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Number of self-employed craftsmen by sex and age class 2015 Open Data
Self-employed craftsmen. Number of self-employed craftsmen by sex and age class 2015
Issued on 2016-12-07
Number of self-employed traders — monthly data 2015 Open Data
Self-employed traders — number of workers — monthly data. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-07
Number of self-employed traders — historical series 2006-2015 Open Data
Self-employed traders — number of workers. Historical series years 2006-2015
Issued on 2016-12-07
Number of self-employed workers and absolute variation 2017/2008, divided by social security... Open Data
Number of self-employed workers and absolute variation 2017/2008, divided by social security managem
Issued on 2019-06-04
Number of workers benefiting from CISOA per age class 2011-2014 Open Data
Number of workers benefiting from the Cassa Integrazione Salariale Operai Agricoli, broken down by c
Issued on 2015-12-30
Number of workers with at least one disease event started in 2011 by sector, sex and region —... Open Data
Table II.3.4.8 — Number of workers with at least one disease event started in 2011 (*) by sector, se
Issued on 2015-04-29
Number of spectacle workers and remuneration divided by year, area, type of contract and... Open Data
Number of spectacle workers and remuneration divided by year, area, type of contract and professiona
Issued on 2018-12-04
Number of workers in the show, pay and number of paid days management Ex Enpals divided by year,... Open Data
Number of workers in the show, pay and number of paid days management Ex Enpals divided by year, geo
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of employees and average annual amount of Community workers born in Eastern Europe divided by... Open Data
Number of employees and average annual Community workers born in Eastern Europe divided by year, cou
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of employees and average annual Community workers born in Eastern Europe divided by year,... Open Data
Number of employees and average annual Community workers born in Eastern Europe divided by year, cou
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of employees and annual remuneration per class of paid weeks 2011-2014 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers and remuneration in'different year by class of paid weeks. Year 201
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of employees and annual salary by type of contract and classes of paid weeks 2014 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers and earnings in the year, broken down by type of contract and class of
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of employees and annual remuneration by type of contract and classes of paid weeks 2015 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers and annual remuneration by type of contract and classes of paid weeks.
Issued on 2016-12-07
Number of employees and annual remuneration by type of contract and sex 2014 Open Data
Employees. Number and percentage of workers, pay and percentage of pay in'years by contract type
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of employees in administration by qualification and age class 2014 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers being administered in'year by qualification and class of età.
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of registered employees divided by management and year. Years 2014-2015 (absolute values and... Open Data
Number of registered employees divided by management and year. Years 2014-2015 (absolute values and
Issued on 2019-01-10
Number of workers (employees in the month) on farms divided by year, category and gender. Historical... Open Data
Number of workers (employees in the month) on farms divided by year, category and gender (absolute v
Issued on 2018-02-28
Number of workers (employees in the month) on farms divided by year, region, category, gender. Year... Open Data
Number of workers (employees in the month) on farms divided by year, region, category, gender (absol
Issued on 2018-02-28
Number of employees number of useful weeks per year and annual pay per region 2015 Open Data
Employees. Number of washers, number of useful weeks per year and annual pay per region. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-09
Number of employees per qualification and sex. Monthly data 2014 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers broken down by sex and qualification. Monthly data. Year 2014
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of employees per Ateco section. Monthly data 2014 Open Data
Employees. Number of separate workers per Ateco section. Monthly data. Year 2014 (absolute values).
