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Municipal Policy Elections 2008 Open Data
Parliamentary elections 2008 — Chamber of Deputies Region LOMBARDIA — Municipalities of the Lombardy
Issued on
Regional elections 26 January 2020 — Male and female votes Open Data
Regional elections 26 January 2020. Number of males and females registered and number of males and f
Issued on 2021-05-28T09:12:33.073Z
Regional elections 26 January 2020 — Votes for list candidates Open Data
Regional elections 26 January 2020. List candidates votes
Issued on 2021-03-11T11:26:26.620Z
Regional elections 26 January 2020 — Votes for candidate presidents Open Data
Regional elections 26 January 2020. Votes per candidate President divided by electoral section, dist
Issued on 2021-05-28T09:11:56.066Z
Regional elections 26 January 2020 — List votes Open Data
Regional elections 26 January 2020. Votes attributed to the lists
Issued on 2021-05-28T09:12:14.345Z
Regional Elections — Puglia — May 31, 2015 Open Data
regional elections, lists and results with plexes
Issued on 2015-05-11T13:08:42.503368Z
Emigrated according to destination, by sex, neighborhood and area of origin — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the population emigrated from Bologna for the destination, by sex, neighborhood an
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:24:03.564Z
Foreign emigrants according to destination, by citizenship and sex — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign emigrant population by destination, by nationality and sex and year si
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:28:14.581Z
Foreign emigrants according to destination, age and gender — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign emigrant population by destination, by age and sex and year since 1986
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:29:41.782Z
Emporio Solidale Open Data
The Emporio Solidale (food bank) is part of the socio-economic support actions and represents an imp
Issued on 2016-10-06T13:57:53.853747Z
Supervised public bodies Municipality of Erba Open Data
List of supervised public bodies Municipality of Erba
Issued on
Contribution revenue 2011-2012 Open Data
Contribution revenue, broken down by institution. Years 2011-2012, in millions of euros. Table 2.2.3
Issued on 2014-02-14
Tax revenue 2013-2014 Open Data
Tax revenue dataset for macro tax items: I.M.U., I.M.U. 1 DWELLING, T.A.S.I., T.A.R.I., T.A.R.S.U.,
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:09.062653Z
Erboristeries Open Data
List, georeferenced, of the herbalists of Matera. Consult the following: [__MAPPA__](http://www.arcg
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:01.123477Z
Retail stores on fixed premises by surface class 2015 Open Data
The file contains data for retail establishments at fixed premises by area class for the year 2015
Issued on 2016-06-09T09:28:09.993983Z
Retail stores on fixed premises relating to the year 2015 Open Data
The file contains data relating to fixed establishments divided into specialised and non-specialised
Issued on 2016-06-09T08:23:53.299566Z
Età  average for new pensions 2012 Open Data
Età average for new pensions 2012. Table 2.3.13D
Issued on 2014-02-14
Events shared with citizenship Open Data
Events fueled by the internal sectors of the municipality. These events can be included tomorrow thr
Issued on 2015-03-13T17:22:46.926233Z
Recurrent cultural events Open Data
Events that are normally recurrent in the city’s cultural programming
Issued on 2014-05-05T09:53:15.448299Z
Monthly evolution for generations of beneficiaries of ordinary non-agricultural unemployment — Years... Open Data
Social Cohesion Report — Data on beneficiaries of non-agricultural unemployment for the year 2009-20
Issued on 2012-01-17
Monthly evolution for generations of beneficiaries of ordinary non-agricultural unemployment — Years... Open Data
Report on social cohesion — Data on beneficiaries of non-agricultural unemployment 2009-2010, divide
Issued on 2012-01-17
Buildings and land _Comune of Lecce Open Data
the dataset reports the data on the assets of the Municipality of Lecce updated as of 31.12.2019
Issued on 2020-12-31
Families with at least one component older than 64 years by type, family size, number of members... Open Data
The data refer to families residing in Bologna with at least a component greater than 64 years since
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:32:02.416Z
Families with at least one member over the age of 74 and over by type, family size, number of... Open Data
The data refer to households resident in Bologna with at least a component greater than 74 years sin
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:33:12.669Z
