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Undivided beauties Open Data

Landscape assets are immovable things that have conspicuous characters of natural beauty, geological

Issued on

Undivided beauties details >

Register municipal buildings for public use Open Data

List of buildings owned by the municipality and intended for public use

Issued on

Register municipal buildings for public use details >

Net social benefits disbursed by Inps per year and indicator (in millions of euros). Years 2014,... Open Data

Net social benefits disbursed by Inps per year and indicator (in millions of euros). Years 2014, 201

Issued on 2019-01-10

Net social benefits disbursed by Inps per year and indicator (in millions of euros). Years 2014,... details >

Beneficiaries parental leave separate management 2010-2012 Open Data

Number and percentage of beneficiaries parental leave separate management (Contributors and professi

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries parental leave separate management 2010-2012 details >

Beneficiaries of wildlife damage Open Data

Contributions paid for wildlife damage 2014

Issued on

Beneficiaries of wildlife damage details >

Beneficiaries of funding from the ERDF P.O. 2007-2013 Open Data

List of beneficiaries of funding from the ERDF Operational Programme 2007-2013 of the Autonomous Pro

Issued on 2017-03-31

Beneficiaries of funding from the ERDF P.O. 2007-2013 details >

Beneficiaries of funding from the ESF P.O. Open Data

List of beneficiaries of funding from the ESF Operational Programme 2007-2013 of the Autonomous Prov

Issued on 2014-11-10

Beneficiaries of funding from the ESF P.O. details >

Beneficiaries of autonomous parental leave 2010-2012 Open Data

Number of beneficiaries of self-employed parental leave, broken down by management type and class of

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries of autonomous parental leave 2010-2012 details >

Beneficiaries of ordinary non-agricultural unemployment with reduced requirements. Year 2012. Open Data

Number and percentages benefiting from ordinary non-agricultural unemployment with reduced requireme

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries of ordinary non-agricultural unemployment with reduced requirements. Year 2012. details >

Beneficiaries of EAGF and EAFRD funding: acts of concession Open Data

Publication of information on beneficiaries of funding from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund

Issued on 2013-01-01

Beneficiaries of EAGF and EAFRD funding: acts of concession details >

Beneficiaries of EAGF and EAFRD funding:payments Open Data

Payments Commission Regulation (EC) No 259/2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Co

Issued on 2016-03-02T08:52:38.505260Z

Beneficiaries of EAGF and EAFRD funding:payments details >

Beneficiaries of compensationà agricultural Unemployment — Years 2007-2010 Open Data

Social Cohesion Report — Data on beneficiaries of compensationà agricultural unemployment in 20

Issued on 2012-01-17

Beneficiaries of compensationà agricultural Unemployment — Years 2007-2010 details >

Beneficiaries of indemnityà for disease events by branch and sex 2012 Open Data

Number of Beneficiaries of Indemnityà for disease events (duration moreù 7 days) for activ

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries of indemnityà for disease events by branch and sex 2012 details >

Beneficiaries of maternityà compulsory per year of competence, years 2010-2012 Open Data

Number of beneficiaries of maternalityà compulsory per year of competence, type of worker and t

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries of maternityà compulsory per year of competence, years 2010-2012 details >

Beneficiaries of benefits for workers with disabilities or for the assistance of disabled persons... Open Data

Number of beneficiaries of benefits for disabled workers or for the assistance of disabled persons,

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries of benefits for workers with disabilities or for the assistance of disabled persons... details >

Beneficiaries of economic provision Open Data

Publication of beneficiaries and their contributions and subsidies

Issued on 2012-01-01

Beneficiaries of economic provision details >

Social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età-Year 2013... Open Data

Number of social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età-

Issued on 2015-04-30

Social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età-Year 2013... details >

Social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età- Year... Open Data

Number of social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and et & #224 class; —

Issued on 2015-04-30

Social card beneficiaries by gender, region, geographical breakdown and class of età- Year... details >

Beneficiaries indemnityà of mobilityà by region Open Data

Number and percentage change on an annual and national basis of beneficiaries of compensationà

Issued on 2013-12-02

Beneficiaries indemnityà of mobilityà by region details >

Beneficiaries of ordinary wage supplement benefit 2010-2012 tav.III.3.3.13 Open Data

Table III.3.3.13 — Percentage distribution of beneficiaries of compensationà of ordinary wage s

Issued on 2015-10-09

Beneficiaries of ordinary wage supplement benefit 2010-2012 tav.III.3.3.13 details >

Beneficiaries of extraordinary wage supplement 2010-2012 tav.III.3.3.14 Open Data

Table III.3.3.14 — Percentage distribution of beneficiaries of indemnityà extraordinary wage in

Issued on 2015-10-09

Beneficiaries of extraordinary wage supplement 2010-2012 tav.III.3.3.14 details >

Beneficiaries maternità mandatory by geographical area and by year 2010-2012 Open Data

Beneficiaries of maternità mandatory by geographical area and by year. Years 2010-2012.

