Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open data in a single API request

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Open data Portal Italian Catalogue of metadata for Spatial Data Open Data API in development

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WMS State Aid Charter Service 2007_2013 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Charter of State Aid 2007/2013

Issued on 2007-03-05

WMS State Aid Charter Service 2007_2013 details >

WMS PSDA Service — Hydraulic Danger Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the PSDA Plan Stralcio Defense From Floods. The plan ide

Issued on 2011-05-24

WMS PSDA Service — Hydraulic Danger details >

Service WMS Forest Typological Paper Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Typological-Forestal Charter of the Abruzzo Region.

Issued on 2009-12-15

Service WMS Forest Typological Paper details >

WMS Service Fuel Models Card Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Fuel Models Card, a paper derived from the Forest Ty

Issued on 2009-12-15

WMS Service Fuel Models Card details >

WMS service Dynamic vegetative complexes of the SIC It 7110061 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the dynamic vegetation complexes of the SIC It 7110061 S

Issued on 2011-06-07

WMS service Dynamic vegetative complexes of the SIC It 7110061 details >

WMS service Flight RA 2001_2002 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the flight plan for aerial recovery carried out in 2001-

Issued on 2007-09-04

WMS service Flight RA 2001_2002 details >

WMS service Flight RA 2004_2005 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the flight plan relating to the aerial recovery carried

Issued on 2007-09-04

WMS service Flight RA 2004_2005 details >

WMS Flight RA service 1981_1987 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the flight plan for aerial takeover carried out between

Issued on 2008-03-30

WMS Flight RA service 1981_1987 details >

WMS CartaIncendi 2007 Service Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the areas covered by fires in 2007, made in support of t

Issued on

WMS CartaIncendi 2007 Service details >

WMS Fire Card Service 2006 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the 2003-2006 Fire Charter drawn up in collaboration wit

Issued on 2011-05-31

WMS Fire Card Service 2006 details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 05 Summer Pyrological Risk Card Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the summer pyrological risk map carried out on the basis

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 05 Summer Pyrological Risk Card details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 06 Pyrological Winter Risk Card Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the winter pyrological risk map carried out on the basis

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 06 Pyrological Winter Risk Card details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 09 Level Charter of Summer Pyrological Risk of Forest Types Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Summer Pyrological Risk Levels of Forest Types carri

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 09 Level Charter of Summer Pyrological Risk of Forest Types details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 10 Level Charter Pyrological Winter Risk of Forest Types Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the levels of winter pyrological risk of forest types ca

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 10 Level Charter Pyrological Winter Risk of Forest Types details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 12 Pendence Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the slope chart derived from the elaboration and classif

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 12 Pendence Charter details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 13 Exhibition Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the executed Exposure Chart map derived from the elaboration and ra

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 13 Exhibition Charter details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 14 Charter of Altitudes Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Altitude Charter derived from the elaboration and cl

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 14 Charter of Altitudes details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 17 Summer Pyrological Risk Card of Forest Types Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Thematic Charter determined by the overlap — weighed

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 17 Summer Pyrological Risk Card of Forest Types details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 18 Winter Pyrological Risk Card of Forest Types Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the regional thematic map determined by the overlap — we

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 18 Winter Pyrological Risk Card of Forest Types details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2005 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the regional thematic map for the perimeter of areas cov

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2005 details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2006 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the regional thematic map for the perimeter of areas cov

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2006 details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2007 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the regional thematic map for the perimeter of areas cov

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2007 details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2008 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the regional thematic map for the perimeter of areas cov

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 35 Fire Charter 2008 details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 47 Areas of Management Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the thematic map for the perimeter of the territorial ar

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 47 Areas of Management Charter details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 47 Danger Level Card Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Thematic Charter of Rating Classification of Territo

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 47 Danger Level Card details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 57 CFS and VVFF AIB Means Dislocation Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the consistency and displacement of the vehicles, the to

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 57 CFS and VVFF AIB Means Dislocation Charter details >

WMS Service Plan AIB 57 Charter of the Dislocation of Volunteer Associations Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the consistency and dislocation of the means and tools o

Issued on 2011-08-19

WMS Service Plan AIB 57 Charter of the Dislocation of Volunteer Associations details >

WMS Service Paper Exundable Areas Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Exundable Areas derived from the digitisation of the

Issued on

WMS Service Paper Exundable Areas details >

WMS Service Regional Country Plan 2004 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Regional Country Plan and. 2004

Issued on 2005-10-27

WMS Service Regional Country Plan 2004 details >

WMS Service Regional Country Plan 1990 Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Regional Country Plan and 1990.

Issued on 1990-01-01

WMS Service Regional Country Plan 1990 details >

WMS Service Map of areas excluded from the installation of wind farms Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the areas excluded from the installation of wind farms.

