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A2 aquifer base Open Data
Depth of the base of the A2 aquifer compared to the campaign plan
Issued on 2022-05-24T07:18:16.407048Z
Coastal coastal management cells with ASE and ASPE indicators (2000-2006 and 2006-2012) — linear... Open Data
Linear representation of coastal coastal management cells with indicators of coastal evolution: betw
Issued on 2020-09-08T08:28:25.448265Z
Classification of current buildings by means of remote sensing — Classification of current currency... Open Data
Distribution of agricultural crops in progress and classification into macro-groups through the anal
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:23:37.164060Z
Classification of current buildings by means of remote sensing — Classification of current currency... Open Data
Distribution of agricultural crops in progress and classification into macro-groups through the anal
Issued on 2022-05-03T13:12:25.986566Z
Classification of cOLtures in place by remote sensing — Classification of cOLtures in place by... Open Data
Distribution of agricultural crops in place and classification into macro-groups through the analysi
Issued on 2022-01-21T01:22:02.343846Z
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-08-11) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-08-12) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-08-24) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-09-02) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-09-09) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-09-21) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-09-28) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-10-07) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-11-01) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-11-17) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2020-11-30) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-01-19) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-01-31) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-01) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-04) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-08) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-11) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-02-14) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-09) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-12) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-18) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-24) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-25) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-30) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-03-31) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-04-04) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-04-05) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-04-25) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-04-30) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-05-01) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-05-04) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-06-23) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-06-24) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-07-27) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-07-31) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-08-06) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-08-13) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-09-12) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-09-30) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-10-02) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-10-15) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-11-14) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-11-25) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-12-07) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2021-12-25) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-08) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-12) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-19) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Air quality prediction coverage (2022-01-30) Open Data
This dataset provides the historical air quality prediction coverages generated by the GRAL model in
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage avg (2020-09) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage avg (2021-10) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage avg (2022-03) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage co max (2021-01) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage co min (2021-10) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage co min (2021-12) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage co min (2022-02) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2020-04) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2021-01) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2021-07) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage max (2021-10) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage min (2021-05) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 avg (2020-12) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 avg (2021-05) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 max (2020-07) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 max (2020-08) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 max (2021-02) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no2 min (2021-02) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no max (2021-09) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no max (2022-02) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no min (2020-06) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage no min (2021-10) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 avg (2020-07) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 max (2020-04) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 max (2020-08) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Daily air quality observation coverage o3 min (2021-08) Open Data
The dataset provides the daily evolution of the estimation of the maximum, minimum and average conce
Issued on
Hourly air quality observation coverage co Open Data
This dataset provides the hourly evolution during the day of the estimation of the observed concentr
Issued on
Historical traffic flow model (2020-03) Open Data
This dataset provides access to historic values of the traffic flow model.. This dataset has been cr
Issued on
Historic traffic flow model (2020-08) Open Data
This dataset provides access to historical values of the traffic flow model.. This dataset has been
Issued on
Hourly traffic flow model map (2021) Open Data
No description available. This dataset has been created in the context of the TRAFAIR project — http
Issued on
Prediction coverage autumn weekday pums2030 Open Data
This dataset contains the forecast of a generic day with respect to the kind of day, the season and
Issued on
Prediction coverage winter weekday current Open Data
This dataset contains the forecast of a generic day with respect to the kind of day, the season and
Issued on
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters, as per Dir. 2000/60/EC Open Data
Water bodies of marine-coastal waters of the Emilia-Romagna region identified on the basis of the cr
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:22:16.833806Z
Significant watercourses (DLgs 152/99) Open Data
Watercourses identified as significant pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/99 in Umbria: name, code a
Issued on
Photos Airplanes of the coastal strip 1999 — flight graphs Open Data
This figure constitutes the coverage of the bulk of the frames of the aerial survey carried out on t
Issued on
Hydrocarbons — Concessions of cultivation in the marine background Open Data
Areas of the Adriatic Sea, in front of the Emilia-Romagna coast, where the cultivation activities (d
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:20:13.498213Z
IPA groundwater Open Data
Values of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons analysed for groundwater sampling stations in accordance
Issued on
Monitoring for groundwater station Open Data
Type of monitoring, in compliance with the European Water Directive 2000/60/EC, of groundwater in Um
Issued on
Music — Water consumption by neighborhood — Source AQP Open Data
Water consumption per district — Source AQP
Issued on
Music — Environment & Hygiene Detection Cards Open Data
Environmental & Hygiene Detection Cards
Issued on
PPR06 — Wind farms Open Data
PPR Settlement Structure — Infrastructure System Specific elements identifying wind installations id
Issued on
Monitoring points for drinking water Open Data
Monitoring points for drinking water. Project L’ACQUACHEBEVO (Region Umbria, ARPA Umbria, ASL1, ASL2
Issued on
Average Temperature — Autumn Average — Climate 1961-1990 — Ed.2017 Open Data
Average for the period 1961-1990 of the autumn average daily temperature (°C)
Issued on 2020-09-02T10:47:15.331029Z
Vulnerable zones from nitrates of agricultural origin — 2014 edition Open Data
Demarcation of vulnerable areas from nitrates of agricultural origin as foreseen: — Article 30 of th
Issued on 2022-05-04T12:28:03.856959Z
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