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Resident population by age, gender, citizenship, neighborhood, zone, statistical area — historical... Open Data
The data refers to residents by age, gender, citizenship, neighborhood and area and statistical area
Issued on 2022-05-12T15:53:20.900Z
Resident population by marital status, age, sex, citizenship, neighborhood and area — historical... Open Data
The data refer to the resident population by marital status, age, sex, citizenship, district and are
Issued on 2022-05-13T06:40:32.530Z
Foreign resident population by citizenship, sex, neighborhood and area — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign population living in Bologna by citizenship, sex, district and area an
Issued on 2022-05-12T15:55:47.380Z
School population 2013/2014 Open Data
School population a.s. 2013-2014. The GeoJson version has the map displayed automatically
Issued on 2013-10-01
School population 2015/2016 Open Data
School population of kindergarten and primary schools of the Territory
Issued on 2015-12-03T08:01:38.802491Z
School population 2017/2018 Open Data
Population of students attending pre-school, primary, secondary, secondary, second grade II, state a
Issued on 2017-11-23T14:34:40.707272Z
Population SCOLASTICA a.s. 2014/2015 Open Data
School population of kindergarten and primary schools of the Territory
Issued on 2015-07-24T06:42:09.964669Z
Population of SCOLASTICA a.s. 2016/2017 Open Data
School population a.s. 2016/2017
Issued on 2016-11-29T16:10:40.009296Z
Population of SCOLASTICA a.s. 2018/2019 Open Data
School population present within the Municipality of Lecce, takes into consideration the schools of
Issued on 2018-11-29
School Population a.s. 2019/2020 Open Data
The School Population 2019/2020 concerns students who in the territory of the municipality of lecce
Issued on 2019-11-26
Population SCOLASTICA a.s. 2020/2021 Open Data
The School Population 2019/2020 concerns students who in the territory of the municipality of lecce
Issued on 2020-12-22
Lower Public Education School Population of Matera A.S. 2013-2014 Open Data
The dataset contains the number of pupils from the Schools of Childhood, Primary and Lower Middle Pu
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:57.054042Z
School Population Education Lower Public of Matera A.S. 2014-2015 Open Data
The dataset contains the number of pupils from the Children’s, Primary and Lower Education Schools g
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:06.626080Z
School Population Higher Education of Matera A.S. 2014-2015 Open Data
After publishing the dataset relating to the Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Schools of First
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:34.617257Z
Foreign population resident at 31 December 2014 by sex and citizenship Open Data
The file contains the number of foreign residents by sex and citizenship of belonging
Issued on 2015-06-19T07:31:16.922395Z
Resident foreign population Population as at 31 December 2014 — definitive figure Open Data
The dataset contains the Movement and calculation of the annual resident foreign population of the M
Issued on 2015-04-30T07:17:16.431794Z
Resident foreign population — Population as at 31 December 2015 Open Data
The dataset contains the Movement and calculation of the annual resident foreign population of the M
Issued on 2017-01-31
Resident foreign population — Population as at 31 December 2016 Open Data
The dataset contains the Movement and calculation of the annual resident foreign population of the M
Issued on 2017-01-31T12:00:17.860343Z
Resident foreign population — Population as at 31 December 2017 Open Data
the dataset contains the Movement and calculation of the annual resident foreign population of the M
Issued on 2018-01-16
Resident foreign population and demographic balance as at 31 December 2013 Open Data
the dataset contains the movement and annual calculation of the resident foreign population. The cal
Issued on 2014-06-19T09:28:43.248570Z
Resident foreign population and demographic balance as at 31 December 2018 Open Data
the dataset contains the Movement and calculation of the annual resident foreign population of the M
Issued on 2019-01-22
Foreign population resident, by Country of Citizenship and Province Open Data
Resident foreign population, by Country of Citizenship and Province; residents of more than 500 un
Issued on
Lombardy Payments Portal Open Data
Payments made through the portal pagamentinlombardia.servizirl.it for the pagoPA system.
