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Map of nature — Charter of naturalness — Regional Park of the Bolognese Gessi and Calanchi... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1999-01-01
Map of Nature — Naturality Charter — Regional Park of Suviana and Brasimone Lakes (Digital) — 2002... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2002-01-01
Map of nature — Naturality map — Regional Park of the Sassi of Roccamalatina (Digitale) — 1996... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1996-01-01
Map of nature — Naturality map — Corno alle Scale Regional Park (Digital) — 2002 edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2002-01-01
Map of nature — Charter of naturalness — Regional Park of the Abbey of Monteveglio (Digitale) —... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2003-01-01
Map of nature — Naturality map — Monte Sole Regional Park — Pliocenico Counterfforte (Digitale) —... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1996-01-01
Map of nature — Naturality map — Taro River Regional Park (Digital) — 2004 edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1999-01-01
Map of nature — Naturality map — Stirone River Regional Park (Digitale) — 2002 edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2002-01-01
Map of nature — Charter of naturalness — Table 236 — SE Montese (Digital) — 1990 edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1990-01-01
Map of nature — Charter of naturalness — Torriana — Section 267010 (Digital) — 1995 edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1995-01-01
Map of Nature — Naturality Charter — Sintria Valley (RA) (Digital) — 2004 Edition Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2004-01-01
Map of nature — Map of naturalness — Versante romagnolo of the National Park of Casentinesi Forests... Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1995-01-01
Numerical Themes taken from Soil Cover Cards Corine Land Cover (Digital) — 1996 Edition Open Data
Geo-referenced vector database containing information relating to 44 types of land use and land cove
Issued on 1996-01-01
Toponyomastica 1:5,000 (Digital) — 2004 edition Open Data
Toponyomastica digitised by the Regional Technical Paper on the 1:5000 scale, the toponym’s relation
Issued on 2004-01-01
Emilia-Romagna Region Escursionist Charter 1: 5.000 — Vehicle coverings — 2008 edition Open Data
Since the end of the 1980s, the Region has been carrying out excursionist maps: Paths maps are seen
Issued on 2005-01-01
Maps of vegetation and nature of the regional parks and other areas. Car coverings 1: 10.000/1:... Open Data
In 1988, following the establishment of several regional parks, the vegetation mapping programme was
Issued on 2004-01-01
Numerical tematism taken from Regional Technical Map 1: 10.000 — Edition 1991 Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing homogeneous data groupings extracted from the regiona
Issued on 1991-01-01
Geodetic Refining Network — RER GPS7 ETRF00 Open Data
Vector layer consisting of the ETRF2000 (2008) construction of the European Geodetic Reference Syste
Issued on 2010-01-01
Basic map of the archaeological landscape 1: 25.000 — Edition 1989 Open Data
The map, which has been acquired by computer, is a topographical inventory of the regional areas of
Issued on 1989-01-01
DTM — Cartography of areas exposed to collapse landslides (knitting raster map 20x20m) Open Data
The cartography derived from the use of viewshed-visibility function on areas of likely triggering o
Issued on 2011-01-01
Costa Line Open Data
Mapping and classification of the shoreline, according to the RER methodology, based on aerial photo
Issued on 2009-01-01
High Way of Parks — Excursion cards 1: 50.000. Case containing 8 cards Open Data
The box containing the 8 cards that make up the Alta Via dei Parchi.L’Alta Via dei Parchi starts fro
Issued on 2013-01-01
Linear landslide events Open Data
Vector data base, containing information on historical landslides reports, for which, on the basis o
Issued on 2003-01-01
Ports and landings of Emilia-Romagna — Ports, landings and marine Open Data
Ports, landings and marines of Emilia-Romagna
Issued on 2013-06-15
Soil map — 1:10,000-2008 edition Open Data
Themeism collects detailed maps of experimental companies, natural parks, experimental fields, etc.
