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Payments made online — Years 2012-2013 Open Data

Payments made online — Years 2012-2013

Issued on 2014-11-05

Payments made online — Years 2012-2013 details >

Joint gyms used by ASSOCIAZIONI NO PROFIT a.s. 2016/2017 Open Data

Use of municipal gyms by the non-profit association in order to disseminate the different sports pra

Issued on 2016-11-10T08:46:57.031007Z

Joint gyms used by ASSOCIAZIONI NO PROFIT a.s. 2016/2017 details >



Issued on 2014-10-17T06:31:29.467855Z


Dataset basket for strategic infographics Open Data

List of strategic datasets, indicated during the attended meetings and that feed the dynamic autonam

Issued on 2018-11-23T19:10:08.416358Z

Dataset basket for strategic infographics details >

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number and average annual taxpayers contributions and incomes by... Open Data

Parasubordinate workers, contributors. Annual average of the number of taxpayers, number of taxpayer

Issued on 2016-06-24

Parasubordinates_collaborators. Number and average annual taxpayers contributions and incomes by... details >

Car parks and number of parking spaces in the city of Matera Open Data

Geolocated list of public and private car parks in the city of Matera and its parking spaces availab

Issued on 2018-08-24

Car parks and number of parking spaces in the city of Matera details >

parks and green areas Open Data

list of parks and green areas of the city, with indication of areas for dog legs. csv format.

Issued on 2017-08-04T06:04:52.145881Z

parks and green areas details >

Parco Veicoli Circolanti Regione Lombardia in October 2018 Open Data

List of the fleet circulating in the Lombardy Region.Contains the main technical data of a vehicle a

Issued on

Parco Veicoli Circolanti Regione Lombardia in October 2018 details >

Parcoaddasud — executives Open Data


Issued on

Parcoaddasud — executives details >

Parcoaddasud — List of circulation areas Open Data

List of traffic areas

Issued on

Parcoaddasud — List of circulation areas details >

Parcoaddasud — political steering bodies Open Data

political steering bodies

Issued on

Parcoaddasud — political steering bodies details >

Parcoaddasud — Cycle tracks Open Data

Parcoaddasud — Cycle tracks

Issued on

Parcoaddasud — Cycle tracks details >

Parcoaddasud — Measures of political governing bodies Open Data

Measures of the political governing bodies

Issued on

Parcoaddasud — Measures of political governing bodies details >

Parcoaddasud — Executive measures Open Data

Management measures

Issued on

Parcoaddasud — Executive measures details >

Parkmeters City of Lecce Open Data

Georeferenced list of parking meters in the parking areas of the City of Lecce

Issued on 2016-01-25T11:33:04.909783Z

Parkmeters City of Lecce details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Brescia (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Brescia (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Como (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Como (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Cremona (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Cremona (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Lecco (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Lecco (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Lodi (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Lodi (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Mantua (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Mantua (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Milan (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Milan (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Pavia (General data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural particles digitised to SIARL in 2015 and land us

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Pavia (General data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Sondrio (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Sondrio (general data) details >

Agricultural parcels Province of Varese (general data) Open Data

Alphanumeric list of the shape file of agricultural parcels scanned at SIARL in 2015 and uses of the

Issued on

Agricultural parcels Province of Varese (general data) details >

Real Estate Heritage Municipality of Matera — YEAR 2017 Open Data

Art. 30 1. The public authorities publish the identification information of the properties owned, a

Issued on 2018-03-09T20:10:00.109551Z

Real Estate Heritage Municipality of Matera — YEAR 2017 details >

Real estate property land Open Data

Transparent administration. Real estate (land).

Issued on 2015-12-30

Real estate property land details >

Scientific Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums Open Data

PST Cards — Sheets of the “Technological Scientific Heritage preserved in the Museums”

Issued on

Scientific Technological Heritage preserved in the Museums details >

Patronage, Patronage and Committees of Honor Open Data

List of patronage, patronage and committees of honour granted by the Presidency and the Directorates

Issued on

Patronage, Patronage and Committees of Honor details >

Pegaso Years 2005-2013 Open Data

Pegaso Years 2005-2013

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pegaso Years 2005-2013 details >

Pegaso Ceilings established 2008-2012 Open Data

PEGASO: Amounts that have been warned, be established. Years 2008-2012. Table 3.3.4.