Issued on
Lombardy Payments Portal — COVID19 donor list Open Data
Payments made through the portal pagamentinlombardia.servizirl.it for the pagoPA system.
Issued on
Lombardy Payments Portal — Incassi of the day Open Data
Payments made through the portal pagamentinlombardia.servizirl.it for the pagoPA system today.
Issued on
Portolano Region of Lombardy Open Data
“Portolano web” is the geographical navigator with which to identify the harbour and landing facilit
Issued on
Posas Population For Sex, Age And Civil Status Open Data
Posas — Population by age group, sex and marital status
Issued on
Positioning of sales posts of the new market in the PAIP 2 of the city of Matera Open Data
Layout of the parking spaces of the new Saturday market in PAIP 2 starting from Saturday 18 April 20
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:00.882661Z
Bike Sharing Stations Open Data
bike Sharing stations inserted in the municipal territory of Lecce
Issued on 2014-12-22T11:15:02.846614Z
Active isolated parking spaces per municipality Open Data
The dataset contains for each municipality the total number of isolated parking spaces in an “active
Issued on
Available places crèches a.s.2016-1017 Open Data
Places available for the next school year in municipal crèches divided by section. Please note tha
Issued on 2014-06-09T09:02:38.883420Z
Available places crèches a.s.2017-1018 Open Data
Places available for the next school year in municipal crèches divided by section. Please note that
Issued on 2017-05-19T08:14:08.672843Z
Places available Enrolments Kindergartens Educational year 2019_20 Open Data
From 20/05/2019 and until 20/06/2019 registrations for municipal nurseries are open. From this year
Issued on 2019-05-17
Building Practices Open Data
List of Building Practices managed by the Single Window for Buildings
Issued on
Suap practices Open Data
List of practices managed by the Single Door Productive Activities
Issued on
Attendance and voting Open Data
The dataset refers to the recordings of total attendance at the (ordinary and extraordinary) meeting
Issued on 2023-03-11T23:00:46.228Z
Offices and contacts of the Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce in Lombardy.Detailed information
Issued on
Family support benefits (Law 104 and special leave) Open Data
Law 104, extraordinary leave calculated by region, età type of contract and beneficiaries. Year
Issued on 2020-02-25
Family support benefits (employee sector) Historical series Open Data
Family allowances by number of beneficiaries including number of household members, total amount of
Issued on 2020-09-02
Benefits in support of the family (home sector) Open Data
Family allowances by number of beneficiaries,and total amount of'cheque. Annual average of the n
Issued on 2020-02-19
Benefits to disabled civilians Living as at 31-12-2012 by type of benefit and region Open Data
Number and percentage of civilian invalid benefits in force at 31-12-2012, broken down by type of be
Issued on 2013-12-02
Civil invalidity benefits Vigenti as at 31-12-2012 distinguished by type of benefit and geographical... Open Data
Number and percentage of civil invalid benefits in force at 31-12-2012, by type of benefit and geogr
Issued on 2013-12-04
Environmental performance Open Data
Environmental performance
Issued on
Family support benefits (maternity allowancesà of the State) Open Data
Maternity checkà granted by the State by number of beneficiaries. Number of beneficiaries by re
Issued on 2020-02-25
Family support benefits (municipality family allowances) Open Data
Household allowances granted by the municipality by number of beneficiaries.Number of beneficiaries
Issued on 2020-02-25
Family support benefits (parental leave of para-subordinated workers) Open Data
Parental leave by number of beneficiaries. Number of beneficiaries by region and class of età,
Issued on 2020-02-25
Gas Radon Prevention Open Data
Data Monitoring Gas Radon http://www.arpa.puglia.it/web/guest/agentifisici_radon http://old.iss.it/
Issued on 2020-01-16
Forecast Residents ISTAT Scenario Alto Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, year of forecast, type of scenario (central, high, low), with te
Issued on
Forecast Residents ISTAT Low Scenario Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, year of forecast, type of scenario (central, high, low), with te
Issued on
Forecast Residents ISTAT Central Scenario Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, forecast year, type of scenario (central, high, low), up to the
Issued on
Foreign forecasts Residents ISTAT Scenario Alto Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, year of forecast, type of scenario (central, high, low), with te
Issued on
Foreign Predictions Residents ISTAT Low Scenario Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, year of forecast, type of scenario (central, high, low), with te
Issued on
Foreign forecasts Residents ISTAT Central Scenario Open Data
Forecasts are calculated by gender, year of forecast, type of scenario (central, high, low), with te
Issued on
Proceedings for the application of a party — Year 2014 Lombardy Region (ex. Art. 24 Legislative... Open Data
