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Final Budget Report — Expenditure on Tourism Open Data
The table shows the figures of the Consuntivo Rendiconto — Expenditure on Tourism.
Issued on 2022-07-13T08:33:05Z
Groundwater — Chemical and quantitative status — period 2010-2013 Open Data
Assessment of the chemical and qualitative status of groundwater bodies of the Emilia-Romagna region
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:23:44.477951Z
River surface waters — Environmental and chemical status assessment — period 2010-2013 Open Data
Assessment of the Ecological and Chemical State of the Waters of Surface Waters of the Emilia-Romagn
Issued on 2022-05-24T07:48:30.355824Z
River surface waters — Environmental and chemical status assessment — 2010-2013 Open Data
Assessment of the Ecological and Chemical Water State of the surface water bodies of the Emilia-Roma
Issued on 2022-05-24T07:48:30.355824Z
Funeral agencies Open Data
Weekly updated list of the structures used as funeral agencies starting from the management data of
Issued on
Funeral agencies Open Data
Weekly updated list of the structures used as funeral agencies starting from the management data of
Issued on
Urban agglomerations 200-1999 A.E. — 2009 edition Open Data
Areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:31:27.149134Z
Urban agglomerations 200-1999 A.E. — 2011 edition Open Data
Areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:14:32.822118Z
Green areas in the municipality of Mussolente Open Data
Location of green areas in the municipality of Mussolente (VI)
Issued on 2022-07-08T08:16:42Z
Areas prohibited from bathing — 2020 update Open Data
Sections of the coast where bathing is expressly prohibited. In Emilia-Romagna, currently, there are
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:46.228762Z
Harp Piemonte — Alluvial event of 2-3 October 2020 Open Data
Data on soil effects induced on the territory by the weather-flood event that affected Piedmont on 2
Issued on 2022-05-24
Harp Piemonte — Meteorological data timetable of Montaldo Scarampi station 2001-2010 Open Data
Hourly data of the meteorological station for the regional network managed by Arpa Piemonte and loca
Issued on 2013-10-30
Arpa Piemonte — Multitemporal NDVI mosaic from Sentinel images (2021-2022) Open Data
The image is a mosaic in false colors of the seasonal values of the NDVI* (Normalised Difference Veg
Issued on 2022-07-01
Secondary land use capacity Open Data
Assessment of the utilisation capacity of secondary soils (by frequency) according to the USDA metho
Issued on
Secondary land use capacity Open Data
Assessment of the utilisation capacity of secondary soils (by frequency) according to the USDA metho
Issued on
Warning system Open Data
Set of layers that participate in the definition of the alert system
Issued on
Warning system — River routes of major watercourses subject to monitoring during the event Open Data
In Regional Executive Resolution No 1761 of 30 November 2020 Update of the Document for the organisa
Issued on
Corpi idrici delle acque di transizione, come da Dir. 2000/60/CE - edizione 2011 Open Data
Corpi idrici delle acque di transizione della regione Emilia-Romagna individuati sulla base dei crit
Issued on 2011-12-31
Strumenti di misura in acque di transizione - edizione 2022 Open Data
Localizzazione puntuale di alcune strumentazioni di misura nelle acque di transizione (stazioni mult
Issued on 2022-06-06
Territorial districts Arpae Emilia-Romagna Open Data
Delimitation of the districts into which the territorial services of Arpae Emilia-Romagna are divide
Issued on 2022-09-12
Main river basins as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — PdG 2015 Open Data
Areas of the main regional river basins (Legislative Decree 152/99) — update in relation to the para
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:14:29.841339Z
PAF (Forest Suspension Plan): identification of interventions Open Data
The P.A.F. (Plan of Forest Assestment, Use and Management of the Forestry Heritage of Municipal Prop
Issued on
Urban Art — B.ART Open Data
The dataset contains information on the “B.ART” gallery of Urban Art present in the territory of the
Issued on
Classification of cOLtures in place by remote sensing — Classification of cOLtures in place by... Open Data
Distribution of agricultural crops in place and classification into macro-groups through the analysi
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:24:00.584451Z
Classification of cOLtures in place by remote sensing — Classification of cOLtures in place by... Open Data
Distribution of agricultural crops in place and classification into macro-groups through the analysi
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:12:47.983178Z
Surnames with greater frequency from 2012 to 2022 Open Data
List of the top 50 most frequent surnames in Modena from 2012 to 2022. — The data comes from the Dat
Issued on
Participation — Administrative Elections: election results Open Data
Municipality of Castelfidardo AN. Election results in local elections
Issued on
Participation — Regional elections: election results Open Data
Municipality of Castelfidardo AN. Regional election results.
