Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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Education: State schools anagrafica 2017-2018 Open Data

The dataset shows the registry of state schools, kindergarten, primary, secondary, second degree, al

Issued on 2019-06-26T09:49:12.030044Z

Education: State schools anagrafica 2017-2018 details >

Education: National National Schools 2018-2019 Open Data

The dataset shows the registry of state schools, kindergarten, primary, secondary, second degree, al

Issued on 2019-06-26T09:55:56.395371Z

Education: National National Schools 2018-2019 details >

Education — School system year 2015 Open Data

The contents of the dataset are related to the characteristics and performance of the school system

Issued on 2016-09-30

Education — School system year 2015 details >

Education — School system year 2016 Open Data

The contents of the dataset are related to the characteristics and performance of the school system

Issued on 2017-09-30

Education — School system year 2016 details >

Education — School system year 2017 Open Data

The contents of the dataset are related to the characteristics and performance of the school system

Issued on 2018-09-30

Education — School system year 2017 details >

Education — School system year 2018 Open Data

The contents of the dataset are related to the characteristics and performance of the school system

Issued on 2019-09-30

Education — School system year 2018 details >

Education — School system year 2019 Open Data

The contents of the dataset are related to the characteristics and performance of the school system

Issued on 2020-11-30

Education — School system year 2019 details >

Education — School system 2020 Open Data

The contents of the dataset relate to the characteristics and trends of the school system in the pro

Issued on 2020-06-30

Education — School system 2020 details >

Education: Educational units and types of service in kindergarten Open Data

The dataset contains the educational units divided by area, address, type of school and service offe

Issued on 2019-01-11T09:39:52.239075Z

Education: Educational units and types of service in kindergarten details >

Guide instructions of the Municipality of Trento Open Data

All contents of type Guides published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Trento

Issued on 2017-08-21

Guide instructions of the Municipality of Trento details >

It agritourisms Open Data

It Agritourisms — Farms list provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It agritourisms details >

It agritourisms Open Data

It Agritourisms — Farms list provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It agritourisms details >

It environment air CO Open Data

CO ARPA — Daily CO data provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It environment air CO details >

It environment air CO Open Data

CO ARPA — Daily CO data provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It environment air CO details >

It air environment NO2 Open Data

NO2 ARPA — Daily NO2 data provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It air environment NO2 details >

It air environment NO2 Open Data

NO2 ARPA — Daily NO2 data provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It air environment NO2 details >

It air environment O3 Open Data

O3 ARPA — Daily data on O3 provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It air environment O3 details >

It air environment O3 Open Data

O3 ARPA — Daily data on O3 provided by ARPA LOMBARDIA (

Issued on

It air environment O3 details >

IT B & B Open Data

It B & B — B & B List provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

IT B & B details >

It B and B Open Data

It B & B — List B & B provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It B and B details >

It Artistic and Architectural Heritage Lecco Open Data

List of artistic and architectural heritage in the territory of the Municipality of Lecco, src: http

Issued on

It Artistic and Architectural Heritage Lecco details >

It Artistic and Architectural Heritage Lecco Open Data

List of artistic and architectural heritage in the territory of the Municipality of Lecco, src: http

Issued on

It Artistic and Architectural Heritage Lecco details >

It campsites Open Data

Campsites — List of campsites provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It campsites details >

It campsites Open Data

Campsites — List of campsites provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It campsites details >

It holiday homes Open Data

It Holiday homes — Listing holiday homes provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It holiday homes details >

It holiday homes Open Data

It Holiday homes — Listing holiday homes provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It holiday homes details >

It hotel Open Data

It Hotel — Hotel Directory provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It hotel details >

It hotel Open Data

It Hotel — Hotel Directory provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It hotel details >

It museums Open Data

It Museums — List of museums recognised by the Lombardy Region provided by Regione Lombardia

Issued on

It museums details >

It museums with img Open Data

It museums from wikidata with img

Issued on

It museums with img details >

It museums with img Open Data

It museums from wikidata with img

Issued on

It museums with img details >

It museums Open Data

It Museums — List of museums recognised by the Lombardy Region provided by Regione Lombardia

Issued on

It museums details >

It museums Open Data

It Museums — List of museums recognised by the Lombardy Region provided by Regione Lombardia

Issued on

It museums details >

It Hostels Open Data

It Hostels — Hostels list provided by PoliS — Lombardy

Issued on

It Hostels details >

It hostels Open Data

It Hostels — Hostels list provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It hostels details >

It mountain huts Open Data

Mountain huts — List of mountain huts provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It mountain huts details >

It mountain huts Open Data

Mountain huts — List of mountain huts provided by PoliS — Lombardia

Issued on

It mountain huts details >

Italy Projects with extended cycle 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cycle Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 Italy

Issued on 2022-09-29

Italy Projects with extended cycle 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 cycle details >

Italy Projects with extended path of the 2007-2013 cycle Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies 2007-2013 Italy

Issued on 2022-09-29

Italy Projects with extended path of the 2007-2013 cycle details >

Italy Projects with extended path of the 2014-2020 cycle Open Data

OpenCoesione Dataset with projects implementing cohesion policies of the 2014-2020 Italy cycle