Issued on 2008-01-01
Union Framework 1:50,000 (IGM) Open Data
Vector database, polygonal, containing information on the perimeter and area of the Topographic Map
Issued on 1997-01-01
DTM (SGSS) -... Open Data
Digital model of the...
Issued on 2007-01-01
Digital Ground Model — RER (SGSS) — DTM (10 m cell) Open Data
Digital model of the...
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM (SGSS) — Extended — Digital Earth Model — (100 m cell) Open Data
Digital model of the...
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM (SGSS) — Extended — Digital Earth Model — (40 m cell) Open Data
Digital Earth model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
Digital Ground Model — RER (SGSS) — DTM (40 m cell) Open Data
Digital Earth model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM (SGSS) -... Open Data
Digital model of the...
Issued on 2007-01-01
Digital Ground Model — RER (SGSS) — DTM (5 m cell) Open Data
Digital Earth model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM — DEM with closed depression filling Open Data
DEM is the acronym for Digital Elevation Model. RASTER type data (ESRI GRID format), consisting of s
Issued on 2008-01-01
Soil Use Paper, 1:25,000 — Vector Cover — 1954 Edition Open Data
Land use database, aimed at assessing the change in land use on the instability of the slopes in the
Issued on 2008-01-01
Map of naturalistic value — Po Delta Regional Park Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 1999-01-01
Map of naturalness Open Data
Vector-type geo-referenced database containing the vegetation naturality map. From the vegetation ma
Issued on 2002-01-01
Three-dimensional terrain representation (Nord-ITA) — 3D smoke Open Data
Processing obtained from the SRTM3 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data produced by the collabora
Issued on 2008-01-01
Vegetation map Open Data
Vector-type georeferenced database containing the vegetation map. The method of drawing up this map
Issued on 2002-01-01
Protected Areas Open Data
Maps of the Protected Areas of Emilia-Romagna established pursuant to the State and regional laws of
Issued on 2007-01-01
Natura 2000 network Open Data
Maps relating to Natura 2000 Network Sites established under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and
Issued on 2007-01-01
Protected Areas — Ecological Rebalancing Areas Open Data
Ecological rebalancing areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region (L.R. 6/2005).
Issued on 2012-01-01
Protected Areas — Protected Landscapes Open Data
Protected natural and semi-natural landscapes of the Emilia-Romagna Region (L.R. 6/2005).
Issued on 2012-01-01
Protected Areas — Parks and Reserves (limits) Open Data
Boundaries of national and regional parks, regional natural reserves and state reserves, when these
Issued on 2007-01-01
Protected Areas — Parks and Reserves (zones) Open Data
The stratum represents the zoning of the National and Regional Parks, the Regional Natural Reserves
Issued on 2007-01-01
Natura 2000 network — SCIs and regional SPAs Open Data
The boundaries of the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in
Issued on 2007-01-01
Ports and landings of Emilia-Romagna — Main ports Open Data
Main ports of Emilia-Romagna
Issued on 2013-06-15
Coastal geomorphology Open Data
Mapping and classification of the geomorphological characteristics of the coastal area of Emilia-Rom
Issued on 2010-01-01
Bivalve molluscs — venericulture and mussels Open Data
Aquaculture is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic organisms, such as algae
Issued on 2013-01-01
Ports and landings of Emilia-Romagna Open Data
Commercial, industrial, tourist and fishing ports of Emilia-Romagna
Issued on 2013-06-15
Military appliances in the marine-coastal area — Area Echo346 Open Data
In the area in front of the mouth of the River Rhine (A1-B1) and Porto Garibaldi (A2 — B2), there is
Issued on 2013-01-01
Coastal marine areas of biological and environmental protection — Organic Protection Zone “Area... Open Data
Biological protection areas are protected sea areas established to safeguard and repopulate marine r
Issued on 2013-01-01
Military appliances in the marine-coastal area Open Data
Along the Italian coast there are some areas of sea in which are occasionally carried out naval exer
Issued on 2013-01-01
Military appliances in the marine-coastal area — Area Echo345 Open Data
In the area in front of the coast of Riccione, there is a vast military area for ground-to-sea shoot
Issued on 2013-01-01
Military appliances in the marine-coastal zone — Zone D10 Open Data