Issued on
Government — Composition of the City Council Open Data
Composition of the City Council
Issued on
Companies (SUAP) — Period of occurrence of the event Open Data
Sup: period of occurrence of the event
Issued on
Participation — Political elections: election results Open Data
Election results
Issued on
Water bodies of transitional waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC — 2011 edition Open Data
Water bodies of transition waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the criter
Issued on 2022-06-29T14:44:24.997075Z
Groundwater bodies of upper free and confined plains — PdG 2010 Open Data
Cartographic water bodies are: foothills and Apennine beaches, Apennine alluvial conoids, both free
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:29:49.966556Z
Upper free and confined subterranean water bodies — PdG 2021 Open Data
Cartographic water bodies are: foothills and Apennine beaches, Apennine alluvial conoids, both free
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:38.221056Z
Distribution of sands and peliths along the Emilia-Romagna beaches — 2012 Open Data
Spatial distribution of the percentage of sand and pelite present in sediment samples taken on regio
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:31:37.639289Z
Distribution of sands and peels along the beaches of Emilia-Romagna — 2018 Open Data
Spatial distribution of the percentage of sand and pelite in sediment samples taken on regional beac
Issued on 2022-03-15T14:55:57.846078Z
List Deleted — Municipality of Valli del Pasubio Open Data
List Deleted
Issued on 2023-03-13T15:26:46Z
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Noale Open Data
List of protocols broken down by year and type — Municipality of Noale — Updated to 20220706
Issued on 2022-07-07T14:05:41Z
Birth List — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
List of Births
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:17:35Z
Political Elections 2022 — Chamber — Candidates in the Uninominal College (unofficial data): List... Open Data
The dataset contains a summary of the votes to candidates in the single colleges for political elect
Issued on 2022-09-28T10:47:00.455948Z
Regional elections 2017 Open Data
Regional elections 2017. The data published refer to the elections of 5 November 2017 and are based
Issued on 2022-08-30
ENERGY: Biomass/biogas plants — 2020 update Open Data
Localisation of biomass and biogas plants in the Emilia-Romagna region — 2020 Update
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:16:54.218937Z
ENERGY: Wind turbines — 2020 update Open Data
Timely location of wind turbines and processing stations in the Emilia-Romagna region — Update Decem
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:17:05.193981Z
ERG5_Eraclitus — Climate dataset since 1961 Open Data
The__[Climate Observatory](https://www.arpae.it/clima)__ produces a daily climate dataset of precipi
Issued on 2019-10-31
ERG5_Eraclitus — Climate dataset since 1961 Open Data
The__[Climate Observatory](https://www.arpae.it/clima)__ produces a daily climate dataset of precipi
Issued on 2019-10-31
Total Families — Municipality of Montecchio Maggiore Open Data
Total Families
Issued on 2023-03-13T11:26:33Z
Submarine deposits — thicknesses Open Data
Thicknesses (cm) of the sandy submarine accumulations identified off the coast of Emilia-Romagna in
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:41:13.384294Z
Plants with A.I.A. — September 2021 Open Data
Plant localisation with Integrated Environmental Authorisation (A.I.A.) — update September 2021
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:20:25.310954Z
Mite Indicators Open Data
The dataset contains the indicators relating to the drought events required by Annex 3 of the “Exper
Issued on 2021-08-20
Education: List and localisation of active school buildings — State Schools Open Data
The dataset displays information on the registry and localisation of the State Schools present in th
Issued on 2022-05-27T12:33:40.136409Z
Education: Students divided by course year, class and gender — State School Open Data
The dataset displays information on the number of students divided by year of course, class and gend
Issued on 2022-06-01T08:07:51.085465Z
Weather — observed data Open Data
The stations of the hydrometeorological network transmit data via radio, while agrometeorological an
Issued on 2016-10-13
Time traffic flow model Open Data
This data set provides aggregated hourly average traffic flow model values for each year. This datas
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Geopotential Height (m) — (2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Height of geopotential (m). Run of 2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-06-27 to 0
