format of the proposals for cycling routes of the Project 'OPEN.APP: valorisation

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Proposed routes OPEN.APP shape file details >

Emergency and Civil Protection Plan areas Open Data

Emergency and Civil Protection Plan areas

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Emergency and Civil Protection Plan areas details >
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