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Associative bodies participated by the University of Bari Open Data

Associative bodies participated by the University of Bari Aldo Moro

Issued on 2020-08-15

Associative bodies participated by the University of Bari details >

Volunteer organisations Open Data

Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or

Issued on

Volunteer organisations details >

Nonprofit organisations Open Data

**Sector:** Social relations ** Algorithm:** Number of non-profit organisations per inhabitants * 1

Issued on 2021-08-24

Nonprofit organisations details >

Register municipal buildings for public use Open Data

List of buildings owned by the municipality and intended for public use

Issued on

Register municipal buildings for public use details >

Orthofoto 2014/2015 (MATTM) der Gemeinde Laas Open Data

Farborthofoto 2014/2015 des Gemeindegebietes Laas mit Bodenauflösung 0.20x0.20 m erstellt vom Minist

Issued on 2017-06-14

Orthofoto 2014/2015 (MATTM) der Gemeinde Laas details >

Ortophoto 2009 area Bondone (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: villages of Vaneze and Vason. Orthophoto 2009 scale 1:2000, divi

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area Bondone (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area centro-north (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Old Town, Piedicastello, Vela, Sardagna, Candriai, Cristo Re, Roncaf

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area centro-north (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area center-south (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Oltrefersina, Ravina, Madonna Bianca, Villazzano, San Rocco Orthop

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area center-south (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area east (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Povo, Oltrecastello, Cimirlo, Tavernaro, Villamontagna Orthophoto

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area east (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area north (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Gardolo, Spini, Interporto, Meano, Gazzadina, Cortesano, Montevaccin

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area north (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area west (Open Data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Cadine, Sopramonte, Candriai, Baselga del Bondone, Vigolo Baselga

Issued on 2017-11-13

Ortophoto 2009 area west (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2009 area south (Open data) Open Data

Portion of municipal territory: Rolling pin, Romagnano Orthophoto 2009 scale 1:2000, divided into

Issued on 2017-10-11

Ortophoto 2009 area south (Open data) details >

Ortophoto 2015 area Bondone (Open data) Open Data

Bondone framework, portion of municipal territory: villages of Vaneze and Vason. File Size: 60 MB.

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area Bondone (Open data) details >

Orthophoto 2015 downtown-north area Open Data

Central-north framework, portion of municipal territory: Old Town, Piedicastello, Vela, Sardagna, Ca

Issued on 2017-09-11

Orthophoto 2015 downtown-north area details >

Ortophoto 2015 area center-south (Open Data) Open Data

Central-south framework, portion of municipal territory: Oltrefersina, Ravina, Madonna Bianca, Villa

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area center-south (Open Data) details >

Ortophoto 2015 area east (Open data) Open Data

Square east, portion of municipal territory: Povo, Oltrecastello, Cimirlo, Tavernaro, Villamontagna.

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area east (Open data) details >

Ortophoto 2015 area north (Open data) Open Data

Northern square, portion of municipal territory: Gardolo, Spini, Interporto, Meano, Gazzadina, Corte

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area north (Open data) details >

Ortophoto 2015 area west (Open data) Open Data

Square west, portion of municipal territory: Cadine, Sopramonte, Candriai, Baselga del Bondone, Vigo

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area west (Open data) details >

Ortophoto 2015 area south (Open data) Open Data

Southern square, portion of municipal territory: Rolling pin, Romagnano. File Size: 280 MB. Orth

Issued on 2017-09-11

Ortophoto 2015 area south (Open data) details >

Orthophoto 2016 (Open data) Open Data

You can now download the individual pictures of the new aerial photo for the year 2016. Orthophoto

Issued on 2017-11-08

Orthophoto 2016 (Open data) details >

Orthophotos 2019 (Open data) Open Data

Orthophoto 2019 scale 1:2,000, resolution 1px = 10 cm. Flight carried out on October 3, 2019. Co

Issued on 2020-02-04

Orthophotos 2019 (Open data) details >

Orthophoto CTR 20 cm 2013 — mosaic Open Data

Mosaic of Ortophotos 2013 of the regional territory of the Basilicata Region on the scale 1:5,000 ma

Issued on

Orthophoto CTR 20 cm 2013 — mosaic details >

Orthophoto of Bolzano (2006) Open Data

Color orthophoto with ground resolution 0.085x0.085 m

Issued on 2010-03-03

Orthophoto of Bolzano (2006) details >

Orthophoto of Merano (2012) Open Data

Merano colour orthophoto (2012) with ground resolution 0.05x0.05 m. The use of the data is bound by

Issued on 2015-05-30

Orthophoto of Merano (2012) details >

Orthophotocard 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Malles Open Data

