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Traffic accident statistics year 2017 Open Data
accident accident municipal police left vehicle statistics
Issued on 2019-09-20
Traffic accident statistics year 2018 Open Data
accident accident municipal police left vehicle statistics 2018
Issued on 2019-09-20T07:28:39.270977Z
Exposure of monthly traffic data on the “Lecce Città Wireless” system.
Issued on 2015-11-06T09:52:58.922045Z
AirBnB statistics Open Data
All data of [Inside Airbnb](http://insideairbnb.com/) concerning Puglia, Salento and Lecce granted t
Issued on 2016-06-15T05:31:23.183247Z
Road accident statistics year 2013 Open Data
Official statistics of road accidents in 2013, broken down by time slot, route and nature. In the
Issued on 2014-04-30T11:32:55.130968Z
Traffic accident statistics year 2014 Open Data
Official statistics of road accidents in 2014, divided by time slot, type of vehicle involved and se
Issued on 2015-02-11T14:14:57.002400Z
Road accident statistics year 2015 Open Data
Official statistics of road accidents in 2015, broken down by time slot, type of vehicle involved an
Issued on 2016-07-05T11:14:11.470551Z
Traffic accident statistics year 2016 Open Data
Official statistics of road accidents in 2016, divided by time slot, type of vehicle involved and se
Issued on 2017-05-02T09:54:33.570670Z
Monthly statistics opendata Open Data
Monthly statistics (views and downloads) concerning the activities on the resources of the opendata
Issued on
Statistics Institutional Portal Municipality of Lecce Year 2016 Open Data
Statistics portal www.comune.lecce.it divided by month and for the first 10 documents most downloade
Issued on 2019-05-08T09:39:11.991897Z
Statistics Institutional Portal Municipality of Lecce Year 2017 Open Data
Statistics portal www.comune.lecce.it divided by month and for the first 10 documents most downloade
Issued on 2019-05-09T08:29:52.356682Z
Statistics protests raised year 2016 Open Data
The file contains the statistics of protests raised in 2016, precisely in the months from January to
Issued on 2016-07-29T08:44:42.673826Z
Web usage statistics opendataleccebot app Open Data
Aggregate statistics on citizens’ requests through the app of the Municipality of Lecce created by @
Issued on 2015-12-20T15:46:03.343232Z
Active balance sheet 2018 Open Data
2018 passive balance sheet. Details of accounts and comparison with 2017
Issued on 2019-11-14
Active Asset Status GIAS (Management of Assistive Interventions) Open Data
Budget 2016 Active balance sheet GIAS (Management of welfare interventions)
Issued on 2016-04-04
GIAS net asset balance sheet. Budget 2019 Open Data
GIAS net asset balance sheet. Budget 2019
Issued on 2019-05-31
Balance sheet social security management and c_third assetsà 2015. Details of the accounts and
Issued on 2019-03-05
Balance sheet social security management and c_terzi passività 2015. Details of the accounts an
Issued on 2019-03-05
Balance sheet social security management and c_terzi passività 2016. Details of the accounts an
Issued on 2019-03-05
Social security management balance sheet and c_thirds liabilitiesà 2017. Details of the account
Issued on 2019-03-05
Balance sheet social security and third party liabilitiesà 2018 Open Data
Balance sheet social security and third party liabilitiesà 2018. Details of the accounts and co
Issued on 2019-11-14
Balance sheet. Liabilities 2013-2014 Open Data
Databases and balance sheets-General reports. Year 2014
Issued on 2015-11-16
Balance sheet-Liabilities. Security and third-party management 2013-2014 Open Data
Databases and balance sheets-General reports. Year 2014
Issued on 2015-11-16
Municipal statute of the city of Matera approved by decision of C.C. n.25 of 14.4.2015 Open Data
New Statute of the Municipality of Matera, which consists of 63 articles, approved by the City Counc
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:41.110653Z
TPER — Railway Stations Open Data
List of railway stations managed by TPER in the territory of BolognaReworking from the TPer SPA Web
Issued on 2021-06-10
Railway Stations and Buses 2018 Open Data
Geolocated list of train and bus stations. Consult the following: [__MAPPA__](http://www.arcgis.com/
Issued on 2018-09-03
Weather stations Open Data
