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Regional Inventory of Atmospheric Emissions (IREA) Open Data
The Regional Inventory for Ambient Emissions (IREA), prepared by the Piedmont Region, is a systemati
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Geo-service WMS that allows the display of reference grids and union frameworks.The service is organ
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Orthophotos 1980-1990 Piedmont Region geoservice WMS — WMTS Open Data
The geoservices WMS and WMTS Orthophotos 1980-1990 allow the visualisation of the black and white or
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Seed stands — Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geoservice WMS display geographical data on the stands from Piedmontese seed: areas and points of th
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Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Network — Habitat Charter (in processing) Geo-service WMS Open Data
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-Additive synthesis real colors bands 4-3-2 Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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Fluvial bands — Geo-service WMS Open Data
This WMS presents the River Beams identified by the Plan for Hydrogeological Settlement (PAI) of the
Issued on 2011-12-30
BDTRE — Vegetation — GEO-SERVICE WMS Open Data
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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AERIAL RECOVERY ICE 2009-2011 — DTM 5 Open Data
The DTM covers the entire regional territory and has been acquired with a uniform methodology (LIDAR
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Environmental Impact Assessment and Impact Assessment — Detailed Geometries (Sivia) Open Data
The data displayed in the service are extracted from the Sivia system (EIA Information System). The
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-metainformation Cloudiness Sample Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Data Consultation Service — IREAWEB Open Data
The service makes it possible to consult emission estimates for the last available year; the estimat
Issued on 2004-01-01
Community Hills on scale 1:10,000 — HISTORY Open Data
Limit of the Collinari Communities to scale 1:10000, referring to entities born under Regional Law N
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Sources Open Data
The dataset represents the points of taking from sources. The data presented are part of the data ma
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Exempted common punctual failures (Class A) Open Data
Failures that are not cartographically identified by the municipalities exempted from the obligation
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BDTRE — Reference Map Base — 2017 — WMTS (Raster 1:10,000) Open Data
Geo-service WMTS that allows the display of the Reference Map Base in scale 1:10,000 (Ed. 2017), i.e
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Wells Open Data
The dataset represents the outlet points from wells. The data presented are part of the data managed
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BDTRE — Real Estate and Anthropisations- GEO-SERVICE WMS Open Data
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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BDTRE — Viabilities and addresses- GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data
A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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Glacial circuses — Lines Open Data
Linear delimitation of glacial circuses on IGM cartography on scale 1:25,000, by the Glaciological C
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Proposed silvo-pastoral traffic Open Data
Geographical data on the proposed forest-pastoral roads, produced by IPLA on the basis of the data c
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Dati di traffico e altri attributi trasportistici della rete stradale piemontese per arco del grafo
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IREA — 06. Use OF SOLVENTS — Indicator Open Data
The service presents data in the form of an indicator for emissions related to the macro-sector “Use
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Cross-border DTM obtained, under the Interreg IT-CH project “HELI-DEM”, from the merger of the Swiss
Issued on 2013-09-16
Interventions on the ground financed by structural and forestry measures of the RDP 2000-2006 —... Open Data
Geographical data on the interventions in the territory financed by the structural and forestry meas
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BDTRE 2015 — RASTER B/N 1:10,000 Open Data
Images in raster format of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2015), i.e. the mappin
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-metainformation Monthly cloudiness Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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CTRN vector 1:10.000 (1991-2005) — Single sections — HISTORICAL Open Data
The dataset contains the vector data of the Regional Numerical Technical Charter (CTRN) on the scale
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Register of environmental subjects — Local Operating Units Open Data
The dataset contains information relating to the Local Operating Units (ULOs), i.e. the locations wh
Issued on 2013-09-12
Forest fires: web-gis Open Data
WMS service of the geographical data relating to Wood Fires, i.e. the points of all forest fires, ar
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Air quality zoning — Geoservice WFS Open Data
The WFS “Air Quality Zone” service allows you to access and download the air quality zoning data of
Issued on 2050-01-01
Cross-border DTM obtained, under the Interreg IT-CH project “HELI-DEM”, from the merger of the Swiss
Issued on 2013-09-16
