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BDTRE — Place name road (TP_STR) Open Data

It belongs to the theme “Toponyms and civic numbers” of the BDTRE (Territorial Data Base of Referenc

Issued on

BDTRE — Place name road (TP_STR) details >

Roads 1:100,000 — Stations — Historic Open Data

Main and secondary railway stations, drawn from IGM maps 1:100000 (1952-1966) with updates reported

Issued on

Roads 1:100,000 — Stations — Historic details >

Hydrographic grid according to the European Water Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) Open Data

The dataset represents the identification of the river water bodies of Piedmont within the meaning o

Issued on

Hydrographic grid according to the European Water Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) details >

Aerial shooting ICE 2009-2011 Ortophoto RGB — Geoservizi WMS and WMTS Open Data

The geoservices WMS and WMTS Ortofoto flight ICE 2009-2011 allow the visualisation of the color orth

Issued on 2013-03-15

Aerial shooting ICE 2009-2011 Ortophoto RGB — Geoservizi WMS and WMTS details >

Vector CTRN 1:50,000 — individual sheets Open Data

The dataset contains some topics of the vector data of the Regional Numerical Technical Charter (CTR

Issued on

Vector CTRN 1:50,000 — individual sheets details >

BDTRE — Orography — GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data

A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,

Issued on

BDTRE — Orography — GEO-SERVICE WFS details >

Return points in watercourses Open Data

The dataset represents the return points in natural or artificial surface watercourses of the water

Issued on

Return points in watercourses details >

Seed stand — Geoservice WFS Open Data

Geoservice WFS display geographical data on the stands from Piedmontese seed: areas and points of th

Issued on

Seed stand — Geoservice WFS details >


Geo-service WMS that allows the display of the Reference Map Base in scale 1:10,000 (Ed. 2017), i.e.

Issued on

BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFICAL BASE — 2017 — WMS B/N (Vettoriali) details >

Zones vulnerable to nitrates of agricultural origin Open Data

The Nitrates Directive 676/91/EC is the European Union document regulating excess nitrates in surfac

Issued on

Zones vulnerable to nitrates of agricultural origin details >

AERIAL RECOVERY ICE 2009-2011 — DTM 25 Open Data

The DTM covers the entire regional territory and has been acquired with a uniform methodology (LIDAR

Issued on

AERIAL RECOVERY ICE 2009-2011 — DTM 25 details >

III Report (2007-2012) monitoring under Article 17 Habitats Directive — Habitats and Species Open Data

The data on the monitoring of species and habitats of Community interest represent the compliance of

Issued on

III Report (2007-2012) monitoring under Article 17 Habitats Directive — Habitats and Species details >

BDTRE 2017 — RASTER B/N 1:10,000 Open Data

Images in raster format of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2017), i.e. the mappin

Issued on

BDTRE 2017 — RASTER B/N 1:10,000 details >

Transformations of the forest in another use — Geoservice WMS Open Data

Geoservice WMS display geographical data on the transformations of the forest into another use pursu

Issued on

Transformations of the forest in another use — Geoservice WMS details >


Additional attributes to the linear component of the traffic graph BDTRE, relating to the Medium Dai

Issued on


Aerial shooting ICE 2009-2011 Ortophoto NIR Open Data

It covers the entire territory of the Piedmont Region. The cut of the orthophotos follows the grid o

Issued on

Aerial shooting ICE 2009-2011 Ortophoto NIR details >

Current linear PAI failures Open Data

Current linear failures identified by the Po River Basin Authority within the Exhibit Plan of Hydrog

Issued on

Current linear PAI failures details >

Punctual failures in force Open Data

Current faults, not mapable, identified by the Po River Basin Authority as part of the Hydrogeologic

Issued on

Punctual failures in force details >

Orthophoto 2015 Open Data

Orthophoto 2015 of the territory relating to the provinces of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto.The spatia

Issued on 2017-06-19

Orthophoto 2015 details >

GNSS Apulia Network Open Data

Network of Permanent Stations Global Navigation System (GNSS) of the Region of Puglia. The network,

