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Establishments subject to environmental authorisation Open Data
The dataset contains information on the locations where production activities are carried out for wh
Issued on
IV Report (2013-2019) monitoring pursuant to art. 17 Habitats Directive (Habitats) Geo-service WMS Open Data
The data relating to the monitoring of habitats of Community interest represent the compliance of th
Issued on
Retrofitting CARTOGRAFIC BDTRE 2022 (Raster 1:250.000) — GEO-SERVICE WMS AND WMTS Open Data
Geo-services WMS and WMTS that allow the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:250,000 (
Issued on
Breakdowns of areas resulting from urban planning tools Open Data
Uneven areas identified by the individual municipalities of Piedmont following the adaptation of the
Issued on
Areas with truffle vocation Open Data
Geographical data on the Cards of Aptitude for truffle production. They are defined on the basis of
Issued on
Existing and proposed silvo-pastoral PFA roadway Open Data
The geographical data shows the information on existing silvo-pastoral roads and proposals of the Fa
Issued on
Water bodies WFD 2000/60/CE Triennium 2009-2011 — Geoservice WMS Open Data
The Water Bodies Service WFD 2000/60/CE Triennium 2009-2011 provides the classification of water bod
Issued on
Acoustic mapping — year 2012 — Geoservice WMS Open Data
Il Servizio WMS "Mappature acustiche" permette di visualizzare i dati relativi al rumore ambientale
Issued on 2015-09-01
Bodies of groundwater GWB under the European Directives 2000/60/EC (WFD) and 2006/118/EC Open Data
Spatial representation of underground water bodies (GWB groundwater body) which consist of surface,
Issued on
Thermal Plants (CIT) Geoservice WMS Open Data
Geoservice that represents the punctual location (by address) of the thermal plants surveyed in the
Issued on 2022-02-18
SIBI — Information System Remediation and Irrigation Open Data
The Regional Law No 21 of 9 August 1999 entitled ‘Rules on reclamation and irrigation’ in force stat
Issued on
Punctual failures resulting from urban planning tools Open Data
Non-cartographable breakdowns, identified by the individual municipalities of Piedmont following the
Issued on
BDTRE 2022 — Geotopographic Database (vector dataset) Open Data
This is the annual version of the Territorial Reference Database containing the data updated on 28/0
Issued on
Water bodies on which to set up and manage buffer strips in accordance with PdGPo 2015-2021... Open Data
This WMS represents the water bodies identified as part of the Po River River River Management Plan
Issued on
Soil map 1:250,000 Open Data
Map of the soils of the Piedmont Region 1:250.000:Reports the geometries of the cartographic units,
Issued on
Sites of Regional Importance (SIR) Open Data
Protected areas and Natura 2000 network: Sites of Regional Importance (SIR) — Perimetration of sites
Issued on
Retrofitting BDTRE 2018 (Raster 1:10.000) — GEO-SERVICE WMS AND WMTS Open Data
Geo-services WMS and WMTS that allow the display of the Reference Map Base in scale 1:10,000 (Ed. 20
Issued on
Forest particles PFA Open Data
The geographical data shows the information on the forest parcels into which the territory of the Az
Issued on
Retrofitting CARTOGRAFIC BDTRE 2022 (Raster 1:50.000) — GEO-SERVICE WMS AND WMTS Open Data
Geo-services WMS and WMTS that allow the display of the Reference Map Base on a scale of 1:50,000 (E
Issued on
Protected Areas and Natura 2000 Network Open Data
Protected areas and Natura 2000 network: sites identified for natural, landscape and cultural charac
Issued on
Forestry interventions and PFA priorities Open Data
The geographical data sets out the information on the PFA forest map based on forestry interventions
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Geoservice WMS of exposure of the and territorial subdivisions of various origins to which are assoc
Issued on
Altimetric zones per municipality on regional territory — GEO-SERVICE WMS Open Data
Geoservice WMS geographic data exposure related to altimeter zones
Issued on
Predominant functional destinations PFA Open Data
The geographical data shows the PFA forest map themed information based on the main uses.