Orthophoto in color 2014/2015 of the municipal area of Malles with ground resolution 0.20x0.20 m pro

Issued on 2017-09-05

Orthophotocard 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Malles details >

Orthophotocard 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Moso in Passiria Open Data

Orthophoto in color 2014/2015 of the municipal area of Moso in Passiria with ground resolution 0.20x

Issued on 2018-08-29

Orthophotocard 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Moso in Passiria details >

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Silandro Open Data

Color orthophoto 2014/2015 of the municipal area of Silandro with resolution on land 0.20x0.20 m pro

Issued on 2017-07-24

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Silandro details >

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Stelvio Open Data

Color orthophoto 2014/2015 of the municipal area of Stelvio with ground resolution 0.20x0.20 m produ

Issued on 2017-04-24

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Stelvio details >

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Tubre Open Data

Color orthophoto 2014/2015 of the municipal area of Tubre with ground resolution 0.20x0.20 m produce

Issued on 2017-05-25

Orthophotopaper 2014/2015 (MATTM) of the Municipality of Tubre details >

Hospitals (Open Data) Open Data

Location of hospitals in the municipality of Trento.

Issued on 2018-02-22

Hospitals (Open Data) details >


the table contains data for the year 2008 concerning public hospitals and private nursing homes, con

Issued on 2013-02-22



the table contains data for the year 2008 concerning public hospitals and private nursing homes, con

Issued on 2013-02-21


Hospitalisation for femur neck fracture in elderly patients Open Data

Fractures of the neck of the femur are particularly frequent traumatic events in the elderly; they a

Issued on

Hospitalisation for femur neck fracture in elderly patients details >

Milan Observatory — Attractiveness Open Data

The ability of a city to enter the world stage, projecting a positive image of itself and attracting

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:10:18.432499Z

Milan Observatory — Attractiveness details >

Osservatorio Milano — Benchmark Open Data

The ability of a city to enter the world stage, projecting a positive image of itself and attracting

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:10:46.243432Z

Osservatorio Milano — Benchmark details >

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Accessibility Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:10:56.553171Z

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Accessibility details >

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Qualified Human Capital Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:19.240552Z

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Qualified Human Capital details >

Milan Observatory — Goals, Smart Cities Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:09.777443Z

Milan Observatory — Goals, Smart Cities details >

Osservatorio Milano — Objectives, Social Dynamics and Equity Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:10:49.983563Z

Osservatorio Milano — Objectives, Social Dynamics and Equity details >

Osservatorio Milano — Objectives, Innovation and Startups Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:29.312173Z

Osservatorio Milano — Objectives, Innovation and Startups details >

Milan Observatory — Objectives, PA and citizens Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:25.249320Z

Milan Observatory — Objectives, PA and citizens details >

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Urban Development and Green Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:02.327468Z

Milan Observatory — Objectives, Urban Development and Green details >

Observatory Milan — Objectives, Leisure Open Data

One of the eight cross-cutting and enabling objectives for cities, measured in terms of action inten

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:14.949232Z

Observatory Milan — Objectives, Leisure details >

Osservatorio Milano — Reputation Open Data

The ability of a city to enter the world stage, projecting a positive image of itself and attracting

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:10:42.134962Z

Osservatorio Milano — Reputation details >

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Food and Agriculture Open Data

One of Milan’s five vocations, identified in internationally recognised sectors and sectoral special

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:40.399432Z

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Food and Agriculture details >

Osservatorio Milano — Vocations, Art, Culture and Design Open Data

One of Milan’s five vocations, identified in internationally recognised sectors and sectoral special

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:48.799341Z

Osservatorio Milano — Vocations, Art, Culture and Design details >

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Finance Open Data

One of Milan’s five vocations, identified in internationally recognised sectors and sectoral special

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:53.758623Z

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Finance details >

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Manufacture 4.0 Open Data

One of Milan’s five vocations, identified in internationally recognised sectors and sectoral special

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:43.919531Z

Milan Observatory — Vocations, Manufacture 4.0 details >

Osservatorio Milano — Vocations, Life Sciences Open Data

One of Milan’s five vocations, identified in internationally recognised sectors and sectoral special

Issued on 2018-06-18T14:11:37.302161Z

Osservatorio Milano — Vocations, Life Sciences details >

Observatory on self-employed traders — annual data Open Data

Observatory on self-employed traders — Annual data on the number of taxpayers registered.

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on self-employed traders — annual data details >

Observatory on Employees in the year 2010 Open Data

Employee Observatory — Data on the number of employees for 2010, divided by qualification and month.