Resident households with at least one member under 14 years of age by type, family size, number of... Open Data
The data refer to households resident in Bologna with at least one member under 14 years from 1986.F
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:34:17.878Z
Resident families with at least one component under the age of 18 by type, family size, number of... Open Data
The data refer to families residing in Bologna with at least one component under the age of 18 since
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:35:30.537Z
Resident families with at least one foreign component by citizenship, type, number of members,... Open Data
The data refers to resident families with at least one foreign citizenship component by citizenship,
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:36:45.731Z
Resident families by family size and type and Postal Starting Code (CAP) Open Data
The data refer to Resident Families by family size and type and Postal Notice Code (CAP)For the year
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:38:07.961Z
Families living by age, type and citizenship of the head of the family by district and area —... Open Data
The data refer to families living by age, type and citizenship of the head of the family by neighbor
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:46:38.096Z
Resident families by family type, family size, number of components, neighborhood and area —... Open Data
The data refer to resident families by family type, family size, number of components, neighborhood
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:48:29.557Z
Foreign Families Open Data
Families with foreign head of household, with at least one foreign member listed by municipality
Issued on
List of Pharmacies located in the Municipality of Lecce. For any missing pharmacies, please contac
Issued on 2015-09-25T09:33:22.599591Z
Pharmacies Open Data
Register of Pharmacies of Lombardy Region.
Issued on
Bands Income service canteen Open Data
Table A refers to the full line, Table B refers to the 50 % reduction from the second child onwards.
Issued on 2014-06-24T09:30:45.816659Z
Range of respect for plants — Municipality of Matera Open Data
Urban instrumentation in force. Publication for the purpose of issuing a certificate of urban destin
Issued on 2018-01-20T10:54:49.983249Z
age group for gravity 2019 Lecce Open Data
age group for accident severity 2019 Lecce
Issued on 2020-12-30T11:33:54.897368Z
Lombard educational farms Open Data
The Educational Farms of Lombardy are agricultural/agritourism farms engaged in the education of the
Issued on
Urban bus stops in the municipality of Matera Open Data
Since 14 June 2017, data have been added on the stops of the “Bus Urbani” of source Miccolis S.p.A.
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:02.561241Z
International, National and Regional Fairs Open Data
Calendar International, National and Regional Fairs in Lombardy
Issued on
Flows Railway Stations Open Data
Number of rides of regional rail services, climbs and descents for all railway stations and for the
Issued on
Rain sewer Open Data
Plan of the subservice related to the rain sewage network updated to 2014
Issued on 2015-05-29T07:04:47.227193Z
Fontanini di Acqua Drinking of the Municipality of Matera Open Data
Files with all the fountains served by the Lucano spa aqueduct, including closed ones, owned by the
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:53.429337Z
Tenders and tenders Open Data
Publication of the list of procurement procedures awarded. Primary data indicated in the file: Type
Issued on 2023-03-16T22:59:29.145Z
Public Competitions-Consip and ARCA memberships of the Regional Executive Open Data
In compliance with paragraph 32 of Article 1 of Law No 190/2012, this list contains all the informat
Issued on
Dataset of completed tender procedures published on the portal [__tuttogare__](https://lecce.tuttoga
Issued on 2019-11-29
Management Revenue Open Data
Budget 2016 Revenue management
Issued on 2016-04-04
Management revenue. Budget 2019 Open Data
Management revenue. Budget 2019
Issued on 2019-05-31
Management releases 2014 Open Data
Databases and balance sheets — Financial statements 2014
Issued on 2015-11-16
Get out of here. Budget 2019 Open Data
Get out of here. Budget 2019
Issued on 2019-05-31
Management of public_pensions liquidated. Number of pensions and average monthly amount per year of... Open Data
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions and average monthly amount per year
Issued on 2016-06-24
Management of public_pensions liquidated. Number of pensions monthly average amount and average age... Open Data
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions, average monthly amount, età av
Issued on 2016-06-24