Issued on
Faulty PAI ranges in force Open Data
Breakdowns of existing areas identified by the Po River Basin Authority within the Exhibit Plan of H
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Flight plan of matrix center photos (pictometry) Open Data
Flight plans of the matrix centres of Sardinian Municipalities
Issued on
Mosaic of aerial filming coasts 1997 Open Data
Mosaic of orthorectified frames of the coastal strip made in 1997
Issued on
Flooded areas “Cleopatra” V04 Open Data
Perimeters of flooded areas during the event “Cleopatra” of 18.11.2013, updated on 31.03.2015
Issued on
Regional list of monumental trees of Italy, Law No 10 of 14 January 2013, DM 23 October 2014 (agg.... Open Data
The layer contains the points corresponding to the monumental trees recorded in the regional territo
Issued on
Forest and Interface Fire Risk Card 2017 Open Data
This information layer indexes and maps the regional territory, classifying it according to the risk
Issued on 2017-05-23
Register of Institutes and Places of Culture Open Data
The dataset collects information on the cultural institutes and places in Sardinia, as a result of a
Issued on 2018-12-06
DBGT10K 2020-00 Territory portion Returned Open Data
Portion of territory returned, on a given scale. It shall be related to Class Axes of Flight.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-00 Point Photogrammetric support Open Data
Point used for photogrammetric support, as long as verified in an Aerial Triangulation process
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-00 Network Summit Open Data
Geodetic Network Summit. See: Trigonometric summit
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Area Cycling Circulation Open Data
Longitudinal part of the road, appropriately delimited, reserved for the circulation of cycles. The
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Pedonal Circulation Area Open Data
Area intended for pedestrian traffic, it includes all sections of the road platform that within urba
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Vehicle Circulation Area Open Data
It corresponds to the area where it is possible to transit and stop vehicles, not necessarily accord
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Road Area Open Data
Surface within road boundaries. It is the plane formed by the roadway and the relevant strips, i.e.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Industrial Track Open Data
Way of sliding of lifting equipment or inclined planes with rails placed alongside forced ducts. It
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Cycling element Open Data
The axis of the cycling area is represented. All the elements constitute the network of cycle paths,
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Railway Element Open Data
Railway track obtained by acquiring the centreline of each physical track or a beam of tracks. Depen
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Road Element Open Data
Element of the road graph at the level of detail, corresponds in the GDF standard to the road elemen
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Mixed Secondary Viability Element Open Data
The class describes the elements of secondary mixed viability with the acquisition of its centreline
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Cycling junction Open Data
Connecting points between cycling track elements or starting/end of cycling track elements. Intermed
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Railway junction Open Data
Start/end point or confluence/branch of railway elements or intersection with other topological traf
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Road junction Open Data
Represents the point of intersection of road elements obtained according to GDF Level 1 rules. The p
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Joint Joint Mixed Secondary Open Data
Qualified node of connection between two elements of secondary mixed viability.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Cycling Network Open Data
The class defines which entities make up the graph of cycle paths consisting of cycle elements and c
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Railway Network Open Data
The class defines which entities make up the railway graph. It consists of the connection of railway
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Rail Transportation Headquarters Open Data
The class describes the extension of the railway platform, i.e. the base on which the tracks and sle
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Mixed Secondary Arc Viabilita Open Data
This includes “secondary” types of roads, in principle not affected by superstructures and road work
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-01 Mixed Viabilita Secondary Plg Open Data
This includes “secondary” types of roads, in principle not affected by superstructures and road work
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Equipped Area Open Data
In this class are defined all those areas generally relevant to a given settlement unit, ancillary t
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Argine Arc Open Data
Entities which constitute forms of retention and collection of water are defined in this class. This
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Argine Plg Open Data
Entities which constitute forms of retention and collection of water are defined in this class. This
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Sports equipment Open Data
Soil equipment for sports activities is defined, i.e. the types of slopes and playgrounds as well as
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Pipeline Open Data
Artefacts with a predominant dimension, with longitudinal development that represent the “conductors
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Arc Dam Open Data
Hydraulic work built along a water course with the aim of regulating its downstream flow and level u
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Dam Plg Open Data
Hydraulic work built along a water course with the aim of regulating its downstream flow and level u
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Building Ingombro Soil Open Data
Means a built body which: — it has no continuity — it has a single type of building — it may have se
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Building Minor Ingombro Soil Open Data
In this class are those objects that complete the definition of the built but that are not real buil
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Element Covering Open Data
It describes one of the various roofing parts of a building, i.e. groundwater, terraces, domes, etc.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Split element Open Data
Entities which constitute an element of division of the territory which can be assimilated to linear
