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Bathing waters — Reporting (Legislative Decree 116/2008 and s.m.i.) Open Data
The annual reports that are drawn up at the end of each bathing season are reported and include the
Issued on 2020-12-14
Aidomaggiore: Built up Aidomaggiore: Built up Open Data
The map level describes the status of the building of the matrix centre of Aidomaggiore in the year
Issued on
Environment Open Data
The dataset contains tables on environmental data with regional details (Italy) and by territorial b
Issued on
Population of the municipalities of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia Open Data
The dataset collects all the personal data of the municipalities of the Autonomous Region of Sardini
Issued on
Analysis of employee accidents of the Calabria Region Open Data
total number of accidents of staff in service in the Calabria Region divided by gender and category
Issued on 2022-12-22T12:10:55.045155Z
Accrual income for securities — Municipality of Recoaro Terme Open Data
Accrual income for titles — Municipality of Recoaro Terme — Updated 20221231
Issued on 2022-12-22T14:07:09Z
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello Open Data
Revenue and expenditure trends of competence over the years — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:48:27Z
Areas for exceeding air quality standards (QS) — DGR 26/03/2012 n°362 Open Data
Identification, on a municipal basis, of areas exceeding the PM10 and NO2 limit values — All.1 DGR 2
Issued on 2020-07-30T11:45:35.777752Z
Art CITY Bologna — Main Project 2019 Open Data
The dataset shows the places with the description of the exhibitions and the main art spaces, chosen
Issued on 2022-04-28T08:23:43.713Z
Articulation of offices with opening hours to the public — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
Articulation of offices with public opening hours — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated 31-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
Hydrographic basins and sub-basins of natural temples tipised Open Data
Catchment areas of the basins and river basin sub-basins of natural auctions linked to the different
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:30.002742Z
Invitations to tender Open Data
Publication provided for in Article 1(32) of Law No 190/2012 by the Public Administrations of inform
Issued on 2015-07-31
Libraries of Rome. The book heritage. Year 2023. Open Data
Libraries of Rome. The book heritage. Year 2023. These data have been produced by __Biblioteche di R
Issued on 2023-01-13T10:24:09.254968Z
Libraries of Rome. Number of users with SocialCard in 2023. Open Data
Libraries of Rome. Number of users with SocialCards in 2020. These data have been produced by __Bibl
Issued on 2023-01-13T10:24:02.811926Z
Libraries of Rome. Number of users with Youngcard in 2023. Open Data
Libraries of Rome. Number of users with Youngcard in 2023. These data have been produced by __Biblio
Issued on 2023-01-13T10:24:03.817662Z
Annual hydroclimate balance — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2017 Open Data
Average over the period 1961-1990 of the annual hydroclimate balance (mm). The balance consists of t
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:01:01.192058Z
GeoTopographic database update Open Data
DBGT (DataBase Geotopografico) of the municipal territory updated with dispatch method. The original
Issued on
Map of the capacity of use of soils Open Data
Map of land use capacity in four sample areas of Sardinia (Pula/Capoterra, Muravera/Quirra, Ogliastr
Issued on
Roads Open Data
The Infrastructure Area focused on the development of a unique road network of the CMM: any maintena
Issued on
Moby maritime connections Open Data
Program of maritime connections with Sardinia of the shipping company Moby Lines
Issued on
Collinas: PPCM Building Areas Collinas: PPCM Building Areas Open Data
The information layer represents the ten building areas within the matrix center of the Municipality
Issued on
Collinas: PUC Constraints Open Data
The map level describes the constraints of the PUC of the Municipality of Collinas and in particular
Issued on
Composition of families, number of members and minors present in the nucleus — Municipality of... Open Data
Composition of families, number of members and minors present in the nucleus — Municipality of Croce
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:48:51Z
Municipality of Verona — results of local elections 2022 — municipal — final votes Open Data
Municipality of Verona — results of local elections 2022 — municipal — final votes
Issued on 2022-07-15T06:01:27Z
Municipality of Verona — referendum results abrogative 2022 — referendum 5 — votes Open Data
Municipality of Verona — referendum results abrogative 2022 — referendum 5 — votes
Issued on 2022-07-15T08:29:39Z
Concessions related to the Public Notice Riapri Calabria 2 Open Data
Summary of concessions granted by Ateco territory and code.
