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Born by neighborhood by sex Open Data
The table shows the number of male or female births, per neighborhood of residence.
Issued on 2015-06-09T13:10:51Z
Non-traceable foreign nationals registered on the basis of nationality Open Data
The table shows the number of foreign nationals registered in Cesena after a period of non-traceabil
Issued on 2016-02-17T11:58:00Z
Linear Dressings Open Data
Municipal Linear garments, include polylines referring to territorial descriptions of various types.
Issued on 2016-11-10T07:53:04Z
School locations Open Data
Map of the location of the school premises of each order and grade.
Issued on 2015-06-29T11:35:50Z
Railroad Open Data
Municipal railway network
Issued on 2015-10-13T08:54:11Z
Location Census 2011 Open Data
Location of Census year 2011
Issued on 2015-06-29T11:26:14Z
Cemeteries Open Data
Polygonal areas that identify the cemeteries inside the municipal territory
Issued on 2015-06-29T11:34:06Z
Population by age and sex Open Data
The table shows the population of the Municipality of Verghereto resident on 31 December of the year
Issued on 2015-09-04T12:16:46Z
Residents for time elapsed since the date of immigration Open Data
The table proposes resident citizens for time elapsed since the date of immigration, with details of
Issued on 2019-02-27T08:56:16Z
European Elections 2019 Open Data
European elections 26/05/2019. Votes obtained from the electoral rolls, broken down by single pollin
Issued on 2019-08-06T13:14:59Z
Municipal Elections 2019. Votes Mayor I° round Open Data
Municipal elections 26/05/2019. Votes obtained by the mayor candidates, broken down by single pollin
Issued on 2019-08-08T13:05:54Z
Municipal Elections 2019. List votes Open Data
Municipal elections 26/05/2019. Votes obtained from the electoral rolls, broken down by single polli
Issued on 2019-08-09T11:20:47Z
Municipal Elections 2019. Votes Mayor round of ballot Open Data
Municipal Elections 2019. Votes obtained by the mayor candidates in the round of ballot, 09/06/2019,
Issued on 2019-08-09T15:08:55Z
Municipal Elections 2019. Candidate Advisers Preferences Open Data
Municipal elections 26/05/2019. Preferred votes obtained by candidates councillors, municipal total.
Issued on 2019-08-12T11:48:49Z
Regional Elections 2014 Open Data
Regional elections 23/11/2014. Votes obtained from the lists, broken down by single polling station,
Issued on 2019-08-13T13:45:32Z
2014 Regional Elections. Candidates Regional Presidency Open Data
Regional elections 23/11/2014. Votes obtained by candidates for the regional presidency, divided by
Issued on 2019-08-22T14:48:49Z
Foreign citizens emigrated to municipalities in the province of Forlì-Cesena by citizenship Open Data
The table shows foreign citizens who have emigrated to municipalities in the province of Forlì-Cesen
Issued on 2020-01-29T09:30:18Z
Foreign nationals emigrated to other Italian provinces by citizenship Open Data
The table shows the number of foreign citizens emigrated from Cesena, to Italian provinces other tha
Issued on 2020-01-29T09:40:17Z
Foreign nationals who have emigrated to their countries of origin by nationality Open Data
The table shows the number of foreign nationals who emigrated from Cesena to their countries of orig
Issued on 2020-01-29T09:48:44Z
Foreign nationals who have emigrated to foreign countries other than their country of origin by... Open Data
The table shows the number of foreign nationals who emigrated from Cesena to foreign countries other
Issued on 2020-01-29T10:04:10Z
Foreign nationals deleted from the registry because they cannot be found by citizenship Open Data
The table shows the number of foreign citizens deleted from the registry of Cesena as they are unava
Issued on 2020-01-29T10:33:14Z
Regional Elections 2020 Open Data
Regional Elections 26/01/2020. Votes obtained from the lists, broken down by single polling station,
Issued on 2020-02-24T12:57:39Z
Regional Elections 2020 — Candidate President of the Region Open Data
Regional Elections 26/01/2020. Votes obtained by candidates for the regional presidency, divided by
Issued on 2020-02-24T13:27:55Z
Deceased registered by age, municipality of residence and municipality of death Open Data
Deaths recorded in Cesena both in the municipality and uncommon, by age and municipality of residenc
Issued on 2020-04-23T22:02:48Z
Reports to the municipality Open Data
Reports from citizens to the municipality on phenomena of inconvenience in the city.