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Gallery Open Data
A work of art with a constant cross-section, which allows the continuity of road or rail roads, thro
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Building artifact localisation Open Data
Small products located with a symbolic “dressing” point that cannot be acquired according to their m
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Industrial Plg Manufacture Open Data
This class defines artifacts of various kinds ancillary to the development of industrial activities
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Industrial Manufacture Pts Open Data
This class defines artifacts of various kinds ancillary to the development of industrial activities
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Monumental Plg Manufacture Open Data
Here are identified the monumental and urban furnishing artefacts with important spatial occupation
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Monumental Manufacture Pts Open Data
Here are identified the monumental and urban furnishing artefacts with important spatial occupation
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Arc Transport Manufacture Open Data
Objects generally associated with transport infrastructure are defined in this class as they insist
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Manufacture Transport Plg Open Data
Objects generally associated with transport infrastructure are defined in this class as they insist
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Wall Arc Division Open Data
The walls and divisions acquired to measure with their thickness are defined in this class because t
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Wall Support Arc Open Data
In this class are defined entities that, variously distributed in the territory, constitute forms of
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Wall Support Plg Open Data
In this class are defined entities that, variously distributed in the territory, constitute forms of
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Opera Hydraulic Arc Adjustment Open Data
Structures of regulation and control of water flows in order to make the territory conform and safe
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Hydraulic Opera Plg Adjustment Open Data
Structures of regulation and control of water flows in order to make the territory conform and safe
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Port Opera Arc Open Data
Barrier work overlooking a port with the function of protecting the coast from the waves of the wate
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Port Opera Plg Open Data
Barrier work overlooking a port with the function of protecting the coast from the waves of the wate
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Pole Open Data
Entities consisting of simple wooden or other material poles are described in this class but which a
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Ponte Viaduct Cavalcavia Open Data
Man-made work for the connection of mobility from opposite parts of a river, lake, sea, overpair of
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Plg Traliccio Support Open Data
This class collects the entities that make up both the lattice supports for the development of cable
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-02 Pts Traliccio Support Open Data
This class collects the entities that make up both the lattice supports for the development of cable
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-03 Extended Administrative Pertinence Open Data
Class defining the characteristics of the road infrastructure according to administrative criteria.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-03 Extended Administrative Tracked Open Data
Class defining the characteristics of the road infrastructure according to administrative criteria.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Firing Natural Water Open Data
Includes springs, springs and fountains
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Bathed Area Corso Acqua Arc Open Data
It describes the area, part of an engraved river bed, with the presence of water, detected at the ti
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Bathed Area Water Plg Course Open Data
It describes the area, part of an engraved river bed, with the presence of water, detected at the ti
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Bathed Area Watercourse Sponda Open Data
It describes the area, part of an engraved river bed, with the presence of water, detected at the ti
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Auction Path Open Data
It represents a constant and/or torrential natural stream (steam) that collects the waters of a wate
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Channel Route Open Data
Artificial watercourse, or made with the insertion of an artifact in natural or artificial materials
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Waterfall Open Data
It represents the wet surface affected by a sharp drop of running water caused by a sharp drop in th
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Conduct Open Data
We mean the lines of the pipelines used for the transport of water both under pressure (forced ducts
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Hydraulic element Open Data
A water element means a representation of the water flow path of a river/torrant (permanent and/or s
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Invaso Open Data
Corresponds to the surface area of artificial reservoirs obtained from dam barriers or generated by
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Invaso Sponda Open Data
Corresponds to the surface area of artificial reservoirs obtained from dam barriers or generated by
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Costa Marina Line Open Data
It is the “ideal” line where mainland and sea meet. It can be natural, artificial (i.e. in the prese
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Hydric Node Open Data
A water node represents: — the start or end point of a Hydraulic Element or a Conduct — or the conne
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Hydrographic Network Open Data
The connected set of Hydraulic Elements and Conducts constitutes the Hydrographic Network. This clas
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Natural Hydrographic Network Open Data
All the routes of the Natural Watercourses draining a water catchment area of the first order, i.e.
Issued on 2020-03-01
DBGT10K 2020-04 Water Mirror Open Data
This is the representation of the surfaces covered by firm waters. In particular, the following type
Issued on 2020-03-01
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