Issued on 2022-12-14T17:17:40.079069Z
Competitions — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
Competitions — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated 31-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
Annual account: Other charges that contribute to forming the cost of labour — Comune di Crocetta Del... Open Data
Annual account: Other charges that contribute to forming the cost of labour — Municipality of Crocet
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:49:46Z
Annual account: Permanent staff and management staff distributed for seniority classes —... Open Data
Annual account: Permanent staff and management staff distributed by seniority classes — Municipality
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:50:00Z
Groundwater bodies of plains — PdG 2021 Open Data
Groundwater bodies of plains, both river and coastal. The first is characterised mainly by current a
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:42.537491Z
Staff cost — Municipality of Piacenza D’adige Open Data
Personnel cost — Municipality of Piacenza D’adige — Updated 20221231
Issued on 2022-12-16T08:48:16Z
DataCovidFemmineIncidence_2021 Open Data
The dataset contains data, collected in 2021, of the weekly surveillance of COVID-19 infections in F
Issued on
Purifiers of the Emilia-Romagna Region — 2019 edition Open Data
Location of urban waste water treatment plants of the Emilia-Romagna Region — update 2018-2019 editi
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:30:35.771764Z
Details for expenditure chapter — Sedilo Open Data
Details for expenditure chapter — Sedilo — Updated 18-01-2023
Issued on 2023-01-19
Hydrographic districts of the Emilia-Romagna Region Open Data
The main unit for the management of river basins referred to as ‘reservoir district’, consisting, wh
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:28:11.721388Z
List of citizens by gender, birth and citizenship — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello Open Data
List of citizens by gender, birth and citizenship — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello — Updated
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:48:54Z
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Lusiana Conco Open Data
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Lusiana Conco — Updated 20221221
Issued on 2022-12-22T07:06:42Z
List of protocols broken down by year and type — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
List of protocols broken down by year and type — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated to 21-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
List of publications — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
List of publications — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated 31-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
Regional List of Monumental Trees of Italy, Law No 10 of 14 January 2013, DM 23 October 2014 (Agg.... Open Data
The layer contains the points corresponding to the monumental trees recorded in the regional territo
Issued on
Municipal elections 2021 first round — Affluence Open Data
Data on the number of eligible voters (electors) and voters who have actually voted (votes). The tot
Issued on
ENERGY: Geothermal plants — update 2018 Open Data
Localisation of geothermal plants in the Emilia-Romagna region — Update December 2018
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:31:02.663286Z
Summer seasonal potential evapotranspiration — Climate 1991-2015 — Ed.2017 Open Data
Average over the period 1991-2015 of potential summer evapotranspiration (June-July-August) (mm). Es
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:23:47.692595Z
POR Campania European Social Fund 2014-2020 Open Data
Program: 2014IT05SFOP020 — POR Campania ESF 2014-2020
Issued on 2022-10-25
Large Dams — Deep Exhaust Scenario Open Data
Datasets contain the deep discharge scenario for the following large dams: Valentine’s Day — Mutta L
Issued on 2015-02-02
Guilcier: municipal limits Open Data
Territorial limits of the municipalities constituting the Guilcer union
Issued on
Plants with A.I.A. — September 2022 Open Data
Plant localisation with Integrated Environmental Authorisation (A.I.A.) — update September 2022
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:20:25.310954Z
Imports and exports by geographical area Open Data
Annual data on the value of imports and exports of Calabrian provinces by geographical area. Data ar
Issued on 2022-12-05T14:29:53.254245Z
Road accidents — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello Open Data
Road accidents — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello — Updated to 20220907
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:49:19Z
Soil defence interventions Open Data
Report of the interventions to protect the soil financed by the Region in the regional territory.
