Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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Incineration D10 (INCDLA) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Incineration D10 (INCDLA) details >

Gasification R1 (GASS) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Gasification R1 (GASS) details >

Metal smelting R4 (FAC) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Metal smelting R4 (FAC) details >

Crushing end-of-life vehicles R4 (FVFUR4) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Crushing end-of-life vehicles R4 (FVFUR4) details >

Crushing end-of-life vehicles R12 (FVFUR12) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Crushing end-of-life vehicles R12 (FVFUR12) details >

Crushing R4 (FRR4) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Crushing R4 (FRR4) details >

Crushing R12 (FRR12) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Crushing R12 (FRR12) details >

Landfill for hazardous waste D1 (DIP) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Landfill for hazardous waste D1 (DIP) details >

Landfill for non-hazardous waste D1 (DINP) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Landfill for non-hazardous waste D1 (DINP) details >

Landfill for inert waste D1 (DIN) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Landfill for inert waste D1 (DIN) details >

Anaerobic digestion R3 (ADI) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Anaerobic digestion R3 (ADI) details >

D15 WEEE Preliminary Deposit (DPRAEE) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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D15 WEEE Preliminary Deposit (DPRAEE) details >

Preliminary deposit D15 (DP) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Preliminary deposit D15 (DP) details >

Composting ACV R3 (CACV) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Composting ACV R3 (CACV) details >

Composting ACM R3 (CACM) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Composting ACM R3 (CACM) details >

Co-incineration R1 (COIN) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Co-incineration R1 (COIN) details >

Auto-rottamation R12 (ARM) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Auto-rottamation R12 (ARM) details >

Self-demolition R12 (ADM) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Self-demolition R12 (ADM) details >

Repackaging or repackaging R12 (ARR12) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Repackaging or repackaging R12 (ARR12) details >

Merging or repackaging D14 (ARD14) Open Data

The document “Regional Localisation Criteria for Waste Recovery and Disposal” is the instrument that

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Merging or repackaging D14 (ARD14) details >

PPR — Real estate of cultural value Open Data

The layer contains general data relating to the reconnaissance of the elements belonging to the netw

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PPR — Real estate of cultural value details >

PPR — Real estate of cultural value Open Data

The layer contains general data relating to the reconnaissance of the elements belonging to the netw

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PPR — Real estate of cultural value details >

PPR — Goods verified notice comm. L 1766/1926 Open Data

Layer result of assembling the findings on civic uses. Goods established by commissioner’s notice L.

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PPR — Goods verified notice comm. L 1766/1926 details >

PPR — Goods verified notice comm. L 1766/1926 Open Data

Layer result of assembling the findings on civic uses. Goods established by commissioner’s notice L.

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PPR — Goods verified notice comm. L 1766/1926 details >

PPR — Historical architectural artistic interest — Part II dlgs 42/2004 Open Data

The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the maps obtained from the cross betw

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PPR — Historical architectural artistic interest — Part II dlgs 42/2004 details >

PPR — Historical architectural artistic interest — Part II D.Lgs 42/2004 Open Data

The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the maps obtained from the cross betw

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PPR — Historical architectural artistic interest — Part II D.Lgs 42/2004 details >

PPR — Archaeological risk areas Open Data

The figure is the result of a survey of the archaeological risk carried out in the context of the wo

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PPR — Archaeological risk areas details >

PPR — Archaeological risk areas Open Data

The figure is the result of a survey of the archaeological risk carried out in the context of the wo

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PPR — Archaeological risk areas details >

PPR — RER Regional Interest Areas Open Data

Strategic elements of the Regional Ecological Network. These are the elements of connectivity that a

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PPR — RER Regional Interest Areas details >

PPR — RER Regional Interest Areas Open Data

Strategic elements of the Regional Ecological Network. These are the elements of connectivity that a

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PPR — RER Regional Interest Areas details >

PPR — Connectivity Managers Open Data

The subdivision of the regional territory into ecotopes with different functions, represents the de

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PPR — Connectivity Managers details >

PPR — Connectivity Managers Open Data

The subdivision of the regional territory into ecotopes with different functions, represents the de

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PPR — Connectivity Managers details >

PPR — Core buffer bands Open Data

Bands outside Core areas with the function of mitigating the effects of disturbance factors coming f

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PPR — Core buffer bands details >

PPR — Core buffer bands Open Data

Bands outside Core areas with the function of mitigating the effects of disturbance factors coming f

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PPR — Core buffer bands details >

PPR — ecotopes Function type Open Data

The layer contains the entire regional area divided into functional ecological network units, i.e. e

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PPR — ecotopes Function type details >

PPR — ecotopes Function type Open Data

The layer contains the entire regional area divided into functional ecological network units, i.e. e

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PPR — ecotopes Function type details >

PPR — UC Real estate int. historical artistic architectural Open Data

The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the maps relating to the historical-a

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PPR — UC Real estate int. historical artistic architectural details >

PPR — UC Real estate int. historical artistic architectural Open Data

The layer contains the alphanumeric data and the geometries of the maps relating to the historical-a

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PPR — UC Real estate int. historical artistic architectural details >

PPR — Unesco Sites Open Data

Dataset of UNESCO sites related to Friuli Venezia Giulia, identified by perimeters of core zones and

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PPR — Unesco Sites details >

PPR — Unesco Sites Open Data

Dataset of UNESCO sites related to Friuli Venezia Giulia, identified by perimeters of core zones and

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PPR — Unesco Sites details >

PPR — Poly symbolic value Open Data

The layer contains poles of high symbolic value contains general data relating to the reconnaissance

