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Embryonic Plant Operators Open Data

List of Embryonic Plant Operators

Issued on

Embryonic Plant Operators details >

Works of water courses plain Areas Open Data

Census of soil protection works carried out in the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Works of water courses plain Areas details >

Works of water courses plain Linear Open Data

Census of soil protection works carried out in the Lombardy Region.

Issued on

Works of water courses plain Linear details >

Works of Art preserved in the Museums of the Lombardy Region Open Data

OA — Cards of the “Mobile Cultural Goods (Works of Art) preserved in the Museums” of the Lombardy Re

Issued on 2013-12-17

Works of Art preserved in the Museums of the Lombardy Region details >

Works of art contained in the Laterza Maiolica Museum Open Data

The Museum of Ceramics and Maiolica has thousands of works of art catalogued in a scientific way in

Issued on 2017-11-29T21:20:30.072127Z

Works of art contained in the Laterza Maiolica Museum details >

Works of art contained in the Didactic Museum of Grottaglie Open Data

The Educational Museum of Ceramics and Maiolica is contained within the Liceo Artistico Calò. It has

Issued on 2017-11-16

Works of art contained in the Didactic Museum of Grottaglie details >

Port works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2009 Open Data

The dataset contains data on Italian port infrastructures and some of their main features. The infor

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:33:23.880701Z

Port works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2009 details >

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2010 Open Data

The dataset contains data on Italian port infrastructure and some of its main features. The informat

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:32:55.100877Z

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2010 details >

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2011 Open Data

The dataset contains data on Italian port infrastructures and some of their main features. The infor

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:32:35.061218Z

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2011 details >

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2012 Open Data

The dataset contains data on Italian port infrastructure and some of its main features. The informat

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:30:34.287321Z

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2012 details >

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2013 Open Data

The dataset contains data on Italian port infrastructures and some of their main features. The infor

Issued on 2015-10-20T13:12:55.962741Z

Harbour works and infrastructures for Porto — Year 2013 details >

Unfinished works Open Data

The dataset contains the overall data relating to the registration of unfinished works collected thr

Issued on 2017-06-23T13:27:10.672939Z

Unfinished works details >

Unfinished works: 1 January 2018-31 December 2018 Open Data

The dataset contains the total data on the register of unfinished works collected through a “network

Issued on 2020-01-03T18:49:24.427411Z

Unfinished works: 1 January 2018-31 December 2018 details >

Longitudinal Works Open Data

Hydraulic works (lines)

Issued on 2008-06-06

Longitudinal Works details >

Paramass Works (Areas) Open Data

Rock fall protection works with a significant area extension and mapable 1:2500 scale

Issued on 2008-12-15

Paramass Works (Areas) details >

Paramass Works (Lines) Open Data

Rock fall protection works with a significant linear extension and mapable 1:2500 scale

Issued on 2008-12-15

Paramass Works (Lines) details >

Paramass Works (Points) Open Data

Rock fall protection works with a reduced and uncartographable extension in 1:2500 scale

Issued on 2008-12-15

Paramass Works (Points) details >

Public works Municipality of Trieste Open Data

Triennial programme and annual list of public works of the Municipality of Trieste

Issued on

Public works Municipality of Trieste details >

Public works Municipality of Udine Open Data

Triennial program and annual list of public works of the Municipality of Udine.

Issued on

Public works Municipality of Udine details >

Unfinished public works at 31 December 2019 Open Data

The dataset contains a list of unfinished public works as at 31 December 2019 and published on 21 Se

Issued on 2021-07-15T15:27:26.637591Z

Unfinished public works at 31 December 2019 details >

Unfinished public works at 31 December 2020 Open Data

The dataset contains a list of unfinished public works as at 31 December 2020 and published on 30 Ju

Issued on 2021-07-13T07:48:16.425653Z

Unfinished public works at 31 December 2020 details >


the table contains data on public works initiated and executed by sector of intervention in the year

Issued on 2013-02-22


Special works Open Data


Issued on 2007-10-19

Special works details >

Transversal works Open Data

Hydraulic works (points)

Issued on 2008-06-06

Transversal works details >

Basilicata bus timetables Open Data

The dataset contains: *Bus times Matera — Bus services provided by Miccolis S.p.A. in the municipa

Issued on 2021-02-01T19:52:46.588600Z

Basilicata bus timetables details >

Campania bus timetables Open Data

#Orari bus Campania The dataset includes: * Bus, metro and funicular timetables Naples

