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Replies to the satisfaction questionnaire of the school bus service used by nursery and primary scho
Issued on 2015-10-22T09:05:20.065229Z
Satisfaction questionnaire for Sala OPEN SPACE Open Data
Attention! the dataset will no longer be updated as the Strategic and Community Programming sector n
Issued on 2015-10-20T09:29:06.950918Z
P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — Dangerous landslide — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Service P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — Dangerous landslide — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2011-06-15
Cave Plan Open Data
Cave Plan Area Service referred to in the Presidential Decree of the Region of 05/11/2010.
Issued on 2012-03-21
Sic and ZPS perimeters updated in c.e. approval — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Updated perimeters of the “Natura 2000” SCI and SPAs sites, sent in July to the Ministry of the Envi
Issued on
Hydrogeological Asset Plan — GAUSS BOAGA Open Data
Hydrogeological Asset Plan — GAUSS BOAGA
Issued on
P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — faults — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Pai Sicilia — Geomorphology — faults — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2011-06-15
P.A.I. Sicily — Updates — Geomorphology — Disorders — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
P.A.I. Sicily Service — Updates — Geomorphology — Disorders — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2014-06-23
Hydrogeological Asset Plan — Raster — GAUSS BOAGA Open Data
Mosaic of Rasters derived from the original pdfs of the Hydrogeological Asset Plan — GAUSS BOAGA
Issued on
Administrative Limits C.T.R. scale 1:10,000 — WFS — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Administrative Limits derived from C.T.R. 1:10,000 edition 2001-2005 lots 7.8,9,A,B,C,D,E CTR — UTM
Issued on
Cadastre Cave of the Sicilian Region — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
The service shows the areas of the Catasto Cave of the Sicilian Region updated in October 2013. Data
Issued on 2013-04-13
Sic and SPAs updated perimeters for approval — GAUSS BOAGA Open Data
Updated perimeters of the “Natura 2000” SCI and SPAs sites, sent in July to the Ministry of the Envi
Issued on
P.A.I. Sicily — Updates — Geomorphology — Landslide risk — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
P.A.I. Sicily Service — Updates — Geomorphology — Landslide risk — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2014-06-23
Cadastre Cave of the Sicilian Region — GAUSS BOAGA Open Data
The service shows the areas of the Catasto Cave of the Sicilian Region updated in October 2013Data t
Issued on 2013-04-13
Cave Floor — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Cave Plan Area Service referred to in the Presidential Decree of the Region of 05/11/2010
Issued on 2012-03-21
P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — Attention Sites — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
service PAI Sicily Geomorphology Sites Attention — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2011-06-15
P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — Landslide risk — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
Service P.A.I. Sicily — Geomorphology — Landslide risk — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2011-06-15
P.A.I. Sicily — Updates — Geomorphology — Dangerous landslide — UTM WGS84 33N Open Data
P.A.I. Sicily Service — Updates — Geomorphology — Dangerous landslide — UTM WGS84 33N
Issued on 2014-06-23
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.12A — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS Living at 31-12-2014 by category and... Open Data
Former Enpals pensions broken down by region. Only ordinary pensions.
Issued on 2015-07-21
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.13A — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2014 by age class Open Data
Pensions Management ex Enpals by category (survivors, all management ex Enpals) and by age class
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.14 — Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 separate by sex... Open Data
Pensions management ex Enpals distinguished by sex and class amount. Ordinary pensions only
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.14A — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 separate by... Open Data
Pensions Ex Enpals management by category (survivors, all pensions ex Enpals) and by amount class
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.19 — Social increases on pensions Inps Private management by category and sex Open Data
Social surcharges on pensions Inps Private Management in force at 31-12-2014 distinct by category an
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.21 — Additional Sommes on Inps Pensions Private Management disbursed in 2014 by... Open Data
Additional sums (" fourteenth" pursuant to Article 5 Law 127/2007) on Inps Pensions Privat
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.22 — Additional sums on pensions Inps Private management by category and... Open Data
Additional sums (" fourteenth" pursuant to Article 5 Law 127/2007) on Inps Pensions Privat
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.23 — Additional amount of EUR 154.94 on Inps pensions Separate private... Open Data
Additional amount of EUR 154.94 (pursuant to Article 70 of Law 388/2000) on Inps Pensions Private Ma
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.25 — INPS Pensions Private management of ANF recipients by category and sex Open Data
Pensions INPS Private Management Living in 2014: recipients of the household allowance broken down b
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.26 — INPS Pensions Private management of ANF recipients by category and... Open Data
Pensions INPS Private Management Living in 2014: recipients of family allowances broken down by cate
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.3 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 for liquidation... Open Data
Pensions Private management by liquidation scheme: contribution, mixed and pay schemes.