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of employees by Ateco section and qualification 2015 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers per Ateco section and qualification. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-09
Number of employees per section and division Ateco 2015 Open Data
Employees. Number of workers per Ateco section and division. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-09
Number of employees per type of working time. Monthly data 2015 Open Data
Domestic workers. Number of workers per type of working time. Monthly data year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-09
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region and sex. Years... Open Data
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region and sex. Years 201
Issued on 2019-09-26
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region, sex and... Open Data
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region, sex and contractu
Issued on 2019-09-26
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region and class of... Open Data
Number of civil servants ex Inpdap and their remuneration divided by year, region and class of et
Issued on 2019-09-26
Number of domestic workers divided by year, region, nationality and sex. Historical series, years... Open Data
Number of domestic workers divided by year, region, nationality and gender (absolute values and perc
Issued on 2018-05-08
Number of domestic workers divided by trimeste, year, region, nationality and ratio type (absolute... Open Data
Number of domestic workers divided by trimeste, year, region, nationality and ratio type (absolute v
Issued on 2018-05-08
Number of workers in mobilityà divided by year, years of senioritytà contribution and... Open Data
Number of workers in mobilityà divided by year, years of senioritytà contribution and regi
Issued on 2018-05-08
Number of employed workers divided by month, qualification, gender, type of contract. Monthly... Open Data
Number of employed workers divided by month, qualification, gender, type of contract (absolute value
Issued on 2018-02-28
Number of professional sports workers and management remuneration Ex Enpals divided by year, region,... Open Data
Number of professional sports workers and management remuneration Ex Enpals divided by year, region,
Issued on 2018-06-06
Average annual number and sum of domestic worker contributions by gender and geographical area... Open Data
Average annual number and sum of contributions of separate domestic workers by gender and geographic
Issued on 2015-09-23
Average annual number enrolled self-employed craftsmen divided by year, age class and region.... Open Data
Average annual number enrolled self-employed craftsmen divided by year, age class and region. Histor
Issued on 2018-05-08
Average annual number of EU pensioners born in Eastern Europe by year, country of birth, region and... Open Data
Average annual number of EU pensioners born in Eastern Europe by year, country of birth, region and
Issued on 2018-06-06
Average number of active employment policies per measure and category 2010-2014 Open Data
Active employment policies. Average number of separate beneficiaries by measure and category. Years
Issued on 2016-02-23
Average number of domestic lavas per nationality and age class 2015 Open Data
Domestic workers. Average number per nationaltà and class of età. Year 2015
Issued on 2016-12-09
Average number of domestic workers per nationality and age classes 2013-2014 Open Data
Average number of Italian and foreign domestic workers by nationalitiesà and classes of età
Issued on 2015-09-23
Number of applicant households and percentage of income and pension of citizenship divided by year,... Open Data
Number of applicant households and percentage of income and pension of citizenship divided by year,
Issued on 2019-09-26
Number of new hires divided by year, geographical area, type of contribution facilitation and... Open Data
Number of new hires divided by year, geographical area, type of contribution facilitation and part-t
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of new hires divided by year, class of età and sex. Years 2014-2018. Open Data
Number of new hires divided by year, class of età and sex. Years 2014-2018. Absolute values and
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of new hires divided by year, region and activity sectorà economical. Years 2014-2018. Open Data
Number of new hires divided by year, region and activity sectorà economical. Years 2014-2018. A
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, sex and class of... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, sex and class of et
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, sex and class of... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, sex and class of et
Issued on 2021-05-27
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, gender, region and... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, gender, region and typ
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by month, geographical area,... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by month, geographical area, cl
Issued on 2021-05-27
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by month, region, gender and... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by month, region, gender and ty
Issued on 2021-05-27
Number of employees and short-term changes per year, quarter and age class. Absolute values and... Open Data
Number of employees and short-term changes per year, quarter and age class. Absolute values and perc
