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Historical Census 1861-2011: population and territorial area at the borders of the era Open Data
The dataset contains the historical series of the census population and the territorial area for the
Issued on 2017-11-23T14:38:26.332439Z
Census 1991 — Homes Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 13rd General population census related to housing. For the purp
Issued on 2021-11-02T09:07:10.637434Z
1991 Census — Families Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 13rd General Census of the population related to households. Fo
Issued on 2021-11-02T08:55:32.856330Z
1991 Census — Non-resident population Open Data
The dataset contains the data of the 13rd General Census of the population relating to the non-resid
Issued on 2021-11-02T08:48:40.965051Z
Census 1991 — Census sections — Link between sections and territorial divisions Open Data
The dataset contains the codes of the Census Sections into which the Municipality of Milan was divid
Issued on 2021-11-02T08:29:09.884312Z
Census 2001 — Occupied dwellings Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Population Census relating to occupied dwellings, wh
Issued on 2021-02-23T13:06:15.858151Z
Census 2001 — Houses Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Population Census related to housing. Housing is def
Issued on 2021-02-23T13:02:49.989914Z
Census 2001 — Codes of Italian Municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the ISTAT codes of Italian municipalities used in the 14th General Population C
Issued on 2021-02-23T14:01:12.667844Z
Census 2001 — Codes of Italian Provinces Open Data
The dataset contains the ISTAT codes of the Italian Provinces used in the 14th General Population Ce
Issued on 2021-02-23T14:03:47.456275Z
Census 2001 — Buildings for residential use Open Data
The dataset contains the data of the 14th General Census of the population relating to buildings, wh
Issued on 2021-02-23T13:12:54.240162Z
Census 2001 — Buildings Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Population Census related to buildings. A building m
Issued on 2021-02-23T13:09:46.095826Z
Census 2001 — Families Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Census of the population related to households. Fami
Issued on 2021-02-23T12:47:38.272766Z
Census 2001 — Population occasionally present Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Population Census relating to the occasionally prese
Issued on 2021-02-23T12:56:03.780038Z
Census 2001 — Resident population Open Data
The dataset contains the data of the 14th General Census of the population relating to the resident
Issued on 2021-02-23T12:38:14.738824Z
Census 2001 — Temporary resident population Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Population Census relating to the temporarily reside
Issued on 2021-02-23T12:51:55.066500Z
Census 2001 — Census Sections — Correspondence with territorial breakdowns Open Data
The dataset contains the codes of the Census Sections into which the Municipality of Milan was divid
Issued on 2021-02-23T14:05:46.366744Z
Census 2001 — Daily shifts per study/work Open Data
The dataset contains data from the 14th General Census of the population relating to the daily trave
Issued on 2021-02-23T13:16:39.342023Z
Census 2011: Dwellings occupied by residents by class of area of the dwelling and number of... Open Data
The dataset shall contain the number of dwellings occupied by at least one resident per occupant num
Issued on 2017-11-15T15:58:41.687140Z
Census 2011: Dwellings occupied by residents by class of surface of the dwelling and number of rooms Open Data
The dataset shall contain the number of dwellings occupied by at least one resident per room number
Issued on 2017-11-15
Census 2011: Dwellings occupied by residents by legal status of the owner Open Data
The dataset shall contain the number of dwellings occupied by at least one resident per legal status
Issued on 2017-11-15T15:59:10.674422Z
Census 2011: Dwellings occupied by residents by number of rooms and number of occupants Open Data
The dataset contains the number of dwellings occupied by at least one resident per number of rooms a
Issued on 2017-11-15T15:57:33.651716Z
Census 2011: Occupied dwellings for town halls Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the legal nature of the owner. The data, c
Issued on 2020-10-29T11:44:26.759805Z
Census 2011: Occupied dwellings for NIL Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the legal nature of the owner, the charact
Issued on 2020-11-11T10:45:41.191636Z
Census 2011: Characteristics of buildings occupied for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the period of construction of the buildings occupied in the Municipality of Mil
Issued on 2020-11-05T10:21:54.664127Z
Census 2011: Characteristics of occupants in housing for town halls Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the characteristics of the occupants. The