Issued on 2014-02-14

Pegaso Ceilings established 2008-2012 details >

Pensioners 2012 with decile values and Gini coefficient Open Data

Annual pension income of Inps pensioners: value of deciles and Gini coefficient by region and geogra

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensioners 2012 with decile values and Gini coefficient details >

Invalidity pensionersà (benefit, indemnity, welfare) and annual amount of pension, median and... Open Data

Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionersà (benefit, indemnity, welfare) and th

Issued on 2012-01-17

Invalidity pensionersà (benefit, indemnity, welfare) and annual amount of pension, median and... details >

Pensioners Inps 2012 by class of età Open Data

Pensioners Inps, including management ex Inpdap and former Enpals, average monthly pension income pe

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensioners Inps 2012 by class of età details >

Pensioners Inps and amount pension income per sex as at Open Data

Number and percentage of Inps pensioners and total annual and average monthly pension income by sex

Issued on 2014-12-18

Pensioners Inps and amount pension income per sex as at details >

Pensioners Inps average monthly amount for management and sex at Open Data

Number and percentage of pensioners inps,(1) average monthly amount and index number of pension inco

Issued on 2014-12-18

Pensioners Inps average monthly amount for management and sex at details >

Pension-Citizenship income Year 2019 Number of people with disabilities in the Core Open Data

Pension-Revenue of citizenship disbursed. Number of disabled people in the core and average monthly

Issued on 2020-07-16

Pension-Citizenship income Year 2019 Number of people with disabilities in the Core details >

Retirement pensionstà Seniority & #224; contribution by category 2011 2012 Open Data

Pensions of senioritytà — Senioritytà contribution average by category of beneficiary 2011

Issued on 2014-02-14

Retirement pensionstà Seniority & #224; contribution by category 2011 2012 details >

Retirement pensionstà Età average starting by beneficiary category 2011 2012 Open Data

Pensions of senioritytà — Età average starting by category of beneficiary years 2011 2012.

Issued on 2014-02-14

Retirement pensionstà Età average starting by beneficiary category 2011 2012 details >

Pensions receiving Social Majority Art. 38 lex. 448/2001 Open Data

Pension Observatory — Data on the number of pensions receiving social increases (Law 448/2001) in 20

Issued on 2012-01-17

Pensions receiving Social Majority Art. 38 lex. 448/2001 details >

Invalidit’s pensionsà civil and its annual, average and median amount — 2007 Open Data

Social Cohesion Report — Data on invalidity pensionsà civil and its annual amount in 2007, aver

Issued on 2012-01-17

Invalidit’s pensionsà civil and its annual, average and median amount — 2007 details >

Invalidity Pensionsà civil and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2009 Open Data

Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionsà civil and relative annual amount in th

Issued on 2012-01-17

Invalidity Pensionsà civil and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2009 details >

Invalidity Pensionsà social security and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2008 Open Data

Report on social cohesion — Data on invalidity pensionsà social security and its annual amount

Issued on 2012-01-17

Invalidity Pensionsà social security and related annual, average and median amount — Year 2008 details >

Old-age and elderly pensions paid by the Public Employee Management, former Inpdap, in 2012 and... Open Data

Number, percentages and età average at the start of old-age and old-age pensionstà liquida

Issued on 2013-12-02

Old-age and elderly pensions paid by the Public Employee Management, former Inpdap, in 2012 and... details >

Old-age and old-age pensions paid in 2012 Open Data

Number, percentage values and età average at the start of old-age and retirement pensionsà

Issued on 2013-12-02

Old-age and old-age pensions paid in 2012 details >

Civil servants’ pensions paid by liquidation date Open Data

Civil servants’ pensions paid by liquidation date, including category, class of età, region, s

Issued on 2020-08-27

Civil servants’ pensions paid by liquidation date details >

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and geographical area Open Data

Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Enpals pensions in for

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and geographical area details >

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 separated by class of amount Open Data

Number and percentage of Enplas pensions in force at 31-12-2012, broken down by class of amount and

Issued on 2013-10-02

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 separated by class of amount details >

Pensions ENPALS Lived at 31-12-2012 by sex and class of amount Open Data

Number and percentage of pensions ENPALS Living at 31-12-2012 by sex and class of amount

Issued on 2013-10-02

Pensions ENPALS Lived at 31-12-2012 by sex and class of amount details >

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by class of età Open Data

Number, percentage of Enpals pensions in force at 31-12-2012 per class of età typology

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions ENPALS Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by class of età details >

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and gender Open Data

Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of INPDAP pensions in for

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and gender details >

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and geographical area of residence Open Data

Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and INPDAP pension index number as at 31-1

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by category and geographical area of residence details >

INPDAP Pensions Living at 31-12-2012 by sex and class of amount Open Data

Number and percentage of INPDAP pensions in force at 31-12-2012, broken down by sex and class of amo

Issued on 2013-12-02

INPDAP Pensions Living at 31-12-2012 by sex and class of amount details >

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by class of età Open Data

Number, percentage, Inpdap pensions in force at 31-12-2012, divided by classes of età and typol

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions INPDAP Vigenti at 31-12-2012 by class of età details >

Old-age and elderly INPS pensions until 1-3-2013 Open Data

Number, seniority & #224; contribution average and età average retirement of holders of INP