Issued on 2019-05-30
Number of works of art preserved in the Museums Open Data
OA Tabs — Number of tabs of “Mobile Cultural Goods (Art Works) preserved in the Museums”
Issued on
Number of meals distributed in the Schools of the Municipality of Lecce 2016 Open Data
Number of meals distributed in the Schools of the Municipality of Lecce
Issued on 2016-02-12T13:31:56.819223Z
Number of old-age pensioners and total annual pension income divided by year, region and type.... Open Data
Number of old-age pensioners and total annual pension income divided by year, region and type (absol
Issued on 2018-12-04
Number of old-age pensioners and total annual pension income broken down by year, area and size... Open Data
Number of old-age pensioners and total annual pension income broken down by year, area and size clas
Issued on 2019-04-19
Number of disabled pensioners and total annual pension income broken down by year, region, detailed... Open Data
Number of disabled pensioners and total annual pension income broken down by year, region, detailed
Issued on 2019-04-19
Number of pensions (household pensions) divided by year, sex and area. Years 2012-2017 Open Data
Number of pensions (household pensions) divided by year, sex and area. Years 2012-2017
Issued on 2019-04-19
Number of pensions paid management Ex Enpals divided by year, region, category and sex. Years... Open Data
Number of pensions paid Ex Enpals management divided by year, region, category and gender (absolute
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of pensions cleared management Ex Enpals divided by year, region, management and class of... Open Data
Number of outstanding pensions management Ex Enpals divided by year, region, management and class of
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of existing pensions management Ex Enpals divided by year, geographical area of residence,... Open Data
Number of existing pensions management Ex Enpals divided by year, geographical area of residence, ge
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of disabled people in the nucleus and average monthly income of citizenship divided by year,... Open Data
Number of disabled people in the nucleus and average monthly income of citizenship divided by year,
Issued on 2020-01-20
Number of persons in the Core and annual amount of citizenship income divided by year. Divided by... Open Data
Number of persons in the Core and annual amount of citizenship income divided by year. Divided by ge
Issued on 2021-01-14
Number of job positions per company by Ateco section 2013-2014 Open Data
Non-agricultural private sector enterprises and jobs. Number of enterprises and job positions per en
Issued on 2016-02-19
Number of practices evaded by the Social Services Sector of the Municipality of Lecce_year 2016 Open Data
For the year 2016, more than 6000 files were processed, subdivided here by competent office and the
Issued on 2017-03-31T09:12:06.928763Z
Number of ancillary and average occasional labour providers per year, area and age class. Years... Open Data
Number of ancillary and average occasional labour providers per year, area and age class (absolute v
Issued on 2018-12-04
Number of suppliers ancillary occasional work per year and sex 2008-2013.tav7.9.csv Open Data
Number of ancillary occasional labour providers broken down by year of activityà and sex with a
Issued on 2014-12-18
Number of benefits to pensioners and average annual Community amount born in Eastern Europe divided... Open Data
Number of benefits to pensioners and average annual Community amount born in Eastern Europe divided
Issued on 2018-06-05
Number of benefits to pensioners and average annual amount divided by year, country of nationality,... Open Data
Number of benefits to pensioners and average annual amount divided by year, country of nationality,
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of benefits to non-EU pensioners and average annual amount divided by year, country of... Open Data
Number of benefits to non-EU pensioners and average annual amount divided by year, country of nation
Issued on 2018-06-06
Number of welfare benefits as at 31 December 2012 by type of pension and sex Open Data
Number of benefits outstanding at 31 December 2012 by type of pension and sex (amounts in euro). Da
Issued on 2014-02-14
Number of employment relationships on active farms divided by year, region, size class. Historical... Open Data
Number of employment relationships on active farms divided by year, region, size class (absolute val
Issued on 2018-02-28
Number of working relationships of agricultural workers on farms divided by year and region. Year... Open Data
Number of working ratios of agricultural workers on farms divided by year and region (absolute value
Issued on 2018-02-28
Number of archaeological finds preserved in the Museums Open Data
RA Cards — Number of “Archaeological exhibits preserved in the Museums”
Issued on
RSA number for ATS Open Data
The Health Care Residences are principals that offer elderly and non-self-sufficient subjects, with
Issued on
Number of Ancient Art prints preserved in the Museums Open Data
SMI Cards — Number of cards of the “Antique Art Prints preserved in the Museums”
Issued on
Total number of days worked on farms divided by year, region and category. Historical series, years... Open Data
Total number of days worked on farms divided by year, region and category (absolute values and perce
Issued on 2018-02-28
Total number of workers and average annual number of self-employed workers in agricultural holdings... Open Data