Issued on 2007-01-01

GNSS Apulia Network details >

Grilled 5,000 and IGM 50,000 Open Data

The grids are distinguished in:- sheets 1:50,000 IGM consisting of the cartographic cut of the Itali

Issued on

Grilled 5,000 and IGM 50,000 details >

Digital Earth Model — DTM Open Data

The Terreno Digital Model (DTM) is produced according to the standard defined in the document Techni

Issued on 2008-01-01

Digital Earth Model — DTM details >

Regional Coast Plan — PRC Open Data

Consultation of documentation and cartographic component relating to the Regional Coastal Plan — RPS

Issued on 2011-10-13

Regional Coast Plan — PRC details >

Regional Landscape Plan Apulia — PPTR Open Data

Consultation of the documentation and cartographic component relating to the Regional Landscape Plan

Issued on 2013-08-02

Regional Landscape Plan Apulia — PPTR details >

Thematic Territorial Urban Plan -PUTT/p Open Data

Consultation of documentation and cartographic component relating to the Apulia Region’s Territorial

Issued on 2011-01-01

Thematic Territorial Urban Plan -PUTT/p details >

Update to 2011 of the Use of Soil 2006 Open Data

The update to 2011 of the Use of Soil 2006 is derived from the photointerpretation of the new areas

Issued on 2013-04-01

Update to 2011 of the Use of Soil 2006 details >

Regional Technical Cartography — CTR Open Data

Regional technical cartography on a scale of 1:5,000 of the entire regional territory.The CTR is rea

Issued on 2008-01-01

Regional Technical Cartography — CTR details >

Ultrasound Catastal 2005-2010 Umbria Open Data

The service makes available the consultation of the Catastal Ecographic of the Umbria Region (graph

Issued on

Ultrasound Catastal 2005-2010 Umbria details >

Orthophoto 1997 — Umbria Open Data

The geoservice offers the consultation of the mosaic of the digital orthophotos produced by the flig

Issued on

Orthophoto 1997 — Umbria details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Auction of the River Tiber and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to the IMMOBILI AND anthropisa

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Auction of the River Tiber and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 03... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to the Management of the Tiber

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 03... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 04... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the hydrography information of the Geographical Data Ba

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 04... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 05... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format information on the orography of the Tiber River Auction

Issued on

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 05... details >

Data base Geotopographic Multi-Resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 07... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to the subservice NETWORKS of

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic Multi-Resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 07... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 08... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to STRATO 08 SIGNIFICATIVE LOC

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 08... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 09... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information on the ADMINISTRATIVE AMBITIES of the T

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 09... details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 10... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to the AREE OF PERTINENCE of t

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 10... details >

Administrative borders Region-Province-municipalities on a cadastral basis — ISTAT Census 1981 Open Data

Subdivision of the territory detected by the Umbria Region on the occasion of the 12nd Census of the

Issued on 1981-10-21

Administrative borders Region-Province-municipalities on a cadastral basis — ISTAT Census 1981 details >

Landscape goods within the meaning of Articles 136 and 142(1)(m) of Legislative Decree No 42/2004 —... Open Data

Delimitation of Landscape Heritage within the meaning of Articles 136 and 142 c.1 lett.m of Legislat

Issued on

Landscape goods within the meaning of Articles 136 and 142(1)(m) of Legislative Decree No 42/2004 —... details >

Map of the Sismic Dangerousness of the Umbria Region Open Data

Map of regional seismic hazards scale 1:250,000 containing the values of point ag at the top of the

Issued on

Map of the Sismic Dangerousness of the Umbria Region details >

Geodetic network of the Umbria Region (monographs of the summits and the cornerstones) Open Data

The service allows you to consult and download the monographs of the bosses ordered by territorial s

Issued on

Geodetic network of the Umbria Region (monographs of the summits and the cornerstones) details >

Hydrographic grid — Umbria Open Data

The service allows you to consult the network of natural watercourses and bodies of water in Umbria’

