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RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.42 — Old-age and old age and early retirement pensions (Ex-Enpals management) by... Open Data

Old-age and old-age pensionsà/advance paid by the Ex-Enpals Management in 2014 and età ave

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.42 — Old-age and old age and early retirement pensions (Ex-Enpals management) by... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.43 — Inps pensioners and the total annual and average monthly pension income per... Open Data

Pensioners Inps and the total annual and average monthly pension income per sex as at 31.12.2014. It

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.43 — Inps pensioners and the total annual and average monthly pension income per... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.46 — Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income by geographical area and... Open Data

Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income by geographical area and sex as at 31.12.2014 (am

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.46 — Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income by geographical area and... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.47 — Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income by age class and sex Open Data

Pensioners Inps and average monthly pension income per class of età and sex as at 31.12.2014 (a

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.47 — Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income by age class and sex details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.4B — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 sorted by... Open Data

Pensions Private management by categories (benefits and IVS) and regions

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.4B — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 sorted by... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.5A — Pensions INPS Private Management Living at 31-12-2014 by age class RA 2014... Open Data

Pensions Private Management distinguished by age classes.

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.5A — Pensions INPS Private Management Living at 31-12-2014 by age class RA 2014... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.6 — Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2014 separate by sex and... Open Data

Pensions Private management broken down by sex and class of amount

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.6 — Pensions INPS Private Management Living as at 31-12-2014 separate by sex and... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.6A — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 separate by class... Open Data

Pensions Private management by age classes and management category: welfare pensions, survivors’ pen

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.6A — Pensions INPS Private Management Vigenti as at 31-12-2014 separate by class... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.8 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) by category and... Open Data

Pensions ExInpdap management distinct by categories (direct and survivors) and geographical area.

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.8 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) by category and... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.8A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... Open Data

Pensions Ex-Inpdap management by region

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.8A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.9 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... Open Data

Pensions Ex-Inpdap management separate by age classes

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.9 — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (former INPDAP) Vigenti at... details >

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.9A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) Living at... Open Data

Ex-Inpdap pensions by category (survivors and all civil servants’ pensions) and classes of età

Issued on 2015-07-20

RA 2014 Tav. App. 4.9A — Pensions Inps Public Employee Management (formerly INPDAP) Living at... details >

Ra 2015-Tav.10 Reductions in expenditure derived from legislative measures in the period 2012-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Reductions in expenditure resulting from legislative measures involving the paym

Issued on 2017-01-10

Ra 2015-Tav.10 Reductions in expenditure derived from legislative measures in the period 2012-2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.12 Pension expenditure 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Social security pension expenditure: employee pension fund (including separate m

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.12 Pension expenditure 2014-2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.13 Pension expenditure 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Pension expenditure on care: invalidit benefitsà civil and other types of s

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.13 Pension expenditure 2014-2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.14 Number of pensioners and gross amount of pension income by sex 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of pensioners and gross amount of pension income (total annual and averag

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.14 Number of pensioners and gross amount of pension income by sex 2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.15 Number of pensioners and average monthly gross amount of pension income by... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of pensioners and average monthly gross amount of pension income, by geog

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.15 Number of pensioners and average monthly gross amount of pension income by... details >

RA 2015-Tav.17 Number of pensioners and gross annual amount of pension income by class of amount and... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of INPS pensioners and total annual gross pension income per class of amo

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA 2015-Tav.17 Number of pensioners and gross annual amount of pension income by class of amount and... details >

RA 2015-Tav.2 L' Impact of'Inps on the national socio-economic system 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. L' Impact of' Institute on the Italian socio-economic system. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.2 L' Impact of'Inps on the national socio-economic system 2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.23 Number of social security benefits and average monthly gross amount by management and... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of Inps social security benefits and average monthly gross amount by mana

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA 2015-Tav.23 Number of social security benefits and average monthly gross amount by management and... details >

RA 2015-Tav.3 Financial Statements of Competence. Entrances and Exits 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Accrual balance, revenue and expenditure, balance. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.3 Financial Statements of Competence. Entrances and Exits 2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.4 INPS 2015 Budget Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Balance sheet, equity and surplus in administration. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.4 INPS 2015 Budget details >

RA 2015-Tav.5 Revenue 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Contribution revenue, current revenue and total revenue in million euro. Years 2