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.36 -Historical series of pensions-Management civil servants (formerly Inpdap) by... Open Data
Historical series of old-age and old-age pensionsà/advance INPS — Public Employee Management (f
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.4 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 by category and... Open Data
Pensions Private management by category and geographical area. Including early retirement.
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.44 — Pensioners Inps average monthly amount of pension income by type of pension... Open Data
Pensioners Inps average monthly pension income by type of pension and sex as at 31.12.2014 (amounts
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.45 — Pensioners Inps average monthly amount of pension income by payer... Open Data
Pensioners Inps monthly average amount of pension income per provider’s management and sex as at 31.
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.48 — Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income by class of amount and... Open Data
Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per class of amount and gender as at 31.12.2014 (
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.49 — Annual pension income for Inps pensioners by region and geographical... Open Data
Annual pension income of Inps pensioners: value of deciles and Gini coefficient by region and geogra
Issued on 2015-07-17
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.4A — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 by category and... Open Data
Pensions Private management by category and geographical area. Including early retirement.
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.5 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 by age class Open Data
Pension Private Management distinguished by age classes.
Issued on 2015-07-20
RA 2015-Tav.1 Macro size of institutional activities Open Data
2015 Annual Report. The macro size of the activitiesà institutional: INPS facilities, insured w
Issued on 2017-01-09
RA 2015-Tav.11 Gross pension expenditure Inps 2014-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Gross pension expenditure INPS, financial management of competence (in million e
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA 2015-Tav.16 Number of pensioners and average monthly gross amount of pension income by age class... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of INPS pensioners and average gross monthly pension income per class of
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA 2015-Tav.20 Number of Inps benefits and average monthly gross amount for management in force at... Open Data
2015 annual reports. Number of Inps benefits and average monthly gross amount for management in forc
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA 2015-Tav.22 Number of Inps social security benefits and average monthly gross amount by 2015... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of Inps social security benefits and average monthly gross amount for man
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA 2015-Tav.25 Number of benefits paid and average monthly gross amount by category 2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of Inps benefits and average gross monthly amount per category cleared in
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA 2015-Tav.6 Releases 2014-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Exits: operation and miscellaneous interventions, quiescent, supplementary and r
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.19 Deciile annual gross pension income and Gini coefficient by region and geographical... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Decile annual gross pension income and Gini coefficient by region and geographic
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.24 Number of benefits per type of benefit 2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of Inps care benefits per type of benefit in force at 31.12.2015. Year 20
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.29 Number of old-age pensionstà early and early retirement management of the... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of old-age pensions, seniority pensions & early retirement pensions o
Issued on 2017-01-09
RA2015-Tav.30 Number of family allowances to pensioners and average monthly amount by category... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of household allowances to pensioners INPS and average monthly amount (in
Issued on 2017-01-09
RA2015-Tav.31 IGC. Time series of hours authorised by type of intervention 2007-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Supplementary Fund Earnings. Time series of the number of hours authorised by ty
Issued on 2017-01-09
RA2015-Tav.33 CIG hours authorised for economic activity branch 2014-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Hours of cash integration ordinary, extraordinary, by derogation, authorised by
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.35 hours of IGC authorised by production sector. Percentage changes on an annual basis... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Hours of integration fund earnings per productive sector. Percentage changes on