Dangerous zone. Airspace of defined dimensions, within which dangerous activities may take place for
Issued on 2013-01-01
Coastal marine areas of biological and environmental protection — Coastal nursery area Open Data
Nursery area means an area where youth forms of various species of marine organisms are increased in
Issued on 2013-01-01
Underground Waters in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines Open Data
Database of geological units based in aquifers, in the regional hill and mountain range, characteris
Issued on 2011-01-01
Digital Ground Model — RER (SGSS) — DTM (100 m cell) Open Data
Digital Earth model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
DTM (SGSS) — extended Open Data
Digital Earth model in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
Digital Earth Model — RER (SGSS) Open Data
Digital Earth models in grid format representing the distribution of altimetry through regular cells
Issued on 2007-01-01
Geological heritage database Open Data
Vector data base, georeferenced, containing information on the location and characteristics of place
Issued on
Planning (SGSS) Open Data
Vector layers (lines, dots and polygons) related to PTPR cartography, PTCP mosaics and cognitive pic
Issued on 2011-01-01
Soil Themes and Derivative Cards (WMS) Open Data
WMS on soil paper and derived paper themes, such as chemical-physical and application papers.
Issued on 2011-12-02
Synthetic Geological Map (WMS) Open Data
WMS of the synthesis geological cartography of the Emilia-Romagna Region, containing maps of the gro
Issued on
Cadastre of natural cavities (WMS) Open Data
WMS of the cadastre of the natural cavities of Emilia-Romagna. It represents the distribution of the
Issued on
Geological Landscape (WMS) Open Data
WMS on the geological landscape of the Emilia-Romagna Region: representation of portions of territor
Issued on
Geognostic Testing (WFS) Open Data
WMS on geognostic evidence, obtained on the entire regional plain territory using pre-existing archi
Issued on
Geognostic Testing (WMS) Open Data
WMS on geognostic evidence, obtained on the entire regional plain territory using pre-existing archi
Issued on 2020-01-01
2008 — Land Use Vector Covers — 2011 Edition Open Data
Geo-referenced vector database containing homogeneous groupings of data relating to the various type
Issued on 2011-01-01
Vegetation map — Regional River Park of Taro — Edition 1999 Open Data
The vegetation map describes the distribution in the area of vegetation and its biological and ecolo
Issued on 1999-01-01
Union framework Open Data
Vector data base, polygonal, related to the coverings of the Sections, Tables and Elements of the Re
Issued on 2004-01-01
Hiking network Open Data
Network of marked and regularly maintained hiking trails belonging to the REER: Emilia-Romagna Hikin
Issued on 2013-01-01
Soil map Open Data
The Thematics collects detailed maps of experimental companies, natural parks, experimental fields,
Issued on 2013-01-01
Application Cards Open Data
The application maps, designed to support agricultural, environmental and territorial planning, repr
Issued on 2011-01-01
Papers of chemical-physical properties Open Data
Soil maps are complex documents with a high information content. For application for environmental,
Issued on 2010-01-01
PSAI river strips Open Data
Mosaic of the areas subject to territorial constraint present in the Stralcio Plans Hydrogeological
Issued on 2010-08-01
River bands PTCP Open Data
Mosaic of the areas subject to territorial constraints present in the Territorial Plans of Provincia
Issued on 2010-08-01
Bathymetric profiles Adriatico RER — Rilievi 2000 Open Data
Under Regional Law No 7 of 13 March 1979, which committed the Region in the field of coastal defence
Issued on 2001-01-01
Bathymetric profiles Adriatico RER — Reliefs 1994 Open Data
Under Regional Law No 7 of 13 March 1979, which committed the Region in the field of coastal defence
Issued on 2007-01-01
LIDAR Elevation 2004 of the Coast and the Savio River — DSM (Digital Surface Model) Open Data
The Lidar relief of the coast was carried out from Goro to Rimini, covering a corridor about 800 m w
Issued on 2005-01-01
LIDAR Elevation 2004 of the Coast and the Savio River — DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Open Data
The Lidar relief of the coast was carried out from Goro to Rimini, covering a corridor about 800 m w
Issued on 2005-01-01
Level curves — 1:5,000 (Digital) — 2004 edition Open Data
Level curves at constant altitude, digitised by the Regional Technical Charter on the 1:5000 scale.