The data of the quantities are available: • Hydrometric level (cm) • Snow depth (cm) • Precipitatio
Issued on
Air quality stations Open Data
List and location of monitoring stations and sensors. Sensor data are available here: https://www.da
Issued on
Italian and Foreign employees salaries per municipality, year 2007 Open Data
The salaries of employees are calculated on an annual basis per municipality. Year 2007
Issued on 2020-08-03
Salaries Italian and foreign employees by municipality, year 2011 Open Data
Employees’ salaries are calculated on an annual basis per municipality. Year 2011
Issued on 2020-08-03
Resilience History — Growth Index Open Data
In this Dataset are reported the values of the growth index of companies in the territorial context
Issued on 2021-11-11
Resilience History — Business Mapping March 2020 Open Data
The Dataset contains the mapping and localisation of Bologna companies in March 2020, based on the t
Issued on 2021-11-11
Resilience History — Business Mapping March 2021 Open Data
The Dataset contains the mapping and localisation of Bologna companies in March 2021, depending on t
Issued on 2021-11-11
History of Resilience — IGC hours Open Data
The Dataset contains the details of the hours of Cassa Integrazione required by ATECO code, for the
Issued on 2021-11-11
Stradario del Comune di Lecce — with neighborhoods, hamlets and villages Open Data
As part of the Horizon 2020 project — Call: H2020-SCC-2015- Innovation Actions — Topic: SCC-01 2015
Issued on 2019-07-19
Road of Lecce Open Data
Road map updated to 2015. see another dataset with the latest data
Issued on 2014-06-06T11:50:47.542714Z
Stradario Rioni Sassi Open Data
List of the roads of the rocks of Matera with the identification code ISTAT the DUG (generic town pl
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:58.550822Z
Foreigners by sex and age Open Data
Foreign population resident by sex and age on 1 January
Issued on
Foreign Residents Nationality and Sex at 31.12.2018 Open Data
Resident Foreign Citizens by Citizenship and Sex
Issued on 2019-02-27
Shelters and care facilities Open Data
List of the accommodation and care facilities of Regione Lombardia.
Issued on
Accommodation Accommodations and extra-hotels Open Data
List of hotels, extra-hotels and complementary hotels. In particular there is a list of hotels, tour
Issued on
SUAP — Municipality of Matera Open Data
Registered practices last 30 days with daily update, coming from Enterprise in one day (Infocamere).
Issued on 2018-01-24T18:21:56.369445Z
SUAP — Practices submitted to the Municipality of LECCE Open Data
Practices of the Single Window of Productive Activities, received through the portal [Enterpriseinun
Issued on 2016-06-28T14:39:19.307184Z
Sales areas for retail outlets on fixed premises 2015 Open Data
The file contains data relating to the sales square meters of retail stores on fixed premises for th
Issued on 2016-06-09T09:00:49.039639Z
Areas claimed for the production of DOC_DOCG_IGT wines Open Data
Area (ha) intended for the production of DOC, DOCG and IGT wines and quantity of grapes produced (ql
Issued on
Area for organic farming Open Data
Areas cultivated organically by province in the Lombardy Region as at 31/12/2012. Total, by province
Issued on
TARES total users and areas 2013 Open Data
the dataset contains TARES data on total users and areas for the year 2013
Issued on 2014-07-23T07:56:40.722121Z
Tari Utilinze and Surfaces 2014 Open Data
data on the number of Tari users and areas for the year 2014
Issued on 2016-03-03T12:41:45.780899Z
Tari Utilinze and Surfaces 2016 Open Data
Data on Tari utilities and surfaces for the year 2016
Issued on 2017-01-31T08:29:55.841191Z
Tari Utilinze and Surfaces 2018 Open Data
Data on Tari utilities and surfaces for the year 2018
Issued on 2019-01-30T11:00:52.102299Z
Number of users and areas for 2015 Open Data
data on the number of users and areas Tari for the year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-31T08:20:28.725675Z
TARSU Utilities, Areas and Amounts 2010-2012 Open Data
the dataset contains data on Tarsu utilities, taxed areas and amounts for the years 2010 to 2012
Issued on 2014-07-23T11:04:14.294725Z
Car tax Open Data
Where to pay the car tax in Lombardy
Issued on
Absence rates and personal presence 2014 Open Data