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Employees in the year 2010 details >

Observatory on Domestic Workers — Annual Data Open Data

Observatory on Domestic Workers — Annual data on the number of workers divided by class of età

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Domestic Workers — Annual Data details >

Parasubordinate Workers Observatory — Collaborators in the month Open Data

Parasubordinated Workers Observatory — Monthly data (year 2010) on the number of employees, broken d

Issued on 2012-01-17

Parasubordinate Workers Observatory — Collaborators in the month details >

Observatory on para-subordinated workers — Taxpayers Collaborators Open Data

Observatory on para-subordinated workers — Monthly data (year 2010) on the number of employees, thei

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on para-subordinated workers — Taxpayers Collaborators details >

Parasubordinate Workers Observatory — Details Collaborators Open Data

Parasubordinated Workers Observatory — Monthly data (year 2010) on the number of employees, their in

Issued on 2012-01-17

Parasubordinate Workers Observatory — Details Collaborators details >

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Agricultural Companies and... Open Data

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Data on the number of farm

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Agricultural Companies and... details >

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Agricultural Companies and... Open Data

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Data on the number of farm

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on the Agricultural World and Employed Agricultural Workers — Agricultural Companies and... details >

Observatory on Self-employed Farms and Workers — Self-employed Farms and Workers Open Data

Observatory on farms and self-employed agricultural workers — Data on the number of agricultural hol

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Self-employed Farms and Workers — Self-employed Farms and Workers details >

Observatory on self-employed farms and agricultural workers — Self-employed agricultural companies... Open Data

Observatory on farms and self-employed agricultural workers — Data on the number of self-employed ag

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on self-employed farms and agricultural workers — Self-employed agricultural companies... details >

Observatory on Enterprises — Enterprises and Employees in the Craft Sector — Year 2007 Open Data

Observatory on Enterprises, Employees of the Private Non-Agricultural Sector and Annual Average Sala

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Enterprises — Enterprises and Employees in the Craft Sector — Year 2007 details >

Observatory on Enterprises — Average annual remuneration of manual workers and employees in the... Open Data

Observatory on Enterprises, Employees in the Non-Agricultural Private Sector and Average Annual Wage

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Enterprises — Average annual remuneration of manual workers and employees in the... details >

Observatory on Enterprises — Average annual remuneration of non-agricultural private sector workers... Open Data

Observatory on Enterprises, Employees in the Non-Agricultural Private Sector and Average Annual Wage

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Enterprises — Average annual remuneration of non-agricultural private sector workers... details >

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly Detail Open Data

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on monthly details of authoris

Issued on 2012-12-04

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly Detail details >

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Annual historical series Open Data

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of authorised h

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Annual historical series details >

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Annual historical series Open Data

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of authorised h

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Annual historical series details >

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly cumulated historical series Open Data

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of authorised h

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly cumulated historical series details >

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly cumulated historical series Open Data

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of authorised h

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly cumulated historical series details >

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly Historical Series Open Data

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of the hours au

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Monthly Historical Series details >

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Gadagni — Monthly historical series Open Data

Observatory on Authorised Hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni — Data on the details of authorised h

Issued on 2012-01-17

Observatory on authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Gadagni — Monthly historical series details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series years 2010-2018 Open Data

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series years 2010-2018

Issued on 2017-04-14

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series years 2010-2018 details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly Historical Series 2010-2015 Open Data

Authorised hours of monthly IGCs broken down by type of intervention 2010-2015 (data updated in July

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly Historical Series 2010-2015 details >

Observatory on authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series Ateco 2012-2014 Open Data

Observatory on the authorised hours of IGC, divided between workers and employees, distinguished by

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series Ateco 2012-2014 details >

IGC authorised hours observatory — INPS annual historical series Open Data

IGC authorised hours observatory — INPS annual historical series

Issued on 2021-02-23

IGC authorised hours observatory — INPS annual historical series details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series INPS 2012-2014 Open Data

Observatory on the authorised hours of IGC divided between workers and employees, distinguished by b

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Annual historical series INPS 2012-2014 details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Ateco monthly cumulative historical series 2013-2015 Open Data

Monthly cumulative historical series Ateco. Authorised hours of IGCs broken down by type of interven

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Ateco monthly cumulative historical series 2013-2015 details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly cumulated historical series INPS 2013-2015 Open Data

Monthly aggregated historical series INPS. Authorised hours of IGCs broken down by type of intervent

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly cumulated historical series INPS 2013-2015 details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — monthly aggregated historical series INPS, years... Open Data

Monthly aggregated historical series INPS. Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Earnings by type o