Issued on 2020-11-04T14:28:03.446272Z
Census 2011: Class of area occupied dwellings for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the surface class. The data, collected in
Issued on 2020-10-30T15:42:59.848833Z
Census 2011: Occupational or non-occupational status of the resident population aged 15 and over by... Open Data
The dataset contains the number of resident population aged 15 and over by professional status, gend
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:01:38.814103Z
Census 2011: Occupational or non-occupational status of the resident population aged 15 and over by... Open Data
The dataset contains the number of resident population aged 15 and over by professional status, gend
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:02:48.918360Z
Census 2011: International comparisons — Families by number of members in large cities (> 700,000... Open Data
Number of families by type and number of members in the last census in Milan and in 43 other Europea
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:21:46.598Z
Census 2011: International Comparisons — Population by gender and age class in large cities (>... Open Data
Number of the population by gender and age recorded in the last census in Milan and in 43 other Euro
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:21:16.634319Z
Census 2011: School attendance of the resident population of 0-5 years by gender and age Open Data
The dataset contains the number of children aged 0 to 5 by gender, age and school attendance (crèche
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:00:35.070540Z
Census 2011: School attendance of the resident population between 6 and 19 years by gender and age Open Data
The dataset contains the number of students aged between 6 and 19 by gender, age and school attendan
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:01:15.660614Z
Census 2011: Level of education of the resident population aged 6 and over by citizenship and gender Open Data
The dataset contains the number of resident population aged 6 and over by citizenship (Italians and
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:00:06.360837Z
Census 2011: Level of education of the resident population aged 6 and over by gender and age group Open Data
The dataset contains the number of resident population aged 6 and over by age group, gender and educ
Issued on 2017-11-15T15:59:36.213905Z
Census 2011: Heating systems for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the census of occupied dwellings according to heating systems. The data, collec
Issued on 2020-11-03T17:04:24.858793Z
Census 2011: Sanitary facilities for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the census of occupied dwellings based on sanitation facilities. The data, coll
Issued on 2020-11-03T11:24:03.873981Z
Census 2011: Indicators by ACE Census Area Open Data
The dataset contains 32 statistical indicators calculated on the basis of Census 2011 data for the 8
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:10:50.540152Z
Censuses 1991, 2001, 2011: Indicators relating to housing conditions Open Data
The dataset contains statistical indicators on housing conditions calculated on the basis of Census
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:09:47.923074Z
Census 2011: Indicators for resident population, households, housing and buildings per census... Open Data
The dataset contains 43 statistical indicators calculated on the basis of Census 2011 data for Censu
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:22:25.130883Z
Censuses 1991, 2001, 2011: Indicators on the presence and integration of foreigners Open Data
The dataset contains statistical indicators on the presence and integration of foreigners calculated
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:11:52.310940Z
Censuses 1991, 2001, 2011: Indicators relating to the characteristics of households and couples Open Data
The dataset contains statistical indicators on the characteristics of households and pairs calculate
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:09:16.168648Z
Censuses 1991, 2001, 2011: Indicators related to education and work Open Data
The dataset contains statistical indicators on education and work calculated on the basis of Census
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:11:20.226435Z
Censuses 1991, 2001, 2011: Indicators on population structure and population growth Open Data
The dataset contains statistical indicators on structure and demographic changes calculated on the b
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:10:23.265220Z
Census 2011: Education and Work of the foreign population born in Italy Open Data
The dataset contains the number of foreign resident population born in Italy by place of birth, prof
