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Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Adria 2021 Open Data

Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Adria 2021

Issued on 2021-08-19T10:55:14Z

Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Adria 2021 details >

Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Villadose 2021 Open Data

Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Villadose 2021

Issued on 2021-08-23T10:18:15Z

Mapping of the urban outflow collection network Municipality of Villadose 2021 details >

Charging water points mapping — Municipality of Villadose Open Data

Mapping of recharging water points present in the municipal territory

Issued on 2021-08-19T14:51:12Z

Charging water points mapping — Municipality of Villadose details >

Maternità granted by the municipalities. Number of beneficiaries by geographical area and age... Open Data

Maternità granted by the municipalities. Number of beneficiaries by geographical area and class

Issued on 2016-06-24

Maternità granted by the municipalities. Number of beneficiaries by geographical area and age... details >

Maternità compulsory self-employed workers 2010-2012 Open Data

Maternit Numberà compulsory self-employed, distinguished between craftsmen, traders, direct gro

Issued on 2013-12-02

Maternità compulsory self-employed workers 2010-2012 details >

Maternità_self-employed workers. Number of beneficiaries by type of worker and geographical... Open Data

Maternità. Self-employed. Number of beneficiaries by type of worker and geographical area (abso

Issued on 2016-06-24

Maternità_self-employed workers. Number of beneficiaries by type of worker and geographical... details >

Maternità_self-employed workers. Number of beneficiaries per worker type and class of età... Open Data

Maternità. Self-employed. Number of beneficiaries by worker type and et & #224 class;. Year 201

Issued on 2016-06-24

Maternità_self-employed workers. Number of beneficiaries per worker type and class of età... details >

Maternita_employees private sector. Number of beneficiaries by contract type age class and... Open Data

Maternità. Employees private sector. Number of beneficiaries by contract type, class of et&#224

Issued on 2016-06-24

Maternita_employees private sector. Number of beneficiaries by contract type age class and... details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of the newlyweds — Year 2018 Open Data

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso subdivided by Age of the newlyweds — Year 2018

Issued on 2019-07-05T10:27:07Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of the newlyweds — Year 2018 details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of the Weddings — Year 2019 Open Data

Source: Registry Office Reference date: 31/12/2019

Issued on 2020-06-30T08:05:19Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of the Weddings — Year 2019 details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of Brides — Year 2018 Open Data

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of Brides  — Year 2018

Issued on 2019-07-05T10:28:10Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Treviso divided by Age of Brides — Year 2018 details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — Italians and foreigners Open Data

Contains data on Italian and foreign marriages with reference date 31/12 of each year

Issued on 2016-04-15T09:19:27Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — Italians and foreigners details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — Italian, foreign and mixed Open Data

Contains data on the number of marriages of the municipality of Vicenza between Italians, foreigners

Issued on 2016-04-15T09:23:29Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — Italian, foreign and mixed details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — by ritual and by year Open Data

Contains data on marriages of the Municipality of Vicenza  broken down by rite with reference d

Issued on 2016-04-15T09:03:24Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — by ritual and by year details >

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — by ritual and per month Open Data

Contains data on marriages of the Municipality of Vicenza divided by rite and month with reference d

Issued on 2016-04-15T09:02:46Z

Weddings of the Municipality of Vicenza — by ritual and per month details >

Weddings for ritual, sex, and marital status of the spouses — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data

Municipality of Rovigo — marriages by ritual, sex, and marital status of spouses

Issued on 2020-11-17T14:21:26Z

Weddings for ritual, sex, and marital status of the spouses — Municipality of Rovigo details >

Weddings divided by age of brides — year 2019 — Municipality of Treviso Open Data

Source: Registry Office Reference date: 31/12/2019

Issued on 2020-07-08T06:16:47Z

Weddings divided by age of brides — year 2019 — Municipality of Treviso details >

Annual average of beneficiaries of non-agricultural unemployment ordinary requirements and special... Open Data

Social Cohesion Report — Data on the annual average of beneficiaries of non-agricultural unemploymen

Issued on 2012-01-17

Annual average of beneficiaries of non-agricultural unemployment ordinary requirements and special... details >

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries dependent family allowances in the private sector... Open Data

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries dependent family allowances in the private sector divi

Issued on 2018-06-07

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries dependent family allowances in the private sector... details >

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries of farm workers family allowances broken down by year,... Open Data

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries of farm workers family allowances broken down by year,

Issued on 2022-01-17

Annual average of the number of beneficiaries of farm workers family allowances broken down by year,... details >

Average annual monthly stocks and changes in job positions area Uniemens 2010-2013 Open Data

