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Tourism — arrivals and attendance in the town of Bagno di Romagna Open Data
Tourist presence in the municipality of Bagno di Romagna — number of arrivals and attendance.
Issued on 2019-03-25T11:40:30Z
Tourism — Arrivals and attendance in the municipalities of Valle del Savio Open Data
Tourist presence in the municipalities of Valle del Savio — number of arrivals and attendance
Issued on 2018-09-10T11:38:18Z
Political Elections 2018 — Union of Municipalities Valle del Savio — Chamber Open Data
Political Elections 4 April 2018. Votes obtained from the lists, in the municipalities of the Valle
Issued on 2018-03-26T10:49:46Z
Political Elections 2018 — Union of Municipalities Valle del Savio — Candidati Camera Open Data
General elections 4 April 2018: Votes obtained from candidates to the Chamber of Deputies for Munici
Issued on 2018-03-26T10:53:11Z
Political Elections 2018 — Union of Municipalities Valle Savio — Candidates to the Senate Open Data
General elections 4 April 2018: Votes obtained by candidates for the Senate of the Republic by munic
Issued on 2018-03-26T12:02:48Z
Political Elections 2018 — Union of Municipalities Valle del Savio — Senate Open Data
Political Elections 4 April 2018. Votes obtained from the lists, broken down by single municipality
Issued on 2018-03-26T12:08:33Z
Linear Dressings Open Data
Municipal Linear garments, include polylines referring to territorial descriptions of various types.
Issued on 2018-05-04T08:39:32Z
Linear Dresses Open Data
Municipal Linear Dresses, include polylines referring to territorial descriptions of various types.
Issued on 2018-05-04T10:34:23Z
Vestizioni Lineari Open Data
Vestizioni Lineari Comunali, comprendono polilinee riferite a descrizioni territoriali di vario tipo
Issued on 2018-05-04T10:37:52Z
Linear Dressings Open Data
Municipal Linear garments, include polylines referring to territorial descriptions of various types.
Issued on 2018-05-04T10:40:49Z
Linear Dresses Open Data
Municipal Linear Dresses, include polylines referring to territorial descriptions of various types.
Issued on 2018-05-04T10:46:17Z
Linear Dressings Open Data
Linear clothing Union Valle Savio, includes polylines referring to territorial descriptions of vario
Issued on 2018-05-04T10:56:37Z
Activation of employment relationships by gender Open Data
The table shows the activations of employment by gender in the municipalities of the Valle del Savio
Issued on 2018-06-07T09:44:06Z
Activations of employment relationships by age groups Open Data
The table shows the activations of employment relationships by age group in the municipalities of th
Issued on 2018-06-07T09:48:13Z
Activation of employment relationships by citizenship Open Data
The table shows the Activation of employment relationships by citizenship in the municipalities of t
Issued on 2018-06-07T10:07:03Z
Activation of employment relationships by economic activity Open Data
The table shows the activations of employment relationships divided according to the ATECO 2007 clas
Issued on 2018-06-07T11:03:30Z
Employment activations by type of contract Open Data
The table shows the activations of employment by type of contract in the municipalities of the Valle
Issued on 2018-06-07T11:49:14Z
Activations of intermittent employment relationships by gender Open Data
The table shows the Activations of intermittent employment relationships by gender in the municipali
Issued on 2018-06-07T12:01:54Z
Activations of parasubordinated employment relationships by gender Open Data
The table shows the activations of parasubordinated employment relationships by gender in the munici
Issued on 2018-06-07T12:21:04Z
Termination of employment relationships by age groups Open Data
The table contains the Cessations of employment relationships by age groups in the municipalities of