Article 24 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013 provides that public authorities are to publish and m
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/02/2021) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 1 August 2020) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/08/2021) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/11/2020) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/01/2019) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/01/2020) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 May 2019) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 May 2020) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 July 2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/10/2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 October 2019) (Art. 35 of Legislative... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 30 April 2017) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 30/04/2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 31/01/2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree No... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 31 July 2017) (Art. 35 of Legislative Decree... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 31 October 2017) (Art. 35 of Legislative... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Proceedings brought by the Lombardy Region (updated on 31 December 2016) (Art. 35 of Legislative... Open Data
In accordance with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes proce
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings — 2014 Lombardy Region (ex. Art. 24 Legislative Decree No 33/2013) Open Data
Article 24 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013 provides that public authorities are to publish and m
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/02/2021) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated to 01/05/2021) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 1 August 2020) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/08/2021) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 01/11/2020) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 13/02/2014) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/01/2019) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/01/2020) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 May 2019) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 May 2020) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Administrative proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20/07/2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 20 October 2019) (Art. 35 Legislative... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 30 April 2017) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 30 April 2018) (Art. 35 of Legislative... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 31/01/2018) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 31 July 2017) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 31/10/2017) (Art. 35 Legislative Decree No... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Ex officio proceedings of the Lombardy Region (updated on 31 December 2016) (Art. 35 Legislative... Open Data
Pursuant to Article 35 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the procedur
Issued on
Tender procedures managed through Sintel Open Data
Tender procedures carried out by the Lombardy PAs through the SINTEL e-Procurement platform of the L
Issued on
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures and Strategic Assessment Open Data
Procedures for verification of abmissibility to Environmental Impact Assessment, V.I.A. and SEA proc
Issued on 2020-01-16
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures and Strategic Assessment Open Data
Procedures for verification of abmissibility to Environmental Impact Assessment, V.I.A. and SEA proc
Issued on 2014-06-17T13:04:03.713563Z
Procedures carried out in surgery Open Data
Analysis of the number of procedures carried out in hospitals. The analysis proposes data from 2010
Issued on
Projects Cantieri di Cittadinanza Open Data
In the context of its institutional tasks and with the aim of combating poverty and social exclusion
Issued on 2016-10-14T09:26:24.273354Z
projects financed from national and regional Community resources promoted by the strategic and Commu
Issued on 2014-07-29T09:33:52.443979Z
Funded projects and related partners with deadlines starting in 2013 Open Data
The dataset contains the list of projects financed from national and regional Community resources wi
Issued on 2015-11-24T16:00:01.579898Z
Project Gioconda — Catalogue of datasets Open Data
The dataset contains the catalogue of datasets published in LOD format as part of the Gioconda proje
Issued on
Project “Sound of Clava” Mapping intangible assets Open Data
What is the sound of the club? The “sound of the clava” is a play on words, an anagram of “Casalnuov
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:04.323072Z
Annual Programme of OO.PP. 2017 Open Data
List of public works to be carried out in 2017.
Issued on 2017-05-29T09:09:41.397164Z
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