Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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Urban cartography Open Data

Urban cartography

Issued on

Urban cartography details >

Municipal road Open Data

Municipal road

Issued on

Municipal road details >

Municipal border Open Data

Municipal border established by the Administration in contraditorio with the administration of the n

Issued on

Municipal border details >

Technical paper Regional Numerical update Open Data

CTRN dataset (Regional Technical Charter Numerica) on the 1:5000 scale of the municipal territory up

Issued on

Technical paper Regional Numerical update details >

GeoTopographic database update Open Data

DBGT (DataBase Geotopografico) dataset of the municipal territory updated with dispatch method. The

Issued on

GeoTopographic database update details >

Road (SITC) Open Data

Historicised dataset containing road elements (road roads) and road junctions (knots of road axes).

Issued on

Road (SITC) details >

Certificate of Urban Destination (SITC) Open Data

Dataset containing some information levels of the PRC (Communal Regulator Plan) transposed from the

Issued on

Certificate of Urban Destination (SITC) details >

Town numbers Citadel (SITC) Open Data

Dataset containing the municipal civic numbering of Citadella, structured in a historical geospatial

Issued on

Town numbers Citadel (SITC) details >

Knowledge Framework (PATI) Open Data

The Knowledge Framework (QC) series contains all the information necessary for a comprehensive and c

Issued on

Knowledge Framework (PATI) details >

Action Plan (PI) Open Data

Operational Action Plan which, in coherence and implementation of the PAT (Territory Assets Plan), i

Issued on

Action Plan (PI) details >

Acoustic Zonisation Plan Open Data

The municipal noise zoning plan plans the environmental objectives of an area in relation to the exi

Issued on

Acoustic Zonisation Plan details >

Lighting plan for light pollution control (PICIL) Open Data

Dataset of the Lighting Plan for the Containment of Light Pollution (PICIL) which is the programming

Issued on

Lighting plan for light pollution control (PICIL) details >

Town centre Open Data

Delimitation of the town, in accordance with Article 4 of Legislative Decree No 285 of 30 April 1992

Issued on

Town centre details >

Spatial data Municipality of Codigoro Open Data

Basic spatial data series — road network of the Municipality of Codigoro: Buildings, house numbers,

Issued on

Spatial data Municipality of Codigoro details >

Spatial data Municipality of Comacchio Open Data

Basic spatial data series — buildings, street numbers, road arches, road junctions

Issued on

Spatial data Municipality of Comacchio details >

Road arches Open Data

Graph of the streets of the Municipality of Comacchio — linear elements

Issued on

Road arches details >

Coarse joints Open Data

Graph of the streets of the Municipality of Comacchio — punctual elements

Issued on

Coarse joints details >

Buildings Open Data

Buildings of the Municipality of Comacchio

Issued on

Buildings details >

House numbers Open Data

Civic numbering of the Municipality of Comacchio — punctual vector map

Issued on

House numbers details >

pedestrian circulation areas Open Data

Management of pedestrian circulation areas. Pedestrian area; it includes all sections of the road pl

Issued on

pedestrian circulation areas details >

vehicular circulation areas Open Data

Management of vehicular traffic areas. Area intended for the circulation of vehicles, including park

Issued on

vehicular circulation areas details >

cycling areas Open Data

Management of cycling areas. Longitudinal part of the road reserved for the circulation of cycles, c

Issued on

cycling areas details >

minor buildings Open Data

Management of minor buildings. In this class are those objects that complete the definition of the b

Issued on

minor buildings details >

main accesses Open Data

Management of accesses, civics and carrai passages.Direct external access: it defines an external an

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main accesses details >

buildings Open Data

Building management. It means a built body that does not have a solution of continuity, has a single

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buildings details >

volumetric units Open Data

Building management. It is the elementary portion of building with a homogeneous height (within the

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volumetric units details >

road areas Open Data

Management of road areas. Surface within road boundaries. It is the plane formed by the roadway and

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road areas details >

Municipal boundaries Open Data

Municipal border established by the Administration

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Municipal boundaries details >

Constraint: seismic, monumental and hydrogeological-forestry Open Data

Areas subject to a binding regime provided for by law

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Constraint: seismic, monumental and hydrogeological-forestry details >

Landscaping Constraint D.Lgs42/2004 Open Data

Areas subject to a binding regime provided for by law

Issued on

Landscaping Constraint D.Lgs42/2004 details >

Areas at risk Hydraulic and Hydrogeological with reference to P.A.I. Open Data

Perimeter of areas subject to hydraulic hazards as identified by the Hydrogeological Asset Plan draw

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Areas at risk Hydraulic and Hydrogeological with reference to P.A.I. details >

Historical centres Open Data

Perimeter of the old town in force

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Historical centres details >

Constraint generator elements Open Data

Spatial objects that produce constraint or band of respect.