Issued on 2013-12-02

Old-age and elderly INPS pensions until 1-3-2013 details >

Pensions Inps Management of civil servants (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by category and... Open Data

Table App. 4.8 — Pensions Inps Management of civil servants (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 di

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions Inps Management of civil servants (former INPDAP) Vigenti at 31-12-2013 by category and... details >

Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Living at 31-12-2013 by category and region Open Data

Table App. 4.12A — Inps Pensions Management ex ENPALS(1) Living as at 31-12-2013 by category and reg

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions Inps Management ex ENPALS Living at 31-12-2013 by category and region details >

Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 separate by... Open Data

Table App. 4.17 — Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti at 31-12-2013 s

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions Inps Private Management integrated to the minimum Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 separate by... details >

Pensions INPS Private management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separated by category and gender Open Data

Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 distinct by category and gender including ear

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions INPS Private management Vigenti at 31-12-2013 separated by category and gender details >

Pensions INPS Private management Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 by category and geographical area Open Data

Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as of 31-12-2013 by category and geographical area. Table A

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions INPS Private management Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 by category and geographical area details >

Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 by class of età Open Data

Table App. 4.5 — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2013 per class of età.

Issued on 2014-11-05

Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2013 by class of età details >

Pensions INPS Lived as at 31-12-2012 separate by category and geographical area Open Data

Number, percentage, annual amount, average monthly amount and index number of Inps pensions as at 31

Issued on 2013-12-02

Pensions INPS Lived as at 31-12-2012 separate by category and geographical area details >

Existing INPS pensions as at 31-12-2012, broken down by sex and class of amount Open Data

Number and percentages of INPS pensions in force at 31-12-2012, broken down by sex and class of amou

Issued on 2013-12-02

Existing INPS pensions as at 31-12-2012, broken down by sex and class of amount details >

Pensions by liquidation scheme Open Data

Pension Observatory — Data on the number of pensions in 2011, divided by type of management and by w

Issued on 2012-01-17

Pensions by liquidation scheme details >

Old-age pensions Età average starting by category 2011 2012 Old-age pensions Età average... Open Data

Old-age pensions — Età average starting date by category of beneficiary 2011-2012.Table 2.3.21.

Issued on 2014-02-14

Old-age pensions Età average starting by category 2011 2012 Old-age pensions Età average... details >

Current civil servants pensions per Province including annual amount Open Data

Current civil servants pensions broken down by province, category, class of età, gender and num

Issued on 2020-08-27

Current civil servants pensions per Province including annual amount details >

Total authorised hours of CIG per branch and asset class. Years 2019-2021 Open Data

Authorised annual hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni, all interventions, distinguished by branch a

Issued on 2021-05-04

Total authorised hours of CIG per branch and asset class. Years 2019-2021 details >

Receivers of anf distinguished by category and geographical area of residence Management ex INPDAP.... Open Data

Number and percentages of household allowance recipients (anf), broken down by category and geograph

Issued on 2014-12-18

Receivers of anf distinguished by category and geographical area of residence Management ex INPDAP.... details >


The Higher Technical Education and Training System (Ifts) enables specialised personnel to be traine

Issued on



The Higher Technical Institutes of the Lombardy Region, year 2014/2015

Issued on


Memory paths Open Data

The toponymy of a territory represents an identity map documenting the different stratifications of

Issued on 2021-10-14T11:12:54.879Z

Memory paths details >

Paths Park Murgia Open Data

Source files in open format for official paths of the Murgia Materana Park ( prov

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:45.521106Z

Paths Park Murgia details >

Performance of Hospitals Open Data

Analysis of hospital performance data. The analysis proposes data from 2010 onwards. Please use the

Issued on

Performance of Hospitals details >

Building permits issued Open Data

List of issued building permits

Issued on 2022-03-03T08:44:49.962Z

Building permits issued details >

Permits for ZTL Open Data

Permits issued for the restricted traffic zone (ZTL). The update takes place on an annual basis.

Issued on 2022-01-05T09:19:13.398Z

Permits for ZTL details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce 2014 Open Data

Staff Municipality of Lecce for Sectors, Category, Profiles, age group and gender, unit as at 31 May

Issued on 2014-06-05T13:05:30.923641Z

Staff Municipality of Lecce 2014 details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce 2015 Open Data

Staff Municipality of Lecce by Sectors, Category, Profiles, age group and gender, unit

Issued on 2015-03-30T09:35:46.906685Z

Staff Municipality of Lecce 2015 details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce year 2016 Open Data

Staff Municipality of Lecce by Sectors, Category, Unit, Profiles, Age band and Sex year 2016

Issued on 2017-03-28T09:06:06.123935Z

Staff Municipality of Lecce year 2016 details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce year 2017 Open Data