Issued on 2014-02-14

Beneficiaries maternità mandatory by geographical area and by year 2010-2012 details >

Beneficiaries maternità mandatory for classes of età 2010-2012 Open Data

Beneficiaries maternità mandatory for classes of età (FPLD). Years 2010-2012

Issued on 2014-02-14

Beneficiaries maternità mandatory for classes of età 2010-2012 details >

Maternity Beneficiariesà mandatory for classes of età 2010-2012 Open Data

Number and percentage of maternal beneficiariesà mandatory for classes of età (FPLD). Year

Issued on 2013-12-02

Maternity Beneficiariesà mandatory for classes of età 2010-2012 details >

UMA: Beneficiaries by Municipality and Gender Machine Open Data

Count of Beneficiaries divided by municipality and machine type

Issued on

UMA: Beneficiaries by Municipality and Gender Machine details >

ERDF OP beneficiaries 2007-2013 Open Data

List of beneficiaries of ERDF OP Sicily 2007/2013

Issued on 2019-12-08T11:51:47.806160Z

ERDF OP beneficiaries 2007-2013 details >

Social Card beneficiaries with at least one credit 2011-2012 Open Data

Number and annual percentage change of Purchased Card beneficiaries (Social Cards) with at least one

Issued on 2013-12-02

Social Card beneficiaries with at least one credit 2011-2012 details >

Property confiscated from organised crime — Municipality of Francavilla Fontana Open Data

Assets confiscated dynamically from ANBSC’s Database — National Agency for the Administration and Pu

Issued on

Property confiscated from organised crime — Municipality of Francavilla Fontana details >

Assets confiscated from organised crime — Municipality of Latiano Open Data

Assets confiscated dynamically from ANBSC’s Database — National Agency for the Administration and Pu

Issued on 2020-03-18T21:53:26.854011Z

Assets confiscated from organised crime — Municipality of Latiano details >

Cultural and archaeological heritage — Tratturi MT art. 10 D.Lgs. 42/2004 Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of the sites protected under the Ministerial Decree of 22/

Issued on

Cultural and archaeological heritage — Tratturi MT art. 10 D.Lgs. 42/2004 details >

Cultural heritage — archaeological areas art. 10 D.Lgs. 42/2004 Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of buildings of archaeological interest and related areas

Issued on

Cultural heritage — archaeological areas art. 10 D.Lgs. 42/2004 details >

Cultural heritage — monumental art. 10 Legislative Decree 42/2004 Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of buildings, monumental complexes and related areas of re

Issued on

Cultural heritage — monumental art. 10 Legislative Decree 42/2004 details >

Beni demaniali pubblicati su Amministrazione Trasparente Open Data

Beni demaniali della Regione Siciliana, come pubblicati sulla pagina di Amministrazione Trasparente

Issued on 2021-12-07T15:24:20.802681Z

Beni demaniali pubblicati su Amministrazione Trasparente details >

Landscaped Heritage — Monumental Trees Open Data

**Landscaping goods** art. 143 c.1, letter and Legislative Decree 42/2004 — **Trees Monumental** (L.

Issued on

Landscaped Heritage — Monumental Trees details >

Landscape heritage art. 136 D.Lgs. 42-2004 Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of areas declared to be of considerable public interest pu

Issued on

Landscape heritage art. 136 D.Lgs. 42-2004 details >

Landscape assets art. 142 c.1, letter a Legislative Decree 42/2004 — Coastal territories Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of coastal territories within a range of 300 meters deep f

Issued on

Landscape assets art. 142 c.1, letter a Legislative Decree 42/2004 — Coastal territories details >

Landscape assets art. 142 c.1, letter D. Lgs. 42/2004 — Mountains for the part exceeding 1.200 m... Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of the mountains for the part exceeding 1,200 meters above

Issued on

Landscape assets art. 142 c.1, letter D. Lgs. 42/2004 — Mountains for the part exceeding 1.200 m... details >

Landscape heritage art. 142 c.1, letter f D. Lgs. 42/2004 — National or regional parks and reserves Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of **national or regional parks and reserves** pursuant to

Issued on

Landscape heritage art. 142 c.1, letter f D. Lgs. 42/2004 — National or regional parks and reserves details >