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.43 Expenditure and coverage for 2015 mobility treatments Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and coverage for Mobility Treatmentsà. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.44 Expenditure on economic treatments of maternity 2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Expenditure on Maternit Economic Treatmentsà. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.46 Parental leave benefits per year 2013-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Beneficiaries of parental leave per year of competence. Years 2013-2015
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.51 Expenditure on disease treatment 2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Expenditure on disease treatments, indemnityà to blood donors. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.55 Amount disbursed and SIA beneficiary households with at least one credit in one year.... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Amount disbursed and beneficiary households Active Inclusion Support (IAS) with
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.60 Supervisory activity — 2015 operating results Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Results on'activitiesà of vigilance. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-10
RA2015-Tav.61 Gross — final — value planned during forecasting — percentages of deviation. 2014-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Established gross, final 2014, value planned at the 2015 forecast phase, final a
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.65 Civil litigation. High-contentious offices 2010-2015 Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Civil litigation First + Second. High-contentious venues. Years 2010-2015
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.68 Num agricultural enterprises OTI and OTD average quarterly and annual changes absolute... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of agricultural enterprises with agricultural workers (OTI and OTD), quar
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.69 Annual average absolute changes and percentages of job positions managed by Inps... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Annual average, absolute changes and percentages of job positions managed by'
Issued on 2017-01-11
RA2015-Tav.74 Number of ancillary work providers distinguished by year of activityà and sex... Open Data
2015 Annual Report. Number of service providers separate per year of activity; and sex with indicati
Issued on 2017-01-11
Waste collection 2015 Open Data
The dataset contains two files related to the collection of waste in the Municipality of Lecce. One
Issued on 2016-05-13T12:31:26.346616Z
RAE2012-Financial Monitoring Open Data
2012 Annual Execution Report — Financial Monitoring
Issued on
RAE2012-Priority themes Open Data
Annual Implementation Report 2012 — Priority themes
Issued on
Employment relationships activated for foreign workers by contract-sex and geographical area of... Open Data
Number of employment relationships activated for foreign workers by type of contract, gender and geo
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment relationships activated for foreign workers by geographical distribution-sex-geographical... Open Data
Number of employment relationships activated for foreign workers (a) by geographical breakdown (b),
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment relationships activated by activity sectorà economic-geographical breakdown and sex... Open Data
Description: Number of employment relationships activated by activity sectorà economic, geograp
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment relationships for foreigners from the European Union.2012-2013.I.3.5.12 Open Data
Number of employment relationships activated for foreign workers from countries of the European Unio
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment relationships terminated Open Data
Information on employment relationships terminated in Lombardy or in any case involving citizens of
Issued on
Ceased employment relationships for foreign workers.2012-2013.I.3.5.18 Open Data
Number of ceased employment relationships for foreign workers (a) by type of contract, gender and ge
Issued on 2015-04-30
Ceased employment relationships by activity sectorà economic-geographical breakdown and... Open Data
Number of ceased employment relationships per activity sectorà economic, geographical breakdown
Issued on 2015-04-30
Employment relationships terminated by type of contract-sex and geographical... Open Data
Number of employment relationships terminated by type of contract, gender and geographical breakdown
Issued on 2015-04-30
Transformed employment relationships Open Data
Information on the transformations of employment relationships activated in Lombardy or involving Lo
Issued on
Annual Report 2011 — Completion of social security and welfare pensions in force at 31-12-2011 Open Data
Total social security pensions in force at 31-12-2011 by class of amount and sex