Management of public_pensions liquidated. Number of pensions monthly average amount and average age... Open Data
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions, average monthly amount and età
Issued on 2016-06-24
Management of public_pensions in force. Average annual amount and average age for pension funds and... Open Data
Management of civil servants, pensions in force. Average annual amount and età average for pens
Issued on 2016-06-24
Management of public pensions in force. Number of pensions and average monthly amount per region of... Open Data
Management of civil servants, pensions in force. Number of pensions and average monthly amount per r
Issued on 2016-06-24
Management of civil servants — Number of pensions paid, average monthly amount, età average per... Open Data
Management of civil servants — Number of pensions paid, average monthly amount, età average per
Issued on 2017-04-18
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions and average monthly amount and... Open Data
Management of civil servants — Number of pensions paid, average monthly amount, età media, et&#
Issued on 2017-04-18
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions, average monthly amount and average... Open Data
Management of civil servants liquidated pensions. Number of pensions, average monthly amount and et&
Issued on 2017-04-18
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions, average monthly amounts and average... Open Data
Management of civil servants — Number of pensions paid., average monthly amount, età average pe
Issued on 2017-04-19
Management of civil servants, pensions paid. Number of pensions, amount and average monthly per year... Open Data
Management of civil servants — Number of pensions paid, average monthly amount, età average per
Issued on 2017-04-18
Management of civil servants, pensions in force. Number of pensions and average monthly amount per... Open Data
Management of civil servants — Number of existing pensions and average monthly amount per sex and pe
Issued on 2017-04-19
Management of civil servants, pensions in force. Monthly historical series for pension funds and... Open Data
Historical series. Management of civil servants — Number of pensions in force, average monthly amoun
Issued on 2017-04-19
DM Management — Totally undeclared labour distribution-Actività 2013 Open Data
DM Management — Totally undeclared labour distribution-Actività 2013. Activityà 2013 — sha
Issued on 2014-11-05
Financial management — Total revenue 2011-2012 Open Data
Financial management — Total revenue 2011 and 2012 (million euro). The 2011 data were aggregated by
Issued on 2014-02-14
Separate management distributed by category and gender 2012 Open Data
Separate management breakdown by category, gender, consistency and percentage changes. Year 2012 (an
Issued on 2014-02-14
Managers with addresses Open Data
List of operators
Issued on
Giasone — Activitiesà 2013 Open Data
Giasone — Activitiesà 2013
Issued on 2014-11-05
Days and amount compensated beneficiaries agricultural unemployment by type of treatment 2011-2014 Open Data
Passive employment policies — agricultural unemployment. Indemnified days and amount broken down by
Issued on 2016-02-23
severity of accidents 2019 Lecce Open Data
severity of accidents 2019
Issued on 2020-12-30T11:29:22.493641Z
Hot SPOT — Lecce Wireless Open Data
Location of hot spots in the municipal area, for the Lecce — Wireless service. Update with the new
Issued on 2014-05-30T06:15:26.375324Z
The 10 most common surnames at 31/08/2013. Open Data
The common family names in the municipality of Matera. The second column shows the total number of
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:45.286964Z
The 10 most common surnames at 31/12/2013. Open Data
The common family names in the municipality of Matera. The second column shows the total number of i
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:19:05.504426Z
The 10 most common surnames of the city of Matera at 31.12.2014 Open Data
The ten most common surnames in the Municipality of Matera. The second column shows the total number
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:41.842277Z
The 19 Places of Culture Open Data
The 19 Places of Culture illuminated from 19 December 2013 at 19.19 as a symbol of Matera’s candidac
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:43.283692Z
The surnames of the residents Open Data
The dataset contains the classification of the most common surnames in the Municipality of Lecce yea
Issued on 2016-07-28T10:04:24.697418Z
The surnames of the residents 2017 Open Data
The dataset contains the ranking of the most common surnames in the Municipality of Lecce year 2017
Issued on 2017-01-30
The surnames of the residents 2018 Open Data