Landscape Heritage_art. 142 c.1, let. i D.Lgs. 42/2004 — Wetlands Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of wetlands, included in the list provided for by Presiden

Issued on

Landscape Heritage_art. 142 c.1, let. i D.Lgs. 42/2004 — Wetlands details >

Landscape property art. 142 let. b — Lakes and artificial reservoirs Open Data

The vector file concerns the delimitation of the territories contained in the **lakes** and **artifi

Issued on

Landscape property art. 142 let. b — Lakes and artificial reservoirs details >

Patrimonial Assets Granted — Ex Demanio Open Data

list of assets granted to third parties — formerly owned

Issued on

Patrimonial Assets Granted — Ex Demanio details >

Patrimonial Assets Granted — New Heritage Open Data

list of assets granted to third parties, new assets

Issued on

Patrimonial Assets Granted — New Heritage details >

Patrimonial Assets Granted — Old Heritage Open Data

list of assets granted to third parties

Issued on

Patrimonial Assets Granted — Old Heritage details >

Betreuung in Hospice-Einrichtungen: Die Hospice-Einrichtungen in der Provinz Bozen Open Data

Einrichtungen, die für Palliativbehandlungen vorbehalten sind, sollten einem Betreuungsnetzwerk ange

Issued on 2016-01-01

Betreuung in Hospice-Einrichtungen: Die Hospice-Einrichtungen in der Provinz Bozen details >

Betreuung in Hospice-Einrichtungen: Hospice-Tätigkeiten Open Data

Einrichtungen, die für Palliativbehandlungen vorbehalten sind, sollten einem Betreuungsnetzwerk ange

Issued on 2016-01-01

Betreuung in Hospice-Einrichtungen: Hospice-Tätigkeiten details >

Bevölkerung: Konjunkturbarometer Open Data

The Datensatz liefert Statistische Daten über das Konjunkturbarometer bezogen auf die Bevölkerung de

Issued on 2015-01-01

Bevölkerung: Konjunkturbarometer details >

Bewertungssystem der gesundheitlichen Betreuung (BSB): Anzahl der Betten Open Data

Bettenausstattung für jede Einrichtung, Abteilung/klinischen Fachbereich, der öffentlichen und priva

Issued on 2017-01-13T07:36:33.593673Z

Bewertungssystem der gesundheitlichen Betreuung (BSB): Anzahl der Betten details >

Library Braidense: borrowed Works (1998-2020) Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-05-03T09:18:10.815996Z

Library Braidense: borrowed Works (1998-2020) details >

Library Braidense: heritage Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-04-09T13:08:14.004589Z

Library Braidense: heritage details >

Library Braidense: staff and management expenditure (1998-2020) Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-05-03T09:22:52.818420Z

Library Braidense: staff and management expenditure (1998-2020) details >

Library Braidense: seats (1998-2020) Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-05-03T08:56:36.326078Z

Library Braidense: seats (1998-2020) details >

Library Braidense: shelving (1998-2020) Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-05-03T08:48:24.870059Z

Library Braidense: shelving (1998-2020) details >

Library Braidense: users admitted to loan and consultation (1998-2020) Open Data

Characteristics and activities of the Braidense State Library, among the major Italian public librar

Issued on 2018-05-03T09:10:22.929198Z

Library Braidense: users admitted to loan and consultation (1998-2020) details >

Libraries Open Data

Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or

Issued on

Libraries details >

Libraries at census Open Data

**Sector:** Culture. sport and leisure ** Algorithm:** Number of libraries **Type Indicator:** Rep

Issued on 2021-08-25

Libraries at census details >

Libraries of Trentino Open Data

Register of the libraries of the Autonomous Province of Trento. The opening hours, closing days, a

Issued on 2014-03-07

Libraries of Trentino details >

Public Reading Libraries Open Data

**Sector:** Culture. sport and leisure ** Algorithm:** Number of libraries and reading points **Ty

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public Reading Libraries details >

Public reading libraries for 10,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Culture. sport and leisure ** Algorithm:** Number of libraries and reading points on re

Issued on 2021-08-25

Public reading libraries for 10,000 residents details >

Libraries: number of loans and user characteristics of the Sormani library 2007-2008 Open Data

This dataset classifies the users of the Sormani library from 2007 to 2008 according to the year of

Issued on 2017-11-13T16:21:54.130229Z

Libraries: number of loans and user characteristics of the Sormani library 2007-2008 details >

Libraries: number of loans and characteristics of users of the Sormani library 2011 Open Data

This dataset classifies the users of the Sormani library according to the year of first registration

Issued on 2017-11-14T11:13:25.626855Z

Libraries: number of loans and characteristics of users of the Sormani library 2011 details >