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.5 Revenue 2014-2015 details >

RA 2015-Tav.9 Current payments I quadr. 2015-2016 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Current payments: pensions, temporary paid benefits, TFS and TFR ex INPDAP, loan

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA 2015-Tav.9 Current payments I quadr. 2015-2016 details >

RA2015-Tav.18 Number of Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income amount by type of... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of INPS pensioners and average monthly pension income per pension type (d

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.18 Number of Inps pensioners and average monthly pension income amount by type of... details >

RA2015-Tav.26 Number of social security benefits and average monthly gross amount for management... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of Inps social security benefits and average monthly gross amount for man

Issued on 2017-01-09

RA2015-Tav.26 Number of social security benefits and average monthly gross amount for management... details >

RA2015-Tav.28 Number of old-age pensions, seniorityà early and Early Retirement Fund Employees... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of old-age pensions, seniorityà/early retirement and early retiremen

Issued on 2017-01-09

RA2015-Tav.28 Number of old-age pensions, seniorityà early and Early Retirement Fund Employees... details >

RA2015-Tav.32 CIG. Comparison by type of intervention of authorised hours used hours and draw index... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Cash Revenues: homogeneous comparison by type of intervention of authorised hour

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.32 CIG. Comparison by type of intervention of authorised hours used hours and draw index... details >

RA2015-Tav.34 hours of authorised IGC macro regions 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Hours of integration fund authorised earnings for macro regions. Years 2014-2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.34 hours of authorised IGC macro regions 2014-2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.36 Expenditure and coverage for ordinary CIG 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and coverage for ordinary earnings fund. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.36 Expenditure and coverage for ordinary CIG 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.37 Expenditure and coverage for extraordinary CIG 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenses and coverage for Extraordinary Earnings Fund. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.37 Expenditure and coverage for extraordinary CIG 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.38 Expenditure and coverage for IGC in derogation 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and coverage for Fund integration gains in derogation. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.38 Expenditure and coverage for IGC in derogation 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.39 Expenditure and coverage for ASpI and NASpI 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and coverage for Employment Social Insurance (ASpI) and New Employme

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.39 Expenditure and coverage for ASpI and NASpI 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.40 Expenditure and coverage for Mini ASpI 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and cover for Mini Employment Insurance (Mini ASpI). Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.40 Expenditure and coverage for Mini ASpI 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.41 Expenditure and coverage for unemployment treatment 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure and coverage for Unemployment Treatments: figurative contribution, c

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.41 Expenditure and coverage for unemployment treatment 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.42 Expenditure on unemployment benefits 2015 Open Data

Annual report. Expenditure on Unemployment Treatments. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.42 Expenditure on unemployment benefits 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.45 Compulsory maternity benefits per year of competence 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Beneficiaries of maternityà compulsory per year of competence. Years 2013-2

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.45 Compulsory maternity benefits per year of competence 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.47 Benefits for workers with disabilities or for thinker assistance with handicap 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Beneficiaries of benefits for disabled or disabled workers; assistance for disab

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.47 Benefits for workers with disabilities or for thinker assistance with handicap 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.48 Expenditure on family income support treatment 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Expenditure on Family Income Support Treatments. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.48 Expenditure on family income support treatment 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.49 Employees benefiting from Anf by region 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Employees: beneficiaries of family allowances per region. Years 2014-2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.49 Employees benefiting from Anf by region 2014-2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.50 Anf direct payment 2014-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Direct paid family allowances. Years 2014-2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.50 Anf direct payment 2014-2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.52 Beneficiaries of compensation for disease events by branch activity and sex 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Beneficiaries of indemnityà for disease events (duration moreù 7 days)

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.52 Beneficiaries of compensation for disease events by branch activity and sex 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.53 Beneficiaries of direct paid sickness benefit by region and sex 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Beneficiaries of compensationà of paid sickness for region of work and sex.

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.53 Beneficiaries of direct paid sickness benefit by region and sex 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.54 Amount disbursed and card beneficiaries purchased with at least one credit in one... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Amount paid and card beneficiaries purchased with at least one credit in the yea

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.54 Amount disbursed and card beneficiaries purchased with at least one credit in one... details >

RA2015-Tav.56 Distribution DSU by range amount and indicator 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Distribution Single Substitutive Declaration by band d'amount and indicator.