Issued on 2020-06-15T09:55:39Z
Termination of employment relationships by gender Open Data
The table shows the Cessations of employment relationships by gender in the municipalities of the Va
Issued on 2020-06-15T10:06:10Z
Termination of employment relationships by nationality Open Data
The table shows the Cessations of employment relationships by citizenship in the municipalities of t
Issued on 2018-06-08T09:54:06Z
Termination of employment relationships by economic activity Open Data
The table shows the termination of employment relationships by economic activity (ATECO 2007) in the
Issued on 2018-06-08T10:40:35Z
Termination of intermittent employment relationships by gender Open Data
the Table reports the Cessations of intermittent employment relationships by gender in the municipal
Issued on 2018-06-08T10:45:41Z
Termination of employment relationships parasubordinate by gender Open Data
The table shows the Cessations of employment relationships parasubordinated by gender in the municip
Issued on 2018-06-08T10:50:12Z
Termination of employment relationships by type of contract Open Data
The table shows the Cessations of employment relationships by type of contract in the municipalities
Issued on 2018-06-08T10:56:53Z
Statements of immediate availability for work by gender and citizenship Open Data
The table shows the flows of declarations of immediate availability for work, by gender and citizens
Issued on 2018-06-08T12:46:59Z
Declarations of immediate availability by age Open Data
The table shows the declarations of immediate availability by age in the municipalities of the Valle
Issued on 2018-06-08T13:16:59Z
Households by Census Section and Number of Components Open Data
The table shows — for the year 2016 — households by census section and number of members
Issued on 2018-07-20T08:21:10Z
Families by census section and number of components Open Data
The table contains the number of families per censuary section and number of members.In compliance w
Issued on 2019-10-31T11:01:36Z
Zone Traffic Limited ZTL Open Data
Restricted Traffic Zones of the Municipality of Cesena
Issued on 2018-08-20T12:17:54Z
Names attributed to births — Year 2018 Open Data
The table shows for each name, male and female, the number of attributions to those born in the year
Issued on 2019-02-20T10:35:10Z
Waste collection Open Data
The table shows the type of users, the quantities of municipal solid waste broken down between undif
Issued on 2019-03-22T10:32:40Z
Waste collection Open Data
The table shows the type of users, the quantities of municipal solid waste broken down between undif
Issued on 2019-03-25T09:57:34Z
The most affected roads of 2017 Open Data
The table shows the number of accidents broken down by gravity and the number of accidents per km, b
Issued on 2019-05-08T11:37:20Z
The most affected roads of 2018 Open Data
The table shows the number of accidents broken down by gravity and the number of accidents per km, b
Issued on 2019-05-08T11:49:37Z
Women’s companies by legal nature Open Data
The table proposes women’s businesses in the municipalities of the Valle del Savio Union, as of Marc
Issued on 2019-05-17T10:44:43Z
Female Enterprises by ATECO classification Open Data
The table proposes women’s businesses in the municipalities of the Union Valle del Savio, at 31 Marc
Issued on 2019-05-21T10:36:43Z
Weddings by ritual Open Data
The table proposes weddings for ritual in the municipalities of the Union Valle del Savio.
Issued on 2019-05-23T10:12:20Z
Land areas exposed to hydrogeological risk — Year 2017 Open Data
The table proposes the areas of the municipalities of the Union Valle del Savio exposed at various l
Issued on 2019-05-24T08:33:22Z
Final Budget Report — Financial advances Open Data
The table shows the figures of the Annual Report — Financial advances.