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Completion of social security and welfare pensions in force at 31-12-2011 Open Data
Total social security and welfare pensions in force on 31-12-2011, broken down by category and geogr
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Completion of social security pensions in force at 31-12-2011 by liquidation... Open Data
Total social security pensions in force at 31-12-2011 by liquidation and management scheme
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Completion of existing pensions of the separate management Open Data
Total of the existing separate management pensions broken down by category and sex
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Social supplements in force at 31-12-2011, broken down by category and sex Open Data
Social bonuses in force on 31-12-2011, broken down by category and sex (increases referred to in Law
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Annual average, monthly stocks and trends in Uniemens employees Open Data
Annual average, monthly stocks and changes in the employment positions of employees in the Uniemens
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Number and età average retirement of holders of INPS old-age and seniority... Open Data
Number and età average retirement of holders of INPS old-age and seniority pensionerstà li
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — INPS Pensions, Additional amount paid in 2011 by category and geographical area Open Data
Additional amount of EUR 154.94 relating to INPS Pensions Vigenti at 31-12-2011, paid in 2011 broken
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Pensions INPS by category and gender Open Data
Pensions INPS Vigenti as at 31-12-2011 by category and gender — Receivers of' family allowance
Issued on 2012-07-25
2011 Annual Report — Benefits for invalids in force at 31-12-2011 Open Data
Benefits to invalids in force on 31-12-2011 broken down by type of economic provision and goographic
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Historical series of pensions in force at the end of the year Open Data
Historical series of pensions in force from 1905 to 2010 (Numbers in thousands of unitsà — Aver
Issued on 2012-07-25
Annual Report 2011 — Additional amounts (fourteenth) disbursed in 2011 by category and geographical... Open Data
Additional amounts (fourteenth) disbursed in 2011 broken down by category and geographical area (ex
Issued on 2012-07-25
2011 Annual Report — Additional amounts (fourteenth) disbursed in 2011 by category and sex Open Data
Additional amounts (fourteenth) disbursed in 2011 by category and sex (ex Art. 5 Law No 127/2007)
Issued on 2012-07-25
Bicycle racks Open Data
Location of bicycle racks in the urban area of Bologna
Issued on 2022-12-14T13:08:11.349Z
Complaints pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree No 546 of 1992 notified to the Tax Office in... Open Data
Complaints pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree No 546 of 1992 notified to the Tax Office in
Issued on 2018-02-02T10:34:26.125022Z
Complaints pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree No 546 of 1992 notified to the Tax Office in... Open Data
Complaints pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree No 546 of 1992 notified to the Tax Office in
Issued on 2018-12-13
Income by statistical area Open Data
The data refer to the income of the Bologna taxpayers declared in the tax year.The information, divi
Issued on 2022-09-27T10:55:57.058Z
Median income by statistical area Open Data
The data, divided by statistical areas of the Bolognese territory, refer to the number of taxpayers
Issued on 2022-09-27T11:10:40.200Z
Income/Pension citizenship year 2019 Divided by Nucleo with minors and geographical area Open Data
Number of persons in the Core and annual amount of citizenship income divided by year. Divided by ge
Issued on 2020-07-16
Total annual pension income benefit recipients by year, region, age class and type. Historical... Open Data
Total annual pension income benefit recipients divided by year, region, age class and type (absolute
Issued on 2018-12-04
Constitutional referendum of 4 December 2016 Open Data
By Decree of the President of the Republic of 27 September 2016, published in the Official Gazette -
Issued on 2016-12-04T17:44:11.990918Z
Popular referendum 17 April 2016 Open Data
Popular referendum 2016. Results of the popular referendum on the duration of drilling at sea held o
Issued on 2021-03-23T12:16:01.495Z
Abrogative Popular Referendum — Sunday, April 17, 2016 Open Data
Abrogative referendum provided for in Article 75 of the Constitution on the duration of drilling at
Issued on 2016-04-17T09:52:51.637122Z
School Refection Open Data
In order to reduce food waste in school refection, in 2015 the municipality integrated the electroni
Issued on 2023-03-01T11:42:43.461Z
Municipal Major Regional Council 2010 Open Data
Regional elections — Electoral composition and coalitions/parties — Majority system — Municipalities
Issued on
Municipal Proportional Regional 2010 Open Data
Regional elections — Electoral composition and coalitions/parties — Proportional system — Municipali
Issued on
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