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PPR — Poly symbolic value details >

PPR — Poly symbolic value Open Data

The layer contains poles of high symbolic value contains general data relating to the reconnaissance

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PPR — Poly symbolic value details >

PPR — Filters and cones Open Data

In the context of the preparation of the contents relating both to the statutory part of the PPR, an

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PPR — Filters and cones details >

PPR — Filters and cones Open Data

In the context of the preparation of the contents relating both to the statutory part of the PPR, an

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PPR — Filters and cones details >

PPR — Remarkable points Open Data

In the context of the preparation of the contents relating both to the statutory part of the PPR, an

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PPR — Remarkable points details >

PPR — Remarkable points Open Data

In the context of the preparation of the contents relating both to the statutory part of the PPR, an

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PPR — Remarkable points details >

PPR — Landscapes literature history great war Open Data

The literature landscapes identified as part of the preparation of the contents of the PPR are the p

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PPR — Landscapes literature history great war details >

PPR — Landscapes literature history great war Open Data

The literature landscapes identified as part of the preparation of the contents of the PPR are the p

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PPR — Landscapes literature history great war details >

PPR- Electroducts Open Data

Media and High Voltage power lines tracked by cross-checking data from ARPA, Open Street Map and CTR

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PPR- Electroducts details >

PPR- Electroducts Open Data

Media and High Voltage power lines tracked by cross-checking data from ARPA, Open Street Map and CTR

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PPR- Electroducts details >

PPR — Antenne Radio and TV Open Data

Points grouping ARPA radio and TV antennas — update June 2015

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PPR — Antenne Radio and TV details >

PPR — Antenne Radio and TV Open Data

Points grouping ARPA radio and TV antennas — update June 2015

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PPR — Antenne Radio and TV details >

Administrative Units FVG — Inspire Open Data

Delimitation of the administrative units of Friuli Venezia Giulia including the limit of the region,

Issued on 2018-11-15

Administrative Units FVG — Inspire details >

Administrative Units FVG — Inspire Open Data

Delimitation of the administrative units of Friuli Venezia Giulia including the limit of the region,

Issued on 2018-11-15

Administrative Units FVG — Inspire details >

ATOM Download Service — IRDATfvg Open Data

The service allows the connection to the general AtomFeed IRDATfvg for downloading the data document

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ATOM Download Service — IRDATfvg details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg Open Data

The service allows the connection to the general service IRDATfvg for downloading the data documente

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ARPA Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ARPA details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CARTOGRAFIA Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CARTOGRAFIA details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CART_NAT Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CART_NAT details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CAR_GEO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CAR_GEO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CATASTO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — CATASTO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — EDIFICI Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — EDIFICI details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ERSA Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ERSA details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ETP Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ETP details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEOLOGY Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEOLOGY details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEST_FAUVE Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEST_FAUVE details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEST_FOR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GEST_FOR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GRIGLIEGEO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — GRIGLIEGEO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — HABIT_BIOT Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — HABIT_BIOT details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — IDROGRAF Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — IDROGRAF details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — INT_ID_FOR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — INT_ID_FOR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ITINERARI Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ITINERARI details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — MONIT_AMB Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — MONIT_AMB details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — NOMI_GEO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — NOMI_GEO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — OP_DIFESA Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — OP_DIFESA details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ORTOFOTO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ORTOFOTO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PAESAGGIO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PAESAGGIO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PPR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PPR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PSR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PSR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PUB_UTIL Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — PUB_UTIL details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — RETE_GPS Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — RETE_GPS details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — RETI_TRASP Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — RETI_TRASP details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — REFIUTI Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — REFIUTI details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — SIST_ID_FR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — SIST_ID_FR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — SITI_PROT Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — SITI_PROT details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — STRAT_PR Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — STRAT_PR details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UNITA_AMM Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UNITA_AMM details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UNIT_AMM Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UNIT_AMM details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — USO_SUOLO Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — USO_SUOLO details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UTIL_TER Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — UTIL_TER details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ZONE_RISC Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ZONE_RISC details >

WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ZONE_VINC Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WFS Download Service — IRDATfvg — ZONE_VINC details >

Geographical Names FVG — Inspire Open Data

Localisation of the points related to the orographic toponyms and localities of Friuli Venezia Giuli

Issued on 2018-11-15

Geographical Names FVG — Inspire details >

Geographical Names FVG — Inspire Open Data

Localisation of the points related to the orographic toponyms and localities of Friuli Venezia Giuli

Issued on 2018-11-15

Geographical Names FVG — Inspire details >

Natura 2000 FVG — Inspire Open Data

Delimitation of the SCIs (Community Interest Sites) and SPAs (Special Protection Areas) relating to

Issued on 2018-11-15

Natura 2000 FVG — Inspire details >

Natura 2000 FVG — Inspire Open Data

Delimitation of the SCIs (Community Interest Sites) and SPAs (Special Protection Areas) relating to

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Natura 2000 FVG — Inspire details >

Corine Land Cover 2012 FVG — Inspire Open Data

Cover of the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The structure of the dataset complies with the Insp

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Corine Land Cover 2012 FVG — Inspire details >

Corine Land Cover 2012 FVG — Inspire Open Data

Land cover of Friuli Venezia Giulia — Corine Land Cover 2012 programme. The structure of the dataset

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Corine Land Cover 2012 FVG — Inspire details >

WMS Display Service — IRDATfvg Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

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WMS Display Service — IRDATfvg details >

WMS Display Service — IRDATfvg — ARPA Open Data

The consultation service WMS IRDATfvg of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia provides access

Issued on

WMS Display Service — IRDATfvg — ARPA details >
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