Issued on 2017-04-18

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — monthly aggregated historical series INPS, years... details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — monthly historical series Ateco. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Monthly history series Ateco. Authorised hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni distinguished by type

Issued on 2017-04-18

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — monthly historical series Ateco. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Observatory on authorised hours of CIG — Monthly historical series INPS 2013-2015 Open Data

Monthly history series INPS. Authorised hours of IGC distinct by type of intervention divided betwee

Issued on 2015-10-09

Observatory on authorised hours of CIG — Monthly historical series INPS 2013-2015 details >

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly INPS historical series. Years 2017, 2018 Open Data

Authorised hours of Extraordinary Cash Integration for the production sector (trade), distinguished

Issued on 2017-04-18

Observatory on the authorised hours of CIG — Monthly INPS historical series. Years 2017, 2018 details >

Pension Observatory — Pensions Complex Open Data

Pension Observatory — Data on all pensions in force in 2011, broken down by type of management and c

Issued on 2012-01-17

Pension Observatory — Pensions Complex details >

Observations hydro-meteo ground stations Open Data

Sensors data from the ground stations of the regionally owned hydro-pluviometric weather monitoring

Issued on 2019-07-15

Observations hydro-meteo ground stations details >


the table contains data on meteorological observations (thermometric data, absolute thermometers and

Issued on 2013-02-20



the table contains data on meteorological observations (thermometric data, absolute thermometers and

Issued on 2013-02-20


Typical Trentino osteries Open Data

List of typical Trentino taverns with address. The “Osteria Tipica Trentina” brand certifies the qua

Issued on 2013-12-16

Typical Trentino osteries details >

Outgoing Erasmus — UNIBA Open Data

Students from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro who carry out Erasmus Outgoing programmes (abroad),

Issued on 2020-02-24

Outgoing Erasmus — UNIBA details >

Current Payments The 2014 four-month period. Years 2013 and 2014 change in 2013 and 2014 budget Open Data

Current Payments The 2014 four-month period. Year 2013 and 2014 change in 2013 and 2014 budget. Valu

Issued on 2014-11-05

Current Payments The 2014 four-month period. Years 2013 and 2014 change in 2013 and 2014 budget details >

Payments of the Lazio Region Open Data

The full details of the payments made by the Lazio Region divided by year. In addition to the data f

Issued on

Payments of the Lazio Region details >

Payments made by the Autonomous Province of Trento — year 2018 Open Data

The dataset contains data on payments made by the Autonomous Province of Trento and its Agencies in

Issued on 2018-12-18

Payments made by the Autonomous Province of Trento — year 2018 details >

Payments measure 214-agri-environment Open Data

Payments measure 214-agri-environment, environmental sustainability

Issued on

Payments measure 214-agri-environment details >

Register municipal buildings for public use Open Data

List of buildings owned by the municipality and intended for public use

Issued on

Register municipal buildings for public use details >

Parapharmacies Open Data

The dataset contains a complete list of businesses, other than pharmacies, authorised to sell medici

Issued on

Parapharmacies details >

Parapharmacies with details of medicinal types sold Open Data

The dataset contains a list of commercial establishments (Article 5 of Legislative Decree 223/2006 —

Issued on

Parapharmacies with details of medicinal types sold details >

Parapharmacies of the Lazio Region Open Data

The dataset contains a complete list of businesses, other than pharmacies, authorised to sell medici

Issued on

Parapharmacies of the Lazio Region details >

Parapharmacies FVG Open Data

The dataset contains a complete list of shops, other than pharmacies, authorised to sell medicines t

Issued on

Parapharmacies FVG details >

Parapharmacies Open Data

List of parapharmacies throughout the region

Issued on 2019-12-08T11:52:36.997926Z

Parapharmacies details >

Seismic Spectral Parameters Open Data

The dataset contains the spectral parameters to be used to define the seismic project action on any

Issued on 2016-05-05T15:55:19.267319Z

Seismic Spectral Parameters details >

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Num and average annual taxpayers contributions and incomes by class... Open Data

Para-subordinated workers, contributors. Number and average annual number of taxpayers by previous y

Issued on 2016-06-24

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Num and average annual taxpayers contributions and incomes by class... details >

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number of taxpayers contributions and income by type of relationship... Open Data

Para-subordinated workers, contributors. Number of taxpayers, contributions and income by type of re

Issued on 2016-06-24

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number of taxpayers contributions and income by type of relationship... details >

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number and average annual taxpayers contributions and income for... Open Data

Para-subordinated workers, contributors. Annual average of the number of taxpayers, number of taxpay

Issued on 2016-06-24

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number and average annual taxpayers contributions and income for... details >
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