Rates of absence and presence of staff. Year 2014. Survey made taking into account all types of abse
Issued on 2015-12-30
Absence rates and personal presence 2015 Open Data
Rates of absence and presence of staff. Year 2015. Survey made taking into account all types of abse
Issued on 2015-12-30
2018 absence rates Open Data
Separate staff absence rates for management level offices — Art.16, c. 3, Legislative Decree No 33/2
Issued on
Absence rates 2019 Open Data
Separate staff absence rates for management level offices — Art.16, c. 3, Legislative Decree No 33/2
Issued on
2021 absence rates Open Data
Separate staff absence rates for management level offices — Art.16, c. 3, Legislative Decree No 33/2
Issued on
Unemployment rate by age class, year and quarter. Percentage value and economic change (seasonally... Open Data
Unemployment rate by age class, year and quarter. Percentage value and economic change (seasonally a
Issued on 2019-05-31
Unemployment rate by age class, year and quarter. Percentage value and economic change (seasonally... Open Data
Unemployment rate by age class, year and quarter. Percentage value and economic change (seasonally a
Issued on 2019-05-30
Unemployment rate by gender. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally adjusted data) and... Open Data
Unemployment rate by gender. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally adjusted data) and tr
Issued on 2019-05-30
Inactivity rateà by class of età, gender and region — Year 2012 Open Data
Table I.3.1.12 — Inactivity rateà (Relationship between non-labour force and the corresponding
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment rate 15-64 years per sex in 15 EU countries and synthetically in the EU-28 — Years... Open Data
Table I.3.1.21 — Employment rate 15-64 years (ratio of persons employed to the corresponding referen
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment rate 20-64 years by sex and region — Year 2012 Open Data
Table I.3.1.18 — Employment rate 20-64 years by sex and region — Year 2012 (percentages)
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment rate 20-64 years by sex and geographical breakdown — Years 2005-2010-2011-2012 Open Data
Table I.3.1.17 — Employment rate 20-64 years by sex and geographical breakdown — Years 2005, 2010, 2
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment rate of 20-64 years per sex in the countries of'EU-15 and succinctly in'EU at 28... Open Data
Table I.3.1.22 — Employment rate 20-64 years (Employment ratio to the corresponding reference popula
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment rate per year, quarter and age class. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally... Open Data
Employment rate per year, quarter and age class. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally a
Issued on 2019-05-31
Employment rate per year, quarter and age class. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally... Open Data
Employment rate per year, quarter and age class. Percentage value and cyclical changes (seasonally a
Issued on 2019-05-30
Employment rate for classes of età gender and region — Year 2012 Open Data
Table I.3.1.10 — Employment rate (*) by class of età gender and region — Year 2012 (percentages
Issued on 2015-04-30
Vacancy rate per activityà Economics- 2005-2013.I.3.1.14 Open Data
Vacancy rate per activityà economic — Years 2005-I and II quarter 2013 (percentage values). The
Issued on 2015-04-30
Table 1.2 — CPR/PoC receivers net of forfeitures by region and type of benefit, by Number of... Open Data
Table 1.2 — CPR/PoC receivers net of forfeitures by region and type of benefit, by Number of Numbers
Issued on 2021-02-15
Table 1.7 — ReI and CoC/CoP recipients and amounts disbursed — monthly data,(*): This is the number... Open Data
Table 1.7 — ReI and CoC/CoP recipients and amounts disbursed — monthly data,(*): This is the number
Issued on 2021-02-15
Table 2.3a — Nuclei perceptors of Emergency Income (dl 104/2020 Art.23) by component number and... Open Data
Table 2.3a — Nuclei perceptors of Emergency Income (dl 104/2020 Art.23) by component number and indi
Issued on 2021-02-19
mobile phone repeater cover table Open Data
mobile phone repeater cover table
Issued on 2016-03-05T12:01:05.226996Z