Issued on 2020-11-03T10:01:17Z
Investigation “Cesena how’s it going?” Open Data
Answers to the Survey “Cesena come va” conducted in Cesena during the period April-May 2020.Objectiv
Issued on 2020-10-12T13:12:35Z
Research redevelopment Sports Centre and Vivaio area of Bagno di R. Open Data
Replies to the questionnaire “Requalification of the Municipal Sports Centre and the Vivaio area” of
Issued on 2021-02-17T12:46:55Z
Residents, families, foreigners in the historic center Open Data
The dataset represents the map of the historic center of Cesena, confined between the walls and the
Issued on 2021-05-06T09:53:08Z
SDGs indicators Open Data
Useful indicators for monitoring the Environmental Sustainability Goals (Sdgs) for the city
Issued on 2021-08-25T09:52:54Z
Residents, families and foreigners in the ZTL Open Data
The dataset represents the map of the ZTL of the historic centre of Cesena, confined between the wal
Issued on 2021-08-24T14:55:39Z
Aziende in Centro Storico per macrocategoria ATECO Open Data
Il dataset rappresenta la mappa del centro storico di Cesena, confinato tra le mura e la serie stori
Issued on 2022-04-14T11:32:37Z
Companies in Historical Centre by section ATECO Open Data
The dataset represents the map of the historic center of Cesena, confined between the walls and the
Issued on 2022-04-14T11:32:47Z
Air quality year 2014 Open Data
The dataset [‘Environmental Monitoring Stations’] (http://opendata.comune.catania.gov.it/dataset/sta
Issued on
Waste containers for districts distinguished by type Open Data
The table shows the number of waste containers present in each district and broken down by type.
Issued on 2022-07-14T10:05:17Z
Fluvial surface waters — State assessment/Ecological and chemical potential — period 2014-2019 Open Data
Assessment of the State/Ecological and Chemical Potential of Waters of River Waters of the Emilia-Ro
Issued on 2022-05-24T07:48:43.879390Z
Turnouts and election results of the general elections in the year 2018 Open Data
The new law provides for a mixed electoral system both in the House and in the Senate: one third of
Issued on
Urban agglomerations — DGR 569/2019 Open Data
Areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:21:14.937866Z
Picking areas of sand intended for the replenishment of the beaches Open Data
Areas for the collection of sand intended for the replenishment of the beaches of the Emilia-Romagna
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:27:02.298678Z
Pedestrian areas Messina Open Data
Pedestrian areas of the Municipality of Messina.
Issued on 2022-06-28
Harp Piemonte — Topographics — Pictures of union Open Data
The service contains the union paintings of the Regional Technical Charter on the scale 1:10,000, 1:
Issued on 2011-03-18
Harp Piemonte — Land Consumption Mapping in Piedmont 2018 Open Data
The dataset represents the mapping of the soil areas consumed in Piedmont as of 2019. The elaboratio
Issued on 2019-09-01
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — ed. 2015 Open Data
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the cr
Issued on
Administrative Acts — Municipality of Country Open Data
Administrative acts — Municipality of Country — Updated 20220731
Issued on 2022-06-29T07:30:41Z
Beneficiaries EFF Bands Open Data
Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund provides for information and publicity r
Issued on
BolognaWifi — Affluence (Storico I Sem 2022) Open Data
(Historical 2022 I SEMESTRE) Data in aggregate form relating to hourly turnout in areas with public
Issued on 2023-02-23T15:42:14.141Z
Residential Centres in accordance with the Code of the Road Open Data
Identification of residential areas as defined in Article 3(8) of the New Highway Code (Legislative
Issued on
Placenames and Civic Numbers Open Data
This theme defines the organisation of the municipal roadway, with its place name.The concepts on wh
Issued on
Internal access Open Data
Access to the building. It is present for all buildings accessed through indirect external access. I
Issued on
Pedestrian traffic areas Open Data
Dataset containing the area intended for pedestrian circulation, it includes all sections of the roa
Issued on
Real estate and anthropisations Open Data
The layer “Buildings and anthropisations” collects the definition of all those objects that derive f
Issued on
1:5,000 scale technical paper (2007) Open Data
1:5,000 scale technical paper (2007), Raster format
Issued on 2006-06-04
Municipality of Verona — results of local elections 2022 — constituencies — turnout h12 Open Data
<TABLE BORDER=\“0\” CELLSPACING=\“0\”> <TBODY> <TR> <td>Comune di Verona — results of local election
Issued on 2022-07-15T05:36:04Z
Municipality of Verona — results of local elections 2022 — municipal — mayor final Open Data
Municipality of Verona — results of local elections 2022 — municipal — mayor final
Issued on 2022-07-15T06:09:38Z
Air Quality Forecast Coverage Open Data
This data set provides the historical air quality forecasting coverage generated by the GRAL model o
Issued on
Demographics of Puglia and socio-sanitary effects Open Data
The dataset presents the demographic structure of Puglia, forecast scenarios and demographic effects
Issued on 2022-05-24
Purifiers of the Emilia-Romagna Region — 2019 edition Open Data
Location of urban waste water treatment plants of the Emilia-Romagna Region — update 2018-2019 editi
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:30:35.771764Z
List of associations — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello Open Data
List of associations — Municipality of Crocetta Del Montello — Updated 20220810
Issued on 2022-08-11T12:50:31Z
ISPRA: Land Consumption 2021 Open Data
ISPRA: Land Consumption 2021
Issued on 2021-02-10
Expressions of interest widespread reception Open Data