Annual average, monthly stocks and absolute trend changes and percentages of employment positions of

Issued on 2014-12-18

Average annual monthly stocks and changes in job positions area Uniemens 2010-2013 details >

Annual averages of the Community-wide Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Consumer Price Index for... Open Data

It contains data on the annual averages of the Community-wide Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Ind

Issued on 2016-04-19T05:18:49Z

Annual averages of the Community-wide Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Consumer Price Index for... details >

Average annual concentrations and annual exceedances of legal limits Azone dioxide (NO2) in Veneto —... Open Data

Average annual concentrations and annual exceedances of the daily limits of the NO2 atmospheric poll

Issued on 2014-02-13T10:51:06Z

Average annual concentrations and annual exceedances of legal limits Azone dioxide (NO2) in Veneto —... details >

Average annual concentrations and annual number exceeds the PM10 legal limits in Veneto — years... Open Data

Average annual concentrations and annual number of exceedances of the daily legal limits of atmosphe

Issued on 2014-02-14T06:13:03Z

Average annual concentrations and annual number exceeds the PM10 legal limits in Veneto — years... details >

Average annual concentrations PM2.5 in Veneto — years 2002-2020 Open Data

Average annual concentrations of atmospheric pollutant PM2.5 in Veneto, by detection station, Munici

Issued on 2014-02-14T06:16:35Z

Average annual concentrations PM2.5 in Veneto — years 2002-2020 details >

Average annual concentrations of trace elements (As, Cd, Ni, Pb) in Veneto — years 2002-2020 Open Data

Average annual concentrations of trace elements (As, Cd, Ni, Pb) in Veneto, by detection station, Mu

Issued on 2014-02-14T06:34:47Z

Average annual concentrations of trace elements (As, Cd, Ni, Pb) in Veneto — years 2002-2020 details >

Average annual concentrations of Benzene atmospheric pollutant (C6H6) in Veneto — years 2002-2020 Open Data

Average annual concentrations of Benzene atmospheric pollutant (C6H6) in Veneto, by detection statio

Issued on 2014-02-11T09:27:34Z

Average annual concentrations of Benzene atmospheric pollutant (C6H6) in Veneto — years 2002-2020 details >

Average annual concentrations of atmospheric pollutant Benzo(a)pyrene (IPA) in Veneto — years... Open Data

Average annual concentrations of Benzo(a)pyrene (IPA) atmospheric pollutant in Veneto, by detection

Issued on 2014-02-11T11:51:01Z

Average annual concentrations of atmospheric pollutant Benzo(a)pyrene (IPA) in Veneto — years... details >

Menu’ordinary of the school catering service 2021-2026 Open Data


Issued on 2021-12-09T13:28:11.117990Z

Menu’ordinary of the school catering service 2021-2026 details >

Markets, supermarkets and hypermarkets in the Municipality of Rovigo Open Data

Markets, supermarkets and hypermarkets in the Municipality of Rovigo

Issued on 2021-08-10T15:54:41Z

Markets, supermarkets and hypermarkets in the Municipality of Rovigo details >

Metadata Open Data

The dataset contains information describing data on the tertiary education system (e.g. list of univ

Issued on 2019-05-21T10:19:36.767906Z

Metadata details >

Minors resident by primary school district — Treviso — year 2017 Open Data

This sheet contains data on minors resident broken down by primary school district in the Municipali

Issued on 2021-08-16T06:44:46Z

Minors resident by primary school district — Treviso — year 2017 details >

Minors resident by primary school district — Treviso — year 2018 Open Data

This sheet contains data on minors resident broken down by primary school district in the Municipali

Issued on 2021-08-16T06:50:31Z

Minors resident by primary school district — Treviso — year 2018 details >

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2016 Open Data

This sheet contains data on minors resident divided by secondary school district in the Municipality

Issued on 2021-08-16T06:26:44Z

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2016 details >

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2017 Open Data

This sheet contains data on minors resident divided by secondary school district in the Municipality

Issued on 2021-08-16T06:47:19Z

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2017 details >

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2018 Open Data

This sheet contains data on minors resident divided by secondary school district in the Municipality

Issued on 2021-08-16T06:52:59Z

Minors resident broken down by secondary school district — Treviso — year 2018 details >

Missions and Programs_DPR 132 Open Data

Budget 2016. Missions and programmes under Presidential Decree No 132 of 4 October 2013 laying down

Issued on 2016-04-04

Missions and Programs_DPR 132 details >

Mobility measures — year 2015 — Municipality of Treviso Open Data

contains data relating to the questionnaire of LegaAmbiente concerning the mobility measures impleme