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — Tropopause Height (m) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Height of Tropopausa (m). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00 UTC
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground temperature (C) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Temperature of the soil (C). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00
Issued on
Model WRF-ARW at 3 km — dew temperatures (C) — (2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Dew temperatures (C). Run of 2023-03-16 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours of 2023-03-16 to 00 U
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — ground humidity (volumetric) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Soil humidity (volumetric). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00 U
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Ground humidity (%) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Soil relative humidity (%). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to 00 U
Issued on
WRF-ARW model at 3 km — Wind speed and direction (m/s) — (2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Wind speed and direction (m/s). Run of 2023-03-17 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC on 2023-03-17 to
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Average Wave Period [sec] — (2022-08-26 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Average Wave Period [sec]. Run of 2022-08-26 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2022-08-26 to 00 UTC 2
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Significant Wave Height [m] — (2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Significant Wave Height [m]. Run of 2022-06-27 hours 12 UTC — valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-06-27 to
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Significant Wave Height [m] — (2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC). Open Data
Significant Wave Height [m]. Run of 2022-07-21 hours 12 UTC — Valid from 12 UTC hours 2022-07-21 to
Issued on
Model WW3 at 10 km — Significant Wave Height [m] — (2022-10-21 hours 00 UTC). Open Data
Significant Wave Height [m]. Run of 2022-10-21 hours 00 UTC — Valid from 00 UTC 2022-10-21 to 00 UTC
Issued on
Tourist movements — hotel sector by province 2006-2009 Open Data
The reusable regional database shows the number of arrivals and attendance in Piedmont for the hotel
Issued on
Movement of customers and structure of the accommodation offer.Tuscany. Year 2022 Open Data
The archives contain data, at the municipal level, of the customer movement (arrivals and attendance
Issued on
Most frequent christening names for newborn females from 2012 to 2023 Open Data
Annual list of the first 50 most frequent names in Modena attributed to those born from 2012 to 2022
Issued on
More frequent names of male sex from 2012 to 2022 Open Data
Annual list of the first 50 most frequent names in Modena attributed to those born from 2012 to 2022
Issued on
Energy supply: hydroelectric plants Open Data
List of hydroelectric plants in Emilia-Romagna catalogued with respect to the geographical location
Issued on 2017-06-26T13:47:44.069138Z
PTC 2 — UNESCO Sites Open Data
UNESCO Listed Sites (World Heritage Site)
Issued on
Second-degree high schools — CMVE Open Data
Secondary institutes in the territory of the Metropolitan City of Venice
Issued on 2022-06-21
Library heritage Polo SBN TO0 year 2020. Number of copies for ISBN Open Data
Data on the assets owned in 2020 by the Libraries belonging to the Polo SBN TO0. The dataset contain
Issued on
Sub-regional application zones of COVID-19 contagion containment measures (RNDT Dataset) — Version... Open Data
Portion of territory or one or more subregional administrative units (provinces, municipalities or f
Issued on 2020-04-21
Emergency Limit Condition — Accessibility and Connection Infrastructure (RNDT DATASET) — Version 2.0 Open Data
Elements with linear geometries (road or road sequence) necessary for the realisation of connections
Issued on 2020-04-01
Magic Sheet Union Framework (RNDT Dataset) — Version 2.0 Open Data
Picture of the 72 sheets that constitute the cartography produced as part of the MArine Geohazards a
Issued on 2013-05-31
Magic Sheet 00 Nice — Grid_200 (RNDT Dataset) — Version 2.0 Open Data
Bathymetric grid in text format (x-y-z grid) with a resolution of 1 point per 200 m.
Issued on 2020-07-08
Magic Foglio 04 La Spezia — Grid_200 (RNDT Dataset) — Version 2.0 Open Data
Bathymetric grid in text format (x-y-z grid) with a resolution of 1 point per 100 m.