Total number of workers and average annual number of self-employed workers in agricultural holdings
Issued on 2018-02-28
Total number of fixed-term workers on farms divided by year, region, gender. Historical series,... Open Data
Total number of fixed-term workers on farms divided by year, region, gender (absolute values and per
Issued on 2018-02-28
Total number of pensions paid divided by year, sex, category and subcategory. Historical series,... Open Data
Total number of pensions paid divided by year, sex, category and subcategory (absolute values and pe
Issued on 2018-03-09
Number of non-agricultural unemployment benefits with reduced requirements per age class 2011-2012 Open Data
Passive employment policies — Non-agricultural unemployment with reduced requirements. Number of tre
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of non-agricultural unemployment treatments with reduced requirements per class of paid days... Open Data
Passive employment policies — Non-agricultural unemployment with reduced requirements. Number of sep
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of non-agricultural ordinary unemployment benefits by region 2011-2013 Open Data
Passive employment policies — Ordinary non-agricultural unemployment. Number of separate treatments
Issued on 2016-02-23
Number of contractual changes in occasional work divided by a, type of cessation, region, class of... Open Data
Number of contractual changes in occasional work divided by a, type of cessation, region, class of e
Issued on 2019-02-15
Number of contractual changes (occasional work) broken down by year, class of età,... Open Data
Number of new occasional employment relationships (vouchers) divided by year, class of età
Issued on 2021-05-27
Number of medical examinations, number of days of prognosis.Ccalculated for days of prognosis... Open Data
Number of medical examinations, number of days of prognosis.Ccalculated for days of prognosis includ
Issued on 2021-03-25
Number of vouchers sold for employment activity and distribution mode 2014-I sem. 2015 Open Data
Accessory work. Number of vouchers sold separately for activitiesà of use and modeà distri
Issued on 2015-12-15
Number of vouchers sold for accessory work divided by year, area and channel. Years 2008-2017 Open Data
Number of vouchers sold for accessory work divided by year, area and channel (absolute values and pe
Issued on 2018-12-04
New benefits 2012 by type of pension and sex Open Data
New benefits paid in 2012 by type of pension and sex. Table 2.3.28
Issued on 2014-02-14
WWF Oasis of San Giuliano — Municipality of Matera Open Data
The WWF Oasis of Lake San Giuliano is located in a Special Protection Area (ZPS IT9220144) and in a
Issued on 2018-01-20T10:09:09.590975Z
Outdated — Urban bus timetables and routes 2015 Open Data
**Data outdated only for statistical purposes. ** The dataset contains useful information on the rou
Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:47.300423Z
Occupations public land dehors old town and Sassi Open Data
Occupations public land dehors old town and Sassi authorised by the competent offices. To improve
Issued on 2018-06-27
Training offer for training and work Open Data
List of regional vocational training courses classified by type of offer.
Issued on
Workshops Authorised by the Motorisation Municipality of Lecce Open Data
The dataset contains the list of workshops authorised to carry out the vehicle review by the Departm
Issued on 2019-02-18
Contribution omission and distribution penalties for management-Activesà 2013 Open Data
Contribution omission and distribution penalties for management-Activesà 2013
Issued on 2014-11-05
Open Cantieri Lecce Open Data
Dataset containing the list of the main public works being carried out and already carried out by th
Issued on 2016-12-19T10:29:57.737502Z
OpenCantieri Municipality of Lecce — visual narration Open Data
Using the opensource platform “Timeline”, the Municipal Authority wants to show some public works re
Issued on 2018-12-05T11:54:09.119832Z
OpenCatasto Sassi — State-owned properties of the Sassi managed by the Municipality of Matera Open Data
List of properties owned by the State Property, located in the Rioni Sassi, transferred under conces
Issued on 2018-02-01
OpenCUP — Municipality of Matera Open Data
Open CUP makes available to all — citizens, institutions and other bodies — data, in open format, on
Issued on 2018-04-15T07:34:04.383594Z
OpenFiber — planning and state of work Municipality of Matera Open Data
Progress data of OpenFiber spa cabling works updated directly by the company itself. To facilitate
Issued on 2018-01-18T19:04:58.006822Z
Farm workers employed — Number of days worked by contract category 2011-2014 Open Data
Observatory on Employee Agricultural Workers — Number and average days worked by contract category (
Issued on 2015-12-30
Farm workers employed — Number of workers and number and average of days worked by sex 2015 Open Data
Number of farm workers employed and number and average of days worked per sex. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-09
Employed agricultural workers — Number of workers by contract category and class of working days... Open Data
Observatory on Employee Agricultural Workers — Number of workers by contract category and class of w
Issued on 2015-12-30
Employed agricultural workers — Number of workers by category and geographical area 2015 Open Data
Number of agricultural workers employed by category and geographical area. Year 2015
Issued on 2017-01-09
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