Issued on 2017-10-04T09:06:32Z

Mobility measures — year 2015 — Municipality of Treviso details >

Annual monitoring water bodies of Lake Garda Open Data

Multiannual monitoring carried out by Legambiente for the control of the quality of the discharge wa

Issued on 2022-04-14T13:08:32Z

Annual monitoring water bodies of Lake Garda details >

Monitoring of judicial proceedings incardinated at the Infrastructure and Mobility Directorate Open Data

Directorate for Infrastructure and Mobility — General, Legal and Legal Affairs Area: number of judic

Issued on

Monitoring of judicial proceedings incardinated at the Infrastructure and Mobility Directorate details >

Natural monuments Open Data

Natural monuments

Issued on 2022-07-02

Natural monuments details >

Deaths in the Municipality of Treviso divided by Quartiere — year 2018 Open Data

Deaths in the Municipality of Treviso divided by Quartiere — year 2018

Issued on 2019-07-08T09:32:12Z

Deaths in the Municipality of Treviso divided by Quartiere — year 2018 details >

Deaths in the Municipality of Treviso divided by sex — year 2016 Open Data

contains data on deaths in the Municipality of Treviso broken down by sex — year 2016 — Source: Regi

Issued on 2017-03-27T11:37:49Z

Deaths in the Municipality of Treviso divided by sex — year 2016 details >

Deaths by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2019 Open Data

Deaths broken down by district of the municipality of Treviso, year 2019.  Source: Register of

Issued on 2020-06-16T06:33:04Z

Deaths by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2019 details >

Deaths by sex and age — Municipality of Treviso — Year 2019 Open Data

Source: Register Office Data processing: Statistical Office

Issued on 2020-06-22T08:21:26Z

Deaths by sex and age — Municipality of Treviso — Year 2019 details >

Deaths broken down by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2020 Open Data

Contains the deaths in the Municipality of Treviso in the year 2020 divided by district Source: Reg

Issued on 2021-05-20T10:00:54Z

Deaths broken down by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2020 details >

Mountain Biking Trails in the Veneto Region Open Data

List of Mountain Biking Trails in the Veneto Region

Issued on 2020-02-06T14:29:20Z

Mountain Biking Trails in the Veneto Region details >

Population movements — Municipality of Colceresa — years 2019-2020 Open Data

Variations of some classes of the Population of the Municipality of Colceresa in the years 2019 and

Issued on 2021-08-05T11:47:08Z

Population movements — Municipality of Colceresa — years 2019-2020 details >

Annual tourist movements per month of the province of Rovigo 2018-2020 Open Data

Annual tourist movements per month of the province of Rovigo 2018-2020

Issued on 2021-08-17T08:06:34Z

Annual tourist movements per month of the province of Rovigo 2018-2020 details >

Population population population movement (1990:2016) Open Data

It contains data on live births, deaths, subscribers, erased and population (at the beginning of the

Issued on 2013-10-23T10:17:30Z

Population population population movement (1990:2016) details >

Population Population Movement (1990:2017) Open Data

It contains data on live births, deaths, members, deleted and population (at the beginning of the ye

Issued on 2020-03-02T14:34:43Z

Population Population Movement (1990:2017) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by area (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by area (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto. Consultations

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:29:02Z

Annual movement in Veneto by area (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: arrivals by month (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: arrivals by month (year 2021) Data on the tourist moveme

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:22:06Z

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: arrivals by month (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: attendance by month (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: attendance by month (year 2021) Data on the tourist move

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:23:54Z

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: attendance by month (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: type of structure (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: type of structure (year 2021) Data on the tourist movemen

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:24:29Z

Annual movement in Veneto by municipality: type of structure (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by month (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by month (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto.Consultations

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:29:33Z

Annual movement in Veneto by month (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by month and area (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by month and area (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto.Cons

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:30:05Z

Annual movement in Veneto by month and area (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by province (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by province (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto. Consultati

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:31:09Z

Annual movement in Veneto by province (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto for STL (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto for STL (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto. Consultations

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:33:56Z

Annual movement in Veneto for STL (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by type of year (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by type of year (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement in Veneto. Consul

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:34:31Z

Annual movement in Veneto by type of year (year 2021) details >

Annual movement in Veneto by type of operation and by area (year 2021) Open Data

Annual movement in Veneto by type of operation and by area (year 2021) Data on the tourist movement

Issued on 2021-09-30T08:35:03Z

Annual movement in Veneto by type of operation and by area (year 2021) details >

Movement and calculation of the resident population in Tezze sul Brenta by sex from 2010 to 2020 Open Data