Issued on 2015-12-14

Hydrographic grid — Umbria details >

Road and rail communication network (DBPRIOR10k) — Umbria Open Data

The service allows you to consult the road and rail communications network of the Umbria Region on t

Issued on

Road and rail communication network (DBPRIOR10k) — Umbria details >

Phytoclimatic paper of Umbria scale 1:200.000 Open Data

The map containing the phytoclimatic units of Umbria that fall within two regions (Semioceanic Trans

Issued on 2000-03-24

Phytoclimatic paper of Umbria scale 1:200.000 details >

Buildings — Ecographic System Catastal Region UMBRIA 2005-2010 Open Data

The database of the buildings was created through the information in the cadastral maps, in the CTR,

Issued on 2010-11-24

Buildings — Ecographic System Catastal Region UMBRIA 2005-2010 details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 01... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information on VIABILITY, MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT of

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 01... details >

Umbria soil map scale 1:250,000 Open Data

(Layer of the Group layer SUOLO) Service for consulting soil systems and subsystems and soil distrib

Issued on

Umbria soil map scale 1:250,000 details >

Local seismic hazard card vector of the Umbria Region Open Data

Local seismic hazard card vector in scale 1:10,000 of the Umbria Region. The information levels disp

Issued on 2013-05-31

Local seismic hazard card vector of the Umbria Region details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 00... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information relating to the geodetic and photogramm

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Trasimeno Lake — STRATO 00... details >

Hydrogeological constraint R.D. 3267/23 scale 1:25.000 — Umbria Open Data

WebGIS consultation service of the historical archive documentation which consists of the originals

Issued on 2018-06-01

Hydrogeological constraint R.D. 3267/23 scale 1:25.000 — Umbria details >

Areas protected by law art. 142 Legislative Decree 42/2004 — Umbria Open Data

WebGIS consultation service of the AREE protected FOR LAW Article 142(1) of Legislative Decree No 42

Issued on

Areas protected by law art. 142 Legislative Decree 42/2004 — Umbria details >

Aerial frames Region Umbria Open Data

Aerial frames present in the regional Aerophototheque owned by the Umbria Region, available in consu

Issued on

Aerial frames Region Umbria details >

Statistical Grid — Umbria Open Data

The GRID statistical dataset was created from the 1 sq km grid of the GEOSTAT 2011 population, launc

Issued on

Statistical Grid — Umbria details >

Orthophoto 1977 — Umbria Open Data

Orthophotos year 1977 produced by the scanned and georeferencing in coordinates WGS 84 UTM 33N zones

Issued on

Orthophoto 1977 — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper 1:2,000 vector scale — Umbria Open Data

Technical numeral chart at 1:2000 scale: — Center of Perugia. Year of flight 2000, edition cartograp

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper 1:2,000 vector scale — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:1,000 raster — Umbria Open Data

Detailed technical maps of 1:1,000 scale of the centres of ASSISI and FOLIGNO, affected by the 1997

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:1,000 raster — Umbria details >

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 06... Open Data

The service makes available in raster format the information on STRATO 06 “Vegetazione” of the Geogr

Issued on 2015-12-03

Data base Geotopographic multi-resolution 10k Tiber River Auction and Lake Trasimeno — STRATO 06... details >

Benedictine Abbeys in Umbria Open Data

Census of Benedictine monasteries and abbeys of Umbria year 2014 curated by the Umbria region in col

Issued on

Benedictine Abbeys in Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:2,000 rasters — Umbria Open Data

Technical numeral chart at 1:2000 scale: — Center of Perugia. Year of flight 2000, edition cartograp

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:2,000 rasters — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:500 raster — Umbria Open Data

Detailed technical chart of 1:500 scale, in raster format, of many urban centres affected by the 199

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:500 raster — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Map scale 1:10,000 raster — graphic result of the Geotopographic Data Base... Open Data

CTR coming from a new relief related to the Tiber river auction and Lake Trasimeno. The CTR also der

Issued on

Regional Technical Map scale 1:10,000 raster — graphic result of the Geotopographic Data Base... details >