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.56 Distribution DSU by range amount and indicator 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.57 DSU Distribution by Performance 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Distribution Single Substitutive Declaration by performance. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.57 DSU Distribution by Performance 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.58 Distribution DSU by region and provenance 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Distribution Single Substitutive Declaration by region and provenance. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.58 Distribution DSU by region and provenance 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.59 Main results of the 2015 supervisory activity Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Main results of supervisory inspections. Year 2015

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.59 Main results of the 2015 supervisory activity details >

RA2015-Tav.62 Amounts established following the continuation of the traditional 2015 documentary... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Amounts established as a result of the continuation of the ‘traditional’ activit

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.62 Amounts established following the continuation of the traditional 2015 documentary... details >

RA2015-Tav.63 Amounts verified as a result of new documentary verification activities 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Amounts established as a result of new documentary verification activities (amou

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.63 Amounts verified as a result of new documentary verification activities 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.64 Revenue receivables in direct form and from collection agents 2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Receipts from debt collection in direct form and from collection agents (amounts

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.64 Revenue receivables in direct form and from collection agents 2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.66 First and Second Degree Civil Litigation. Actions initiated 2010-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. First and Second Degree Civil Litigation. Appeals initiated. Year 2010-2015

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.66 First and Second Degree Civil Litigation. Actions initiated 2010-2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.67 Num enterprises non-agricultural private sector with average annual lav dip absolute... Open Data

Number of non-agricultural private sector enterprises with employees, annual average, absolute chang

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.67 Num enterprises non-agricultural private sector with average annual lav dip absolute... details >

RA2015-Tav.71 Annual average absolute trend changes and percentages of unemployed workers suspended... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Annual average, absolute trends and percentages of unemployed workers, suspended

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.71 Annual average absolute trend changes and percentages of unemployed workers suspended... details >

RA2015-Tav.72 Num vouchers sold for years and modeà distribution of 2008-2015 Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of vouchers sold per year and method of distribution (Value of the single

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.72 Num vouchers sold for years and modeà distribution of 2008-2015 details >

RA2015-Tav.73 Number of ancillary work providers broken down by year of activityà, gender and... Open Data

2015 Annual Report. Number of ancillary labour providers broken down by year of activity, sex and av

Issued on 2017-01-11

RA2015-Tav.73 Number of ancillary work providers broken down by year of activityà, gender and... details >

RA2015-Tav.8 Current Revenues The four-month period 2015-2016 Open Data

Annual report. Current collection: companies, self-employed, parasubordinate, domestic, contribution

Issued on 2017-01-10

RA2015-Tav.8 Current Revenues The four-month period 2015-2016 details >

Separate Collection (2000-2009) Open Data

Historical series from 2000 to 2009 of the amount of waste from municipal separate collection, detai

Issued on 2018-04-12T10:48:00.988836Z

Separate Collection (2000-2009) details >

Differentiated Collection 2008 Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2008 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on

Differentiated Collection 2008 details >

2009 Differential Collection Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2009 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on 2017-05-15T09:10:00.077097Z

2009 Differential Collection details >

Differentiated Collection 2010 Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2010 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on

Differentiated Collection 2010 details >

Differentiated Collection 2011 Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2011 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on 2017-05-13T14:49:43.569146Z

Differentiated Collection 2011 details >

2012 Differential Collection Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2012 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on

2012 Differential Collection details >

2013 Differential Collection Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2013 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on 2017-05-10T07:53:22.432489Z

2013 Differential Collection details >

Separate collection 2013 (Open data) Open Data

Open data related to separate collection — year 2013 The table contains data with tons of urban wa

Issued on 2017-11-10

Separate collection 2013 (Open data) details >

2014 Differential Collection Open Data

Data on the Differential Collection of the year 2014 carried out in Francavilla Fontana

Issued on 2017-05-09T09:12:32.016050Z

2014 Differential Collection details >

Separate collection 2014 (Open data) Open Data

Open data related to separate collection — year 2014 The table contains data with tons of urban wa

Issued on 2017-11-09

Separate collection 2014 (Open data) details >

Separate collection 2015 Open Data

Data on separate collection carried out in 2015.