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:27:56.281082Z
Census 2011: Education and Work of the Foreign Population for the 10 Largest Citizenships Open Data
The dataset contains the number of foreign resident population aged 15 years and more than the 10 mo
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:27:24.850168Z
Census 2011: Locals for preparing meals for town halls Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the number of premises used for the prepar
Issued on 2020-11-02T20:18:47.337396Z
Census 2011: Commuter movements entering Milan by means, time spent, exit time, municipality of... Open Data
Number of family residents in Italy who move daily for study or work in Milan starting from the acco
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:31:36.227570Z
Census 2011: Commuter movements leaving Milan by means, time spent, exit time, municipality of... Open Data
A large number of family residents in Milan who move daily for study or work outside Milan starting
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:31:02.157931Z
Census 2011: Commuter movements leaving Milan by section of origin and municipality of destination Open Data
Number of residents of Milan who move daily for study or work outside Milan starting from the accomm
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:29:03.548987Z
Census 2011: Internal commuter movements in Milan by means, time spent, exit time and gender Open Data
Number of family residents in Milan who move daily for study or work in Milan starting from the usua
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:30:30.634478Z
Census 2011: Single parent households by parent’s occupational status and number of children Open Data
The dataset contains the number of single parent households by professional status, parent gender an
Issued on 2017-11-15T16:04:56.010996Z
Census 2011: Number of rooms occupied for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the room number. The data, collected in th
Issued on 2020-11-02T08:45:17.375359Z
Census 2011: Main features of housing and buildings by section Open Data
The dataset describes the main characteristics of Milan’s housing and buildings for Census sections.
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:21:36.133676Z
Census 2011: Main characteristics of the resident population by census section Open Data
The dataset describes the main characteristics of the population living in Milan by Census sections.
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:20:35.389328Z
Census 2011: Main characteristics of resident households by census section Open Data
The dataset describes the main characteristics of families residing in Milan by Census sections. The
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:21:04.408641Z
Census 2011: Demographic structure of the foreign population born in Italy Open Data
The dataset contains the number of foreign resident population born in Italy by place of birth, gend
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:26:54.089970Z
Census 2011: Demographic structure of the foreign population for the 10 largest citizenships Open Data
The dataset contains the number of foreign resident population of the 10 most numerous nationalities
Issued on 2017-11-16T10:26:06.590107Z
Census 2011: Title of enjoyment of occupied dwellings for municipalities Open Data
The dataset contains the census of dwellings according to the title of enjoyment. The data, collecte
Issued on 2020-10-30T14:14:55.006577Z
Annual census of car stalls in parking areas charged from 2007 to 2017 (blue zones) Open Data
the dataset contains the census of the car stalls in the parking areas (so-called blue zones)&n
Issued on 2019-01-04
The dataset contains all the cars in charge of the various offices of the administration, broken dow
Issued on 2016-02-01
Census of Neighbourhood Exercises Open Data
The number of neighbourhood exercises in the municipalities of the Lazio region. Census of data on c
Issued on
Census of public entertainment spaces Open Data
Census of public entertainment spaces in Lazio, aimed at identifying their consistency, distribution
Issued on
Census of agritourisms Open Data
Census of agritourisms in the municipalities of Lazio with indication, for each year, of new opening
Issued on
Census of circles Open Data
Census of circles in the municipalities of the Lazio region. Census of data on commercial structures
Issued on
Census of daily markets Open Data
Census of daily markets in the municipalities of Lazio with information on the trend, the number of
Issued on
Census of travelling markets Open Data
Census of travelling markets in the municipalities of Lazio with information on the trend, the numbe
Issued on
Monthly Market Census Open Data
Census of monthly markets in the municipalities of Lazio with information on the trend, the number o
Issued on
Census of fortnightly markets Open Data