Issued on 2004-01-01
Map of the natural-anthropic background at 1:250,000 scale of the Emilia-Romagna plain Open Data
The “Natural-Anthropic Fund Content Card” represents the distribution of the area in the topsoil (20
Issued on 2013-01-01
Bivalve molluscs — venericulture and mussels — Plants for the farming of bivalve molluscs in... Open Data
State-owned maritime areas under concession for the farming of bivalve molluscs.The coordinates of t
Issued on 2013-01-01
Bivalve molluscs — venericulture and mussels — Natural areas suitable for harvesting bivalve... Open Data
Areas calssified as suitable for natural growth and harvesting of bivalve molluscs by the Veterinary
Issued on 2013-01-01
Bivalve molluscs — venericulture and mussels — Plants for the farming of bivalve molluscs in inland... Open Data
Areas suitable for harvesting and rearing bivalve molluscs in inland waters.The mapping of the farms
Issued on 2013-01-01
Batimetric profiles Adriatico RER — Reliefs 1984 Open Data
Under Regional Law No 7 of 13 March 1979, which committed the Region in the field of coastal defence
Issued on 2007-01-01
DBTR2008 — Region — (REG_GPG) Open Data
Defines the area of the Region as the composition of the relevant provincial areas
Issued on 2010-01-01
Coastal marine areas of biological and environmental protection Open Data
Marine and coastal areas protecting biological diversity, fishery resources and the marine-coastal e
Issued on 2013-01-01
Restrictions on fishing activities — Restrictions on bottom trawl fisheries Open Data
The ability to engage in demersal fishing activities or, in general, with trawls and trawls is const
Issued on
Coastal marine areas of biological and environmental protection — Marine protected area for fish... Open Data
It is a protected area equipped with submerged barriers and artificial nests (type Tecnoreef) to all
Issued on 2013-01-01
Photographic footage 1979 — Piacency Open Data
The profile of the strips is from West to East and vice versa; Stereoscopical coverage with an avera
Issued on 1981-01-01
Photographic footage 1969-1973 — Reviews 1969-1973 Open Data
A black/white panchromatic film was used; The size of the photograms and slides shall be cm. 23x23.
Issued on 1973-01-01
DBTR2008 — Network Summit — (VRT_GPT) Open Data
Includes the summits of general geodetic networks (IGMs, etc.); in the current version, only data fr
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 — Caposaldo — (CPS_GPT) Open Data
Includes the cornerstones of the levelling networks; in the current version, only Forlì and Forlimpo
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 — Pole — (PAL_GPT) Open Data
Entities consisting of simple wooden or other material poles are described in this class but which a
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 — Point map object — (CAP_GPT) Open Data
Symbol necessary to dress an object of the Topographic DataBase
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 Open Data
Topographic Data Base refers to the reference base built from the “traditional” contents of a techni
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 — Linear map object — (CAL_GLI) Open Data
Line necessary to dress an object of the Topographic DataBase
Issued on 2010-01-01
DBTR2008 — Lattice support — (TRL_GPG) Open Data
It represents the lattice supports for the development of cableway installations or energy transport
Issued on 2010-01-01
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