Issued on 2011-05-24

WMS Service Map of areas excluded from the installation of wind farms details >

WMS Hydrogeological Binding Paper Service Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the draft Hydrogeological Link in which the restricted a

Issued on

WMS Hydrogeological Binding Paper Service details >

WMS SCC Territorial Urban Armor Service Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the SHARE SYSTEM — Urban Territorial Armor that describe

Issued on 2011-12-23

WMS SCC Territorial Urban Armor Service details >

WMS SCC Risk Service Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map in which the risk areas (AR) are reported, as parts of the

Issued on 2011-12-23

WMS SCC Risk Service details >

WMS SCC Service Values Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map in which are the Value Areas (AV), as parts of territory ch

Issued on 2011-12-23

WMS SCC Service Values details >

WMS SCC Service Links Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map showing the areas of Vincolo (AW), which parts of the terri

Issued on 2011-12-23

WMS SCC Service Links details >

WMS SCC Service Degraded and Abandoned Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map on which are reported the Areas of Abbandono and Degrado (A

Issued on 2011-12-23

WMS SCC Service Degraded and Abandoned details >

WMS General Variant Service at the P.R.G. of Chieti Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of Variant to the PRG of a large portion of the Municipal T

Issued on 2008-07-14

WMS General Variant Service at the P.R.G. of Chieti details >

WMS DB Prior Topographic Service Open Data

The service dynamically produces the Data Base map of the priority reference layers essential to the

Issued on 2010-06-29

WMS DB Prior Topographic Service details >

WMS DBT Multiscale Service Abruzzo Region Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the multiscale DBTI (Integrated Territorial Database) wh

Issued on

WMS DBT Multiscale Service Abruzzo Region details >

Protected Areas Open Data

Representation of protected areas (Parks, Reserves, SCI, SPAs, IBA, etc...) present in Abruzzo. The

Issued on 2012-11-19

Protected Areas details >

Wms Service Protected Areas Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of protected areas (Parks, Reserves, SIC, SPAs, IBA, etc...

Issued on 2012-11-19

Wms Service Protected Areas details >

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: map of real vegetation Open Data

Map of the real vegetation in a symphytosociological key. The plant associations and the relationshi

Issued on 2011-08-01

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: map of real vegetation details >

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Map of potential vegetation Open Data

The Charter of Potential Vegetables illustrates and quantifies the vegetative typologies that would

Issued on 2011-08-01

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Map of potential vegetation details >

WMS SIC Service — Potential vegetation map Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map showing the vegetative typologies that would be established

Issued on 2012-09-01

WMS SIC Service — Potential vegetation map details >

WMS SIC Service — Royal vegetation map Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the real vegetation in a synphytosociological key. The p

Issued on 2012-09-01

WMS SIC Service — Royal vegetation map details >

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Paper of the environmental Open Data

In the Environmental Quality Charter, the information collected through the map of real vegetation,

Issued on 2011-08-01

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Paper of the environmental details >

WMS SIC Service — Environmental Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Environmental Quality Charter. In the map, the infor

Issued on 2011-08-01

WMS SIC Service — Environmental Charter details >

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Habitat map Open Data

The Habitats Charter of the Directive contains a redefinition of the habitats of the different JITs

Issued on 2011-08-01

Geobotanical cartography of JITs outside protected areas: Habitat map details >

WMS SIC Service — Habitats Charter Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the Habitats Charter of the Directive which contains a r

Issued on 2011-08-01

WMS SIC Service — Habitats Charter details >

General Charter of the Territory — Administrative Edition 2011 Open Data

Paper obtained by generalisation of the Data Base of Priority Layers (DB Prior) edition 2002 with ad

Issued on 2012-04-12

General Charter of the Territory — Administrative Edition 2011 details >

General Charter of the Territory — Physical Edition 2011 Open Data

Paper obtained by generalisation of the Data Base of Priority Layers (DB Prior) edition 2002 with ad

Issued on 2012-04-12

General Charter of the Territory — Physical Edition 2011 details >

Map of Protected Areas ed. 2011 Open Data

Paper obtained by generalisation of the Data Base of Priority Layers (DB Prior) edition 2002 with ad

Issued on 2012-04-12

Map of Protected Areas ed. 2011 details >

Map of Hydrogeological Vincolo ed. 2011 Open Data

The Hydrogeological Binding Charter (pursuant to Article 1 of Royal Decree No 3267-1:100,000 of 30 D

Issued on 2012-04-12

Map of Hydrogeological Vincolo ed. 2011 details >

Abruzzo Region flight 2001-2002 Open Data

The aerial recovery carried out between 2001 and 2002 is the first batch of the 2001-2005 Abruzzo Re

Issued on

Abruzzo Region flight 2001-2002 details >

Abruzzo Region flight 2006 WGS 84 Open Data

The color shooting on the 1:5,000 scale covers the provincial capitals L’Aquila, Pescara, Chieti, Te