Issued on 2022-12-26
Isokinetics — period 1992-2000 (lines) Open Data
Vertical ground movement speed in the period 1992-2000 — isolines (mm/year)
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:33:21.258303Z
Isokinetics — period 2006-2011 (lines) Open Data
Vertical ground movement speed in the period 2006-2011 — isolines (mm/year)
Issued on 2020-08-05T10:05:14.913984Z
THE ITC: aid for the dissemination of information and communication technologies in SMEs (Call 2010) Open Data
Call 2010 — The intervention aims at the dissemination of Information and Communication Technologies
Issued on 2014-08-07
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Geopotential Height (m) — (2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Height of geopotential (m). Run of 2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-07-21 to 0
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Total cloud cover of high type (%) — (2023-01-13 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Total coverage by high-type clouds (%). Run of 2023-01-13 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2023-01-1
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Global radiation incident on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²) —... Open Data
Overall incident radiation on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²). Race of 2022-07-21 hours 12 UT
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Global incident radiation on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²) —... Open Data
Overall incident radiation on horizontal surface (short wave) (W/m²). Journey of 2022-07-22 hours 00
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Temperature (C) — (2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Temperature (C). Run of 2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-11-17 to 00 UTC 2022-
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground temperature (C) — (2022-08-26 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Temperature of the soil (C). Run of 2022-08-26 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2022-08-26 to 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground humidity (%) — (2023-01-13 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Soil relative humidity (%). Run of 2023-01-13 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2023-01-13 to 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Visibility in meters — (2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Visibility in meters. Run of 2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-11-17 to 00 UTC
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Average Wave Direction [deg] — (2022-07-22 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Average Wave Direction [deg]. Course of 2022-07-22 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2022-07-22 to 00
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Significant Wave Height [m] — (2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Significant Wave Height [m]. Run of 2022-11-17 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-11-17 to
Issued on
Tourist movements in Sardinia 2018 by municipality Open Data
The dataset collects the arrivals (number of customers hosted in the accommodation establishments in
Issued on
Tourist movements in Sardinia 2021 by municipality and macro-typology Open Data
The dataset collects the arrivals (number of customers hosted in the accommodation establishments in
Issued on
Tourist movements in Sardinia for macro-typology of accommodation structure 2018 Open Data
The dataset collects the arrivals (number of customers hosted in the accommodation establishments in
Issued on
House numbers — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
House numbers — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated on 31-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
Energy supply: wind farms Open Data
List of __Eolici__ plants in Emilia-Romagna catalogued with respect to the geographical location _(a
Issued on 2017-06-26
Practical building burdens — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA Open Data
Practical building burdens — MAGNANO IN RIVIERA — Updated 21-12-2022
Issued on 2022-12-16
Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2020. Topics associated with publications Open Data
Data on the assets owned in 2020 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. For each publicatio
Issued on
Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2022. Topics associated with publications Open Data
Data on the assets owned in 2022 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. For each publicatio
Issued on
Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2022. Title and author of each census volume Open Data
Data on the assets owned in 2022 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. In this dataset, fo
Issued on
Performance Calabrian region as of 21/09/2022 Open Data