The dataset contains the ranking of the most common surnames in the Municipality of Lecce in the yea
Issued on 2019-03-27
The data reported in this Statistical Appendix refer to the receiving cores of RdC/PdC in the period... Open Data
Table 1.1 — Number of applicant households RdC/CoP by outcome application and region (*) Refer to co
Issued on 2021-02-15
The names of residents 2017 Open Data
The dataset contains the ranking of the most popular male and female names in the Municipality of Le
Issued on 2017-01-30T10:47:01.450687Z
The names of residents 2018 Open Data
The dataset contains the ranking of the most popular male and female names in the Municipality of Le
Issued on 2019-03-27
Housing suitability Open Data
Certification of housing suitability It is a document attesting that the dwelling complies with the
Issued on 2019-05-15
Immigrants by provenance, by sex, neighborhood and destination area — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign immigrant population by origin, by nationality and gender and year fro
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:50:45.579Z
Foreign immigrants by origin, by citizenship and sex — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign immigrant population by origin, by nationality and gender and year sin
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:51:40.233Z
Foreign immigrants by origin, age and gender — historical series Open Data
The data refer to the foreign immigrant population according to origin, by age and sex and year sinc
Issued on 2022-05-12T14:53:03.884Z
Property confiscated from the Mafia Open Data
list of properties confiscated from the mafia
Issued on 2017-11-30T08:04:08.473869Z
Properties owned by the Municipality of Lecce year 2017 Open Data
Municipal property by type, excluding public housing property, confiscated from organised crime, com
Issued on 2018-11-23T15:28:29.097706Z
Methane Dispensing Plants Open Data
Methane dispensing plants for transport for public use
Issued on
Municipal sports facilities Open Data
List of Municipal sports facilities
Issued on 2017-04-02
Sports facilities Municipality of Lecce Open Data
sports facilities owned by the municipality of Lecce present in the territory
Issued on 2018-10-23T08:24:39.880317Z
Sports facilities — Municipality of Pezzaze Open Data
Sports facilities — Municipality of Pezzaze
Issued on
Municipality of Arese — Sports facilities Open Data
Sports facilities Municipality of Arese
Issued on
Compensation amounts and number of days paid (non-agricultural passive policies) divided by year,... Open Data
Amounts paid and number of days paid (non-agricultural passive policies) divided by year, region and
Issued on 2018-05-08
Additional amount disbursed in 2012 separately by category and geographical area Open Data
Number and percentage of the additional amount of EUR 154.94 (pursuant to Article 70 of Law 388/2000
Issued on 2013-12-02
Amount per household with both parents and at least one minor and at least one... Open Data
Amount per household with both parents and at least one minor child with at least one incapacitated
Issued on 2014-12-18
Amount of household allowance with both parents and at least one minor child without disabled... Open Data
Amount of the household allowance, consisting of both parents and at least one minor child, in which
Issued on 2014-12-18
Total annual amount of total pension records broken down by year, age classes and area. Historical... Open Data
Total annual amount of total pension records broken down by year, age classes and area (absolute val
Issued on 2018-12-04
Amount and days compensated for agricultural unemployment by geographical area and type of treatment... Open Data
Passive employment policies — agricultural unemployment. Days indemnified and amount broken down by
Issued on 2016-02-23
Amount and days paid non-agricultural unemployment ASPI by region 2014 Open Data
Passive employment policies — non-agricultural unemployment ASPI. Amount and days paid separately by
Issued on 2016-02-23
Amount and days compensated non-agricultural unemployment Mini ASPI by sex and age class 2014 Open Data
Passive employment policies — Non-agricultural unemployment Mini ASPI. Days and amounts compensated
Issued on 2016-02-23
Gross amount of occasional employment relationships (vouchers) and number of hours divided by year,... Open Data
Gross amount of occasional employment relationships (vouchers) and number of hours divided by year,
Issued on 2019-02-15
Gross amount of occasional employment relationships (vouchers) and number of hours divided by year,... Open Data
Gross amount of occasional employment relationships (vouchers) and number of hours divided by year,
Issued on 2021-05-27
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