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Aire by Country — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Aire by Country
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:58:03Z
State-owned areas under concession for aquaculture facilities Open Data
Indication of the coordinates of the summits of the maritime state-owned areas under concession for
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:00:56.865852Z
Bathing monitoring areas — 2017 update Open Data
Homogeneous stretches of coastline identified on the basis of knowledge of the pressures that insist
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:34:03.732183Z
Vallate Observatory — Environmental and territorial values Open Data
Detection and monitoring of the environmental and territorial values of the Genoese valleys with ind
Issued on 2023-01-19
Vallate Observatory — Criticity Open Data
Detection and monitoring of the hydrogeological and environmental criticalities of the Genoese valle
Issued on 2023-01-19
The Dataset of the Knowledge Framework (QC) of the Asset Plan (PAT) contains the set of information
Issued on
Study Centers Open Data
Study Centers in the Municipal Territory
Issued on
Onlus Open Data
List of non-profit organisations of the municipal territory.
Issued on
Tourist offices Open Data
Tourist offices present in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Common family names among the residents 2021 — Municipality of Vicenza Open Data
Popular surnames among the residents 2021
Issued on 2023-02-24T11:20:17Z
Competitions — Municipality of Casier Open Data
Competitions — Municipality of Casier — Updated 20230222
Issued on 2023-02-22T14:51:45Z
Counting Protocols — Municipality of Creazzo Open Data
Counting Protocols
Issued on 2023-01-30T10:27:55Z
Counting Protocols — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
Counting Protocols
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:45:39Z
Annual account: Permanent staff and executive staff in service — Municipality of Casier Open Data
Annual account: Permanent staff and executive staff in service — Municipality of Casier — Updated 20
Issued on 2023-02-22T15:39:08Z
Convened — Municipality of Malo Open Data
Issued on 2023-02-09T15:45:33Z
Water bodies of transitional waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — 2015 edition Open Data
Water bodies of transition waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the criter
Issued on 2022-06-29T14:54:29.949992Z
Corpi idrici delle acque marino-costiere, come da DGR 2293/21 - edzione 2021 Open Data
Corpi idrici delle acque marino-costiere della regione Emilia-Romagna individuati sulla base dei cri
Issued on 2022-06-30T11:10:55.439989Z
Average diameter of beach sediments — 2018 Open Data
Spatial distribution of the average diameters related to beach sediments taken in 2018 along the Emi
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:25.926357Z
Territorial divides Apulia, Mezzogiorno, Central-North and Italy Open Data
The dataset refers to 9 socio-economic indicators defined on the basis of the themes of the National
Issued on 2023-02-20
List of daily deaths — Municipality of Malo Open Data
List of daily deaths
Issued on 2023-02-09T15:30:05Z
Deleted List — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
List Deleted
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:13:52Z
List of Deaths — Municipality of Gambellara Open Data
List of Decades
Issued on 2023-01-25T15:46:03Z
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Nogarole Vicentino Open Data
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Nogarole Vicentino — Updated to 202
Issued on 2023-02-22T15:46:45Z
Divorzi List — Municipality of Gambellara Open Data
List of Divorces
Issued on 2023-01-25T15:46:25Z
Divorzi List — Municipality of Thiene Open Data
List of Divorces
Issued on 2023-02-24T02:01:50Z
List of Health Organisations of Lombardy Region — Year 2022-2023 Open Data
Pursuant to Article 22 of Legislative Decree No 33 of 2013, Regione Lombardia publishes the main dat
Issued on
List of Members — Municipality of Thiene Open Data
Subscribed List
Issued on 2023-02-24T02:02:16Z
Birth List — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
List of Births
Issued on 2023-01-25T12:22:15Z
List of Residents — Municipality of Malo Open Data
List of Residents
Issued on 2023-01-30T14:57:13Z
List of daily civil status deaths — Municipality of Santorso Open Data
List of daily civil status deaths
Issued on 2023-01-26T16:28:08Z
data on votes assigned to municipal councillors by section (list 19) - power to the people!
