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The feature class MO_IS09G_ISTAT_Loc_Abitate represents the boundaries of the inhabited areas realis
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Feature class MO_RI08G_Riva represents the banks of water bodies — data provided by the Molise Regio
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_disciplina_urb_poi_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_disciplina_urb_poi_8 represents the specific elements that relate to the urban
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmin_January Open Data
The feature class MM_Tmin_January, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with minimum t
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S372151 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_int_stor_archeo_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_qualit_int_stor_archeo_poly_2 represents the qualitative elements of historical
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_altimetry_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_altimetria_poly_6 represents the height band — polygonal elements acquired from
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_centri_urb_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_centri_urb_poly_8 represents the urban centres, elements acquired from the map
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF034G_Castel_Del_Giudice_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF034G_Castel_Del_Giudice_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territor
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394141 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF063G_Civitacampomarano Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF063G_Civitacampomarano represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Ci
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_poly_6 represents the characteristics of historical arc
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF185G_Roccavivara Open Data
The feature classMO_PDF185G_Roccavivara represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Roccaviva
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PA05_Porti_poligoni Open Data
The feature class MO_PA05_Porti_polygoni represents the ports with the geometry of polygon type for
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF142G_Montefalcone_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF142G_Montefalcone_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affe
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404024 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392102 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393071 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405071 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_peric_geo_poly_7 Open Data
The feature class The feature class MO_peric_geo_poly_7 represents the geological hazard — elements
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PRG253G_Bonefro Open Data
The feature class MO_PRG253G_Bonefro represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Bonefro, the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_demanio_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_demanio_poly_6 represents the areas of public property acquired from the constr
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380133 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S379163 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_faunistica_later_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_faunistica_poi_1 represents the elements of fauna, elemetes acquired from the c
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381094 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_archeo_poly_8 Open Data
The feature class The feature class MO_qualit_archeo_poly_8 represents the punctual elements of qual
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MOLISEDB.GIS.incendi_1997 Open Data
Information level at which fire-affected areas were acquired in 1997.
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392133 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404034 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Hydrogeology_bacini_adb_20100114 Open Data
The feature class MO_Hydrogeologia_bacini_adb represents the hydrogeological basins of the main rive
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF239G_Trivento Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF239G_Trivento represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Trivento, t
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406101 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Risk_Fortor Open Data
Feature class MO_Risk_Fortor — information layer of hydraulic risk in the Fortore basin. The layer c
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Fascia_Reset_Saccione_20100318 Open Data
Feature class MO_Fascia_Riassetto_Saccione — Information layer of the river tray in the Saccione bas
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405092 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S406024 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF122G_Macchiagodena_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF122G_Macchiagodena_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory aff
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394013 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404064 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381092 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392143 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF106G_Jelsi_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF106G_Jelsi_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affected by
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF111G_Longano Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF111G_Longano represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Longano, the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MM_Tmin_July Open Data
The feature class MM_Tmin_July, is a polygonal feature class that represents areas with minimum temp
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S380162 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_degr_amb_inquinam_lin_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_degr_amb_inquinam_lin_6 represents environmental degradation from pollution — l
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392103 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S372103 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S392112 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381074 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S381104 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_perceptive_ then_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_perceptive_poi_2 represents the punctual elements of the perceptual charact
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_poi_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_stor_archeo_poi_6 represents the characteristics of archaeological
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394122 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF024G_Cantalupo Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF024G_Cantalupo represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Cantalupo,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.incendi_2007 Open Data
Information level at which fire-affected areas were acquired in 2007
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S393034 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_ins_isolato_lin_4 Open Data
The feature class MO_ins_isolato_lin_4 represents the settlement system — linear isolated settlement
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_MicrozonationSismica_20100318 Open Data
The feature class MO_MicrozonazioneSismica represents the seismic microzonation Region Molise. Origi
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S403122 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394092 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394062 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404012 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Toponyms_reg_limitrofe Open Data
FeatureClass MO_Toponyms_reg_limitrofe contains the features representative of the place names of th
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_FB01G_Unita_Volumetrica Open Data
The feature class MO_FB01G_Unita_Volumetrica — represents the volumetric units of the entire Molise
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF169G_Portocannone_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF169G_Portocannone_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affe
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The feature class MO_DBP103G_Lim_Amm contains the DBPrior 10k level 1 linear administrative limits.
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF080G_Filignano_PR Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF080G_Filignano_PR represents the area of the territory covered by the Recove
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S405162 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_poly_5 Open Data
The feature class MO_geolithologica_poly_5 represents the area-type geolithological elements — eleme
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MOLISEDB.GIS.fire Open Data
Information level in which fire-affected areas were acquired
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF162G_Pietracatella_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF162G_Pietracatella_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory aff
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404134 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geomorphological_later_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_geomorphological_later_7 represents the point geomorphological elements acquire
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF191G_Rotello Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF191G_Rotello represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of Rotello, the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_el_rilevan_poi_7 Open Data
The feature class MO_el_rilevan_poi_7 represents the elements of exceptional national and environmen
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_geolithological_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_geolithologica_poly_2 represents the geolithological elements acquired from the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_percettivi_lin_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_percettivi_lin_8 represents the linear elements of the perceptual character
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The feature class MO_PDF301G_Larino_PEEP represents the area of the territory covered by the PEEP of
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394144 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_sist_sediativo_poi_8 Open Data
The feature class MO_sist_insediativo_poi_8 represents the settlement system, punctual elements acqu
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_infrast_colleg_poi_1 Open Data
The feature class MO_infrast_colleg_poi_1 represents the elements of the connecting infrastructure,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF181G_Ripalimosani_vinc Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF181G_Ripalimosani_vinc represents some areas of the municipal territory affe
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S394043 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF010G_Bagnoli_del_Trigno Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF010G_Bagnoli_del_Trigno represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of B
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_car_interes_natur_bio_poly_6 Open Data
The feature class MO_car_interes_natur_bio_poly_6 represents the characteristics of natural biologic
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_Geomorphology_elem_linear Open Data
The feature class MO_Geomorphology_elem_linear — represents the linear geomorphological elements pre
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S395103 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_BC26G_Sanctuaries Open Data
The feature class MO_BC26G_Santuari represents the elements that identify the Molise sanctuaries.The
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA17G_termoli_vuln_nitrates Open Data
The feature class MO_PTA17G_termoli_vuln_nitrati describes the degree of vulnerability of the soil,
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_RF01G_archi Open Data
Arcs of the Molise sewerage network
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_qualit_natur_bio_lin_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_qualit_natur_bio_lin_2 represents the natural qualitative elements of biologica
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S372132 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_CT101G_Manufactured_Sped Open Data
The feature class MO_CT101G_Fabbricati_Sped contains the cadastral data for the Province of Isernia
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MOLISEDB.GIS.W_G_S404094 Open Data
The feature class is a sheet of the Regional Technical Charter 1:5000. The data was received by the
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PDF219G_SantElia_A_Pianisi Open Data
The feature class MO_PDF219G_SantElia_A_Pianisi represents the urban zoning of the Municipality of S
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_binding_immodif_temp_poly_2 Open Data
The feature class MO_vincolo_immodif_temp_poly_2 represents the areas subject to temporary immodific
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_DBP129G_Mirrors_Water Open Data
the feature class MO_DBP129G_Mirrors_Water represents bodies of water DBPrior 10k level 1. Data deli
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MOLISEDB.GIS.MO_PTA08G_bacini_interreg Open Data
The feature class MO_PTA08G_bacini_interreg delimits the basins of watercourses belonging to both th
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