Census sections 2011-1:10000 — Piedmont Region Open Data
Statistical units of the sections used in the 15th Census of Population and Housing — 2011. Delimita
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Species Habitats Directive — dataset Open Data
Species Habitats Directive: animal and plant species listed in Annexes B and D to Directive 92/43/EE
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Hydrography 1:100,000 — Water courses — Historic Open Data
Natural watercourses, divided into main secondary courses according to the classification of the IGM
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Seed stands Open Data
Geographical data on Piedmontese seed stands: areas and points of the stands, seed holders and regio
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Association Forms of Piedmont (l.r. 11/2012) Open Data
Reference data used for the drafting of the Charter of Association Forms of Piedmont pursuant to Reg
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A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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BDTRE — Mixed secondary road junction (GZ_VMS) Open Data
It belongs to the theme “Roads”.The “road” is identified as the area for public use intended for the
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Hydrography 1:100,000 — Canali — Historic Open Data
Artificial water bodies (channels, waterways, bealers, etc.) detected in 1981 by IGM 1:100000 cartog
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Additional attributes to the linear component of the traffic graph BDTRE, relating to the Medium Dai
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PFA served areas Open Data
The geographical data shows the territorial limit of the areas served described in the Farm Forest P
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Consortia for the management of municipal waste Open Data
Territorial delimitation of consortia of municipalities responsible for organising the integrated mu
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Digital terrain model from CTRN 1:10000 (step 10 m) — HISTORY Open Data
Digital terrain model (DTM) with 10 m pitch, derived from CTRN 1:10,000, filtered. The model is inte
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Register of environmental subjects — Local Operating Units — Geoservice WMS Open Data
The WMS service allows you to visualise the location on the regional territory of the Local Operatin
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Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Network — Protected Areas Open Data
Protected areas and Natura 2000 network: Protected areas identified for natural, landscape and cultu
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Urbanised Fabric Open Data
The figure is an extraction from the land use of the Piedmont Region (Land Cover Piemonte) of the cl
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BDTRE — REFERENCE CARTOGRAFIC BASE — 2015 — WMS (Raster 1:10.000) Open Data
WMS geo-service that allows the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2015),
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BDTRE — Vegetation — GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data
A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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Land Cover Piemonte: 2010 Land Use Classification (raster) — HISTORY Open Data
Information layer in raster format of land use and cover. It results from the harmonisation and inte
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Hydrogeology — Predominant permeability of the unsaturated area 1:100,000 Open Data
This themeism is based, as a benchmark, on the vertical equivalent hydraulic conductivity (Kz) of th
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Aerial shooting ICE 2009-2011 Ortophoto NIR — Geoservizi WMS and WMTS Open Data
The geoservices WMS and WMTS Orthophoto ICE flight 2009-2011 allow the display of orthophotos in the
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Geo-service WMS that allows the visualisation of the roads of the Piedmont region at the scale 1:100
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Hydrography 1:100,000 — Lakes — Historic Open Data
Natural and artificial lakes acquired from IGM cartography 1:100,000 (published 1952-1966).
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Road 1:100.000 — Motorways — Historical Open Data
Arcs corresponding to the half-carries of motorways taken from IGM 1:100000 cartography with success
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BDTRE 2016 — RASTER B/N 1:10,000 Open Data
Images in raster format of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2016), i.e. the mappin
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Dati di traffico e altri attributi trasportistici della rete stradale piemontese per arco del grafo
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RME Areas — WMS Geo-Service Open Data
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-NDWI spectral index Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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Land consumption (Updates 2008-2013) Open Data
Figure relating to the ‘Monitoring of the Consumption of Soil in Piedmont — Edition 2015’ approved b
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Geo-services WMS and WMTS that allow the mosaic of maps of the originals of cadastral plant in raste
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A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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BDTRE — Geodetic and photogrammetric information — GEO-SERVICE WMS Open Data
A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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Mountain areas 1:100,000 — Historic Open Data
Demarcations of areas...