Issued on 2023-03-17
data on votes assigned to municipal councillors by section (list 6) we work by palermo
Issued on 2023-03-17
Families by Number of Children — Municipality of Montecchio Precalcino Open Data
Families by Number of Children
Issued on 2023-01-27T10:21:14Z
Submarine deposits Open Data
Perimeters of the sandy submarine accumulations identified off the coast of Emilia-Romagna in 2008
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:28:07.886192Z
Idrocarburi - Permessi di ricerca nel sottofondo marino Open Data
Permessi che consentono attività di ricerca nel fondale marino antistante la costa dell'Emilia-Romag
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:20:51.491086Z
Regional Inventory of Air Emissions (INEMAR) Open Data
The regional inventory of atmospheric emissions is realised through the INEMAR software (air emissio
Issued on 2019-05-02T07:55:48.000151Z
Shoreline 2018 Open Data
Shoreline of the Emilia-Romagna Region — mixed processing obtained from Ortophoto AGEA 2011 and Arpa
Issued on 2022-03-15T15:36:16.922108Z
Macroaree di allertamento meteo-idro Open Data
Suddivisione del territorio regionale in 8 zone di allertamento, all'interno delle quali si valutano
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:28:22.441008Z
Weather — observed data Open Data
The stations of the hydrometeorological network transmit data via radio, while agrometeorological an
Issued on 2016-10-13
method of implementation Open Data
The dataset contains the controlled vocabulary of the methods of implementation
Issued on 2023-03-09T16:48:33.968305Z
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Geopotential Height (m) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Height of geopotential (m). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16 t
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Thermal zero height (m) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Height of thermal zero (m). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16 t
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Convective Potential Energy Available (CAPE) (J/Kg) — (2023-03-17 hours 00... Open Data
Available Convective Potential Energy (CAPE) (J/Kg). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00
Issued on
3 km WRF-ARW Model — Convective Inhibition (CIN) (J/Kg) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Convective Inhibition (CIN) (J/Kg). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Mask Earth — Water — (2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Mask Earth — Water. Run of 2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC — valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-16 to 00 UTC on 20
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Hourly precipitation (mm) — (2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Hourly precipitation (mm). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 00 UTC — valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-16 to 00 UT
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground Rafts (m/s) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Ground gusts (m/s). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16 to 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground temperature (C) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Temperature of the soil (C). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16
Issued on
Procedure monitoring — Monitoring of the time of proceedings — Municipality of Schio Open Data
Procedure monitoring — Monitoring the time of proceedings
Issued on 2023-02-24T07:39:55Z
Anagraphic Movement — Municipality of Posina Open Data
The Anagraphic Movement
Issued on 2023-03-13T14:42:46Z
Anagraphic Movement — Municipality of Schio Open Data
The Anagraphic Movement
Issued on 2023-02-23T11:32:37Z
Anagraphic Movement — Municipality of Torrebelvicino Open Data
The Anagraphic Movement
Issued on 2023-01-25T13:57:09Z
Foreign Movement — Municipality of Creazzo Open Data
Foreign Movement
Issued on 2023-01-30T10:16:33Z
Foreign Movement — Municipality of Posina Open Data
Foreign Movement
Issued on 2023-03-13T14:48:04Z
Resident names for age and sex — Municipality of Vicenza Open Data
Resident names for age and sex
Issued on 2023-03-09T11:24:39Z
House numbers — Municipality of Nogarole Vicentino Open Data
House numbers — Municipality of Nogarole Vicentino — Updated 20230222
Issued on 2023-02-22T15:50:13Z
Urban gardens in the Municipality of Milan Open Data
The dataset contains a list of equipped urban gardens that promote the constructive use of leisure t
Issued on 2023-02-03T12:14:12.171764Z
Legal Persons — Municipality of Posina Open Data
Legal Persons
Issued on 2023-03-13T14:40:45Z
Measures of the political governing bodies — Municipality of Bassano del Grappa Open Data
Measures of the political governing bodies
Issued on 2023-02-24T07:44:19Z
Sampling points for natural or mollusc farming areas Open Data
Points of sampling carried out by the Daphne Oceanographic Structure, in collaboration with the terr
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:12:00.101502Z
Punti di campionamento e parametri sedimentologici - 2018 Open Data
Punti di campionamento per la sedimentologia e relativi parametri sedimentologici. I parametri sedim
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:27.125293Z
Emergency areas of the Municipalities of the Province of Ragusa Open Data
Census of Emergency Areas for the purposes of Civil Protection Planning of the Municipalities of the
Issued on 2013-04-24
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Syracuse Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Syracuse according to the relev
Issued on 2013-01-18
Pai Sicily Hydraulic discharge manoeuvre Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, Decree-Law No 133/99,
Issued on 2007-09-28
The Dataset represents the delimitation of the areas of availability of the mining activity includin
Issued on
Emergency areas of the Municipalities of the Province of Enna Open Data
