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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA19G_vita_fish_laghi Open Data
The feature class MO_PTA19G_vita_fish_traits indicates the lakes of the region where the life of fis
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381131 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF047G_Castelpizzuto_then Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF047G_Castelpizzuto_then represents the punctual elements of the Municipality
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The feature class MO_ZPS04G_ZPS represents the special protected areas. Data provided by the Molise
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S379111 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405094 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Costa2000 Open Data
This layer describes the position of the sea coast in 2000. Data provided by the Molise Region
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_archeo_poly_3 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_archeo_poly_3 — represents the areas subject to archaeological constrai
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF152G_Oratin Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF152G_Oratino represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Oratino, the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381114 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_transformabilita_poi_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_transformabilita_later_6 represents the transformability — punctual elements ac
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA07G_bacini_extrareg Open Data
The feature class MO_PTA07G_bacini_extrreg indicates the basins that are not part of the Molise regi
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_stat_archeo_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_stat_archeo_poly_8 represents the areas subject to archaeological const
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394061 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF193G_S_Croce_by_Magliano Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF193G_S_Croce_di_Magliano represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DB01G_Dissesti_Biferno_poly Open Data
Feature class MO_DB01G_Dissesti_Biferno_poly is the polygonal information layer of the “disasters of
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF007G_Acquaviva_DIsernia_vinc_lin Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF007G_Acquaviva_DIsernia_vinc_lin represents the constraints expressed as lin
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF179G_Ripalimosani Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF179G_Ripalimosani represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Ripalim
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_percett_poi_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_percett_poi_7 represents the characteristics of perceptual interest — eleme
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381132 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406052 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphological_lin_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_geomorphological_lin_6 represents the geomorphological elements — a linear elem
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_poi_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_hydrogeologica_poi_8 represents the hydrogeological punctual elements acquired
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_VG07G_Vegetation_Molise_20110324 Open Data
Feature Class MO_VG07G_Vegetazione_Molise contains the entire Molise Region vegetation in scale 1: 2
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395053 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381111 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF213G_Santa_Maria_Del_Molise Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF213G_Santa_Maria_Del_Molise represents the urban zoning of the Municipality
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_limite_scope_poly_8 — represents the administrative limits of scope 8
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381042 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_hydrogeological_poly_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_hydrogeologica_poly_1 represents the hydrogeological elements acquired from the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406073 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF140G_Montefalcone Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF140G_Montefalcone represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Montefa
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_interventi_antrop_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_interventi_antrop_poly_6 represents the areas of human intervention — elements
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_idrograf_sup_poi_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_idrograf_sup_poi_6 represents surface hydrography — point elements acquired fro
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404023 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC18G_Monasteries_convents Open Data
The feature class MO_BC18G_Monasteri_convents is represented by punctual elements that identify mona
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Saccione Open Data
Feature class MO_Fascia_Riassetto_Saccione — Information layer of the river tray in the Saccione bas
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394014 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381093 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC28G_system_of_tratturi Open Data
The feautre class MO_BC28G_system_dei_tratturi represents the linear elements that describe the syst
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Biferno_20100318 Open Data
The feature class MO_Fascia_Riassetto_Biferno represents the information layer of the river system i
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380161 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmin_October Open Data
The feature class MM_Tmin_October, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with minimum t
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP113G_Nodes_Idrics Open Data
The feature class MO_DBP113G_Nodi_Idrici contains the DBPrior 10k level 1 water nodes for the entire
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394154 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG272G_MonteneroDiBisaccia_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PRG272G_MonteneroDiBisaccia_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_frana_pericolosita Open Data
The feaure class MO_frana_dangerousness the danger of landslide Molise Region. The data has been pro
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC10G_Cent_urb_origin_sannita Open Data
The feature class MO_BC10G_Cent_urb_origin_sannita represents the punctual elements that describe th
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380103 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_lin_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_lin_7 represents the linear elements of historical arch
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380131 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Pericolosita_Saccione_20100318 Open Data
MO_Pericolosita_Saccione — synthetic information layer related to the mapping of hydraulic hazards w
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_natur_fis_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_natur_fis_poly_6 represents the characteristics of natural-physical
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG259G_Capracotta Open Data
The feature class MO_PRG259G_Capracotta represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Capracott
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394121 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF204G_San_Jacomo_Ogli_Schiavoni_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF204G_San_Giacomo_Degli_Schiavoni_vinc represents some areas of the municipal
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_December Open Data
The feature class.MM_Tmax_December, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geom_frane_poly_5 Open Data
The feature class MO_geom_frane_poly_5 represents the polygonal landslides — acquired from the geomo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF249G_Vinchiaturo Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF249G_Vinchiaturo represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Vinchiat
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_limite_scope_lin_7 — represents the administrative limits of scope 7
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405161 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_esposiz_versanti_poly_4 Open Data
The feature class MO_esposiz_versanti_poly_4 represents the areas with homogeneous exposure — polygo
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PS03G_Points_Boiano Open Data
Specific feature class MO_PS03G_Punti_Boiano refers to the project zoning contained in the adaptatio
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_natur_fis_poly_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_natur_fis_poly_7 represents the elements of physical interest for n
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405051 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Biferno Open Data
The feature class MO_Fascia_Riassetto_Biferno represents the information layer of the river system i
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405073 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395012 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_paes_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_paes_poly_8 represents the areas subject to landscape constraint, eleme
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmax_April Open Data
The feature class MM_Tmax_Aprile, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with maximum te
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406111 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PT03G_Infrastructures_then Open Data
The punctual featureclass MO_PT03G_Infrastrutture_later represents the future infrastructural interv
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CT103G_Simboli_Sped Open Data
The feature class MO_CT103G_Simboli_Sped contains the cadastral data for the Province of Isernia pro
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S382101 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PT07G_Invariants_plan Open Data
Linear feature class MO_PT07G_Invarianti_piano represents the existing road infrastructure and plan
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_costs_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_scostamenti_poly_6 represents the deviations and incompatibility — the area ele
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406072 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406112 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF151G_Morrone_del_Sannio_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF151G_Morrone_del_Sannio_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territor
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_gaps_lin_5 Open Data
The feature class MO_costamenti_lin_5 represents deviations — linear elements acquired from the map
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF196G_Salcito_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF196G_Salcito_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_limite_scope_lin_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_limite_scope_lin_1 represents the administrative boundaries of scope 1, linear
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392113 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393092 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394101 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP107G_Commune Open Data
The feature class MO_DBP107G_Commune represents the municipal limits DBPrior 10k level 1 for the ent
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393054 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393163 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_POI10G_Points_of_Interest Open Data
The feaure class MO_POI10G_Punti_di_Interesse represents TeleAtlas’s points of interest for the enti
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_bio_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_qualit_bio_poly_8 represents the qualitative characteristics of the territory f
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381123 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphological_ then_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_geomorphological_poi_1 represents the geomorphological punctual elements acquir
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395024 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG273G_Monteroduni Open Data
The feature class MO_PRG273G_Monteroduni represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Monterod
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF013G_Baranello Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF013G_Baranello represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Baranello,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404083 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_disciplina_urb_poly_6 represents the urban discipline — polygonal elements acqu
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406144 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404073 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF236G_Torella_Del_Sannio_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF236G_Torella_Del_Sannio_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territor
Issued on
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