Issued on 2021-02-01T19:55:29.291865Z

Campania bus timetables details >

Bus timetables Emilia-Romagna Open Data

the dataset contains: *Bus timetables Bologna

Issued on 2021-02-01T19:57:36.560146Z

Bus timetables Emilia-Romagna details >

Lazio bus timetables Open Data

#Orari bus Lazio The dataset includes: * Bus timetables Rome

Issued on 2021-02-01T20:02:10.722663Z

Lazio bus timetables details >

Liguria bus timetables Open Data

#Orari bus Liguria The dataset includes: * Bus timetables Genoa

Issued on 2021-02-01T20:05:44.815789Z

Liguria bus timetables details >

Timetables for the Lombardy bus Open Data

the dataset contains: *Bus hours in the North West area of the Metropolitan City of Milan and the P

Issued on 2021-02-18T21:07:40.348552Z

Timetables for the Lombardy bus details >

Piedmont bus timetables Open Data

#Orari bus Piedmont The dataset includes: * Planned service of Public Transport Piedmont Region —

Issued on 2021-01-29T16:52:43.719211Z

Piedmont bus timetables details >

Apulia bus schedule Open Data

The dataset contains: *Bus hours in the province of Brindisi *Bus timetable Francavilla *Hours bus

Issued on 2021-02-18T20:33:21.509656Z

Apulia bus schedule details >

Bus timetables Sardinia Open Data

The dataset contains: *Hours buses and trains Sardinia and metros of Cagliari and Sassari *Hours bu

Issued on 2021-02-18T20:41:41.487987Z

Bus timetables Sardinia details >

Bus timetables Sicily Open Data

the dataset contains: *Bus and tram services provided by AMAT S.p.A. in the municipality of Palerm

Issued on 2021-02-18T19:49:46.374923Z

Bus timetables Sicily details >

Bus timetables Tuscany Open Data

#Orari bus Tuscany The dataset includes: * Bus service provided by ATAF and LINEA on the urban line

Issued on 2021-01-26T15:57:21.958821Z

Bus timetables Tuscany details >

Timetables of navigation services Sardinia Open Data

The dataset contains: *Ferry timetables to the smaller islands

Issued on 2021-02-18T20:48:52.905850Z

Timetables of navigation services Sardinia details >

Ferry timetables Tuscany Open Data

#Orari Ferries Tuscany The dataset includes: * Maritime service provided by Toremar S.p.A. with fe

Issued on 2021-01-29T16:50:34.929918Z

Ferry timetables Tuscany details >

Piemonte train timetables Open Data

#Orari bus Piedmont The dataset includes: * Planned service of Public Transport Piedmont Region —

Issued on 2021-01-29T16:56:55.499447Z

Piemonte train timetables details >

Puglia train timetables Open Data

The dataset contains: *Rail timetables in northern Bari area

Issued on 2021-02-18T20:39:13.670582Z

Puglia train timetables details >

Sardinia train timetables Open Data

The dataset contains: *Rail service provided by Trenitalia S.p.A. on Sardinia’s regional lines

Issued on 2021-02-18T20:50:41.382752Z

Sardinia train timetables details >

Tuscany train timetables Open Data

The dataset includes: *Rail service provided by Trasporti Ferroviario Toscano S.p.A. on the lines “

Issued on 2021-01-29T16:00:03.785091Z

Tuscany train timetables details >

Regional Railway Time — Calendar Dates Open Data

Lombardy Regional Railway Timetable. Trenord and Malpensa Express service. Table “calendar dates”

Issued on

Regional Railway Time — Calendar Dates details >

Regional Railway Hours — Stop Times Open Data

Regional Railway Time of Lombardy. Train and Malpensa Express service. “Stop times” table accordin

Issued on

Regional Railway Hours — Stop Times details >

Speakers (Open data) Open Data

Localisation of speakers in the Municipality of Trento.

Issued on 2018-02-22

Speakers (Open data) details >

Ordinances of the Municipality of Trento Open Data

All the contents of the Ordinance type published on the institutional website of the Municipality of

Issued on 2017-08-21

Ordinances of the Municipality of Trento details >

Agendas adopted by the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento Open Data

Agendas adopted by the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento in the current legislature. XML

Issued on 2015-01-07

Agendas adopted by the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento details >

Professional Orders and Colleges as of 2014 Open Data

List and address book of professional associations and colleges of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Issued on 2014-01-21

Professional Orders and Colleges as of 2014 details >

Authorised CIG hours per month and by type 2013-2015 Open Data

Monthly authorised hours of IGCs by type of intervention. Years 2013-2015 (data updated in July 2015

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised CIG hours per month and by type 2013-2015 details >

IGC authorised hours per month and by type. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Monthly authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Ordinary earnings broken down by type of intervention