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Constraint generator elements details >

Roadworthiness Open Data

Limited areas according to the acts of acquisition or by the expropriation bands of approved project

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Roadworthiness details >

Hydrography Open Data

Hydrography limit

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Hydrography details >

Residential centres limit Open Data

Residential areas as defined by the Highway Code and its Regulations

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Residential centres limit details >

Consolidated urbanisation areas Open Data

Areas characterised by consolidated or under construction settlements and urbanisations where new co

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Consolidated urbanisation areas details >

Orthophotos Open Data


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Orthophotos details >

Municipal Civics Open Data

Location of street numbers of the municipal road

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Municipal Civics details >

Lithologic Paper 1:10,000 (areas) Open Data

Lithologic Paper 1:10,000 (areas)

Issued on

Lithologic Paper 1:10,000 (areas) details >

Lithological Paper 1:10,000 (lines) Open Data

Lithological Paper 1:10,000 (lines)

Issued on

Lithological Paper 1:10,000 (lines) details >

Lithological Map 1:10,000 (points) Open Data

Lithological Map 1:10,000 (points)

Issued on

Lithological Map 1:10,000 (points) details >

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (areas) Open Data

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (areas)

Issued on

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (areas) details >

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (lines) Open Data

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (lines)

Issued on

Hydrogeological paper 1:10,000 (lines) details >

Hydrogeological map 1:10,000 (points) Open Data

Hydrogeological map 1:10,000 (points)

Issued on

Hydrogeological map 1:10,000 (points) details >

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (areas) Open Data

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (areas)

Issued on

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (areas) details >

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (lines) Open Data

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (lines)

Issued on

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (lines) details >

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (points) Open Data

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (points)

Issued on

Geomorphological map 1:10,000 (points) details >

Definition of type of land use as per legend Corine Land Cover up to level 5 Open Data

Definition of type of land use as per legend Corine Land Cover up to level 5

Issued on

Definition of type of land use as per legend Corine Land Cover up to level 5 details >

Acoustic classification plan Open Data

Acoustic Classification Plan

Issued on

Acoustic classification plan details >

Zoning of the current PRG Open Data

Zoning of the current PRG

Issued on

Zoning of the current PRG details >

Knowledge of PAT Creazzo Open Data

The Knowledge Framework (QC) series contains all the information necessary for a comprehensive and c

Issued on

Knowledge of PAT Creazzo details >

action plan I create Open Data

plan of interventions under Regional Law No 11/2004

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action plan I create details >

Spatial data Municipality of Darfo Boario Terme Open Data

Dataset Territory Municipality of Darfo Boario Terme

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Spatial data Municipality of Darfo Boario Terme details >

Land cadastre maps Open Data

Land cadastre maps

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Land cadastre maps details >

Addresses Open Data

Town numbering Municipality of Darfo Boario Terme

Issued on

Addresses details >

Road arches Open Data

Roads Municipality of Darfo Boario Terme

Issued on

Road arches details >

Municipal Technical Paper — Hydrography Open Data

Hydrography — Municipality of Fabriano

Issued on 2014-11-06

Municipal Technical Paper — Hydrography details >

Medical facilities with hospital Open Data

The data shows the hospitals with hospitals present within the Municipality of Ferrara.The data is e

Issued on 2015-05-21

Medical facilities with hospital details >

pedestrian areas Open Data

Perimitation of urban areas where the circulation of vehicles and cycles is prohibited

Issued on 2014-10-31

pedestrian areas details >

Green Areas Open Data

The data shows the green areas of municipal property in which maintenance is carried out (grass mowi

Issued on 2015-01-01

Green Areas details >

nursing homes Open Data

The data shows the facilities for the elderly with a stay present within the Municipality of Ferrara

Issued on 2015-05-21

nursing homes details >


The data shows the churches present within the Municipality of Ferrara. The figure is expressed as a

Issued on 2015-05-21

CHURCHES details >


The data shows the cemetery sites present within the Municipality of Ferrara. The figure is expresse

Issued on 2015-05-21

CEMETERIES details >

purifiers Open Data

The data element contains the identification of all non-private sewage treatment plants and within t

Issued on 2015-05-21

purifiers details >

car parks Open Data

Car parks within the municipal territory, separated between free and paid; the dataset also contains

Issued on 2015-10-31

car parks details >

cycling routes Open Data

Route of cycle paths within the municipal territory; the axis of the cycle path is indicated and not

Issued on 2015-10-31

cycling routes details >

Storage areas Open Data

The figure represents the safe spaces in relation to the different types of risk, where the rescuers

Issued on 2015-09-10

Storage areas details >

Population Waiting Areas Open Data

The figure represents the places of first reception for the population; (squares, extensions, car pa

Issued on 2015-08-13

Population Waiting Areas details >

Structures and Areas of First Assistance Open Data

The figure represents the places, identified in safe areas with respect to the different types of ri

Issued on 2015-09-10

Structures and Areas of First Assistance details >

Urban development plans in force Open Data

The data shows the perimeters of the existing urban development plans, in implementation of the prev