Issued on

Abruzzo Region flight 2006 WGS 84 details >

Abruzzo Region flight 2004-2005 wgs84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out between 2004 and 2005 to complement the coverage of the entire r

Issued on

Abruzzo Region flight 2004-2005 wgs84 details >

Scientific Park Flight 1996 WGS84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out as part of the Environmental Detection project: monitoring of na

Issued on

Scientific Park Flight 1996 WGS84 details >

Flight Italy 1994 WGS84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out by the Consorzio Compagnie Aeronautiche di Parma in 1994 to cove

Issued on

Flight Italy 1994 WGS84 details >

Abruzzo Region flight 1981-1987 WGS 84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was commissioned by the Abruzzo Region for the realisation of the orthophotopape

Issued on

Abruzzo Region flight 1981-1987 WGS 84 details >

Potential soil erosion risk Open Data

The Soil, Environment and Landscape Study Centre of the former ARSSA has developed in collaboration

Issued on 2013-12-05

Potential soil erosion risk details >

Real soil erosion risk Open Data

The Soil, Environment and Landscape Study Centre of the former ARSSA has developed in collaboration

Issued on 2013-12-05

Real soil erosion risk details >

Organic carbon content SUB SOIL Open Data

Organic carbon content SUB SOIL (depth 30-100 cm). The estimate of organic carbon was carried out us

Issued on 2013-12-05

Organic carbon content SUB SOIL details >

Organic carbon content TOP SOIL Open Data

Organic carbon content TOP SOIL (depth 30 cm). The estimate of organic carbon was carried out using

Issued on 2013-12-05

Organic carbon content TOP SOIL details >

WMS Service — Potential soil erosion risk Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of potential soil erosion risk. The map was developed by th

Issued on 2013-12-05

WMS Service — Potential soil erosion risk details >

WMS Service — Real soil erosion risk Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the real erosion risk of soils. The map was developed by

Issued on 2013-12-05

WMS Service — Real soil erosion risk details >

WMS Service — Organic Carbon Content SUB SOIL Open Data

The service dynamically produces the SUB SOIL organic carbon content map (depth 30-100 cm). The esti

Issued on 2013-12-05

WMS Service — Organic Carbon Content SUB SOIL details >

WMS Service — Organic Carbon Content TOP SOIL Open Data

The service dynamically produces the map of the TOP SOIL organic carbon content (depth 30 cm). The e

Issued on 2013-12-05

WMS Service — Organic Carbon Content TOP SOIL details >

IGM Base Flight 1954_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial resumption of the I.G.M. Base Flight of the Abruzzo Region was carried out in 1954 and co

Issued on

IGM Base Flight 1954_WGS84 details >

Flight Cassa del Mezzogiorno 1974/75_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out with funding from the Cassa del Mezzogiorno between 1974 and 197

Issued on 2009-11-04

Flight Cassa del Mezzogiorno 1974/75_WGS84 details >

Flight Cassa del Mezzogiorno colour 1974_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out with funding from the Cassa del Mezzogiorno in 1974 and partiall

Issued on 2007-07-30

Flight Cassa del Mezzogiorno colour 1974_WGS84 details >

Flight Enel 1975_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial recovery was carried out by Compagnia Generale Riprese Aeree S.p.a. in 1974 on behalf of

Issued on 2007-03-30

Flight Enel 1975_WGS84 details >

Flight IGM 1975/76_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial shooting was carried out by the Military Geographical Institute between 1975 and 1976 and

Issued on 2007-08-30

Flight IGM 1975/76_WGS84 details >

Flight PHF 1978 WGS84 Open Data

The aerial takeover was carried out by Compagnia Generale Ripreseseree S.p.a. on the commission of t

Issued on 2006-06-27

Flight PHF 1978 WGS84 details >

SNAM Flight 1979 WGS84 Open Data

The aerial takeover was commissioned by SNAM Rete Gas S.p.a., for the relief of the territory betwee

Issued on 2007-03-27

SNAM Flight 1979 WGS84 details >

Flight IGM 1985/86_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial shooting was carried out by the Military Geographical Institute between 1985 and 1986 and

Issued on 2008-03-30

Flight IGM 1985/86_WGS84 details >

VoloItaliaAQ1988_89_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial takeover was carried out by Compagnia Generale Riprese Aeree S.p.a. between 1988 and 1989

Issued on 2008-03-30

VoloItaliaAQ1988_89_WGS84 details >

Flight IGM 1991_WGS84 Open Data

The aerial resumption of the I.G.M. Flight of the Abruzzo Region was carried out in 1991 and partial

Issued on 2008-03-30

Flight IGM 1991_WGS84 details >

Coastline Open Data

The coastline refers to the interface between sea and land identified by the boundary between dry an