Regional Technical Map scale 1:10,000 vector — graphic result of the Geotopographic Data Base... Open Data

CTR coming from a new relief related to the Tiber river auction and Lake Trasimeno. The CTR also der

Issued on

Regional Technical Map scale 1:10,000 vector — graphic result of the Geotopographic Data Base... details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:10,000 vector — Umbria Open Data

Basic cartography of the regional territory made using the photogrammetric method, for lots and at d

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:10,000 vector — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:5,000 vector — Umbria Open Data

Basic cartography of the regional territory made using the photogrammetric method, for lots and at d

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:5,000 vector — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:500 vector — Umbria Open Data

Detailed technical map of the 1:500 scale of many urban centres affected by the earthquake of 1997 r

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:500 vector — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:1,000 vector — Umbria Open Data

Detailed technical maps of 1:1,000 scale of the centres of ASSISI and FOLIGNO, affected by the 1997

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:1,000 vector — Umbria details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:5,000 raster — Umbria Open Data

Basic cartography of the regional territory made using the photogrammetric method, for lots and at d

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:5,000 raster — Umbria details >

DB Topographic Specifications Intesa GIS scale 1:2.000 — Umbria Open Data

In the context of Community programming 2000-2006 (SPD Ob. 2 — Measure 1.1. Action 1.1.2. — Interven

Issued on

DB Topographic Specifications Intesa GIS scale 1:2.000 — Umbria details >

Vector geological map of the Umbria Region Open Data

The 1:10,000 scale vector geological map of the Umbria Region consists of different information leve

Issued on 2012-12-31

Vector geological map of the Umbria Region details >

Software for the transformation of flat and geographical coordinates — Umbria Open Data

Ferens PLUS is the official free software that performs datum and coordinate transformations on nume

Issued on 2013-04-29

Software for the transformation of flat and geographical coordinates — Umbria details >

Mosaic of cadastral map scale 1:5,000 (1985 edition) — UMBRIA Open Data

Cadastral map complementing the regional technical map. Cadastral based cartography consists of mo

Issued on

Mosaic of cadastral map scale 1:5,000 (1985 edition) — UMBRIA details >

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:10,000 raster — Umbria Open Data

Basic cartography of the regional territory made using the photogrammetric method, for lots and at d

Issued on

Regional Technical Paper scale 1:10,000 raster — Umbria details >

Flooding Directive — Flood risk — Area secondary network Open Data

Information layer relating to the risk of flooding of lateral streams, in compliance with the Europe

Issued on 2014-09-03

Flooding Directive — Flood risk — Area secondary network details >

Geology — cartographic geomorphological elements Open Data

Geomorphological elements areal and elements of gravitative tectonics.SCOPO: Describe the geological

Issued on 2014-05-01

Geology — cartographic geomorphological elements details >

Orthophoto 2012 Open Data

Orthophotos produced by mosaicing ECW dials on a scale of 1:5,000 with a resolution on the ground eq

Issued on

Orthophoto 2012 details >

Bivouacs and shelters Open Data

Census of the buildings intended to accommodate mountaineers and hikers who frequent the mountain.SC

Issued on 2013-11-01

Bivouacs and shelters details >

Monumental plants Open Data

Plants with special characteristics and historical, landscape and architectural requirements.

Issued on 2023-02-02

Monumental plants details >

Integrated Water System — Aqueducts — Wells Open Data

Census wells used by public aqueduct networks for human consumption.

Issued on

Integrated Water System — Aqueducts — Wells details >

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — Geological samples Open Data

Geological samples. Scopo:Descrivere in scale 1:25,000 the geological-structural structure of the re

Issued on

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — Geological samples details >

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — Detection areas (delivery 2015) Open Data

Detection areas (delivery 2015). Scopo:Descrivere in scale 1:25,000 the geological-structural struct

Issued on 2014-05-01

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — Detection areas (delivery 2015) details >

Flooding Directive — Flood risk — Linear secondary network Open Data

Information layer on the overall flood risk, referring to punctual infrastructure, in compliance wit