Census of Emergency Areas for the purposes of Civil Protection Planning of Municipalities of the Pro
Issued on 2013-04-24
Emergency areas of the Municipalities of the Province of Syracuse Open Data
Census of Emergency Areas for the purposes of Civil Protection Planning of the Municipalities of the
Issued on 2013-12-23
Pai Sicily geomorphology sites of attention Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, D.A. Sicilian Region
Issued on 2010-11-18
Pai Sicily Hydraulic Attention Sites Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, D.L. n. 133/99, D.A. Regione Siciliana 198/
Issued on 2007-09-28
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Palermo Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Palermo according to the releva
Issued on 2013-01-16
Pai Sicily geomorphology risk from landslides Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, D.A. Regione Sicilian
Issued on 2010-11-18
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Region of Sicily Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Region of Sicily according to the relevant
Issued on 2013-01-24
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Enna Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Enna according to the relevant
Issued on 2013-01-18
Database of Civil Protection Structures in the regional territory of Sicily Open Data
The term Structures means those elements of the territory (human and non-human resources) that contr
Issued on 2013-01-10
Pai Sicily Hydraulic Hydraulic Risk Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, Sicilian Regional Dec
Issued on 2007-09-28
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Trapani Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Trapani according to the releva
Issued on 2013-01-18
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Ragusa Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Ragusa according to the relevan
Issued on 2013-01-18
Pai Sicily Hydraulic Hydraulic Hazardity Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, Sicilian Regional Dec
Issued on 2007-09-28
Pai Sicily Hydraulic Explosion Flood Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, Sicilian Regional Dec
Issued on 2007-09-28
Emergency areas of the Municipalities of the Province of Catania Open Data
Census of Emergency Areas for the purposes of Civil Protection Planning of the Municipalities of the
Issued on 2013-12-24
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Caltanissetta Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Caltanissetta according to the
Issued on 2013-01-16
The Dataset represents the delimitation of the cultivation areas authorised for the extraction of va
Issued on
Com — MIST OPERATIONAL CENTRES — Province of Catania Open Data
Subdivision of the municipal administrative areas of the Province of Catania according to the releva
Issued on 2013-01-10
Pai Sicily geomorphology disassembled Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan (PAI) pursuant to Law 183/89, Decree-Law No 133/99, D.A. Sicilian Region
Issued on 2010-11-18
Monitoring network of specific pollutants in sediments of marine-coastal waters (Dlgs 152/06) — agg.... Open Data
Network monitoring of specific pollutants in sediments, at the hearings of Legislative Decree 152/06
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:22:55.154181Z
River water monitoring network (DGR 350/10) — 2010-2013 Open Data
Monitoring network of the environmental status and fish life of the inland waters of the Emilia-Roma
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:16:42.926891Z
Rete di monitoraggio delle aree di popolamento naturale o di allevamento molluschi delle acque di... Open Data
Punti dei campionamenti effettuati dalla Struttura Oceanografica Daphne, in collaborazione con le am
Issued on 2022-11-29T13:28:49.912001Z
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network of marine-coastal waters (Dlgs 152/06) — agg. 2017 Open Data
Macrozoobenthos monitoring network, in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/06. The stations are l
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:14:50.100322Z
Regional Network for Environmental Quality Groundwater. Data for 2018 Open Data
Data on the monitoring carried out in 2018 at stations of underground water bodies belonging to the
Issued on 2020-07-08
Rifiuti speciali Open Data
Dati MUD relativi alla produzione e alla gestione dei rifiuti speciali in regione Emilia-Romagna, el
Issued on 2016-10-13
Foreigners for Neighbourhoods and Cities. — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
Foreigners for Neighbourhoods and Cities.
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:59:25Z
Sea Measuring Instruments — Update 2014 Open Data
Punctual location of some instruments at sea (docking buoy, oceanographic buoy, wave buoy, Correntom
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:23:33.706773Z
Demographic Trend — Municipality of Montecchio Precalcino Open Data
Demographic trend
Issued on 2023-01-27T10:19:21Z
Demographic Trend — Municipality of San Vito di Leguzzano Open Data
Demographic trend
Issued on 2023-01-25T12:46:47Z
Places of Worship (Church) Open Data
Places of Worship. Data related to the Municipality of Cesena
Issued on 2021-01-01
Electoral Sections Open Data
The Electoral Sections. Data Referred to the town of Cesena
Issued on 2020-01-01
Mirrors of water Open Data
Mirrors of water. Data Referred to the town of Cesena
Issued on 2002-01-01
Hydrogeological risk — Dessert of slope Open Data
Hydrogeological risk — Dessert of slope. Data relating to the municipalities of the Union Valle del
Issued on 2017-01-01
Latest Daily Air Quality Bulletin Open Data
Daily updated air quality monitoring bulletins.
Issued on 2016-10-13
Mollusc harvesting areas Open Data
Marine areas and inland waters in which the collection and use of live bivalve molluscs and gastropo
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:00:55.822399Z
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