Issued on

Separate collection 2015 details >

Separate collection 2015 (Open data) Open Data

Open data related to separate collection — year 2015 The table contains data with tons of urban wa

Issued on 2017-11-09

Separate collection 2015 (Open data) details >

Differentiated Collection 2016 Open Data

Data on separate collection carried out in 2016. As an example of visualisation, we propose: [__P

Issued on 2017-05-02T11:10:30.693933Z

Differentiated Collection 2016 details >

Separate collection 2016 (Open data) Open Data

separate data collection — 2016 The table contains data with tons of urban waste provided by the e

Issued on 2017-11-09

Separate collection 2016 (Open data) details >

Differentiated Collection Year 2017 Open Data

Data on the separate collection of the year 2017 carried out in Francavilla Fontana. In order to f

Issued on

Differentiated Collection Year 2017 details >

Separate collection of metals Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of metal waste **Type Indicato

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of metals details >

Separate collection of municipal waste (tonnes) Open Data

**Sector:** 12. Ensuring sustainable models of production and consumption ** Algorithm:** Tons of m

Issued on 2021-08-24

Separate collection of municipal waste (tonnes) details >

Separate collection of glass Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of glass waste **Type Indicato

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of glass details >

Separate collection of plastics Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of plastic waste **Type Indica

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of plastics details >

Separate collection of staff Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of wet fraction waste **Type I

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of staff details >

Separate collection of paper and cardboard Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of paper and cardboard waste *

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of paper and cardboard details >

Separate collection of green waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of green waste **Type Indicato

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of green waste details >

Separate collection of municipal waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of separate waste **Type Indic

Issued on 2021-08-25

Separate collection of municipal waste details >

Multi-material separate collection Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of multimaterial waste **Type

Issued on 2021-08-25

Multi-material separate collection details >

Undifferentiated collection of waste from sweeps Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected from sweeping waste **Type Ind

Issued on 2021-08-25

Undifferentiated collection of waste from sweeps details >

Undifferentiated collection of bulky waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of bulky waste **Type Indicato

Issued on 2021-08-25

Undifferentiated collection of bulky waste details >

Undifferentiated collection of municipal waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of undifferentiated waste **Ty

Issued on 2021-08-25

Undifferentiated collection of municipal waste details >

Per capita collection of metals Open Data

**Sector:** Industry ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of metal waste on number of residents

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of metals details >

Per capita harvest of greenery Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of green waste on avera

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita harvest of greenery details >

Per capita collection of plastics Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of plastic waste on num

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of plastics details >

Per capita collection of staff Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of waste collection of the wet fracti

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of staff details >

Per capita collection of paper and cardboard Open Data

**Sector:** Construction and public works ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of paper and cardb

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of paper and cardboard details >

Per capita collection of municipal waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of municipal waste collection on resi

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of municipal waste details >

Per capita collection of glass Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of glass waste on avera

Issued on 2021-08-25

Per capita collection of glass details >

Differentiated per capita collection Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of waste collection differentiated by

Issued on 2021-08-25

Differentiated per capita collection details >

Undifferentiated per capita collection Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Amount of collection of undifferentiated waste

Issued on 2021-08-25

Undifferentiated per capita collection details >

Multi-material per capita collection Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Quantity of collection of multimaterial waste

Issued on 2021-08-25

Multi-material per capita collection details >

Collection per capita waste from sweeping Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Amount of sweeping waste on average resident n

Issued on 2021-08-25

Collection per capita waste from sweeping details >

Bulky waste collection per capita Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Amount of bulky waste collection on average re

Issued on 2021-08-25

Bulky waste collection per capita details >

Monthly municipal waste collection per basin Open Data

The dataset contains data on monthly municipal waste, divided by basin, processed by the Autonomous

Issued on 2014-07-11

Monthly municipal waste collection per basin details >

Waste collection Open Data

Waste collection

Issued on 2021-05-08

Waste collection details >

Total collection of municipal waste Open Data

**Sector:** State of the environment ** Algorithm:** Tons collected of separate and undifferentiate

Issued on 2021-08-25

Total collection of municipal waste details >

Radiation — Radio broadcasters Open Data

The dataset contains a list of radio installations on the territory. The same content can be viewed

Issued on

Radiation — Radio broadcasters details >
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