The overall performance of the regional administration expresses the result that the entire organisa
Issued on 2022-12-22T12:07:07.730029Z
Population: Cancellations by destination from 2020 onwards Open Data
The dataset shows the number of emigrations of residents to Milan for other Italian municipalities o
Issued on 2022-09-07T09:17:45.546111Z
Population: deaths of residents in Milan by City Hall Open Data
The data refer to the deaths of residents of Milan, broken down by year of death, classified by City
Issued on 2022-08-31T09:07:10.773288Z
Population: Marriages with at least one spouse residing in Milan and divided by rite and citizenship Open Data
The dataset refers to weddings celebrated in Milan by the year of the event. Marriages are classif
Issued on 2022-09-05T09:31:37.538776Z
Population: Births of Residents by Neighborhood Open Data
The data refer to live births residing in Milan. The subdivision is made by gender of the newborn,
Issued on 2022-09-02T09:56:45.931790Z
Forecast births, deaths and birth rates — period 2020-2021 — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data
Forecasts of births, deaths and birth rates produced thanks to the use of Machine Learning models de
Issued on 2022-07-24T13:01:39Z
Price list Puglia Region Open Data
The dataset contains the reference regional price (in euro) for contracting stations in the regional
Issued on 2022-12-15
ATP Nuoro Hours Open Data
Time frames of the company ATP Nuoro
Issued on
Marecchia conoid detail network and Marecchia conoid recharging network — 2021 update Open Data
Quantitative data years 2001-2021 The data relating to the monitoring carried out since 2001 for the
Issued on 2020-07-08
Marine-coastal water phytoplankton monitoring network (Dlgs 152/06) — agg. 2021 Open Data
Phytoplankton monitoring network, in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/06. The stations for the
Issued on 2022-11-22T09:35:54.035686Z
Lake water monitoring network (DGR 2293/21) — 2020-2025 Open Data
Monitoring network of the environmental status of lake waters of the Emilia-Romagna region (DGR 2293
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:19:21.819591Z
Hydrometric surface water monitoring network — Agg. 2016 Open Data
Hydrometer location of the Regional Monitoring Network
Issued on 2021-03-24T11:37:45.003685Z
GPS network for subsidence control Open Data
Location of GPS stations of the regional subsidence control network
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:22:04.578897Z
Regional Network for Environmental Quality Groundwater. Data for 2020 Open Data
Data on the monitoring carried out in 2020 at stations of groundwater bodies belonging to the region
Issued on 2021-09-30
Quality of service survey June 2022 — Requests for personal certificates Open Data
The dataset contains the details of the replies (*) to the questionnaire for the satisfaction of use
Issued on 2022-07-26T13:59:26.389602Z
Road Code Sanctions — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello Open Data
Road Code Sanctions — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello — Updated 20220907
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:49:25Z
Cataloging Sheets of Musical Instruments — SM 4.00 Open Data
The dataset collects information on musical instruments catalogued by the Autonomous Region of Sardi
Issued on
Location: Natural shopping mall Open Data
The map level shows the location of the associated commercial activities in the Natural Shopping Cen
Issued on
Location: Historical districts Open Data
a.f. sword, 1999. Location: the history. Ghilarzese typography, Ghilarza; archaeological Association
Issued on
Services to citizens Open Data
Data and indicators concerning the main municipal services to citizens. Series: Worktable tables
Issued on
Sixth General Census Agriculture Sardinia Open Data
Data of the Sixth General Census of Agriculture in Sardinia Structural characteristics of regional f
Issued on
Transport sector Open Data
Transport and infrastructure data and indicators. Series: Worktable tables
Issued on
Daily flow statistics from ports and airports Open Data
Statistics on the daily movement of passengers from Sardinian ports and airports during the COVID ou
Issued on
Three-year plan progress — Sedilo Open Data
Three-year plan progress — Sedilo — Updated to 18-01-2023
Issued on 2023-01-19
Place names and house numbers of Sardinia Open Data
This information layer allows to relate the road graph, with its toponymy and the civic numbers, of
Issued on
Toponym road areas Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Local public traffic — Km routes and validations Open Data
Monthly data on local public traffic. The data are made available by SRM the agency for mobility and
Issued on 2022-12-19T08:10:38.209Z
Road traffic Open Data
Path obtained by synthesis of one or more road elements and connecting two intersections. The figure
Issued on 2022-12-23
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