Issued on 2013-05-12
Magic Level 4 Critical Points (RNDT Dataset) — Version 2.0 Open Data
The critical points in the map represent one or more elements, mainly morphobatimetric, of level 3 w
Issued on 2013-05-12
Places for cemetery — Municipality of Noale Open Data
Places for cemetery — Municipality of Noale — Updated to 20220706
Issued on 2022-07-07T14:03:06Z
Forecast of traffic flow on summer holiday day PAIR 2020 Open Data
This dataset contains the prediction of a generic day against the type of day, season, and traffic f
Issued on
Forecast of traffic flow on winter holiday PUMS 2030 Open Data
This dataset contains the prediction of a generic day against the type of day, season, and traffic f
Issued on
Consumer prices May 2022: index NIC and variaz., overall and by division Open Data
The dataset contains the monthly index of consumer prices for the entire national community (NIC) ov
Issued on 2022-06-29T13:58:52.882124Z
Consumer prices May 2022: NIC index and variaz. by frequency of purchase Open Data
The dataset contains the monthly index of consumer prices for the entire national community (NIC) by
Issued on 2022-06-29T14:03:12.101075Z
Sampling points of diving areas of dredging materials Open Data
Sampling points of regional ports dredging sludge discharge areas
Issued on 2020-09-02T11:15:27.840877Z
Catastrophic Map of Plantation — Catastral Maps of Plantation — Bologna Open Data
The formation of the Land Land Registry, laid down by law 1 March 1886, n. 3682, was completed in 19
Issued on 2021-01-01
Hiking Map 1:25,000 — Regional Park of the Corno alle Scale — Upper Rhine Valley — 2022 Edition Open Data
The theme concerns the network of hiking trails regularly marked by special route markers and subjec
Issued on 2018-01-01
Reconstruction Churches — Reconstruction Churches Open Data
It contains the reconstructed churches included in the Program of Public Works and Cultural Heritage
Issued on
LIDAR RAFVG 2017-2020 relief altimeter models Open Data
0.50 m pitch regular knitting high-rise models obtained from the point clouds of the LIDAR surveys o
Issued on
Dataset unloading service: Areas covered by fire — Year 2020 sc. 1:10000 Open Data
Issued on
2022 Repeal Referendum Open Data
The data published refer to the referendum of 12 June 2022 and are based on the communications recei
Issued on 2022-09-03
Tuscany Region — Prescription Transport — Typology Address Open Data
The Dataset contains the information in the context of the dematerialisation of transport recipes of
Issued on 2022-07-13
European Financing Reporting Open Data
The dataset shall contain information on the sums received for projects from European funds. The tot
Issued on 2022-10-17
Final residues per year — Municipality of Rossano Veneto Open Data
Final residues per year — Municipality of Rossano Veneto — Updated to 20220915
Issued on 2022-09-16T09:54:58Z
River water monitoring network (DGR 350/10) — 2010-2013 Open Data
Monitoring network of the environmental status and fish life of the inland waters of the Emilia-Roma
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:16:42.926891Z
Mouse-batimetric monitoring network — 2018 relief sections — 2020 edition Open Data
251 mouse-batimetric profiles, which develop from the emerging beach up to the bathymetric of 6-10 m
Issued on 2022-03-16T15:52:06.428962Z
Municipal waste year 2020 Campania Region Open Data
The values of the separate collection of municipal waste from the municipalities of the Campania Reg
Issued on 2022-09-13
Quality of service survey June 2022 — Civil State Certificate Requests Open Data
The dataset contains the details of the replies (*) to the questionnaire for the satisfaction of use
Issued on 2022-07-26T13:59:32.279542Z
Establishments of the Emilia-Romagna Region subject to D.l.vo 334/99 and p.m. — agg.01/2022 Open Data
Perimeters of companies producing, processing or treating hazardous substances, of the flammable, to
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:24:54.419696Z
Digital Transitions 2021/22 — Municipality of Castelfranco Veneto Open Data
Statistics on digital transitions occurred during the calendar year 01.09.21-01.09.22 at the digital
Issued on 2022-09-26T10:26:42Z
Vulnerable zones from nitrates of agricultural origin — 2020 edition Open Data
Demarcation of vulnerable areas from nitrates of agricultural origin as foreseen: — Article 30 of th
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:21:35.059593Z
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