Taxi and Rental with Driver of Matera Open Data
The dataset contains the complete list updated to September 1, 2014 of Taxis and rental companies wi
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:05.723821Z
Territories covered by forests of the Municipality of Matera Open Data
D.Lgs 42/04 art.142 lett. g) — The territories covered by forests and woods are of landscape interes
Issued on 2018-03-29T17:34:18.878964Z
Type of sinisitor via 2019 Open Data
type of left for route 2019
Issued on 2020-12-30T11:17:31.348172Z
Type of users accessing the Civic Network Open Data
The data refers to the type of authentication used by citizens accessing the Iperbole civic network
Issued on 2021-07-15T08:04:44.095Z
Architectural typologies — Rione Sassi Open Data
Architectural typologies for GENERAL PREVISION OF SASSI RECUPERO — Law n.771/86
Issued on 2005-12-01
Holder of replacement power — ex officio proceedings (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree 33/2013) Open Data
According to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes, for all pr
Issued on
Top administrative office holders — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the second quarter of 2018 as at 31.12
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2018 as at 31.12.
Issued on
Top administrative office holders — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the first quarter of 2018 as at 31.12.
Issued on
Holders of top administrative positions — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid from public funds in the fourth quarter of 2018 as of 31.12
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2019 updated on 1
Issued on
Top Administrative Officers — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2019 updated on 1
Issued on
Holders of top administrative positions — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid from public funds in the first quarter of 2019 as of 31.3.2
Issued on
Top administrative office holders — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the second quarter of 2019 updated on
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the second quarter of 2020 updated on
Issued on
Top administrative office holders — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the first quarter of 2020 as at 31.03.
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2020 updated on 3
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid from public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the second quarter of 2021 updated to
Issued on
Senior administrative posts — Amounts of service travel and missions paid with public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2021 updated to 3
Issued on
Holders of collaboration or consulting positions-Year 2016 — Sector Public Works Open Data
Consultants and collaborators-owners of collaboration or consulting assignments-Year 2016 already pr
Issued on 2018-03-09T20:39:37.027582Z
Holders of collaboration or consultancy assignments-Year 2017 Open Data
General Secretariat — Personnel Table of assignments year 2017 Source Transparent Administration
Issued on 2018-03-09T20:25:32.432912Z
Holders of collaboration or consultancy assignments — Art. 15 of Legislative Decree 33/2013 Open Data
Following are published all the information, starting from 13/09/2021, concerning the consultants an
Issued on
Holders of collaboration or consultancy assignments — progressive from Albo Pretorio Open Data
Holders of collaboration or consultancy assignments Current standard: Art. 15, c. 1, 2 Legislative D
Issued on 2018-03-09T20:44:33.264540Z
Managers (non-general managers) — Amounts of duty travel and missions paid from public funds —... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the fourth quarter of 2018 as at 31.12
Issued on
Managers (non-general managers) — Amounts of duty travel and missions paid from public funds — First... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the first quarter of 2018 as at 31.12.
Issued on
Managers (non-general managers) — Amounts of duty travel and missions paid from public funds — Third... Open Data
Service travel amounts and missions paid with public funds in the third quarter of 2018 as at 31.12.
Issued on
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