Issued on 2022-05-17T09:36:49Z
Civic Numbers Open Data
Map of the Civic numbers of the Municipalities of the Vallesavio Union (Cesena, Montiano, Mercato Sa
Issued on 2019-08-29T12:10:17Z
Enterprises by macro-sector Open Data
The table shows the number and percentage of enterprises broken down by Macrosettore, compared to th
Issued on 2019-10-23T09:10:32Z
Buildings Open Data
Buildings of the Municipality of Bagno di Romagna
Issued on 2019-12-03T12:15:49Z
Buildings Open Data
Buildings of the Municipality of Montiano
Issued on 2019-11-29T10:05:10Z
Buildings Open Data
Buildings of the Municipality of Mercato Saraceno
Issued on 2019-12-03T12:17:06Z
Edifici Open Data
Edifici del Comune di Sarsina
Issued on 2019-12-03T12:18:55Z
Edifici Open Data
Edifici del Comune di Verghereto
Issued on 2019-11-29T10:23:09Z
Names attributed to births — Year 2019 Open Data
The table shows for each name, male and female, the number of attributions to those born in the year
Issued on 2020-01-14T16:10:12Z
Resident population by sex, marital status and neighborhood Open Data
This table proposes the population divided by sex, marital status and neighbourhood as at 31 Decembe
Issued on 2022-02-11T10:57:28Z
Resident population by sex, marital status and neighborhood Open Data
This table proposes the population divided by sex, marital status and neighbourhood as at 31 Decembe
Issued on 2021-04-13T12:19:50Z
Covered Reception Areas — Strategic Structures Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:45:26Z
Welcome Areas Discovery Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26/06/2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the Munici
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:47:05Z
Bulking areas Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for the Civil Protection of Muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:16:55Z
Waiting Areas Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for the Civil Protection of Muni
Issued on 2020-05-08T11:46:39Z
The busiest roads of 2019 Open Data
The table shows the number of accidents broken down by gravity and the number of accidents per km, b
Issued on 2020-04-29T12:52:15Z
Comparison and change of accidents in 1998, 2009 and 2019 in the ten most affected roads Open Data
The table shows the comparison of accidents per km in 10 most incident roads in the municipal territ
Issued on 2020-05-04T11:18:18Z
Fire Risk — AIB Fixed Watchpoints Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T11:43:37Z
Fire risk — helisurface Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:55:04Z
Fire risk — Access roads for wooded areas Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for the Civil Protection of Muni
Issued on 2020-05-12T10:10:17Z
Fire Risk — Areas covered by fire Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:54:19Z
Fire Risk — Fires trigger points Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26/06/2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the munici
Issued on 2020-05-11T11:44:42Z
Fire Risk — Water Supply Points Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-12T10:07:47Z
Seismic risk Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:26:47Z
Hydrogeological risk — Hydraulic risk Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of Municipa
Issued on 2020-05-08T12:40:33Z
Hydrogeological risk — Areas 267 Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Civil Protection Plan for the municip
Issued on 2020-05-08T12:19:54Z
Hydrogeological risk — Union perimeter Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of Municipa
Issued on 2020-05-12T09:58:30Z
Hydrogeological Risk — Frana Risk Open Data
Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017 approved the Inter-municipal Civil Protection Plan of the mun
Issued on 2020-05-08T12:27:59Z
Hydrogeological risk — slope breakdown Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for the Civil Protection of Muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T12:18:40Z
Fire Risk — 200MT interface perimeter band Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:55:40Z
Fire Risk — Dangerousness in the perimeter band on a vegetative basis Open Data
Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017 approved the Inter-municipal Civil Protection Plan for the mu
Issued on 2020-05-12T10:04:27Z
Fire Risk — Pyrological Potential on a vegetative basis Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T11:27:36Z
Seismic risk (Commune of Cesena) Open Data
By Council Decision No 20 of 26 June 2017, the Inter-municipal Plan for Civil Protection of the muni
Issued on 2020-05-11T09:26:25Z
Contagion COVID19 Cesena Open Data
The table shows the daily trend of COVID19 infection in the Municipality of Cesena. The fields DECED
Issued on 2020-05-12T13:40:49Z
Contagion COVID19 Province Forlì-Cesena, Cesena and Forlì District Open Data
The table shows the daily trend of COVID19 infection in the Province of Forlì-Cesena, the Cesena Dis
Issued on 2021-01-05T10:32:33Z
Cyclists dead or injured in urban areas Open Data
The table shows the number of cyclists who died or injured in the residential areas defined by the h
Issued on 2020-05-20T09:08:35Z
Pedestrians dead or injured in urban areas Open Data
The table shows the number of pedestrians dead or injured within the residential areas defined by th
Issued on 2020-05-20T09:09:01Z
Pedestrians who died by age groups Open Data
The table shows the number of pedestrians who died in road accidents broken down by age group.