Libraries: number of loans and characteristics of the Sormani Library 2013-2015 Open Data

The dataset contains the general information of the Central Library of the Urban Library System of t

Issued on 2017-11-15T14:33:04.552314Z

Libraries: number of loans and characteristics of the Sormani Library 2013-2015 details >

Libraries — Heritage, loans and services Open Data

Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or

Issued on

Libraries — Heritage, loans and services details >

Libraries for 10,000 residents Open Data

**Sector:** Culture, sport and leisure ** Algorithm:** Number of libraries on total resident popula

Issued on 2021-08-24

Libraries for 10,000 residents details >

Libraries: inter-library loans for local library and type of work Open Data

This dataset classifies loans between different locations of the local libraries for the year 2011 a

Issued on 2017-11-13T16:19:52.999681Z

Libraries: inter-library loans for local library and type of work details >

Libraries: monthly loans for local library and type of work Open Data

This dataset classifies library book loans for the year 2011 according to the month, the age group o

Issued on 2017-11-13T16:20:31.517335Z

Libraries: monthly loans for local library and type of work details >

Libraries: loans for local library and type of work from 2007 to 2008 Open Data

The dataset contains data on loans of different documents and materials in the district libraries of

Issued on 2017-11-13T16:19:20.431975Z

Libraries: loans for local library and type of work from 2007 to 2008 details >

Libraries: loans for local library and type of work in 2011 Open Data

The dataset contains data on loans of different documents and materials in local libraries in Milan.

Issued on 2017-11-13T12:00:05.481477Z

Libraries: loans for local library and type of work in 2011 details >

Libraries Region Campania Open Data

Territory Libraries Region Campania

Issued on 2019-02-13

Libraries Region Campania details >

Library Rionali: library heritage, loans and users Open Data

The dataset contains the complete list of the Rionale Library System of the city of Milan. The follo

Issued on 2019-12-02T14:18:25.077273Z

Library Rionali: library heritage, loans and users details >

Library Rionali: assets, loans and users Open Data

The dataset contains the complete list from 2013 to 2015 of the Rionale Library System of the city o

Issued on 2017-11-15T16:17:10.209997Z

Library Rionali: assets, loans and users details >

Bike sharing (Open data) Open Data

Bike sharing stalls Since summer 2014 the project “Bike sharing trentino e.motion”, promoted by the

Issued on 2017-09-11

Bike sharing (Open data) details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Ala Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Ala

Issued on 2016-02-25

Budgets for the Municipality of Ala details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Albiano Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Albiano

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Albiano details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Aldeno Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Aldeno

Issued on 2017-06-27

Budgets for the Municipality of Aldeno details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Altavalle Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Altavalle

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Altavalle details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Altopiano della Vigolana Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Altopiano della V

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Altopiano della Vigolana details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Amblar-Don Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Amblar-Don

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Amblar-Don details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Andalo Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Andalo

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Andalo details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Arco Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Arco

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Arco details >

Estimates of the Municipality of Avio Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Avio

Issued on 2016-02-26

Estimates of the Municipality of Avio details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Baselga di Pinè Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Baselga di Pinè

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Baselga di Pinè details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Bedollo Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bedollo

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Bedollo details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Besenello Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Besenello

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Besenello details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Bieno Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bieno

Issued on 2017-10-01

Budgets for the Municipality of Bieno details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Bleggio Superiore Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bleggio Superiore

Issued on 2017-05-10

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Bleggio Superiore details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Bocenago Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bocenago

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Bocenago details >

Budgets of the Municipality of Bondone Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bondone

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets of the Municipality of Bondone details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Borgo Chiese Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Borgo Chiese

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Borgo Chiese details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Borgo Lares Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Borgo Lares

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Borgo Lares details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Brentonico Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Brentonico

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Brentonico details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Bresimo Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Bresimo

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Bresimo details >

Budgets for the Municipality of Brez Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Brez

Issued on 2016-02-26

Budgets for the Municipality of Brez details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caderzone Terme Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Caderzone Terme

Issued on 2017-06-27

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caderzone Terme details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Cagnò Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Cagnò

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Cagnò details >

Estimates of the Municipality of Calceranica al Lago Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Calceranica al La

Issued on 2017-05-24

Estimates of the Municipality of Calceranica al Lago details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caldes Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Caldes

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caldes details >

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caldonazzo Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Caldonazzo

Issued on 2016-02-26

Forecast budgets of the Municipality of Caldonazzo details >

Estimates of the Municipality of Calliano Open Data

All forecast budgets published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Calliano

Issued on 2016-02-26

Estimates of the Municipality of Calliano details >
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