Issued on 2014-04-01

Urban development plans in force details >

schools Open Data

The data shows all the schools of every order and grade (from kindergarten to universities) present

Issued on 2015-05-21

schools details >

Homogeneous Territorial Units relating to the municipal noise classification plan Open Data

The polygonal data shows the subdivision of the municipal territory into homogeneous territorial uni

Issued on 2015-05-21

Homogeneous Territorial Units relating to the municipal noise classification plan details >

ZTL Open Data

The data element contains the perimeter of the Limited Traffic Zones, i.e. urban areas where access

Issued on 2014-10-31

ZTL details >

Airport Risk Plan Protection Areas Open Data

The risk plans (PDRs) of the two existing and project airports located within the municipal territor

Issued on 2012-02-20

Airport Risk Plan Protection Areas details >

Municipal numbers of the Municipality of Ferrara Open Data

Mapping of the town numbers of the Municipality of Ferrara extracted from the Municipal Register of

Issued on 2015-05-21

Municipal numbers of the Municipality of Ferrara details >

Topographic database Municipality of Genoa Open Data

The data that make up the Topographic Database (DBT) derive from aerophotogrammetric survey with top

Issued on

Topographic database Municipality of Genoa details >

DBT — CTC 1000 Open Data

Topographic database detected by direct numerical aerophotogrammetric return with topographic integr

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DBT — CTC 1000 details >

DBT — CTC 2000 Open Data

Topographic database detected by direct numerical aerophotogrammetric return with topographic integr

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DBT — CTC 2000 details >

DBT — City Centre Open Data

Topographic database detected by direct numerical aerophotogrammetric return with topographic integr

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DBT — City Centre details >

DBT — Historic Centre Open Data

Portion of the topographic database related to the medieval historic center.

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DBT — Historic Centre details >

P.R.G. Municipality of Giugliano Open Data

Maps Current Regulatory Plan of the Municipality of Giugliano in Campania.

Issued on 1984-07-06

P.R.G. Municipality of Giugliano details >

Geoprtale municipality of Giugliano in Campania Open Data

The geoportal provides a series of geographic leayers, related to the p.r.g., to the VINCOLI, topony

Issued on 2014-01-01

Geoprtale municipality of Giugliano in Campania details >

General variant to the PGT Open Data

Rules Plan — Soil Conformation Card

Issued on

General variant to the PGT details >

General Urban Plan of Underground Services (Pugss) Open Data

Sub-service networks of the Municipality of Giussano: Aqueduct (linear elements), sewerage (linear a

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General Urban Plan of Underground Services (Pugss) details >

Acoustic zoning plan Open Data

The acoustic zoning plan regulates the protection of the external environment and the housing enviro

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Acoustic zoning plan details >

Topographic database Open Data

All the shapes that make up the topographic database produced according to the technical specificati

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Topographic database details >

Urban traffic plan Open Data

The Urban Traffic Master Plan is a tool for planning territorial development, in order to improve tr

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Urban traffic plan details >

Territory data Municipality of Goro Open Data

Basic spatial data series — road network of the Municipality of Goro: Buildings, house numbers, road

Issued on

Territory data Municipality of Goro details >

Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 10K Open Data

Vector CAD cartography at 1:10000 scale derived by generalisation of the CTC at 1:2000 year 2005 sca

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Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 10K details >

Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 0.5 K CAD vector Open Data

Municipal Technical Map Numeric at the 1:500 scale of the historic center of Jesi in vector format C

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Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 0.5 K CAD vector details >

Orthophoto 2001 Open Data

Ortophotophotopiano digital color on scale 1:2000

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Orthophoto 2001 details >

Building Open Data

Implementation of the Buildings class extensively compared to the specification as it also includes

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Building details >

Volumetric Unit Building Open Data

Elementary volumes related to buildings graphically represented through the projection of their own

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Volumetric Unit Building details >


It represents portions of territory enclosed between elements of the road network of all kinds.

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ISOLATED details >

Basic cartography Open Data

Vector numerical cartographic base in cad format resulting from aerial acquisition and photorestitut

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Basic cartography details >

DBGT_02_Immobili_Antropizzazione_Jesi Open Data

Series grouping the classes already implemented in the Property and Anthropisations theme as defined

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DBGT_02_Immobili_Antropizzazione_Jesi details >

Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 2K Open Data

Municipal Technical Map CAD at scale 1:2000 year 2005

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Municipal Technical Paper Numerical 2K details >

Territorial Data Municipality of Lagosanto Open Data

Basic spatial data series — road network of the Municipality of Lagosanto: Buildings, house numbers,

Issued on

Territorial Data Municipality of Lagosanto details >

Municipal Regulator Plan, Variant L.R. 11/98 of 2014 Open Data

Zonings, tables, maps relating to the Municipal Urban Plan

Issued on

Municipal Regulator Plan, Variant L.R. 11/98 of 2014 details >
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