Issued on 2020-05-20T09:58:18Z
Separate dead pedestrians by time slot Open Data
The table shows the number of pedestrians who died in road accidents broken down by time slot during
Issued on 2020-05-20T10:03:28Z
People who died on bicycles by age groups Open Data
The table shows the number of people who died by bicycle in road accidents, broken down by age group
Issued on 2020-05-20T10:11:22Z
People died by bicycle by time slot Open Data
The table shows the number of people who died by bicycle in road accidents, broken down by time slot
Issued on 2020-05-20T10:17:02Z
Deaths per year and urban-extraurban area Open Data
The table shows the number of deaths in road accidents, broken down by urban and suburban areas and
Issued on 2020-06-25T09:59:43Z
Electoral Sections Open Data
Subdivisions of the municipal territory to which voters are assigned (depending on the address of re
Issued on 2020-07-01T11:37:01Z
Offices FFOO (Force of the Order) Open Data
Headquarters of the Order’s Forces on the Cesenate terrirotio
Issued on 2020-07-02T08:18:04Z
Use of Soil 2008 Open Data
The land use maps show the real use of land, which is a fundamental basis for spatial and environmen
Issued on 2020-07-01T12:52:25Z
Built 2018 RER Open Data
Polygonal layer of the Edified derived from ORTOFOTO_2018 with advanced techniques of automatic reco
Issued on 2020-07-02T15:59:51Z
Roadworthiness allowed — measures antismog Open Data
Normal 0 14 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ tabl
Issued on 2020-07-13T12:27:59Z
Housing Residential public building ASP-ACER Open Data
Cartography of public residential housing ASP-ACER updated to the year 2020
Issued on 2020-07-13T12:58:04Z
Seats of the electoral chambers Open Data
Normal 0 14 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ tabl
Issued on 2020-07-17T09:22:55Z
District Headquarters Open Data
Map of District Locations
Issued on 2020-07-17T11:14:53Z
Buildings Open Data
Buildings of the municipalities making up the Valle Savio union
Issued on 2020-11-09T11:55:36Z
Census Section 2011 Open Data
Map of Census Sections 2011 Unione Valle Savio
Issued on 2020-10-23T11:02:18Z
Names attributed to births — Year 2020 Open Data
The table shows for each name, male and female, the number of attributions to those born in the year
Issued on 2021-01-05T16:35:59Z
Baskets in areas for public use Open Data
The dataset shows the list of baskets placed in areas for public use and the type
Issued on 2021-02-26T10:44:24Z
The busiest roads of 2020 Open Data
Normal 0 14 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ tabl
Issued on 2021-03-03T08:51:43Z
Contagion COVID19 Bagno di Romagna Open Data
The table contains the daily trend of COVID19 contagion in the Municipality of Bagno di Romagna.The
Issued on 2021-05-06T16:23:07Z
Contagion COVID19 Montiano Open Data
The table contains the daily trend of COVID19 infection in the Municipality of Montiano. The fields
Issued on 2021-05-07T09:26:12Z
Contagion COVID19 Sarsina Open Data
The table contains the daily trend of COVID19 infection in the Municipality of Sarsina. The fields D
Issued on 2021-10-12T15:15:31Z
Contagion COVID19 Verghereto Open Data
The table contains the daily trend of COVID19 infection in the municipality of Verghereto.The fields
Issued on 2021-05-07T12:55:29Z
Contagion COVID19 Saracen Market Open Data
The table contains the daily trend of COVID19 contagion in the Municipality of Mercato Saraceno.The
Issued on 2021-05-07T13:43:10Z
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