Issued on

Coastline details >

Paper Exundable Areas Open Data

This map derives from the digitisation of the ground reliefs carried out by the Civil Protection dur

Issued on 2000-01-01

Paper Exundable Areas details >

Soil Map_Arssa_WGS84 Open Data

This is the mapping of the soils of the entire territory of the Abruzzo Region on a scale of 1:250,0

Issued on 2006-12-12

Soil Map_Arssa_WGS84 details >

Salix Herbacea_WGS84 Project Open Data

Salix herbacea is one of the endangered species in the Abruzzo mountains due to global warming. Thro

Issued on

Salix Herbacea_WGS84 Project details >

Typical Geographical Indication Wine Map — IGT (WGS84) Open Data

IGT wine list of the Abruzzo Region on a scale of 1:25,000. The map shows the limits of the IGT (Typ

Issued on

Typical Geographical Indication Wine Map — IGT (WGS84) details >

Wine Charter DOC_WGS84 Open Data

Map of the areas of the Abruzzo Region where the DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) and DOCG

Issued on

Wine Charter DOC_WGS84 details >

Networked nature reserves — Project RI.NA.NET_WGS84 Open Data

Within the project RI.NA.NET — Natural Reserves on the Net — is the publication of maps of the paths

Issued on 2010-07-15

Networked nature reserves — Project RI.NA.NET_WGS84 details >

Map of areas infested by the Chestnut Cinipides during 2010_WGS84 Open Data

The map of the areas infested by the Chestnut Cinipides during 2010 was made on the basis of monitor

Issued on

Map of areas infested by the Chestnut Cinipides during 2010_WGS84 details >

Map of dynamic vegetation complexes of SIC It 7110061 Serra di Rocca Chiarano — Monte Greco_WGS84 Open Data

Vegetation map, based on maps 1:25000. A total of 41 units were charted, of which 11 plant associati

Issued on 2011-06-07

Map of dynamic vegetation complexes of SIC It 7110061 Serra di Rocca Chiarano — Monte Greco_WGS84 details >

Project Transitalia1997_WGS84 Open Data

The project called Transitalia 1997 foresees the realisation of physiomic-structural cartography and

Issued on

Project Transitalia1997_WGS84 details >

Paper Fuel Models_WGS84 Open Data

Paper derived from the Forest Typological Chart of the Abruzzo Region. Each type of forest can be as

Issued on 2009-12-15

Paper Fuel Models_WGS84 details >

Soil Use Card 2000_WGS84 Open Data

The main geometric reference from which land use limits were drawn was the digital orthoimages made

Issued on 2000-06-11

Soil Use Card 2000_WGS84 details >

Forestry Typological Map of the Abruzzo Region_WGS84 Open Data

The Forest Typological Charter of the Abruzzo Region, is part of a broader knowledge of the real use

Issued on 2009-12-15

Forestry Typological Map of the Abruzzo Region_WGS84 details >

Map of chestnut groves_Commune of Valle Castellana_WGS84 Open Data

The map has been created to identify and survey all the fruit chestnut surfaces present in the munic

Issued on

Map of chestnut groves_Commune of Valle Castellana_WGS84 details >

Fire Card 2003-2006_WGS84 Open Data

Fire Charter 2003-2006 drawn up in collaboration with the State Forestry Corps, on the basis of surv

Issued on 2010-07-15

Fire Card 2003-2006_WGS84 details >

State aid map 2007/2013_WGS84 Open Data

By decision of 28 November 2007, the European Commission approved the new Italian Charter for nation

Issued on 2007-11-28

State aid map 2007/2013_WGS84 details >

Pai Risk Card_WGS84 Open Data

The Stralcio di Basin Plan for the Hydrogeological Board of the Hydrographic Basins of Abruzzo Regio

Issued on 2008-02-01

Pai Risk Card_WGS84 details >

Pai Hazard Charter_WGS84 Open Data

The Stralcio di Basin Plan for the Hydrogeological Board of the Hydrographic Basins of Abruzzo Regio

Issued on 2008-02-01

Pai Hazard Charter_WGS84 details >

Regional Country Plan 2004_WGS84 Open Data

This map shows the map of the areas, areas and uses, as defined in the drafting of the P.R.P.; the f

Issued on

Regional Country Plan 2004_WGS84 details >

Geodetic Network and Monographs Open Data

The Regional Geotopographic Network consists of summits of a network of high precision planoaltimetr

Issued on

Geodetic Network and Monographs details >

PSDA Flood Defense Plan Open Data

The PSDA identifies and surrounds areas of hydraulic hazard by determining the levels corresponding

Issued on 2008-04-29

PSDA Flood Defense Plan details >

Toponimi100k_wgs84 Open Data

The place names are names of geographical places that derive from the digitisation of all the proper

Issued on

Toponimi100k_wgs84 details >
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