Census of the fortnightly markets in the municipalities of Lazio with information on the trend, the
Issued on
Census of permanent public establishments (Bar-Restaurants) Open Data
Census of permanent public establishments, divided by bars, restaurants and bars-restaurants, in the
Issued on
Census of seasonal public establishments (Bar-Restaurants) Open Data
Census of public seasonal establishments, divided by bars, restaurants and bars-restaurants, in the
Issued on
Census of polluted sites Open Data
Census of polluted sites
Issued on
Census of tobacconists Open Data
Census of tobacconists in the municipalities of Lazio with indication, for each year, of new opening
Issued on
Census of newsstands in the Lazio region Open Data
Number of newsstands in the municipalities of the Lazio region. Census of data on commercial structu
Issued on
Census of Large Sales Structures (GSV) Open Data
Census of large sales structures, divided by type (supermarkets, shopping centers, outlets,...) in t
Issued on
Census of pharmacies and parapharmacies Open Data
The census of pharmacies and parapharmacies in the municipalities of the Lazio region. Census of dat
Issued on
Census and monitoring of Coturnice (Alectoris graeca) in Lazio Open Data
The project initially surveyed the presences of the species on a regional scale with direct observat
Issued on
Internal census of the datasets to be published Open Data
Internal census of the datasets to be published by the identified resources belonging to the opendat
Issued on 2018-12-11T17:09:11.748068Z
Censimento piani di protezione civile comunali Open Data
Censimento piani di protezione civile comunali, aggiornamento al dicembre 2016
Issued on 2019-12-19T11:19:21.833751Z
Census: Population — Departures and returns from the census housing Open Data
The dataset shows, for each NIL, the number of movements per study and work that start and/or end in
Issued on 2021-01-08T12:15:38.971191Z
Population census: People enrolled in the study programs Open Data
The dataset shows, for each NIL, the number of people who attend a regular course of study or who do
Issued on 2021-01-08T12:33:33.592897Z
Census: Population — Displacements for study and work Open Data
the dataset shows, for each NIL, in the number of movements per study and work carried out from that
Issued on 2021-01-08T11:45:38.704981Z
Population census: Title of studies of NIL residents Open Data
The dataset displays, for each NIL, the educational qualifications and professional start-ups held b
Issued on 2021-01-11T10:08:13.051166Z
Census Single Production Activities Open Data
Common SUAP census of Lazio
Issued on
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Census 2011 — Number of households per component Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Census 2011: Commuting — Moving to study or work Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Census 2011 — Population by age groups gender and citizenship Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Census 2011 — Population by age and citizenship Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
census 2011 — Foreign population by geographical area of citizenship Open Data
Please note: for a correct display and use of this dataset it is recommended to consult it on the or
Issued on
Population centers in the territory, excluding the main center Open Data
**Sector:** Territory ** Algorithm:** Number of population centers present in the territory at cens
Issued on 2021-08-25
Centri antiviolenza autorizzati iscritti albo regionale Open Data
Centri antiviolenza autorizzati/iscritti all'albo regionale ex l.r. 22/86, nella specifica tipologia
Issued on 2019-12-08T11:53:17.822839Z
Anti-violence centres and shelter houses Open Data
**Sector:** 05. Achieving Gender Equality and Emancipating All Women and Girls ** Algorithm:** Rate
Issued on 2021-08-24
Anti-Violence Centers Open Data
**Sector:** 05. Achieving Gender Equality and Emancipating All Women and Girls ** Algorithm:** Rat
Issued on 2021-08-24
Agricultural Assistance Centres of the Lazio Region Open Data
List of Agricultural Assistance Centres authorised in the territory of the Region
Issued on
Production and Collection Centres of reproductive material on the territory of the Region Open Data
List of Production and Collection Centres of reproductive material on the territory of the Region
Issued on
Daycare centres for minors (Open data) Open Data
Location of day centres for minors in the municipality of Trento.
Issued on 2018-02-22
Centres and Commercial Complexes Municipality of Udine Open Data
List of Centres and Commercial Complexes of the Municipality of Udine.
Issued on
Built Centers (LP 10/91) Open Data
Demarcation of built-up centres (Provincial Law 10/1991)
Issued on 2010-12-20
Beauty Centers Open Data
List of aesthetic centers in CSV format
Issued on
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