Issued on 2022-09-29

Italy Projects with extended path of the 2014-2020 cycle details >

Italy Flash Flood Open Data

Probability forecasts of 6-hour rainfall for Italy, created together by combining post-processed ove

Issued on 2020-06-25T14:28:31.579742Z

Italy Flash Flood details >

Itineraries of the Municipality of Trento Open Data

All the itineraries published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Trento

Issued on 2017-08-21

Itineraries of the Municipality of Trento details >

Key Enabling Technologies Open Data

The dataset provides data relating to the experimental investigation initiated by ARTI at the end of

Issued on 2016-01-12

Key Enabling Technologies details >

Km4City, Smart City API Open Data

Km4City ( ) (knowledge model for the city) is a big data smart city solution a

Issued on

Km4City, Smart City API details >

Krankenhausversorgung: Erste Hilfe Open Data

To the öffentlichen Krankenhäuser des Landes verfügen über einen Erste-Hilfe-Dienst. Im Laufe des J

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankenhausversorgung: Erste Hilfe details >

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken Open Data

Im Jahr 2015 kamen die Landeskrankenanstalten der Aufenthaltsnachfrage mit einer Bettenausstattung v

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken details >

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Krankenhausmobilität Open Data

Im Laufe des Jahres produzierten die Landeskrankenanstalten 83.128 ordentliche und Tagesklinik-Aufen

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Krankenhausmobilität details >

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Ordentlica Aufenthalte Open Data

Auch für das Jahr 2015 ist — wie in den Vorjahren — ein Rückgang der Ordentlichen Aufenthaltsprodukt

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Ordentlica Aufenthalte details >

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Tagesklinik-Aufenthalte Open Data

Im Jahr 2015 Betrug die Anzahl der Tagesklinik-Aufenthalte 17.433, was einem Rückgang in Vergleich z

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankenhausversorgung von Akutkranken: Tagesklinik-Aufenthalte details >

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Bösartige Tumor Open Data

Die Inzidenzschätzungen der in der Südtiroler Wohnbevölkerung diagnostizierten bösartigen Tumoren be

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Bösartige Tumor details >

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Diabetes Open Data

Diabetes mellitus ist mit seinen Komplikationen eines der größten Gesundheitsprobleme der Industriel

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Diabetes details >

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Krankheiten des Kreislaufsystems Open Data

Dieses Kapitel führt die unter der Bevölkerung am häufigsten verbreiteten Krankheiten an: Allgemeine

Issued on 2016-10-01

Krankheiten und Mortalität: Krankheiten des Kreislaufsystems details >

The wet area of the Muraglioni of the Regional Nature Reserve Selva del Lamone Open Data

Location of the wetland called “I Muraglioni” in the Selva del Lamone Regional Nature Reserve.

Issued on

The wet area of the Muraglioni of the Regional Nature Reserve Selva del Lamone details >

Register public buildings and for public use Open Data

Register public buildings and for public use

Issued on

Register public buildings and for public use details >

Road and road graph Open Data

Road graph and municipal road

Issued on

Road and road graph details >

Civic Numbering Open Data

Municipal civic numbering

Issued on

Civic Numbering details >

Then View Attractions Open Data

Municipal Points of Interest

Issued on

Then View Attractions details >

Constraints Open Data

Constraints and municipal protections

Issued on

Constraints details >

Municipal and supra-municipal plans Open Data

Municipal and supra-municipal plans

Issued on

Municipal and supra-municipal plans details >

Municipal and supra-municipal plans Open Data

Municipal and supra-municipal plans

Issued on

Municipal and supra-municipal plans details >

Then View Attractions Open Data

Municipal Points of Interest

Issued on

Then View Attractions details >

Constraints Open Data

Constraints and municipal protections

Issued on

Constraints details >

The vertebrate fauna of the lacyons of the Regional Nature Reserve Selva del Lamone Open Data

List of vertebrates detected in the temporary pools (“lacions”) of the Selva del Lamone Regional Nat

Issued on

The vertebrate fauna of the lacyons of the Regional Nature Reserve Selva del Lamone details >

LAMPINET-Fulminations Open Data

Military Air Force Data. The product presents the overlap of the positions and intensity of the elec

Issued on 2019-07-19

LAMPINET-Fulminations details >

Land Cover Surfaces Open Data

A vector representation for Land Cover data.

Issued on 2021-01-11

Land Cover Surfaces details >

Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Betriebliche Arbeitskräfte Open Data

The Datensatz liefert Statistische Daten bezüglich der betrieblichen Arbeitskräfte im Landwirtschafs

Issued on 2015-01-01

Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Betriebliche Arbeitskräfte details >

Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Bodennutzung Open Data

The Datensatz liefert Statistische Daten über die Bodennutzung in der Autonomen Provinz Bozen.

Issued on 2015-01-01

Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Bodennutzung details >

Land Water Boundary Open Data

The line where a land mass is in contact with a body of water.

