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With List of APIs we currently working on to bridge to life.
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DBTR — Port or Coast Defense Work (subarea) — (OPT_GPGSA) Open Data
Restraint control or access control in the exchange of land-water communications. (Subarea).
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Port or Coast Defense Work — (OPT_GPG) Open Data
Restraint control or access control in the exchange of land-water communications.
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Landslide hem — (OCF_GLI) Open Data
Calanco eyelash or landslide.
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Escalope hem — (OSC_GLI) Open Data
Hem of escarpment.
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Pole — (PAL_GPT) Open Data
Entities consisting of simple wooden or other material poles are described in this class but which a
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Pasture or uncultivated — (PAI_GPG) Open Data
Portion of territory characterised mainly by the presence of herbaceous and shrub vegetation intende
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Rail Transport Infrastructure Platform (subarea) — (SIR_GPGSA) Open Data
It describes the extension of the railway platform, i.e. the base on which the rails and sleepers ar
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Rail Transport Infrastructure Platform — (SIR_GPG) Open Data
It describes the extension of the railway platform, i.e. the base on which the rails and sleepers ar
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Bridge/viaduct/cavalcavia (headquarters in Piloni) — (PON_PP_GPG) Open Data
It operates for the connection of mobility from opposite parts of a river, lake, sea, overlapping of
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Bridge/viaduct/cavalcavia (pallets) — (PON_SP_GLI) Open Data
It operates for the connection of mobility from opposite parts of a river, lake, sea, overlapping of
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Bridge/viaduct/cavalcavia — (PON_GPG) Open Data
Operates for the connection of mobility from opposite parts of a river, lake, sea, overloading of ot
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Province — (PRV_GPG) Open Data
Defines the surface of a Province as the composition of its municipal surfaces. Compared to the prev
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Cadastral Trust Point — (PCT_GPT) Open Data
It includes cadastral trust points.In addition to spatial data, each trust point and the entity that
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Listed Point — (PQT_GPT) Open Data
There are the following categories of listed points:- points listed insulated on the ground (on serv
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Region — (REG_GPG) Open Data
Defines the area of the Region as the composition of the relevant provincial areas. Compared to the
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Shoe (Boundary) — (SCA_GLIBN) Open Data
Definition of the lines of sudden change of slope that are therefore characteristic of the orography
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Scarpata — (SCA_GPG) Open Data
Definition of the lines of sudden change of slope that are therefore characteristic of the orography
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Path — (SEN_GLI) Open Data
Includes regional trails
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Siepe — (SIE_GLI) Open Data
Hedges of good consistency, constituting at the same time territorial division and plant emergency.
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Source — (SOR_GPT) Open Data
It includes springs, springs and fountains.
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Lattice support — (TRL_GPG) Open Data
It represents the lattice supports for the development of cableway installations or energy transport
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Water Mirror (Boundary) — (SDA_GLIBN) Open Data
Includes surface water bodies characterised by slow-replacement or stagnant water; it may be natural
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Water mirror (subarea) — (SDA_GPGSA) Open Data
Includes surface water bodies characterised by slow-replacement or stagnant water; it may be natural
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Water mirror — (SDA_GPG) Open Data
Includes surface water bodies characterised by slow-replacement or stagnant water; it may be natural
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Road (Relevant Area) — (STR_AP_GPG) Open Data
Road (Relevant Area)
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Road (Synthetic Path) — (STR_PS_GLI) Open Data
Road (Synthetic path)
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Road — (STR_GLI) Open Data
Corresponds to the portion of the road network identified as a single object by the owner of the roa
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Place name (written map) — (TOP_GPG) Open Data
Toponyms, understood as the proper name of a place or object present in the geographical space, repr
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Place name — (TOP_LA_GLI) Open Data
Toponyms, understood as the proper name of a place or object present in the geographical space, repr
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Municipal Road Place name (Synthetic Path) — (TPS_PS_GLI) Open Data
Municipal road toponym (Synthetic path)
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Municipal Road Place name — (TPS_GLI) Open Data
The road name has a dual function: on the one hand, it identifies an area of the municipal territory
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Fluid pipeline — (TCF_GLI) Open Data
Pipelines generally for fluid (e.g.: pipelines) or gaseous materials (e.g.: methane pipelines).There
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Airline pipeline — (TEA_GLI) Open Data
Overhead power line with a voltage exceeding 20 kV.The line is represented at the cable or axis of t