Movement and calculation of the resident population in Tezze sul Brenta by sex from 2010 to 2020

Issued on 2021-08-16T13:28:02Z

Movement and calculation of the resident population in Tezze sul Brenta by sex from 2010 to 2020 details >

Music — Schools Open Data

List of schools

Issued on

Music — Schools details >

Births, deaths and birth rate — period 2002-2019 — Municipality of Rovigo Open Data

Births, deaths and birth rates in the Municipality of Rovigo — period  2002-2019. Source: deve

Issued on 2020-05-15T07:13:04Z

Births, deaths and birth rate — period 2002-2019 — Municipality of Rovigo details >

Births and deaths — Municipality of Villadose — Years 2002-2019 Open Data

Data natural movements population Municipality of Villadose years 2002-2019

Issued on 2021-04-08T15:31:50Z

Births and deaths — Municipality of Villadose — Years 2002-2019 details >

Births and Decessi in the municipalities of Camposampierese 2014-2020 Open Data

Number of births and number of annual deaths in municipalities belonging to the Federation of Munic

Issued on 2021-12-17T14:44:01Z

Births and Decessi in the municipalities of Camposampierese 2014-2020 details >

Born in the municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2015 Open Data

Contains data on births in the Municipality of Carbonera broken down by fraction and sex of the year

Issued on 2020-12-14T11:13:14Z

Born in the municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2015 details >

Born in the municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2016 Open Data

Contains data on births in the Municipality of Carbonera broken down by fraction and sex of the year

Issued on 2020-12-15T10:22:03Z

Born in the municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2016 details >

Born in the Municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2017 Open Data

Contains data on births in the Municipality of Carbonera broken down by fraction and sex of the year

Issued on 2020-12-15T10:26:13Z

Born in the Municipality of Carbonera divided by fraction and sex — Year 2017 details >

Born in the Municipality of Treviso divided by District — year 2018 Open Data

Born in the Municipality of Treviso divided by District — year 2018

Issued on 2019-07-08T09:31:02Z

Born in the Municipality of Treviso divided by District — year 2018 details >

Born in the Municipality of Treviso divided by sex — year 2016 Open Data

contains data on births in the Municipality of Treviso broken down by sex — year 2016 — Source: Regi

Issued on 2017-03-27T12:00:19Z

Born in the Municipality of Treviso divided by sex — year 2016 details >

Born by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2019 Open Data

Dataset 2426

Issued on 2020-06-15T09:38:54Z

Born by district — Municipality of Treviso — year 2019 details >

Live births and deaths per municipality (2003:2017) Open Data

It contains data on live births and deaths for all municipalities in Veneto from 2003 to the last ye

Issued on 2020-03-02T15:03:08Z

Live births and deaths per municipality (2003:2017) details >

Live births — Italians and foreigners Open Data

Contains data on Italian and foreign live births with reference date 31/12 of each year

Issued on 2016-04-15T08:07:24Z

Live births — Italians and foreigners details >

Live births — by mother’s age Open Data

Contains data on live births broken down by age of the mother with reference date 31/12 of each year

Issued on 2016-04-15T07:56:44Z

Live births — by mother’s age details >

Households with disabled components 2015 tab.11 Open Data


Issued on 2015-06-25

Households with disabled components 2015 tab.11 details >

Recipients and amounts of income of inclusion, income and pension of citizenship divided by year,... Open Data

Recipients and amounts of income of inclusion, income and pension of citizenship divided by year, mo

Issued on 2019-09-26

Recipients and amounts of income of inclusion, income and pension of citizenship divided by year,... details >

Perceptor groups, number of people involved and average monthly income of citizenship divided by... Open Data

Perceptor groups, number of people involved and average monthly income of citizenship divided by yea

Issued on 2019-09-26

Perceptor groups, number of people involved and average monthly income of citizenship divided by... details >

Civic numbering Municipality of Torrebelvicino 2011 Open Data

Municipality of Torrebelvicino Georefenziata civic numbering updated on 31/12/2011

Issued on 2021-07-27T07:04:27Z

Civic numbering Municipality of Torrebelvicino 2011 details >

Civic numbering of the Municipality of Schio Open Data

List of the Civic Numeration of the Municipality of Schio

Issued on 2020-07-30T10:06:45Z

Civic numbering of the Municipality of Schio details >

Municipal numbering of the Municipality of Thiene updated to 17/05/2021 Open Data