Issued on 2021-01-09

Land Water Boundary details >

Register municipal buildings for public use Open Data

List of buildings owned by the municipality and intended for public use

Issued on

Register municipal buildings for public use details >

Female Graduates Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Number of females who have obtained their bachel

Issued on 2021-08-25

Female Graduates details >

Graduates in mathematical, scientific and technological disciplines Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Residents graduated in mathematical, scientific

Issued on 2021-08-24

Graduates in mathematical, scientific and technological disciplines details >

Male graduates Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Number of males who have obtained their bachelor

Issued on 2021-08-25

Male graduates details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2013 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2013, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2013 details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2014 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2014, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2014 details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2015 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2015, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2015 details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2016 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2016, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2016 details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2017 divided by year of first registration Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2017, the graduates of the Milanese universities di

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2017 divided by year of first registration details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2017 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2017, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2017 details >

Graduates in Milan universities year 2018 Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2018, graduates in the Milanese universities divide

Issued on 2019-07-08

Graduates in Milan universities year 2018 details >

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 — Females Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Graduates on resident population of 25 years * 1

Issued on 2021-08-24

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 — Females details >

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 — Males Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Graduates on resident population of 25 years * 1

Issued on 2021-08-24

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 — Males details >

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 Total Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Graduates on resident population of 25 years * 1

Issued on 2021-08-24

Graduates in the year for 100 people aged 25 Total details >

foreign graduates in the Milanese universities year 2017 divided by citizenship Open Data

The dataset shows, relative to the calendar year 2017. the foreign graduates who have obtained the q

Issued on 2019-07-08

foreign graduates in the Milanese universities year 2017 divided by citizenship details >

Graduates — UNIBA — Analysis for Course of Study and Department Open Data

Graduates from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro analysis by gender, type of enrolment and citizens

Issued on 2020-04-16

Graduates — UNIBA — Analysis for Course of Study and Department details >

Graduates — UNIBA — Analysis by Department Open Data

Graduates from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro analysis by gender, type of enrolment and citizens

Issued on 2020-04-16

Graduates — UNIBA — Analysis by Department details >

Graduates — UNIBA — analysis for Nation of Citizenship Open Data

Graduates from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro analysis for Country of Gender Citizenship and typ

Issued on 2020-04-16

Graduates — UNIBA — analysis for Nation of Citizenship details >

Graduates — UNIBA — Bachelor’s degree registered at other universities Open Data

Registered at other Italian universities, holding a Bachelor’s degree acquired at the University of

Issued on 2020-02-24

Graduates — UNIBA — Bachelor’s degree registered at other universities details >

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and out of course years Open Data

Graduates from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro for years out of course and gender, divided by Dep

Issued on 2020-04-10

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and out of course years details >

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and voting bands Open Data

Graduates from the University of Bari — Aldo Moro by grade bands and gender, divided by Department a

Issued on 2020-10-04

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and voting bands details >

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and age group Open Data

Number of Graduates at the University of Bari — Aldo Moro, divided by age group and gender (M/F), by

Issued on 2021-10-01T20:11:19.508389Z

Graduates — UNIBA — by gender and age group details >

Graduates Open Data

**Sector:** Education and training ** Algorithm:** Number of people with a bachelor’s degree **Typ

Issued on 2021-08-25

Graduates details >

Bachelor Degrees — UNIBA — Number, Lodi, Average Rating per Solar Year by Area, Department and Study... Open Data

Number of Degrees, Number of Degrees and Average Vote of Degrees obtained at the University of Bari

Issued on 2020-05-28

Bachelor Degrees — UNIBA — Number, Lodi, Average Rating per Solar Year by Area, Department and Study... details >

Degrees — UNIBA — Number, Lodi, Average Rating per Solar Year by Disciplinary Area and Department Open Data

Number of Degrees, Number of Degrees and Average Vote of Degrees obtained at the University of Bari

Issued on 2020-05-28

Degrees — UNIBA — Number, Lodi, Average Rating per Solar Year by Disciplinary Area and Department details >

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers — Number of holdings by geographical area and... Open Data

Observatory on Self-Government Farmers and Direct Farmers. Number of holdings by geographical area a

Issued on 2015-12-17

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers — Number of holdings by geographical area and... details >

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers — Number of holdings per income bracket 2015 Open Data

Number and percentage of agricultural holdings by income bracket 2015

Issued on 2017-01-09

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers — Number of holdings per income bracket 2015 details >

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and geographical area 2011-2014 Open Data

Observatory on self-employed farmers — Number of holdings broken down by number of employees and geo

Issued on 2015-12-17

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and geographical area 2011-2014 details >

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers. Number of companies by number of employees and... Open Data

Observatory on Self-Government Farmers and Direct Farmers. Number of companies by number of employee

Issued on 2015-12-17

Self-employed agricultural workers direct farmers. Number of companies by number of employees and... details >

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and income bracket 2015 Open Data

Number of farms by number of employees and income bracket. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-09

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and income bracket 2015 details >

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and region 2015 Open Data

Number of farms by number of employees and region. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-09

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and region 2015 details >

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and geographical area 2015 Open Data

Number of agricultural holdings by number of employees and geographical area. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-09

Self-employed farmers — Number of holdings by number of employees and geographical area 2015 details >
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