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Hydrogeology — Time of arrival in groundwater (TOT) Open Data
Hydrogeology — Time of Travel (TOT) 1:100,000; it represents the time of arrival of a hydro-transpor
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Existing silvo-pastoral traffic: Geoservice WFS Open Data
WFS geoservice of geographical data relating to existing forest-pastoral roads, produced by IPLA on
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Fluvial bands variants Open Data
River bands resulting from projects of variants and variations to the IAP adopted.Regional data prod
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Network Summits (receiving of the IGM95 and GNSS network) Open Data
The dataset contains:- the location of the permanent stations of the Piedmont Region satellite posit
Issued on 2011-12-22
Forest map and other land cover (2000) — Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geoservice WMS which presents the geographical data relating to the Forestry Charter and other land
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Hydraulic devices — hydrogeological Open Data
The dataset represents the headquarters of the Hydraulic and Hydrogeological Presidencies present in
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BDTRE — Number (CIVICO) Open Data
It belongs to the theme “Toponyms and civic numbers” of the BDTRE (Territorial Data Base of Referenc
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Water Protection Plan — Specific flow data of surface wells Open Data
Specific flow data from pumping tests and stratagraphs of surface wells — PTA: Monographs of hydroge
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Water monitoring networks Open Data
The dataset represents the qualitative and quantitative monitoring stations of the waters belonging
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BDTRE — Real Estate and Anthropisations- GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data
A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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Airports — Airport Areas — Historic Open Data
Demarcation of separate airport areas in runways and airport facilities.
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Natura 2000 Network Site Management Plans Open Data
Natura 2000 Network Site Management Plans: description of the environments on the sites for which th
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Surface water intakes Open Data
The dataset represents the catching points from natural and artificial surface waters. The data pres
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CTRN vector 1:10.000 (1991-2005) — Level curves — HISTORICAL Open Data
The dataset contains the level curves extracted from the Regional Numerical Technical Charter (CTRN)
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BDTRE — Water transport element (EL_ACQ) Open Data
It belongs to the theme “Other transport”. Other modes of transport other than road and rail transpo
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Interventions by the Register of Corporate Forest Plans — Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geographical data relating to the management interventions entered in the register of events and int
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Local Action Groups (LAGs) from RDP 2007-2013, on scale 1:10000 — HISTORY Open Data
Limit of Local Action Groups (LAGs) at 1:10000 scale, defined under RDP 2007-2013 (historical data)
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Hydrogeology — Charter of hydrogeological complexes 1:100,000 Open Data
The geological formations emerging in the Piedmont Region have been divided into three main categori
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-metainformation Sample Date Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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Originals OF CATASTAL STANDARD (raster) Open Data
Mosaic of digital maps made from the scanning of paper sheets.The digital maps were produced between
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BDTRE 2014 — RASTER B/N 1:10,000 Open Data
Images in raster format of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2014), i.e. the mappin
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Toponyomastica 1:10,000 Open Data
The dataset contains the placenames of the Regional Technical Charter (CTRN) relating to location, h
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-Synthesis additive false colors bands 8-4-3 Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Sentinel Piemonte Project obtained from the processin
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Additional attributes to the linear component of the traffic graph BDTRE, relating to the Medium Dai
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Remote sensing Piemonte Sentinel2-Spectral Index DELTA NBR Open Data
The dataset is a series of elaborations of the Piedmont remote sensing project obtained from the pro
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Viabilita' 1:100.000 — Provincial roads — Historical Open Data
Arcs corresponding to the middle of the provincial roads, taken from IGM 1:100000 cartography (1952-
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Interventions on the ground financed by structural and forestry measures of the RDP 2000-2006 —... Open Data
Geoservice WFS exposure geographical data on the interventions in the territory financed by the stru
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Operating Centres (peser) Open Data
The dataset represents the Civil Protection Operating Centres present in the territory of the Piedmo
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Events of the Register of Corporate Forest Plans — Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geographical data relating to the events included in the register of events and interventions of the
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Road 1:100,000 — Railways — Historic Open Data
Main railway lines...
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Fountains Open Data
The dataset represents the catch points from fountains. The data presented are part of the data mana
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BDTRE — Geodetic and photogrammetric information — GEO-SERVICE WFS Open Data
A WFS — Web Feature Service is a standard Open Gis Consortium (OGC) service that allows the request,
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Viabilita' 1:100.000 — Municipal roads — Historical Open Data
Municipal roads, taken from IGM 1:100000 cartography, updated to 1966.
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A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
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BDTRE — Reference Map Base — 2015 — WMTS (Raster 1:10,000) Open Data
WMTS geo-service that allows the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:10,000 (Ed. 2015)
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A WMS (Web Map Service) is a service that produces spatially related maps of data from geographical
Issued on
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