Civic numbering of the Municipality of Thiene updated to 17/05/2021

Issued on 2021-05-28T10:04:17Z

Municipal numbering of the Municipality of Thiene updated to 17/05/2021 details >

Civic numbers — Municipality of Treviso (2016) Open Data

Civic numbering of the Municipality of Treviso updated on 1-August-2016

Issued on 2016-08-11T05:06:47Z

Civic numbers — Municipality of Treviso (2016) details >

Civic numbers of the municipal territory of Vicenza Open Data

Civic numbers of the municipality of Vicenza, represented  with punctual geometry located close

Issued on 2022-01-13T17:01:13Z

Civic numbers of the municipal territory of Vicenza details >

Number of private accommodation leased for tourist purposes Open Data

Number of private accommodation leased for tourist purposes in Lazio

Issued on

Number of private accommodation leased for tourist purposes details >

Number of seniority and age average INPS pensions ex Inpdap old ageà to 2013 by year and... Open Data

Number, seniorityà average and età average at retirement of INPS pensioners — Management o

Issued on 2014-12-18

Number of seniority and age average INPS pensions ex Inpdap old ageà to 2013 by year and... details >

Number of farms of direct growers divided by year, holder status and region. Years 2019, 2020. Open Data

Number of farms of direct growers divided by year, holder status and region (absolute values and per

Issued on 2021-12-17

Number of farms of direct growers divided by year, holder status and region. Years 2019, 2020. details >

Number of beneficiaries maternit chequesà  granted by municipalities divided by year,... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries maternit chequesà  granted by municipalities divided by year, regi

Issued on 2022-01-31

Number of beneficiaries maternit chequesà  granted by municipalities divided by year,... details >

Number of beneficiaries dependent household allowances in the private sector and total amount... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries dependent household allowances in the private sector and total amount divide

Issued on 2018-06-07

Number of beneficiaries dependent household allowances in the private sector and total amount... details >

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità employees in the private sector... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità private sector employees divided by

Issued on 2018-06-07

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità employees in the private sector... details >

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità agricultural workers divided by... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità agricultural workers divided by yea

Issued on 2018-06-07

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità agricultural workers divided by... details >

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità agricultural workers divided by... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà  and paternità  agricultural workers di

Issued on 2021-12-20

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità agricultural workers divided by... details >

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità domestic workers divided by year... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità domestic workers divided by year an

Issued on 2018-06-07

Number of beneficiaries maternity leaveà and paternità domestic workers divided by year... details >

Number of beneficiaries parental leave para-subordinated workers divided by year, region and class... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries parental leave para-subordinated workers divided by year, region and class o

Issued on 2018-06-05

Number of beneficiaries parental leave para-subordinated workers divided by year, region and class... details >

Number of beneficiaries of socially useful work per qualification 2010-2014 Open Data

Employment policies — socially useful workers. Number and percentage of beneficiaries by qualificati

Issued on 2016-02-23

Number of beneficiaries of socially useful work per qualification 2010-2014 details >

Number of beneficiaries agricultural unemployment by type of treatment and geographical area... Open Data

Passive employment policies — agricultural unemployment. Number and percentage of beneficiaries brok

Issued on 2016-02-23

Number of beneficiaries agricultural unemployment by type of treatment and geographical area... details >

Number of beneficiaries and amount indemnified (minimum beneficiaries) divided by year and... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries and amount indemnified (minimum beneficiaries) broken down by year and geogr

Issued on 2018-05-08

Number of beneficiaries and amount indemnified (minimum beneficiaries) divided by year and... details >

Number of beneficiaries (beneficiary haps) divided by year, region and sex. Years 2015, 2016 Open Data

Number of beneficiaries (beneficiary traps) divided by year, region and gender (absolute values and

Issued on 2018-05-08

Number of beneficiaries (beneficiary haps) divided by year, region and sex. Years 2015, 2016 details >

Number of beneficiaries indemnity benefits and total annual pension income broken down by year,... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries indemnity benefits and total annual pension income broken down by year, area

Issued on 2019-04-19

Number of beneficiaries indemnity benefits and total annual pension income broken down by year,... details >

Number of assets of the Scientific Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums in the... Open Data

Number of cards of the “Scientific Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums”

Issued on 2018-05-07T08:03:32.632944Z

Number of assets of the Scientific Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums in the... details >

Number of sickness certificates and number of beneficiaries divided by year, area and age class.... Open Data

Number of sickness certificates and number of beneficiaries divided by year, area and age class (abs

Issued on 2022-02-04

Number of sickness certificates and number of beneficiaries divided by year, area and age class.... details >
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