Issued on 2017-04-18

IGC authorised hours per month and by type. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Sector Trade 2010-2012 Open Data

Number and annual percentage change authorised hours of Extraordinary Integration Fund, trade sector

Issued on 2013-12-05

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Sector Trade 2010-2012 details >

Authorised hours of CIG construction by type of intervention and class of activity 2013-2015 Open Data

Hours authorised to the workers and employees of ordinary IGC, extraordinary and by derogation, bran

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of CIG construction by type of intervention and class of activity 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of CIG FONDI DI SOLIDARIETA' by region. Year 2020 Open Data

Authorised hours of CIG FONDI DI SOLIDARIETA' by region, monthly detail. Classification istat co

Issued on 2020-09-17

Authorised hours of CIG FONDI DI SOLIDARIETA' by region. Year 2020 details >

Authorised hours of IGC by derogation by branch and activity class. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised annual hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni in derogation for branch and asset class&#224

Issued on 2017-04-18

Authorised hours of IGC by derogation by branch and activity class. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of CIG derogating by branch and asset classà economic 2017-2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni in derogation by branch and asset classà econom

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of CIG derogating by branch and asset classà economic 2017-2018 details >

Authorised CIG hours in derogation by branch and asset class 2013-2015 Open Data

Annual authorised hours of CIG derogating by branch and asset classà. Years 2013-2015 (data upd

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised CIG hours in derogation by branch and asset class 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of IGC by derogation by region and geographical area 2019-2021 Open Data

Authorised annual hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni in derogation distinct for regions and geogra

Issued on 2021-05-04

Authorised hours of IGC by derogation by region and geographical area 2019-2021 details >

Authorised hours of IGC industry by type of intervention 2013-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of IGC industry, divided between workers and employees, broken down by type of inte

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of IGC industry by type of intervention 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG 2013-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of ordinary building IGC divided between workers and employees. Years 2013-2015 (da

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary building IGC. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Income ordinary construction divided between workers and empl

Issued on 2017-04-14

Authorised hours of ordinary building IGC. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG by region 2013-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC construction by region. Years 2013-2015 (data updated in July 2015)

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG by region 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG by region 2017-2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Compensation ordinary building costs broken down by region. Y

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of ordinary building CIG by region 2017-2018 details >

Authorised hours of CIG ordinary industry by economic activity class 2013-2014 Open Data

Authorised hours CIG ordinary industry sector distinct by activity branchà economic and asset c

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of CIG ordinary industry by economic activity class 2013-2014 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC industry by region 2017-2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Gadagni ordinary industry by region. Years 2017-2018. Classif

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC industry by region 2017-2018 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary CIG by business branchà — Ateco monthly historical series. Years... Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Ordinary earnings divided between workers and employees broke

Issued on 2017-04-14

Authorised hours of ordinary CIG by business branchà — Ateco monthly historical series. Years... details >

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC by business branch. Monthly Time Series Ateco 2013-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC divided between workers and employees by branch of activityà.

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC by business branch. Monthly Time Series Ateco 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary CIG by branch and class of economic activity 2010-2015 Open Data

Annual authorised hours of ordinary IGC by business branchà economy and asset classà. Year

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of ordinary CIG by branch and class of economic activity 2010-2015 details >

Authorised hours of ORDINARY CIG by region. Year 2020 Open Data

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC by region and province, monthly detail. Classification istat code.

Issued on 2020-09-17

Authorised hours of ORDINARY CIG by region. Year 2020 details >

Authorised hours of ORDINARY CIG by region and province. Year 2020 Open Data

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC by region and province, monthly detail. ATECO code classification.

Issued on 2020-09-17

Authorised hours of ORDINARY CIG by region and province. Year 2020 details >

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC divided between workers and employees. Years 2019-2021 Open Data

Hours authorised workers and employees of Cassa Integrazione Ordinary Gain separate by activity bran

Issued on 2021-05-04

Authorised hours of ordinary IGC divided between workers and employees. Years 2019-2021 details >

Authorised hours of IGC by area divided between workers and employees August 2015 Open Data

Authorised IGC hours, divided between workers and employees, broken down by geographical area — Augu

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of IGC by area divided between workers and employees August 2015 details >

Authorised hours of CIG for intervention and activity branch-Monthly detail INPS August 2015 Open Data

Total authorised hours (ordinary, extraordinary, derogation) of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni separate

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of CIG for intervention and activity branch-Monthly detail INPS August 2015 details >

Authorised hours of CIG by type of intervention and geographical area-Annual historical series INPS... Open Data

Authorised hours of IGCs distinct by type of intervention and geographical area. Annual historical s

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of CIG by type of intervention and geographical area-Annual historical series INPS... details >

Authorised hours of CIG by type of intervention and branch of activity. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Annual earnings distinguished by type of intervention and act

Issued on 2017-04-18

Authorised hours of CIG by type of intervention and branch of activity. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of IGC by type of intervention divided between workers and employees August 2015 Open Data

Monthly authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Differential earnings between workers and employees.