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Rail transport infrastructure (Tract) — (TFE_GLITR) Open Data
It consists of the centreline of the track beams within “Road Transport Infrastructure Headquarters”
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Road (Tract) — (TRS_GLITR) Open Data
Route obtained by synthesis, according to the rules of GDF level2, of one or more road elements and
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Road traffic — (TRS_GLI) Open Data
Route obtained by synthesis, according to the rules of GDF level2, of one or more road elements and
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Volumetric unit — (UVL_GPG) Open Data
The surface of each building is divided into Volumetric Units through dividers, i.e. lines of separa
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Network Summit — (VRT_GPT) Open Data
Includes the summits of general geodetic networks (IGMs, etc.); in the current version, only data fr
Issued on 2021-01-01
DBTR — Settlement Unit — (UNS_GPG) Open Data
The Settlement Unit is that portion of urbanised/antropised territory with a consistent use and use
Issued on 2021-01-01
Municipality — (COM_GPT) 2018 Edition Open Data
These are the points, identified with their respective localities, of the municipalities originating
Issued on 2018-01-01
Municipality — (COM_GPG) Edition 2018-100K Open Data
Defines the area of the municipalities simplified for scales from 1:50000 to 1:250000, coming from t
Issued on 2018-01-01
Municipality — (COM_GPG) Edition 2018-250K Open Data
Defines the area of the municipalities simplified for scales of 1:250000, coming from the Municipali
Issued on 2018-01-01
Municipality — (COM_GPG) Edition 2018-25K Open Data
Defines the area of the municipalities simplified for scales from 1:10000 to 1:50000, coming from th
Issued on 2018-01-01
Municipality — (COM_GPG) Edition 2018-5K Open Data
Defines the area of the municipalities coming from the Topographic DB, subsequently modified and upd
Issued on 2018-01-01
Administrative Limit — (LAM_GLI) Edition 2018-100k Open Data
It corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign, simplified for scales from 1:50000 to 1:250000,
Issued on 2018-01-01
Administrative Limit — (LAM_GLI) Edition 2018-250k Open Data
It corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign, simplified by scales of 1:250000, and represent
Issued on 2018-01-01
Administrative Limit — (LAM_GLI) Edition 2018-25k Open Data
It corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign, simplified for scales from 1:10000 to 1:50000,
Issued on 2018-01-01
Administrative Limit — (LAM_GLI) Edition 2018-5K Open Data
It corresponds to the axis of the conventional sign and represents the geometric position of the bor
Issued on 2018-01-01
Offshore Sand Information System (In_Sand) — C1 Field Thickness (2015) Open Data
Represents the thickness of the sand deposit called C1 made on the basis of the interpretation of th
Issued on 2017-01-01
Offshore Sand Information System (In_Sand) — Field A Thickness (2012) Open Data
Represents the thickness of the sandy deposit called A obtained on the basis of the interpretation o
Issued on 2017-01-01
Information System Offshore Sands (In_Sand) — Thicknesses of deposits Open Data
It contains the polygons representing the sand thicknesses of the deposit, divided into classes expr
Issued on 2017-01-01
DBTR — Regional Technical Paper 1:10.000 — Light Open Data
Cartographic representation of the contents of the Regional Topographic Database at large scales, wi
Issued on 2022-01-01
Seismic risk — CLE stretches — Structural units Open Data
The analysis of the CLE of urban settlements is carried out using the forms drawn up by the Technica
Issued on 2017-01-01
Seismic risk — CLE stretches — Buildings with strategic functions in the event of an emergency Open Data
The analysis of the CLE of urban settlements is carried out using the forms drawn up by the Technica
Issued on 2017-01-01
Seismic risk — CLE stretches — Emergency management areas Open Data
The analysis of the CLE of urban settlements is carried out using the forms drawn up by the Technica
Issued on 2017-01-01
Seismic risk — CLE stretches — Structural Open Data
The analysis of the CLE of urban settlements is carried out using the forms drawn up by the Technica
Issued on 2017-01-01
Seismic risk — CLE stretches — Accessibility or Connection Infrastructure Open Data
The analysis of the CLE of urban settlements is carried out using the forms drawn up by the Technica
Issued on 2017-01-01
Geognostic evidence database Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the geognostic evidence obtained on the entire region
Issued on
Geognostic Testing Database — Geognostic Tests (lines) Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database, containing geognostic tests with linear geometry, obtained thro
Issued on
Geognostic Evidence Database — Geognostic Tests (paras) Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database, containing specific geognostic tests, obtained throughout the r
Issued on
Offshore Sand Information System (In_Sand) — A0 Field Thickness (2000) Open Data
Represents the thickness of the sandy deposit called A0 obtained on the basis of the interpretation
Issued on 2017-01-01
Offshore Sand Information System (In_Sand) — A0 (Multibeam Pre-intervention 2007) Open Data
Multibeam executed in area A0, undisclosed as an optimal prelivo area (Code Intervention: A0_1_2007)
Issued on 2017-01-01
Orthophoto RER 1976-1978 Open Data
Orthophotos 30 cm.Digital Orthophotos resulting from the scan of the negatives relative to aerial sh
Issued on 2022-03-01
Reconstruction of schools — School buildings by type of intervention Open Data
Information layer identifying schools that have suffered damage since the 2012 earthquake and for wh
Issued on 2022-05-20
Reconstruction of schools — Urbanisation works Open Data
Information layer of the works and facilities necessary to make school buildings usable.