Issued on 2014-09-03

Flooding Directive — Flood risk — Linear secondary network details >

Uneditable fields — Dora Baltea Bands — Manufactures Open Data

The figure represents the artifacts of the cross-sections of the Dora Baltea, implemented for the on

Issued on

Uneditable fields — Dora Baltea Bands — Manufactures details >

Geology — Scale 1:10.000 — Detection areas (delivery 2015) Open Data

Detection areas (delivery 2015). Scopo:Descrivere in scale of 1:10,000 the geological-structural str

Issued on

Geology — Scale 1:10.000 — Detection areas (delivery 2015) details >

Unbreakable Fields — Dora Baltea Bands — Cross Sections Open Data

The data represents the cross-sections of the Dora Baltea, implemented for the one-dimensional hydra

Issued on

Unbreakable Fields — Dora Baltea Bands — Cross Sections details >

Forestation — Economic plans of pastoral forest assets — Property of consortia Open Data

The settlement plans drawn up or revised from 1964 to 2010 take into account all the forest-pastoral

Issued on 2014-12-23

Forestation — Economic plans of pastoral forest assets — Property of consortia details >

Forestation — Direct protection forests Open Data

In the mountains forests perform multiple functions, among which there is an important protective fu

Issued on 2014-12-23

Forestation — Direct protection forests details >

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — plicative structures and structural elements Open Data

Linear structural elements: ductile deformations. Scopo:Descrivere in scale 1:25,000 the geological-

Issued on

Geology — Scale 1:25,000 — plicative structures and structural elements details >

Flooding Directive — Dangerous flooding — Main network Open Data

Information layer on the danger of flooding in Dora Baltea, in compliance with the European Floods D

Issued on 2014-09-03

Flooding Directive — Dangerous flooding — Main network details >

Integrated Water System — Aqueducts — Tanks Open Data

BIM census of 1st level of tanks of the aqueduct network carried out in 2011.

Issued on

Integrated Water System — Aqueducts — Tanks details >

State of Water Open Data

Dataset that highlights the areas belonging to the land of the Region, of the State and the set of a

Issued on 2013-12-01

State of Water details >

Filling stations Open Data

Location of the refuelling stations of the Valle d’Aosta region.

Issued on

Filling stations details >

Forestation — Economic plans of pastoral forest assets — Municipal property Open Data

The settlement plans drawn up or revised from 1964 to 2010 take into account all the forest-pastoral

Issued on 2014-12-23

Forestation — Economic plans of pastoral forest assets — Municipal property details >

Flood orthophoto 2000 Open Data

Orthophoto realised Mosaicing and georefering the aerial frames carried out by the Autonomous Region

Issued on

Flood orthophoto 2000 details >

Control Plan — Variants of PRG Open Data

Dataset identifying the cartographic changes made by individual municipalities to the Regulatory Pla

Issued on

Control Plan — Variants of PRG details >

Archaeological Heritage Sites Open Data

Location of the archaeological heritage sites of the Valle d’Aosta, divided by historical periods an

Issued on

Archaeological Heritage Sites details >

PTP — Lakes respect bands Open Data

Landscaping Territorial Plan. Highlights the general set-up of site codes, assets and areas of speci

Issued on

PTP — Lakes respect bands details >

Agricultural consortia — Consortia irrigui canals Open Data

Artificial channels created for irrigation of agricultural land and managed by various land improvem

Issued on 2014-06-01

Agricultural consortia — Consortia irrigui canals details >

PTP — River respect strips Open Data

Landscaping Territorial Plan. Highlights the general set-up of site codes, assets and areas of speci

Issued on

PTP — River respect strips details >

Geology — Geological Observations Points Open Data

Points of geological observations. Scopo:Descrivere the geological-structural structure of the regio

Issued on 2014-05-01

Geology — Geological Observations Points details >

Agricultural consortia — Land improvement consortia Open Data

The activity of the Land Improvement Consortium takes place in the execution, maintenance and operat

Issued on 2014-06-01

Agricultural consortia — Land improvement consortia details >
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