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of IGC by type of intervention divided between workers and employees August 2015 details >

Authorised hours of CIG Extraordinary Trade 2013-2014 Open Data

Authorised hours of CIG extraordinary trade sector distinct by region, years 2013-2014. Classificati

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of CIG Extraordinary Trade 2013-2014 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade 2017-2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Earnings extraordinary trade sector by region, years 2017-201

Issued on 2017-04-10

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade 2017-2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary trade IGC by asset class 2013-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by production sector (trade), broken down by branch and asset

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of extraordinary trade IGC by asset class 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade by asset class. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Extraordinary earnings by production sector (trade), broken d

Issued on 2017-04-18

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade by asset class. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade by asset class. Years 2019-2021 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Extraordinary earnings by production sector (trade), broken d

Issued on 2021-05-04

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC trade by asset class. Years 2019-2021 details >

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region 2013-2014 Open Data

Authorised hours of CIG industry, divided between workers and employees, distinguished by type of in

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region 2013-2014 details >

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Gadagni, industry, divided between workers and employees, dis

Issued on 2017-04-14

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region. Years 2020-2021 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Gadagni, industry, divided between workers and employees, dis

Issued on 2021-05-03

Authorised hours of IGC extraordinary industry by region. Years 2020-2021 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by activity class Open Data

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by activity class

Issued on 2021-02-23

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by activity class details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary CIG per activity class. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Annual Authorised Hours of Extraordinary Earnings Cash Supplements by asset classà. Years 2016-

Issued on 2017-04-18

Authorised hours of extraordinary CIG per activity class. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC per business branchà economical. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC per business branchà economical. Years 2017, 2018

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC per business branchà economical. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class Open Data

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class

Issued on 2021-02-23

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class 2010-2015 Open Data

Extraordinary IGC authorised hours by business branchà economy and asset classà. Years 201

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class 2010-2015 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class 2017-2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Extraordinary earnings by business branchà economy and a

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by branch and asset class 2017-2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary CIG by branch and asset class 2019-2021 Open Data

Authorised hours of Extraordinary Extraordinary Cash Supplements by activity branchà economic a

Issued on 2021-05-04

Authorised hours of extraordinary CIG by branch and asset class 2019-2021 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by region 2013-2015 Open Data

Monthly historical series. Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC, divided between workers and employ

Issued on 2015-10-09

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by region 2013-2015 details >

Authorised hours of Extraordinary IGC by region, ISTAT classification. Year 2020 Open Data

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC by region, monthly detail. Classification istat code.

Issued on 2020-09-17

Authorised hours of Extraordinary IGC by region, ISTAT classification. Year 2020 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC for regions and geographical area 2017-2018 Open Data

Annual authorised hours of Extraordinary Gains Funding by Region and geographical area. Years 2017-2

Issued on 2017-12-07

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC for regions and geographical area 2017-2018 details >

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC for regions and geographical area 2019-2021 Open Data

Annual authorised hours of Extraordinary Gains Funding by Region and geographical area. Years 2019-2

Issued on 2021-05-04

Authorised hours of extraordinary IGC for regions and geographical area 2019-2021 details >

Monthly authorised hours of CIG 2017-2018 Open Data

Monthly authorised hours of all types of Cash Integration Earnings. Years 2017-2018. Classification

Issued on 2017-12-07

Monthly authorised hours of CIG 2017-2018 details >

Total authorised hours of CIG by area and branch — Monthly Detail INPS August 2015 Open Data

Total monthly authorised hours (ordinary, extraordinary, derogation) of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni

Issued on 2015-10-09

Total authorised hours of CIG by area and branch — Monthly Detail INPS August 2015 details >

Total authorised hours of CIG by geographical area and activity class-Ateco classification 2013-2015 Open Data

Total authorised hours of CIGs broken down by geographical area and activity classà. Years 2013

Issued on 2015-10-09

Total authorised hours of CIG by geographical area and activity class-Ateco classification 2013-2015 details >

Total authorised hours of CIG by geographical area and branch of activity. Years 2019-2021 Open Data

Authorised annual hours of all types of Cash Integration Earnings distinct by geographical area and

Issued on 2021-05-04

Total authorised hours of CIG by geographical area and branch of activity. Years 2019-2021 details >
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