Issued on 2022-01-01
PFA registry events Open Data
This data shows the geographical information relating to the events entered in the event register an
Issued on
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) Open Data
Protected areas and Natura 2000 network: Special Protection Areas (SPAs) — Delimitation of Special P
Issued on
Piedmont Region hiking heritage network — GEO-WMS Service Open Data
WMS service that allows consultation of the hiking network of the Piedmont Region.
Issued on
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
Issued on
Retrofitting CARTOGRAFIC BDTRE 2022 (Raster 1:25.000) — GEO-SERVICE WMS AND WMTS Open Data
Geo-services WMS E WMTS that allow the display of the Reference Map Base in scale 1:25,000 (Data 202
Issued on
Real erosion card 1:250000 Open Data
Real erosion map 1:250000.The figure shows, in raster format with cells of one hectare (100 m x 100
Issued on
Colour raster images of the 1:50,000 scale set-up derived from the Territorial Database of Reference
Issued on
Living population for municipality [residents and density] — GEO-SERVIZIO WMS Open Data
Geoservice WMS exposure of data relating to the resident population by year and by municipality rela
Issued on
Acoustic mappings — year 2012 Open Data
I dati forniscono la rappresentazione della situazione di rumore causata dalle infrastrutture ferrov
Issued on
Soil map 1:50,000 Open Data
Soil map of Piedmont Region 1:50,000.Reports the geometries of the Map Units, defined according to c
Issued on
Organic carbon paper in soils 1:250000 Open Data
Organic carbon map in the soils of the Piedmont Region 1:250000.The figure shows the estimates, in a
Issued on
Including PFA Open Data
The geographical data shows the information included in which the Farm Forest Plans are divided.
Issued on
Certificates of Energy Performance (APE) Open Data
Punctual localisation of Energy Performance Certificates (APEs) issued for buildings located on the
Issued on
REFERENCE MAP LAYOUT BDTRE 2022 B/N 1:10,000 Open Data
Images in raster format of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2022), i.e. the mappin
Issued on
Structural types PFA Open Data
The geographical data shows the information on the PFA forest map thematicised according to the stru
Issued on
Colour raster images of the 1:25,000 scale set-up derived from the Territorial Database of Reference
Issued on
Land Cover Piemonte: Land use and land cover classification — GEO-SERVICE WMS Open Data
WMS geo-service that allows the display of the dataset containing land use and cover information ass
Issued on
Emission points into the atmosphere subject to environmental authorisation Open Data
Emission points in the atmosphere subject to environmental authorisation. A WFS service (vers 2.0) o
Issued on
Predominant functional destinations map and compartmentalisation map Open Data
Geographical data on the map of predominant functional destinations and map of compartments, produce
Issued on
Forest fires — Areas and trigger points Open Data
The dataset relates to the Forest Fires that have affected the territory of the Piedmont Region, in
Issued on
Linear failures resulting from urban planning tools Open Data
Linear failures identified by the individual Piedmontese municipalities following the adaptation of
Issued on
Air Recovery ICE 2009-2011 — Shaded relief — Geoservice WMS Open Data
The geoservice WMS REPRESA AEREA ICE 2009-2011 — Shaded relief allows the visualisation of the shade
Issued on 2016-09-01
Industrial unloading points Open Data
The dataset represents the direct discharge points (not connected to the public sewer network) that
Issued on
Attestation of Energy Performance of Buildings (APE) Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geoservice representing the punctual location (on address) of the Energy Performance Certificates (A
Issued on 2022-02-18
Regional Forest Information System (SIFOR) Open Data
Web component of the Regional Forest Information System, which exposes the data published by the For
Issued on
Forest map (2016 edition) Open Data
Geographical data for the 2016 edition of the Forest Charter and of the additional data relating to
Issued on
IV Report (2013-2019) monitoring pursuant to art. 17 Habitats Directive (species) Geo-service WMS Open Data
The data relating to the monitoring of species of Community interest represent the compliance of the
Issued on
III Report (2007-2012) monitoring pursuant to art. 17 Habitats Directive (species) Geo-service WMS Open Data
The data relating to the monitoring of species of Community interest represent the compliance of the
Issued on
Colour raster images of the 1:250,000 scaled layout derived from the Territorial Reference of the En
Issued on
Urban Wastewater Exhaust Points Open Data
The dataset represents the waste water discharge points of the public sewerage network.The data pres
Issued on
Management interventions of the PFA register Open Data
This data shows the geographical information relating to forest interventions entered in the PFA eve
Issued on
PFA properties Open Data
The geographical data shows the information of the cadastral parcels and the property of the Farm Fo
Issued on
Natura 2000 Network Sites — Dataset Open Data
Natura 2000 Network Sites: sites identified for natural, landscape and cultural characteristics defi
Issued on
Forest map and other land cover (2000) Open Data
Geographical data relating to the forest map and other land cover, produced by IPLA on the basis of
Issued on
III Report (2007-2012) monitoring pursuant to Article 17 Habitats Directive (Habitats) Geo-service... Open Data
The data relating to the monitoring of habitats of Community interest represent the compliance of th
Issued on
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