Staff Municipality of Lecce by Sectors, Category, Unit, Profiles, Age band and Sex year 2017

Issued on 2017-03-24T10:26:01.493806Z

Staff Municipality of Lecce year 2017 details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce by age group 31/03/2019 Open Data

Staff Municipality of Lecce by age group 31/03/2019

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff Municipality of Lecce by age group 31/03/2019 details >

Staff Municipality of Lecce by age group 31/12/2018 Open Data

Common staff of lecce by age group 31/12/2018

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff Municipality of Lecce by age group 31/12/2018 details >

Staff by Category 31/03/2019 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

Staff by Category 31/03/2019 Municipality of Lecce

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff by Category 31/03/2019 Municipality of Lecce details >

Staff by Category 31/12/2018 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

Staff employed by the Municipality of Lecce as of 31/12/2018

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff by Category 31/12/2018 Municipality of Lecce details >

Staff by category at 31/12/2019 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

The dataset contains the data of the staff of the municipality of Lecce distinguished by Category at

Issued on 2020-12-31

Staff by category at 31/12/2019 Municipality of Lecce details >

Staff by age group at 31.12.2019_City of Lecce Open Data

Municipality of Lecce

Issued on 2020-12-31

Staff by age group at 31.12.2019_City of Lecce details >

Staff for Sector at 31/03/2019 Municipality Lecce Open Data

Staff for Sector at 31/03/2019 Municipality Lecce

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff for Sector at 31/03/2019 Municipality Lecce details >

Staff for Sector as of 31/12/2018 Municipality Lecce Open Data

Staff in service in the sectors in the Municipality of Lecce

Issued on 2019-03-27

Staff for Sector as of 31/12/2018 Municipality Lecce details >

Staff by sector as of 31/12/2019 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

the dataset shows the figure of the staff of the municipality of Lecce as at 31.12.2019_differentiat

Issued on 2020-12-31

Staff by sector as of 31/12/2019 Municipality of Lecce details >

Staff fixed time 31.12.2019 Municipality of Lecce Open Data

the data reports the fixed-term employees of the municipality of Lecce to 31.12.2019

Issued on 2020-12-28

Staff fixed time 31.12.2019 Municipality of Lecce details >

PGT. Land Government Plans Open Data

Collection, for each Lombard municipality, of the documentation constituting the municipal urban pla

Issued on

PGT. Land Government Plans details >

PGT. Land Government Plans — Document List Open Data

Collection, for each Lombard municipality, of the documentation constituting the municipal urban pla

Issued on

PGT. Land Government Plans — Document List details >

2017 building alienation plan Open Data

List of buildings disposed of and offered for sale by the Municipality. Approved by Municipal Counci

Issued on 2016-06-17T09:19:07.315855Z

2017 building alienation plan details >

Plan Alienazioni Manufactured 2016 Open Data

list of buildings owned by the municipality to be disposed of, approved by City Council resolution n

Issued on 2016-08-03T06:22:25.294679Z

Plan Alienazioni Manufactured 2016 details >

Municipal Civil Protection Plan — Emergency Management Elements — Municipality of Matera Open Data

Approval Delc 00076-2017 of 03/10/2017. Reception areas, waiting areas, emergency roads, confluence

Issued on 2018-01-20T10:36:29.386687Z

Municipal Civil Protection Plan — Emergency Management Elements — Municipality of Matera details >

Investment Plan 2017-2019 Open Data

Annual Investment Budget 2017-2019 — financial coverage

Issued on 2017-03-21T12:13:11.740911Z

Investment Plan 2017-2019 details >

Land alienation plan 2016 Open Data

list of municipal property land subject to disposal approved by City Council Resolution No. 39 of 17

Issued on 2017-05-19T09:26:59.843105Z

Land alienation plan 2016 details >

Land Alienation Plan 2017 Open Data

List of municipal property land subject to disposal approved by City Council Resolution No. 43/2017.

Issued on 2016-08-02T07:04:15.494181Z

Land Alienation Plan 2017 details >

Piano Sosta fareta of the City of Lecce Open Data

Plan stop of the City of Lecce which, following the D.G. No. 420 of 14/05/2013, was established by E

Issued on 2015-04-28T08:31:47.181646Z

Piano Sosta fareta of the City of Lecce details >

Small maternal memories Open Data

Since 2006 CineFabrica has been carrying out a project entitled **Cinema ambulante — memories on the

Issued on 2018-01-17T20:18:53.209471Z

Small maternal memories details >

Bike paths of the Municipality of Lecce Open Data

Cycle paths second framework of cycling mobility in the City of Lecce approved by D.C.C. N.44 of 09.

Issued on 2014-12-22T11:34:35.460884Z

Bike paths of the Municipality of Lecce details >
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