The deadline for submission of expressions of interest, provided for in the notice published on 11 A
Issued on
Historical model of traffic flow Open Data
This dataset provides access to the historical values of the traffic flow model. This dataset was cr
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Total cloud cover (%) — (2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Total cloud cover (%). Run of 2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-06-27 to 00 UTC
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Convective Potential Energy Available (CAPE) (J/Kg) — (2022-06-27 hours 12... Open Data
Available Convective Potential Energy (CAPE) (J/Kg). Run of 2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Hourly precipitation (mm) — (2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Hourly precipitation (mm). Race of 2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC 2022-07-21 to 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground temperature (C) — (2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Temperature of the soil (C). Run of 2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-06-27 to
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Wind speed and direction (m/s) — (2022-07-22 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Wind speed and direction (m/s). Journey of 2022-07-22 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2022-07-22 to
Issued on
Coastal Defense Works — 2018 Open Data
Works of defense from the sea present along the coast of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Issued on 2022-03-15T16:56:39.509727Z
Daily Air Quality Observations for Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Cloud Cover LIDAR Solar Tirol 2013 Open Data
LiDAR Solar Tirol 2013 cloud cover for download in geocatalogue
Issued on 2014-06-30
PPR06 — Polluted sites Open Data
PPR Environmental Assets — Environmental Recovery Areas Polygonal elements representing polluted sit
Issued on
Abrogative referendum on justice on 12 June 2022 Open Data
Unofficial results on the abrogative referendum on justice on 12 June 2022. * First question: abol
Issued on
WASTE: Urban waste collection managers — year 2019 Open Data
Distribution of municipal territories among the operators carrying out the separate and undifferenti
Issued on 2022-01-05T14:42:26.861150Z
WASTE: Composting plants — year 2020 Open Data
Location of composting plants in the Emilia-Romagnsa region — 2021 edition — data updated to 2020
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:24:12.322251Z
WASTE: Separate collection of municipal waste — year 2018 Open Data
Percentages of separate collection of municipal waste by municipality — 2019 edition — data updated
Issued on 2022-01-05T14:42:37.798757Z
PRG Open Data
No abstracts entered
Issued on
Monitoring station ARIA — Torgiano — Brufa Open Data
Coordinates: Datum Roma40 projection Gauss-Boaga fused east N 4771473 — E 2321844 Altitude:315 mete
Issued on
Environmental Monitoring Stations Open Data
Air quality monitoring stations
Issued on
Structure by age, gender and marital status of the population living in Tuscany. 2012 Open Data
[Alt text](/images/rtsmall.gif) The archive contains data on the population resident in the municipa
Issued on
University students enrolled for university year 2015 Open Data
University students enrolled for university
Issued on 2022-06-30T09:13:42Z
Unfenced soils Open Data
Map of unfenced soils of the Municipality of Bari
Issued on
Asbestos surfaces and sites Open Data
Map of asbestos surfaces and sites of the Municipality of Bari
Issued on
Maximum Temperature — Annual Average — Climate 1991-2008 — Ed.2010 Open Data
Average over the period 1991-2008 of the annual average of the maximum daily temperature (°C)
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:47:20.089302Z
Minimum Temperature — Annual Average — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2010 Open Data
Average over the period 1961-1990 of the annual average of the minimum daily temperature (°C)
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:59:30.042070Z
Timeliness of payments Open Data
Data relating to the average payment time determined between the date of internal registration of th
Issued on
Pharmacies Open Data
Pharmacies published on the [“Territorial Information System”](http://sit.comune.catania.gov.it/clie
Issued on
Test — heritage Open Data
Issued on
Personal absences in service year 2016 Open Data
List of personal absences in service at the institution year 2016
Issued on
Road arches Open Data
Dataset containing information on the roadways of the municipal territory published in the [“Territo
Issued on
Nursery Schools Open Data
Data on municipal kindergartens
Issued on
Location of municipal kindergarten schools Open Data
Data on the location of the plexes of kindergartens in the municipal territory.
Issued on
Location of electoral sections Open Data
List of electoral sections of the Municipality of Bari
Issued on
Unione Reno Galliera — Budget 2018-2020 Revenue and Expenditure Open Data
2017/2019 Financial Statements drawn up in accordance with Prime Ministerial Decree 22/9/2014 and as
Issued on
Unione Reno Galliera — Budget 2019-2021 Revenue and Expenditure Open Data
Financial PREVISION BUDGET 2019-2021 approved by Council Decision No 10 of the Council of the Union
Issued on
Competency Units (UC) — Skills Open Data
OpenData extraction relative to all Competence Units (UC) related to Skills
Issued on
Units of Competences (UC) — Activities Open Data
OpenData extraction relative to all Compensation Units (UC) related to Activities
Issued on
Public green managed by the Municipality of Rovigo in mq — year 2020 Open Data
Area of public green managed by the municipality of Rovigo
Issued on 2022-06-29T10:52:07Z
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